Ordinance No. 11,367C)l,tDFN,�\NC'H-. N(J. 11,367
AN (-)R D INA NC'l-, (.)1-' Il IL:'. (211-Y (..MUNCH. (13F 71 11 i C UN" C)F I I
A I TFIACAR QQ NC3 1A "I !ON Y NOHOW Y t ". : 1-1 F- FE I -'rQ IT I CM S AN D ANI",J N0/10,0 J-JC)1, [,A RS
(SISAA)0.00) 'm CC)x4l"jC7vC:1.1? 1,1110JUG11 111170 1 U-)[.) S'Y0 N-C-1A L V F,ST') N AR'ITNA
CMUNCIL-19)IT. 11111 CCMA.1.C-1-1473N. 'I'llANSINDIVIVNT10N ANI:3 1)IS110SAL ()F
p RUN/ I D IN C i F01t 'I'] II: F-FF I V IE DAVE 71 Hilt ITC3K
xv I I 1-1.1-11 I-A S, tlnc C ity Counei I oT I lie C i lyol, l3aytk)Nvn Ina s upprovml an I riterloca I A reenicul ,vin ch
authorizes the I Imiston-Milvesumn firm Co"ne-i I tc , take hitis l6j- certain items cwi behal I-ol'the C, it7„ of n;
pursual-11, to such the I ku"U"IMa1% osion Avt� a C'okuiciI has Iviken I-sids 11,n-the
coIlcction, transportation and disposY ofelewronic vinste; NJC3NNJ -11 Hill ITFUR E,
BF rr MUM IN IAD BY 7111 C: FFY CX31.1NCH. ov w u, crin—CM, "11MAS:
'111.11 (Ile City ("ouricil of the Cltyy of 13aytown hem by attthoriZAZ�s the payinent of-
1711"I'VEN 1111DUSAND ANL), N(,V100 1,3C.A.I.-ARS, to Ckm"puCycle, through the I Are
CA)uncil t th, collec6on, nunspurtation and disposal ail-clectronic wasue-
"Su ction 2: . Mnt pursuant It* the provisions tir 'rexas I-ocal Government Ck3de Annanated
§252ANIS, the City Manager in hercbY gramed general authurk3 U) approve any cha"ge order iri"Awhqt a
decimase or an inewasv in F\N'F"-PqTX"-FJVlT 11 10USAND ANIA 50(1/100 1130MARS ($25AKIMMor
less, prk)vided that the cmigirral cmitruct Imice may ""I be i"emased by more than (wcuty-fivQ I-wrceu,(
deLr�iSCCI b' InOre than, %%vcrily-live percent (25%1) willmut the consent of die contractor IC) SuCh CleCI-C,10C.
...>cction 3: 'I"his ord ir rance shall take effect immediately From and ziller its passag b t 'i y
!C y lie C t
Council ref 111C City
IES "I 120717 READ and by the at'l-trulative vtme of the Ci X"" -d" the Cily of
Buylo"m this the 27"' day ol'Nllay, �201 0. -"' )" (
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