Ordinance No. 11,361I% P, CAUNNANCTE (110 -v I I I i Ul I A" CC)I.)NC"1 I. OF 'ri w cvri-N- c)u' BAY'l-C)WN, T' AS,
REPAVA/1140 THE CONTRAM' `WA l'I'l I Al-•1°C"' IA CORVIORA'Yl(�>N I"( )R'I'l-It'. ANNUAT'
1.1t. NUR' IMITIM-FOUR, AND N0/100 1301.1-A1w S (111 07494MOO)� MAK[NC3 CY11 IER
1'"1-',()VI'S,lC)NS; 1C.ELM11RID A'l 11314101-0; ANY) FIRC)VIDIN("i FOR '111 IIE F"FFEC-YIVE, DA'YI`
WHEIMINS, Altivin Cumporathm was aNvarded tile Avz"nlal Liquid Chlorine Contmet on June 12,'2008,
purstkant to tile provisions orChapter 252 cWthe lixas 1"wnf (3ovexnn-vent Code; and,
WHEREAN such contract "us renewed Jmto 1 1, 2009, and can be renewed again li-,)r al'i aaciciiticara al
oW'%Q-yQ'rl- tern): and
WI IFR,[�,A,S, Altivia Corporatkmi has indicated its vvillingriess to renew the coruract. Wr mi adLHlkM1aI
year under the san�lc terms and conditions; and
the Administratioll hags review CIL! the inarket uolit"Hons and ree(immunds reneNvalas being,
in the best hilewst. oftho City, 1~3(-:)'1*1c' 'FI
E311 YUCARDAINED BY 711 IE C71 I-v' C'OUNC11- (DY, 'HiF, C °1 I-'V OF BAN-YOV-"N, TEXAS-
semion I: 1hat the CAq, Council W' tile City o• "ayrown hereby renews thre ?%nnual Liquid
Chlorine C:.'ontr�a,tct with Altivia Corl-)crration in the amnc triiL of I 1UNDRED :Sf-"VF---N 'H IC)USAND NINNIJ�
I It W&RED ANI-3 NQ/I 00-13CILUMIS (IS 1 07,1 014.00) and 2nnhorizus paynwnl thcmof.
Scelion 2: 'I'll n[ purstrant to the prc)visions (31' T'exas Local Government Code Annotated
§252AM8, the C,ity Manager is hereby wanted jjeneral authority to approve any Change order involvinga
decreasc. or art inmmase in coasts [C)US"'10,413 AND040/100 1'3CM-1aARS (S,25 00,0t 00)(:),r
less, sul.,)ject to die p1mvisic"i that the otigj"al contract twice inny not be inct-Qnswd by more thmi mvc""-live
percent (251?,1o) =- decrensed by more than twenty-Mes puree (2596) %vhhout the consent ol'th®r contrack)r to
such decrcase
Sectiml 3: 110s (Winance shnH take effbat immediately floni and aller its passage by the City
C"cmilcil of, tile City, oI'
READ alld PASSF',ID by, dre affirttintive voter` (A' the", .7its" ccnincil tile C"ity of
Haylo"m this 1,3"' day ol'Nfay. 2010.,
I - IX TI Ct,\ «A C if C'
A Pfk,
1)OXCARK054 MayAor