Ordinance No. 11,36001MINAN(I". NO. 11,360 AN ORDINANCE OFTHE(.,'ITY COUNCIL OF T1 ]E, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, RE'Nf�',WINGTHE CON 'I'RM71` OF WASTE NIANA(3EMI:,N'I'()I,''1'1 ,.XAS FOR THE ANN( tAl, Rf,,CYCLING Cl:NTFR CONTRA(-'.'TAN DALATORIZING PAYMENT M' THE, CITY Of- 13AYIDVIV TIE S11N4 OF THOUSAND TWO HUNDRI:aD SEVENITIEN AND 40r` OO DOLLARS (S73,217.40); MAKING DIVER PROVISI(MS RELATED T"1 RE11); AND PROVIF)ING FOR TI IL, I,-,FFFC"FIVL.. DATE WHEREAS, Waste Mattagonela of Temis "as a"arded he Annual Recycling Center Contract oil June 23, 2005. pursu am to compohNe biddhig procedurez %vKh contract included an option by, I lie parties to renew f'oradditional one-year periods; and WH I".RFAS, such contract was renewed June 8, 2006, June 12, 2007, June 12,'1008,, and May 14, 2009, and can be renewed agak R)r an additional one-year terni;and W1 IF'RE'As. Waste Management 011'exas has indicated its willingness to renew the contract for all additional jvar under the same wrinsand conditions: and W! IFIMNS, the AdminisMon has rMewed the market collditions and recommends reneNkahs being in the best interest ofthe City; NOW T1 IFR1`,F0R-F, FI', IT ORDAINED BY"I'l-IF CITY CGUNCAL OFT1 11: CITY 01'a' BAYTOWN,'I'L.NAS: Section I-. That We My Comwil of he Cly of Baytown hereby renews the contnact ofWasw malm,rint o1, ,rexas for the Amimil Recytlhig Cemer Contract for the stars of THOUSAND, TWO I IUNDRF'D SI-".VENTEEN AND 40/100 DOLLARS ($73,217.401 and anAtuizes payrnent thereof. Section 2: That pursuant to the provishns of Texas L,ocal Government Code Annotate(] §252148, Ole City Manager is hereby granWd general runhorhy to approve any change order involving, as decrease or;m increase in costs 10USAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000,00)or less, provided that the odginal comract price may not be incrumcd by m,ow than twerty-five percent (2514) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (2511,,��) Motu. We consent orthe contractor to SUCh decrease. Section 3: ']'his oalkance shall 1aakc eff'ect ininwYawly Rom M all 's passage by he Chy Council ofthe City of Baytown. �7 INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by die allinnwbe vow of I KIYMMM djAhe 1 11 claay of Nbw :3 1 R. q IV We hy COTWU of we City of 1 2 , IL DONCARLOS, Nfiayor a 4i A -04 Qx 1p, L _,r C L �11 "IA ("-'ARzYCj1,� 4r APPROVE'D ASTO FORM: ICS AC K) RAiMIRF.4 1 Z_ C,��I�Attcarney