Ordinance No. 11,351ORDINANCE NO, 11,351 ANORDINANCE OF 11112 CATY MUNCH. 01' 11111 C ITY 0FY1AY1'CAVN, T'L,,XAS, AUTHORIZING EXPENMURES R)R ARHITRAGL. RE,13ATE, INSTALLIMENT PAY MENTSTOMI UNFHA) STATES INTERNAL IU-,VFNU1`. SI--'RVICf'.-, IN THF,' AMOUNT OF ONE TI-K)USAND MUR "UNDRED FIFTY-six AND 65/100 DOLLARS (SI,456.65) 1`011 2005 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND TWO IItTNDRF',D SIXTY-THRL',li THOUSAND TWO 11t.,1NDR1,1) THIRTY-THREE AND 551100 DOLLARS ($263,233.55) FOR 200.5 Cl,RTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION BONDS-, AND PROVIDIN(i FOR]] IE EFFT.CTIVE DATL`,T] IFRF01". BL IT ORDAINED 13Y "1 CITY COUNCIL OF "I IL',, CITY 0FBAYTO\VN,TFXAS: Section 1: Th"It the City Council of, the City of, Baytown, , Fexas, hereby authorizes expenditures 6orarbitrage rebate installment payments to the Wed States Internal ReVellUe SerViCU ill theamonrit of ()NF. TIK)USAND IMUR IIUNDRI!-.D FIFTY-SIX AND 65/100 DOUARS ($1,456.65) For 2005 General Obligation Borlds. Section 2: ThM the City Mud of We Chy of Baymm Texas. hereby airthorizes expendhwvs Ibr UK, Wate inmaHment paynwnm to the United States Internal Revenue Service ill the amount of' TWO HUNDRED SIX TY"HIR1111 THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TIIIRTV-TIRLI;` AND 55/100 DOLLARS ($263,233.55) for 2005, Certificate o1'0bligation Bonds. Seethe 3: "nos orsumme Shall take cffect iminediately fi•om and after its passage by (he City Council of the City of Fklytown INTR,0DfJCI,.D, READ and PASSED by die affbi-imive voy1fthe City Council of the (Thy of Baytom this the 13" -Way (if M, 201 W ,�,\PIIROVED AS '1 FORM: c14IK" �Ai-­k3, 1 1 k� I it", rrcy K 1,KarAm%h1cs',Ci15, NCARLOS, Mayor