Ordinance No. 11,3440B,'Dl-NANCE'N(-). 1 1..344
IYN ORIM PDX ICI ER oto "rutt, COUNCIL. OF WHE Crt,N, ou-, uime-romm, 'rimaks,
FINi%].- P.AYNIE�N'I- OU, -11-1111 sum c3p -rvvc3 Fll,JNDRL-",D,
1"11OUS/kNI-) SENIFNA-le-SIX AMU 59/100 IDOELARS Q225,076 5,9) ANCIFE
11 IE ITIFFEurnm i3poru -ri usimoto.
NAIEMIUMS, the City or Baytown cmitracted with /kngel Brothers I.-Ailerprises, 1-td, For the 2007
Street Bond Project, Phase I (the -'Prqjecl"); and
WHER-F,AS, all of the said Urnp•ovemunts, as provided in the IMans and heretofore
prepared by the City's unpOnecr and as approved nrid adopted by the City Council have beQn, I-)Qrt-ort'ned
and corripleted in full accordance "Vilh all of1he lei-I'liS ant -)I- 'Itki C 11(r et; d
. _I Cc)l'jdjjk)nS Of the Ld'( CS, C) a an
WI IF�R.HAS, the, City's engineer in the munner provided by the teens of the saki contract and the
piano mul specifications thereof, has al'.)laroved and accc�plQd the 20,07 Street l3cmd Prc�ject, Phase 1, has
lierclol-arc issued Ms Con"Icate of Mimi Mcc-luance, has certiried saris e tu the Chy Council, and has
i-eco""ne"ded girt it accept and receive said %vork w"id intprovellIents aS CCajIStI-lACtrCd 11111k] completed by
Con"micUm and
XATIlERl-,,\S, Ilicre remains duc and ovk-riiig tea ,,\n del Brothers Enterprises, Ltd, the sum of-TWO
I 11JNI)RF.1) TWEN-1-Y-FIVY7, -FlJ()kJS,,%ND Sli-\/F"N'J-'N"-SIX A2413 59/100 17301-L./kRS ($225,076.59);
N (,) \V ' IT I L- R I : I , " (, ) I �,' L
1 §r r r ( ) it u3 Y % i tq iE 13 1t `a'" A " I I t -.' CYJ "Y' C (�,) tJ N C IL t.)1-
,) I - ' F] - I F, CA -I'V ,C)1 13 ik )e -r c3 w m - u in< wi ;
Section 1: "I'llat the Cio" cou'licil hereby accepts mnul approves the above-described \vork zinc$
improvements, and firwis and detcriltinesMult all of saki improvements have been ccarrifyieted as provicled
K the plarls and specificaticnis thercol-, and in full accc-arclance vvitl-t all of the terms and provisions of" tile
"I'loresaid contract.
Section 2: whait the cert"icate car izhuu Accel3wice hcrwoRA-<t iSSLlcd by t1ic, City's crigincer
and ceniHed to the City CAiuncil is herMy ncuelmed and received.
Secticmi, 3: "Mat 11nal t-)aynictil to aNngul Brothers Wourpriscs. IM, in the arnount or TWO
I 1UNDRED l wim-rwimm wintismw sintinwronsix w4t.3 59/100 (Iis225,076•550) is
hereby a"thorizec.l.
Section 4: 'rhis ordinance shall take curcet inumedhMeb, IV-)ni and at-ter its passage by the
('ity cal` the City ctrl` Air
ImmCmuCED, WIWI and IMSSFID ley the artirmative vest , )f' the City Council c-A, the City of
Fizaytown this tile, 22"" da,y, . fr April, 201 O.
S; T --167 1 N I FJ N C,e\ V, 1 0 S Ni 1131, r