Ordinance No. 11,293Published in the Baytown Sun on February 2, 2010 and February 3, ORDINANCE NO. 11,293 2010 �. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 "ADMINISTRATION," ARTICLE V "FINANCE." DIVISION I "GENERALLY" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMBERED AND ENTITLED SECTION 2 -595 "FEES FOR VARIOUS CITY SERVICES" TO ESTABLISH FEES FOR CERTAIN CITY SERVICES; REPEALING SECTION 18 -127 "BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE," DIVISION 4 "BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS," ARTICLE 11 "BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS." CHAPTER 18 --BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS'' OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN. TEXAS: SECTION 18 -255 "FEES," DIVISION 4 "PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS," ARTICLE III "ELECTRICAL CODE" CHAPTER 18 "BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS; SECTION 18 -589 "FEES." DIVISION 4 "LICENSES AND PERMITS." ARTICLE V "MECHANICAL CODE." CHAPTER 18 "BUILDfNIG AND BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. BAYTOWN, TEXAS: SECTION 18 -813 "FEE," DIVISION 2 "LICENSE," ARTICLE X "HOUSE MOVING." CHAPTER 18 "BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS: AND SECTION 18 -941 "HOUSE LEVELING," DIVISION 2 "PERMIT AND INSPECTIONS," ARTICLE XI "HOUSE LEVELING." CHAPTER 18 "BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN. TEXAS: AMENDING SECTION 18 -462 'AMENDMENTS," ARTICLE IV "PLUMBING CODE." CHAPTER 18 '`BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS: SECTION 18 -623 "AMENDMENTS," DIVISION 2 'STANDARDS," ARTICLE VI "INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE," CHAPTER 18 "BUILDING !� AND BUILDING REGULATIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN, TEXAS; AMENDING CHAPTER 18 "BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS," ARTICLE II "BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS.-' DIVISION 4 "BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS" OF TFIE CODE OF ORDINANCES. CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS. BY ADDING A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMBERED AND ENTITLED SECTION 18 -127 "FLOODPLAIN'; AMENDING CHAPTER 18 "BUILDING AND BUII.DING REGULATIONS," ARTICLE X11 `FENCING," DIVISION 3 "RESIDENTIAL FENCING" SECTION 18 -1041 "BUILDING PERMIT; COMPLIANCE REQUIRED" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, BAYTOWN. TEXAS: PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE: CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section l: That Chapter 2 "Administration." Article V "Finance." Division 1 "Generally" of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown. Texas. is hereby amended by adding a new section to be numbered and entitled Section 2 -595 `'Fees for various city services," which section reads as follows: Op CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE V. FINANCE Division 1. Generally Sec. 2 -595. Fees for various city services. The fees set out below are adopted for the city services outlined herein: a. Planning Services. Any person applying to the city for a permit or approval for the following planning services shall pay to the city, prior to the issuance of the permit or obtaining an approval, the fee as indicated hereinbelow. b. Development Services. Any person applying to the city for a permit shall pay to the city, prior to the issuance of the permit, a permit fee for any improvement based upon the following schedules. If work for which a permit is required by this code is commenced prior to obtaining the required permit, the fees specified in this subsection shall be doubled. The payment of this fee shall not relieve any person from any penalties or enforcement action arising from a person's failure to timely obtain the requisite permit. 1. Building Permit: Commercial. Building Permit Fees: Commercial Total Improvement Value* Fee $1.00 to 5500.00 S45.00 $45.00 for the first 5500.00 plus $2.75 for $500.01 to $2,000.00 each additional S 100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 52,000.00 585.00 for the first $2,000.00 plus $9.00 $2,000.01 to $25,000.00 for each additional S 1,000.00 or fraction thereof $270.00 for the first 525,000.00 plus $25,000.01 to S50,000.00 $6.50 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 $385.00 for the first 550,000.00 plus $50,000.01 to S 100.000.00 S5.25 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $580.00 for the first S 100,000.00 plus $100.000.01 to $500,000.00 54.00 for each additional S1.000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 2 L77: Building Fees: Fee Permit Commercial Total Improvement Value* Fee S 1.870.00 for the first $500.000.00 plus $500.01 to 52.000.00 54.50 for each additional S 1.000.00 or $500.000.01 to $ fraction thereof. to and including S $2,000.01 to 525,000.00 $3.755.00 for the first $ plus S 1.000,000.01 and up S4.50 for each additional S 1.000.00 or fraction thereof Activity Fee Permit Processing Fee S5.00 *The calculation of the improvement value shall be made upon the basis of the fair market value of the required materials, services and labor performed in a workmanlike manner. 2. Building Permit: Residential. Building Permit Fees: Residential Total Improvement Value* Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $45.00 545.00 for the first 5500.00 plus 52.50 for $500.01 to 52.000.00 each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 52,000.00 580.00 for the first 52,000.00 plus 58.50 $2,000.01 to 525,000.00 for each additional 51,000.00, or fraction thereof $257.00 for the first 525.000.00 plus 525,000.01 to 550,000.00 $6.00 for each additional S 1.000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including 550,000.00 S370.00 for the first 550.000.00 plus $50,000.01 to S 100,000.00 S4.75 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 5574.00 for the first S 100.000.00 plus $100,000.01. to $500,000.00 53.25 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 S 1791.00 for the first 5500.000.00 plus $500,000.01 to $1,000,000.00 54.00 for each additional 51,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00 $3671.00 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $1.000,000.01 and up 54.00 for each additional 51.000.00. or fraction thereof 4 Activity Fee Pennit Processing Fee 55.00 *The calculation of the improvement value shall be made upon the basis of the fair market value of the required materials, services and labor performed in a workmanlike manner. Demolition Permit. Demolition Permit Fees: Timing Fee if issued prior to advertising for Fee demolition bids by the urban $45.00 rehabilitation standards review board i 584.00 if issued after advertising for demolition S80.00 for the first 2.000 square feet bids by the urban rehabilitation standards $105.00 revie%N board thereof in excess of 2.000 square feet Electrical Permit: Residential. Permit Processing Fee I $5.00 Finished Square Feet Fee Less than 1.000 square feet. $56.00 1.000 square feet to 2.000 square feet i 584.00 Per 100 square feet in excess of 2.000 S80.00 for the first 2.000 square feet square feet plus $3.75 per 100 square feet or fraction thereof in excess of 2.000 square feet 5. Electrical Permit: Commercial. Residential Repairs or Upgrades. Commercial, All finished Sq. Footage (Fees shall be computed oil the "total valuation of* %vork," tile dollar value oflabor and materials (total cost to the customer).) Activity Fee Permit Processing Fee $5.00 Valuation of Work* Fee f Not more than $2.000.00 557.00 556.50 for the first 52.000.00 plus 54.50 Over 52.000.00 to $50.000.00 for each additional 51.000.00. or fraction thereof 5236.00 for the first $50.000.00 plus Over 550.000.00 to $500.000.00 54.50 for each additional S1.000.00. or fraction thereof $1865.00 for the first $500.000.00 plus Over $500.000.00 $5.00 for each additional $1.000.00. or- fraction thereof *The calculation of the valuation of work shall be made upon the basis of the fair market value of the required materials, services and labor performed in a workmanlike manner. 6. Plumbing Permit: Residential. lqw Plumbing Permit Fees: Residential (This includes but inav not be limited to single-family attached. sin-le-l'aillily detached. duplexes. multil"amily and manufactured housincV. also remodeling and additions. Based on enclosed finished area.) Activity Fee Permit Processing Fee 55.00 Finished Square Feet Fee Less than 1.000 square feet $56.00 1,000 square feet to 2,000 square feet S84.00 Permit Processing Fee $80.00 for the first 2.000 square feet plus In excess of 3.000 square feet $2.75 per 100 square feet or fraction Not more than $2.000.00 thereof in excess of 2.000 square feet. 7. Plumbing Permit: Commercial, Residential Repairs or Upgrades. Plumbing Permit Fees: All Commercial, Residential Repairs or Upgrades: not expanding finished Sq. Footage (Fees shall be computed on the "total valuation of %vork.- the dollar value of labor and materials (total cost to the customer).) Activity Fee Permit Processing Fee $5.00 Valuation of Work* Fee Not more than $2.000.00 S45.00 Over 52.000.00 to $50.000.00 546.00 for the first 52,000.00 plus 51.75 for each additional S 1.000.00. or fraction thereof Over $50.000.00 to $500.000.00 $124.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof Over $500.000.00 5639 00 for the first $500.000.00 plus S4 50 for each additional 51.000.00. or fraction thereof *The calculation of the valuation of work shall be made upon the basis of the fair market value of the required materials, services and labor performed in a workmanlike manner. 8. Mechanical Permit: Residential. Activil N Fee Permit Processing Fee $5.00 Valuation of Work* Fee Less than 1 000 square feet S5000 5 1,000 square feet to 2.000 square feet $73.00 In excess of 2.000 square feet $70.50 for the first 2.000 square feet plus $2.50 per 100 square feet or fraction thereof in excess of 2.000 s.]uare feet *The calculation of the valuation of work shall be made upon the basis of the fair market value of the required materials. services and labor performed in a workmanlike manner. Mechanical Permit Fees: All Commercial, Residential Ret)airs or Upgrades: not expanding finished Sq. Footage (Fees shall be computed on the-total valuation ofwork,- the dollar value oflabor and the materials (total cost to customer).) Activih- Fee Permit Processing Fee $5.00 Valuation of Work* Fee Not more than $2,000.00 j $57.00 Over $2.000.00 to $50.000.00 $63.00 for the first $2.000.00 plus $4.25 for each additional $1.000.00. or fraction for each additional $1.000.00. or fraction thereof thereof Over $50.000.00 to $500.000.00 $266.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $1.000.00, or $4.50 for each additional $1.000.00, or fraction thereof fraction thereof Over $500,000.00 $1898.00 for the first $500.000.00 plus $4.50 for each additional $1.000.00, or $5.00 for each additional $1.000.00, or fraction thereof fraction thereof *The calculation of the valuation of work shall be made upon the basis of the fair market value of the required materials, services and labor performed in a workmanlike manner. 9. Fuel Gas Permit. Fuel Gas Permit Fees (I - ces shall be computed on the "total valuation ol'work.- the dollar value of labor and materials (total cost to the customer). Activih, Fee Permit Processing Fee $5.00 Valuation of Work* Fee Not more than $2,000.00 $45.00 Over $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 $46.00 for the first $2.000.00 plus $1.75 for each additional $1.000.00. or fraction thereof Over $50.000.00 to $500.000.00 $124.00 for the first $50.000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $1.000.00, or fraction thereof Over $500,000.00 $639.00 for the first $500.000.00 plus $4.50 for each additional $1.000.00, or fraction thereof *The calculation of the valuation of work shall be made upon the basis of the fair market value of %W the required materials, services and labor performed in a workmanlike manner r 10. Miscellaneous Building Permit. 11. Inspection and Plan Review (for Building Services only). Inspection and Plan Review Fees: $125.00 plus $50.00 Relocation House Moving Permit Inspection fee if relocated within city limits Manufactured Home Permit 565.00 Driveway Permit: Residential $45.00 Driveway Permit: Commercial Based upon valuation declared or Inspections for which no fee is calculated on building permit Fence Permit: Residential $15.00 Fence Permit: Commercial Based upon valuation declared or Plan review fee calculated on building permit Foundation Repair (House Leveling) 545.00 Certificate of Occupancy $65.00 (with no remodel) hour) or 11. Inspection and Plan Review (for Building Services only). Inspection and Plan Review Fees: Activity 7 Fee $35.00 per hour (minimum charge -- one Reinspection fees ** hour) or total hourly cost to the city***. whichever is greater 535.00 per hour (minimum charge — one Inspections for which no fee is hour) or specifically indicated total hourly cost to the city* * *, whichever is greater Plan review fee Commercial 50% of permit fee Residential 25% of permit fee $35.00 per hour (minimum charge -- one Additional plan review required by hour) or changes. additions or revisions to plans total hourly cost to the city* * *, whichever is greater. For use of outside consultants for plan Actual costs, including but not limited to checking and inspections. or both administrative and overhead costs. * *Reinsnection fees shall be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such Dorti( )n of work for which the inspection is called is not complete, corrections called for are not made or any portion of the structure is inaccessible. ** *Total hourly cost to the city shall include, but not be limited to, supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. C. Fire Services. Any person applying to the city for a permit or approval for the following fire services shall pay to the city, prior to the issuance of the permit or obtaining an approval, the fee as indicated hereinbelow: 0 iii Plans Review w/ 1 Ins ection & 1 Re-Inspection New Business Construction & New Business in existing facility (per 12,000 s.f or portion thereof) $100.00 —Building-per Certificate of Occupancy - New Business !Existing Business (No Construction) 535.00 All Haz. Mat. Occupancies -fuel dispensing, storage and processes-ADD $150.00 Systems Plans Review w/ I Inspection and I Re-Inspection Fire Alarm (device) / Automatic Sprinkler (head) 1 -10 S50.00 11-25 S75.00 26 -100 5100.00 101-200 $200.00 201 -600 5300.00 Over 600 5300 plus S50 per 100 additional Alarm Panel/Sprinkler Risers S50.00 each Inspections Basic Dav Care Center - Annual License 575.00 Foster Home -- Annual License 550.00 Hospital or Nursing Home - Annual License <50 beds 550.00 50 -100 beds S100.00 Over 100 beds S150.00 Inspection for which fee is not specifically indicated, per inspector-hour or cost to city 535.00 /1101jr Re- Inspection, after I st re- inspection, fee or per inspector - hour 535.00 /hour Other Inspection Activity/Standby—per inspector-hour 535.001hour Inspection outside of business hours, per inspector hour. min. 2 hours or cost to COB 535.001hour Miscellaneous Fuel Tank, Installation or Removal, S75.00/each S75.00 /unit Roofing Operation, Tar Pot-per Kettle 5225.00 max per site Live Outdoor Exhibitions S150.00 Tetn orary Food Vendor S25.00 provided, however, a church, school, school organization, hospital, governmental entity. or a non -profit corporation organized under the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act, V.T.C.S. art. 1396 -1.01, et seq., shall not be subject to these fees for fire services. Pm•ks arul Recreation Services. The following fees shall be applicable to the Pirates Bay Water Park: 48 inches or taller S 15 00 $700 Under 48 inches tall S1100 $5.00 Less than two years old: no charge %with an adult 8 Season Pass for Baytown and City of Baytown Eniployces (proof required) Individual $75.00 Familv of 2 S150.00 Familv of 3 f $205.00 Familv of 4 5260.00 Familv of 5 5315.00 Familti of 6 or more $315.00 for the first 5 persons plus $75.00 per additional person Season Passes are photo IDs and will be sold only at the Parks and Recreation Office. Whole Facilin : Whole Da,. _ VJhnle Facility 'A Dav Facility Rental Fee (Not including Park Admission) Rotary Pavilion Enclosed Area Only) Off Season Weekday 535.00 per hour Off Season Weekend $200.00 per day Season Weekday $50.00 per hour Season Weekend 5300.00 per daN Cabanas Rental (30 foot wide tent. six picnic tables) Weekdays 5100 per day Weekend $150 per day Section 2: That Section 18 -127 `Building permit fee schedule." Division 4 'Building and Development Permits," Article II "Building Construction Standards," Chapter 18 "Building and Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas: Section 18 -255 "Fees." Division 4 "Permits and Inspections," Article III "Electrical Code" Chapter 18 "Building and Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown. Texas: Section 18-589 "Fees," Division 4 "Licenses and Permits," Article V "Mechanical Code," Chapter 18 `Building and Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas: Section 18 -813. "Fee." Division 2 "License." Article X "House Moving," Chapter 18 "Building and Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas: Section 18 -941 `'House leveling." Division 2 'Permit and Inspections," Article XI "House Leveling." Chapter 18 "Building and Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas. are hereby deleted in their entireties. Section 3: That the amendment to Section 106.6.2 Fee schedule of the plumbing code contained in Section 18 -462 "Amendments," Article IV "Plumbing Code," Chapter 18 "Building and Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: 9 CHAPTER 18. BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS %1W ARTICLE IV. PLUMBING CODE Sec. 18 -462. Amendments. The plumbing code adopted in section 18 -461 shall be amended as follows: Section 106.6.2 Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: The fees for all plumbing work and reinspections shall be as indicated in section 2 -595 of this code. Fuel gas piping may be included as part of a plumbing permit when identified on the permit application. Section 4: That the amendment to Section 106.5.2 Fee schedule of the fuel gas code contained in Section 18 -623 "Amendments." Division 2 "Standards," Article VI "International Fuel gas Code," Chapter 18 `Building and Building Regulations" of the Code of Ordnances. Baytown, Texas. is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE VI. INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE Sec. 18 -623. Amendments. The fuel gas code adopted in section 18 -622 shall be amended as follows: Section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: The fees for all plumbing work and reinspections shall be as indicated in section 2 -595 of this code. Section 5: That Chapter 18 "Building and Building Regulations." Article II "Building Construction Standards," Division 4 "Building and Development Permits" of the Code of Ordinances. City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a new section to be numbered and entitled Section 18 -127 "Floodplain," which section reads as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE IL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DIVISION 4. BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS Sec. 18 -127. Floodplain. No building permit shall be issued for the construction or repair of any structure within the 100 - year floodplain, which permit does not require the entire structure to meet the standards established by this code. Section 6: That Chapter 18 " Building and Building Regulations." Article XII "Fencing," Division 3 "Residential Fencing' Section 18 -1041 'Building permit; compliance required" of the Code of Ordinances. City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 %W CHAPTER 18. BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE XII. FENCING DIVISION 3. RESIDENTIAL FENCING Sec. 18 -1041. Building permit; compliance required. Any person desiring to install or erect a residential fence shall apply for a building permit and meet all the requirements of this division. Section 7: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed: provided. however. that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 8: If any provision. section, exception. subsection. paragraph. sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or the set of circumstances. shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 9: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED. READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote i. this the 28`h day of January. 2010. �['i3 LETICIA GARZ_A/ City APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ. SR.. City A o ey RAKaren \Files \City CounciWouncil Meeting PLYY4512 010Vanuary 28\FeeOrdinance.doc City Council of the City of DONCARLOS, Mayor