Ordinance No. 11,221ORDINANCE NO. 11.221 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, "TEXAS. AMENDING CHAPTER 18 "BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS," ARTICLE 11 "BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS, TO ADD A NEW DIVISION TO BE NUMBERED AND ENTITLED DIVISION 1 "WINDSTORM STANDARDS, AMENDING CHAPTER 18 "BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS," ARTICLE II `'BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS," DIVISION 3 "BUILDING CODE." SECTION 18 -92 " AMENDMENTS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS. TO ADD AMENDMENTS TO SECTIONS 1603.1 "GENERAL," 1609.1.4 "WIND DESIGN DATA," SECTION 1609.1 "APPLICATIONS." (EXCLUDING SECTION 1609.1.2.1 "LOUVERS") 16093 "BASIC WIINTD SPEED,'' AND ARTICLE IX "MINIMUM PROPERTY STANDARDS," DIVISION 2 "ONE - AND TNVO -FANUY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES," SECTION 18 -652 " AMENDMENTS TO THE RESIDENTIAL CODI -17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY 01� BAYTOWN. TEXAS, TO ADD (1) NEW SUBSECTION R301.2.1 '`CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERL =\' , 01) AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION R301.2.1.1 "DESIGN CRITERL, % "; AND (III) AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION R301.2.1.2 "PROTECTIVE OPENING" TO MEET THE 120 MPH SEAWARD STANDARDS: AMENDI `G CHAPTER 18 "BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS._" ARTICLE I "IN GENERAL." OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMBERED AND ENTITLED SECTION 18 -2 "ENERGY EFFICIENCY BUILDING PROGRANI" TO ESTABLISH AN ENERGY EFFICIENCY BUILDING PROGRAM FOR THE CITY: PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT EXCEEDING FIVE HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($500.00); PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE: CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE: AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE TI IEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section 1: That Chapter 18 "Buildings and Building Regulations," Article 11 `'Building Construction Standards," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to add a new division to be numbered and entitled Division 1 'Windstorm Standards,' which division shall read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS A_ND BUILDING REGULATIONS :ARTICLE II. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DIVISION 1. NN'INDSTOR -NI STANDARDS Sec. 18 -26. Accessory building /structures. (a) An accessory residential building or structure must be constructed to the prescriptive standards outlined in the building code adopted in division 3 of this article. (b) For purposes of this section. an "accessory residential building or structure" shall mean any structure not greater than 3.000 square feet in floor area and not over two (2) stories in height; any carport (open on at least two (2) sides), storage building, gazebo, patio or similar type buildings or structures detached from the main building or structure. This does not include detached garages used for motor vehicles. Sec. 18 -27. Windstorm plan information. (a) Prior to issuing a permit for new construction, the building official will require a separate building plan or plans with building sections and details showing the components. their types, locations, and framing elements that delineate that the framing will resist the pressures developed from, and the wind speeds in ASCL -7 (120 MPH 3 second gusts). (b) All documentation submitted must be sealed by a professional engineer. licensed to practice in the state. (c) For buildings or structures having unusual geometric shapes, response characteristics or site locations for which channeling effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions may warrant special consideration, wind loads must be based on wind tunnel tests or nationally recognized data approved by the building codes adopted in this chapter. (d) All new construction structures within the city must be designed and constructed under the provisions of sections 1609.1 and 1609.3 of the building code adopted in section 18- 91 and as amended in section 18 -92. and section 301.1 of the residential code adopted in section 18-651 and amended in section 18 -652. (e) All engineered new construction structures must be designed and inspected by a professional engineer registered in this state, approved third party agency or a qualified city inspector per submitted signed and sealed engineered plans. Sec. 18 -28. Design professional.. The design professional must be a registered licensed professional engineer legally registered or licensed under the laws of this state regulating the practice of engineering. (1) The engineer must be knowledgeable in the discipline for which the engineer is designing. 2 (2) The practice of engineering in coincidence with enforcement of this code will be in keeping with the riles regulating the practice of engineering. (3) The design professional shall affix the design professional's official seal to the drawings, specifications. and accompanying data determined necessary by the chief building official. for windstorm requirements. All engineered structures must be designed by a professional engineer registered in this state. Sec. 18 -29. Windstorm resistant construction inspections. (a) Foundation Inspection. This inspection must be requested by the permittee after placement of reinforcements, but prior to pouring of concrete, for special requirements that are required per signed and sealed engineered plans. (b) Final J,Vindsiornn Inspection. This inspection must be requested by the permittee prior to any type of covering that would keep the inspector from being able to verily the required connector, fastener pattern, shear wall details and required special hold downs. (c) Bt-ick Tie Inspection. This inspection shall be requested by the permittee prior to any type of covering that would keep the inspector from being able to verify the required connector. (d) Rooling Inspection. This inspection shall be requested by the permittee prior to any type of covering that would keep the inspector from being able to verify the required decking fastener pattern, roof underlayment application and asphalt. (e) i1fechanical inspection. This inspection must be requested by the permittee after all outside mechanical equipment has been anchored. particularly air conditioning condensers. This category of inspections includes anchorage of other exterior equipment. including floodlights, turbine vents. propane tanks, swimming pool filters, water cooling towers. satellite dishes, and other similar equipment. (f) 4plvoved Engineer's inspection. '\,,hen used it is the certifying engineer's responsibility to ensure that the engineer or the engineer's representative has completed the kVindstomi framing inspection prior to the city inspector completing the city's final rough frame inspection. Sec. 18 -29. Special hurricane inspections. During the periods of time as are designated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as being a hurricane warning or alert, the chief' building official will make inspections of residences, commercial. and industrial establishments. and construction sites to ensure that all furniture, display racks. construction supplies and materials, and other loose objects in exposed outdoor locations, are secured to rigid construction or stored in buildings. 3 (1) These inspections will be made to ensure, to the extent practicable. that portable storage buildings and manufactured housing units (either being offered for sale, stored on lots. or installed on private property) are properly anchored, reinforced. and secured. (2) Orders issued by the building official may be oral or written and may be given to the person on the premises responsible for the custody or management or care or maintenance of the premises, or the person's employee or agent, and the order must be carried out before winds of hurricane velocity are anticipated. Section 2: That Chapter 18 'Buildings and Building Regulations," Article II "Building Construction Standards," Division 3 "Building Code," Section 18 -92 "Amendments" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baytoxvn. Texas, is hereby amended to add an amendment to Section 160' ).1 "General," which amendment shall read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE IL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DIVISION 3. BUILDING CODE Sec. 18-92. Amendments. The building code adopted in section 18 -91 shall be amended as follows: Section 1603.1. General is amended to read as follows: 1603.1 General. Construction documents shall show the size, section and relative locations of structural members with floor levels, column centers and offsets dimensioned. The design loads and other information pertinent to the structural design required by Sections 1603.1.1 through 1603.1.8 shall be indicated on the construction documents. Exception: Constriction documents for buildings constricted in accordance with the conventional light -frame construction provisions of Section 2308 shall indicate the following structural design information: Floor and roof live loads. 2. Ground snow load, Pg. 3. Basic wind speed (3- second gust) of E20 miles per hour (mph) and wind exposure. 4 4. Seismic design category and site class. 5. Flood design data. if located in flood hazard areas established in Section 1612.3. Section 3: That Chapter 18 "Buildings and Building Regulations," Article II "Building Construction Standards," Division 3 'Building Code," Section 18 -92 "Amendments" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of BaNlown, Texas, is hereby amended to add an amendment to Section 1609.1.4 "Wind design data." which amendment shall read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE II. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DIVISION 3. BUILDING CODE See. 18-92. Amendments. The building code adopted in section 18 -91 shall be amended as follows: Section 1603.1.4 fVind design data is amended to read as follows: 1603.1.4 NVind design data. The following information related to wind loads shall be shown, regardless of whether wind loads govern the design of the lateral- force - resisting system of the building: 1. Basic wind speed (3- second gust) of 120 miles per hour. 2. Wind importance factor, 1, and occupancy category. 3. Wind exposure B or C. if more than one wind exposure is utilized, the wind exposure and applicable wind direction shall be indicated. 4. The applicable internal pressure coefficient. 5. Components and cladding. The design wind pressures in terms of psf (kN /m2) to be used for the design of exterior component and cladding materials not specifically designed by the registered design professional. Section 4: That Chapter 18 "Buildings and Building Regulations," Article 1I `'Building Construction Standards," Division 3 "Building Code," Section 18 -92 "Amendments - of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to add an amendment 5 to Section 1609.1 "Applications," while leaving Section 1609.1.2.1 "Louvers" unchanged. The amendment shall read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE I1. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DIVISION 3. BUILDING CODE Sec. 1.8-92. Amendments. The building code adopted in section 18 -91 shall be amended as follows: Section 1609.1 :=lpplications is amended to read as follows: 1609.1 Applications. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand 120 MPH @ 3 second gust wind loads prescribed herein. Decreases in wind loads shall not be made for the effect of shielding by other structures. Section 1609. 1.1 Determination of ivied loads is amended to read as follows: 1609.1.1 Determination of Nvind loads. Wind loads on every building or structure shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 6 of ASCE 7 -05 utilizing the basic wind standard design of 120 MPI -I @ 3 second gust. The type of opening protection required. the basic wind speed and the exposure category for a site is permitted to be determined in accordance with Section 1609 or ASCE 7 -05. Wind shall be assumed to come from any horizontal direction and wind pressures shall be assumed to act normal to the surface considered. Exceptions: 1. Subject to the limitations of Section 1609.1.1.1, the provisions of SBCCI SSTD 10 shall be permitted for applicable Group R -2 and R -3 buildings. 2. Subject to the limitations of Section 1609.1.1.1. residential structures using the provisions of the AF &PA WFCM. 3. Designs using NAAMM FP 1001. 4. Designs using TIA/ElA -222 for antenna - supporting structures and antennas. Section 1609.1.2 Protection of openings is amended to read as follows: 6 1609.1.2 Protection of openings. In the city where the basic wind speed is 120 MPH, glazing in buildings shall be impact - resistant or protected with an impact- resistant covering meeting the requirements of an approved impact- resisting standard or ASTM E 1996 and ASTM E 1886 referenced therein as follows: Glazed openings located within 30 feet (9144 mm) of grade shall meet the requirements of the Large Missile Test of ASTM E 1996. 2. Glazed openings located more than 30 feet (9144 mm) above grade shall meet the provisions of the Small Missile Test of ASTM E 1996. Exceptions: 1. Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness of 7116 inch (11.1 mm) and maximum panel span of 8 feet (2438 mm) shall be permitted for opening protection in one- and two -story buildings. Panels shall be precut so that they shall be attached to the framing surrounding the opening containing the product with the glazed opening. Panels shall be secured with the attachment hardware provided. Attachments shall be designed to resist the components and cladding loads determined in accordance with the provisions of ASCE 7 -05. Attachment in accordance with 'Fable 1609.1.2 is permitted for buildings with a mean roof height of 33 feet (10 058 mm) or less where wind speeds do not exceed 130 mph (57.2 m/s). 2. Glazing in Occupancy Category I buildings as defined in Section 1604.5, including greenhouses that are occupied for growing plants on a production or research basis. without public access shall be permitted to be unprotected. 3. Glazing in Occupancy Category IL I1I or IV buildings located over 60 feet (18.288 nun) above the ground and over 30 feet (9l 44 mm) above aggregate surface roofs located within 1,500 feet (458 m) of the building shall be permitted to be unprotected. Section 5: That Chapter 18 '`Buildings and Building Regulations,' Article 11 "Building Construction Standards." Division 3 "Building Code." Section 18 -92 "Amendments" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to add an amendment to Section 1609.3 "Basic wind speed." which amendment shall read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE 11. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS DIVISION 3. BUILDING CODE Section 1609.3 Basic wind speed is amended as follows: 1609.3 Basic Nvind speed. The basic wind speed, in mph, for the determination of the wind loads shall be 120 MPH. Section 6: That Chapter 18 "Buildings and Building Regulations." Article IX "Nlinirn= Property Standards." Division 2 "One- and Two- Family Dwellings and Townhouses." Section 18 -652 "Amendments to the residential code" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Bayto\\n. Texas, is hereby amended to add a new subsection R-301.2.1.5 "Structures to be included in the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association's Program for Windstorm Resistant Construction.' which subsection shall read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE IX. MINIMUM PROPERTY STANDARDS DIVISION 2. ONE - AND TWO - FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES Sec. 18 -652. Amendments to the residential code. The residential code adopted in section 18 -65 1 shall be amended as follows SectionR301.2.I Climatic and geographic design criteria is amended by adding a new subsection numbered and entitled R301.2.I.5 lf,indstorm Resistant Construction, which subsection shall read as follows: 8301.2.1.5 Windstorm Resistant Construction. All new structures within the cit-v shall be constructed to meet the 120 mph @ 3 second gust requirements of the division 1, article 1, chapter 18 of the city's code of ordinances. 8301. All structures within the city are required to be designed and constructed under the state engineering practice act, as applicable, and must be designed and constructed under this code. The design must be signed and sealed by a professional engineering licensed in this state. 11301. All structures must be inspected by the designing registered professional engineer. by an inspector approved by the designing registered professional engineer or a qualified city inspector. If an inspection is performed by a designing registered professional engineer or by an inspector approved by the designing registered professional engineer, a final inspection report signed and sealed by the designing registered professional engineer must submitted to the city before a certificate of occupancy can be issued. 8 Section 7: That Chapter 18 `Buildings and Building Regulations," Article IX "Minimum Property Standards," Division 2 "One- and Two- Family Dwellings and Tow-nhouses," Section 18 -652 "Amendments to the residential code" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baytown, Texas. is hereby amended to add an amendment to Section R301.2.1.1 "Design Criteria." which amendment shall read as follows:: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE IX. MINIMUM PROPERTY STANDARDS DIVISION 2. ONE- AND TWO- FAMILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES Sec. 18 -652. Amendments to the residential code. The residential code adopted in section 18 -651 shall be amended as follows Section 8301.2. L I Design criteria is amended to read as follows: R301.2.1.1 Design criteria. Construction in the city where the basic wind speeds from Figure RR301.2(4) equal or exceed 120 miles per hour @ 3 second gust shall be designed in accordance with one of the following: American Forest and Paper Association (AF & PA) ii"ood Frame Construction Iilanual for One -and Tivo- Family Dwellings (WFCM); 2. Southern Building Code Congress Intei'natiOlial Standard for Htirricane Resistant Residential Construction (SS TD D I O); 3. .,Vininnan Design Loads_for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE -7); 4. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), Standard.for Cold - Formed Steel Framing - Prescriptive !Method for One- and Tivo- Fainily Dwellings (COF /Pelt) with Supplenient to Standard for Cold- Fortned .Steel Fraining — Prescriptive 1Method for One - and Tivo- Family Divelling; or 5. Concrete construction shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of this code. Section 8: That Chapter 18 "Buildings and Building Regulations." Article IX "Mmmuun Property Standards," Division 2 "One- and Two - Family Dwellings and Townhouses." Section 18 -652 "Amendments to the residential code" of the Code of Ordinances 01 of the City of Baytown. Texas, is hereby amended to add an amendment to Section R3012.1.2 "Protective Opening," which amendment shall read as follows:: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE IX. MININNIUM PROPERTY STANDARDS DIVISION 2. ONE - AND TWO- FAINIILY DWELLINGS AND TOWNHOUSES Sec. 18 -652. Amendments to the residential code. The residential code adopted in section 18-651 shall be amended as follows: Section R301.2.1.2 Protection of Opening is amended to read as follows: R301.2.1.2 Protection of Opening. R301.2.1.2 Protection of openings. Windows in buildings located in the city where the basic wind speed is 120 MPH shall have glazed openings protected from windborne debris. Glazed opening protection for xindborne debris shall meet the requirements of the Large Missile Test of an approved impact resisting standard or ASTM F 1996 and ASTM E 1886 referenced therein. Exception: Wood structural panels with a mininnun of 7/16 inch (11 mm) and a maximum span of 8 feet (2438 mm) shall be permitted for opening protection in one- and two -story buildings. Panels shall be precut so that they shall be attached to the naming surrounding the opening containing the product with the glazed opening. Panels shall be secured with the attachment hardware provided. Attachments shall be designed to resist the component and cladding loads determined in accordance with either Table R3012(2) or Section 1609.6.5 of the International Building Code. Attaclunent in accordance with Table R3012.1.2 is permitted for buildings with a mean roof height of 33 feet (10,058 nun) or less where wind speeds do not exceed 130 miles per hour (58 m/s). R301. General Requirements. Products for exterior openings must either be manufactured to resist windborne debris or must be protected from windborne debris with an impact protective system. 2. Products for exterior openings must include exterior windows, exterior doors. garage doors, and skylights and impact protective systems. to 3. Impact protective systems may include permanently mounted shutters, removable shutters, or other types of protective systems. 4. Section R301. specifies requirements for impact protective systems that are manufactured to protect products for exterior openings that are not windborne debris resistant. 5. Section R301. specifies requirements for exterior opening products that are manufactured to resist windborne debris. R301. Impact and Cyclic Wind Pressure Criteria. Impact protective systems and exterior opening products must be tested for windborne debris resistance under ASTM E 1886 and ASTM E 1996 or other windborne debris standards or procedures that are approved by the city's chief building official. The missile criteria must be as follows: Products located within 30 feet of grade must be tested to resist a large, and if required small missile. If ASTM E 1996 is the test standard used, then missile level D from Table 2, Applicable Missiles, must be used. 2. Products located above 30 feet of grade must be tested to resist a small missile. If ASTM E 1996 is the test standard used, then missile level D from Table 2, Applicable Missiles, must be used. R301. Impact Protective Systems. Impact protective systems must be installed under the manufacturer's installation instructions and in the manner in which they were tested for uniform static wind pressure resistance and for windborne debris resistance. R301. Exterior Opening Products. 1. If the exterior opening products are not protected from windborne debris by an impact protective system, then they must be manufactured to resist windborne debris under Sections R) and R3 01.2. 1.2.2. 2. Exterior opening products must be installed under the manufacturer's installation instructions and under the manner in which they were tested for uniform static wind pressure resistance and for windborne debris resistance. R301. Protection from windborne debris using wood structural panels. Protection from windborne debris using wood structural panels is permitted. The methodology used must comply with the requirements specified in Sections R301. and R301. Section 9: That Chapter 18 "Buildings and Building Regulations," Article I "In General" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baytown. Texas. is hereby amended to add a new section to be numbered and entitled Section 18 -2 "Energy Efficiency Building Program," which section shall read as follows: CHAPTER 18. BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS ARTICLE 1. Iii' GENERAL Sec. 18 -2. Energy Efficiency Building Program. (a) Purpose. The purpose of the energy efficiency building program is to reduce the use of natural resources, create healthier and more sustainable living environments, and minimize the negative environmental impacts of development in the city. The program includes requirements for energy efficiency. water conservation, and cool roofs for one - and two- family dwellings and all other new construction within the city. (b) Applicability,. The program is applicable to all new residential and commercial buildings within the city from and after January 1, 2010. (c) Administration. The chief building official shall administer and enforce the provisions of the energy efficiency building program and is authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations necessary for the implementation and administration of the program. (d) Definitions. The following words. terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them herein except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Enei& systems Laborato7y means the agency established by the Texas Legislature to assist communities in evaluating code amendments to the International Resider7tial Code and the International Energy, Conservation Code which now define the minimum energy efficiency standards for the state. Solar reflectance means the fraction of solar flux reflected by a surface expressed as a percent or within the range of 0.00 and 1.00. 12 (e) Energy use standards. (1) All one- and two - family dwellings and all other new construction shall use 15 percent less energy than the minimum provisions of Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of the International Energy Conseri,ation Cocle as shown by: a. energy code compliance modeling through Energy Systems Laboratory approved software. COM check or RES check: or b. installing systems or products that have been certified by a national, state or local accredited energy efficiency program and approved by the Energy Systems Laboratory. The United States Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Program certification of energy code equivalency shall be considered an approved program. (2) All one- and two- family dwellings and all other new constriction shall meet energy reduction strategies that include installing high - efficiency products which meet at least five of the following requirements: a. Energy Star refrigerators b. room air cleaners C. heat pump systems d. Energy Star furnaces or boilers C. Energy Star cooling equipment f. progranvnable thermostats g. roof products h. Energy Star windows, doors & skylights i. home sealing ( insulation and air sealing) j. Energy Star qualified lighting k. Energy Star electric water heaters 1. Energy Star tank -less water heaters M. Energy Star heat pump water heaters (f) fl'ater Use Standards. (1) All one- and two- family dwellings and all other new construction shall use 20 percent less water than the water use baseline calculated for the building's total interior water fixture use as required by the International Phanbing Code. (2) All one- and two- family dwellings and all other new constriction shall meet water reduction strategies that include installing high- efficiency (low -flow) fixtures or fittings which meet at least four of the following requirements: a. utilize lavatory faucets all having an average flow rate of 2.0 gallons per minute: 13 b. utilize showerheads all having an average flow rate of 2.0 gallons per minute: C. utilize toilets all having an average flow rate: 1. of 1.3 gallons per flush; 2. being dual -flush and meeting the requirements of ASME Al 12.19.14, or 3. meeting the United States Environmental Protection Agency Water Sense specification and be certified and labeled accordingly; d. utilize Energy Star labeled dishwashers that use 6.0 gallons or less per cycle; e. utilize Energy Star labeled clothes washers with a modified energy factor (MEF) > 2.0 and a water factor (WF) < 5.5; and f. utilize drip irrigation emitters for all bedding areas of the landscape plan. (g) Cool roof'standards. (1) The energy efficient building program shall include the following standards of the American Society of Heating. Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers: Standard Reference Title Referenced in Section Number Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low- 43.4.1, 90.1 -2004 Rise Residential Buildings, I -P Edition 4304.2.1 Standard Test Method for Measuring Solar E1918 -97 Reflectance and Low - Sloped Surfaces in the 4303.3.4 Field (2) All roof surfaces -,with a slope of 2:12 inches or less (as defined in the ASTM E 1918 -97) shall meet the specifications of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star qualified low -slope roof product requirements. To be considered an Energy Star qualified low -slope roof product, a roof product shall: a. be the uppermost part of the roof system that is in direct contact with solar radiation,_ and b, be installed with an initial solar reflectance of > 0.65. (h) Lighting standards. (1) Area of U.se. For the lighting of predominately horizontal surfaces such as areas of vehicular and pedestrian passage, merchandising and storage areas. automotive fuel dispensing facilities. automotive sales areas. loading docks, active and passive recreational areas, building entrances, sidewalks, paths, site entrances and parking areas, light fixtures shall be aimed straight down and shall be full cutoff or fully shielded, unless the aggregate wattage per fixture does not exceed the 14 output of a standard non - directional 60 watt incandescent lamp, i.e., 900 lumens. in which case non - cutoff fixtures are permitted. (2) Maximum lamp ii attage and required huninaries or Icnrrp shielding. All lighting installations shall be designed and installed to be fully shielded (full cutoff). Maximum usage for commercial lighting is 60 luminaries per watt. Maximum lamp wattage for residential lighting is 100 watts for incandescent bulbs and 32 watts for compact fluorescent bulbs. (3) Exceptions. The following are exceptions to the application of subsections (h)(1) and (2): a. luminaries for safety or security reasons as determined by the chief building official: b. lighting in swimming pools and other water features governed by the National Electrical Code; C. exit signs and other illumination required by the codes; d. lighting for stairs and ramps, as required by the codes; e. Signs that are regulated by chapter 118 of this code, which are fully shielded: f. holiday and temporary lighting as governed by the National Electric Code; g. athletic field lighting if steps have been taken to minimize glare and light trespass; and h. low voltage landscape lighting. and such lighting shall be shielded to eliminate glare and light trespass. Section 10: Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this ordinance herein shall be punished by a fine not exceeding FIVE HUNDRED AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($500.00). Each act of violation and each day upon which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the penalty prescribed above, the city may pursue other- remedies such as abatement of nuisances, injunctive relief, administrative adjudication and revocation of licenses or permits. Section 11: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent with the terns of this Ordinance are hereby repealed: provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this Ordinance shall be cumulative of other Ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this Ordinance. Section 12: If any provision, section. exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence. clause or please of this Ordinance or the application of same to any person or the set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. 15 Section 13: This ordinance shall take effect from and after sixty (60) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. IN "PRODUCED. READ and PASSED. by the affirmative ote of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 19d' day of October, 2009. ST HEN 11. DONCARLOS, ayor ATTEST: n I i)d*U;111�10 L T1CIA GARZA, terim Ci , Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 9� ACIO RAMIREZ. SR., Attorney o iYTpt yyti RAKarcn \Files \City Council\ Ordinances` ?009\ DraftlBuildineCodesUpdatesforWindstomiRevisedUpdated10122009CIcan .doc 16