Ordinance No. 11,180ORDINANCE NO. 11.180 AN ORDINANCE OF -IHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, 'TEXAS, AUTHORIZING Cl IANGE ORDER NO. 3 WITH EXCALIBUR EXCAVATION, L.P.. FOR THE 13AYTOWN BRIDGE REHABILITATION PROJECT; AUTFIORIZING PAYMENT 13Y "THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED EIGHTY -TWO TTIOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINETY AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($81590.00): AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE TI- IEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 3 with Excalibur Excavation. L.P.. for the Baytown Bridge Rehabilitation Project. A copy of said change order is attached hereto. marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby authorizes the payment of EIGI- ITY -T1 \'O THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINETY AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($82,590.00) to Excalibur Excavation, L.P.. for Change Order No. 3 for the Baytown Bridge Rehabilitation Project. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City, of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of the C,j,(y Council of the City of Baytown this the 10 "' day of' September, 2009. (� STFrPliEN-TT DONCARLOS, ATTEST: (/ -A LETICIA G RZA. nt nm City Clerk byN � ��pYTO Jff �••w.••.ti'•, � J V i cn AP ROVED AS TO FOR)iI: NACIO RAMIREZ. SR.. Cite : tt rnev R "KarenTiles Ci y Council Ordtnancesi2009,Septemba 10' ChatteeOrder3Ba\townBndgeProject .doc BANITOXAN Brief Description of Changes: CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. SY 3' Baytown Bridge Rehabilitation Project 8/25/2009 Additional work to repair concrete slope paving failure and pipe failure under the Market Street Bridge. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Remove Old Concrete SY 130 144.00 S 18,720.00 2 Remove Tree EA 1 2,000.00 S 2,000.00 3 Cement Stabilized Sand CY 68 65.00 S 4,420.00 it Remove and Reset 36 -inch Pipe LF 30 120.00 S 3.600.00 5 Flowable Backfill CY 66 235.00 S 15.510 00 6 Stone Riprap CY 65 316.00 S 20.540 00 7 Install 4 -inch Concrete Slope Paving SY 130 110.00 S 14.300.00 8 Traffic Control EA 1 3.500.00 S 3,500.00 S - S - S - S - Total S 82,590.00 Contract Summary: Orimnal Contract Pace S 509.290 00 Previous Change Orders S 10.000 00 This Change Order S 82,590 00 Revised Contract Price 601.880.00 Onqinal Contract Duration - Calendar Days 100 Previous Time Extensions 10 This Change Order 60 Revised Contract Duration - Calendar Days ExcaliburlExcavation, LP. Date L arrl L-;- SU,i V ;<< vrej; 1 / 't- Director of Finance Date r; Z " Z Z 11 Klotz Associates Date 6- r. 1 1/� _' t✓ k !d 1. 0�, 1. Director of Engineering Date City Manager Date 170 CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. BAYTO" Baytown Bridge Rehabilitation Project 8/25/2009 Brief Description of Changes: Additional work to repair concrete slope paving failure and pipe failure under the Market Street Bridge. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Remove Old Concrete SY 130 144.00 $ 18,720.00 2 Remove Tree EA 1 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 3 Cement Stabilized Sand CY 68 65.00 $ 4,420.00 4 Remove and Reset 36-inch Pipe LF 30 120.00 $ 3,600.00 5 Flowable Backfill CY 66 235.00 $ 15,510.00 6 Stone Riprap CY 65 316.00 $ 20,540.00 7 Install 4-inch Concrete Slope Paving SY 130 110.00 $ 14,300.00 8 Traffic Control EA 1 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 Total $ 82,590.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Price $ 509,290.00 Previous Change Orders $ 10,000.00 This Change Order 82,590.00 Revised Contract Price $ 601,880.00 Original Contract Duration - Calendar Days 100 Previous Time Extensions 10 This Change Order 60 Revised Contract Duration - Calendar Days 170 Excalibu Excavation, P. Date Di ctor of,En l r bate Lgrrl L4,ds-mX, V ce Pres;oter,+ Director o inance a City Manager Date ��4 Klotz Associates /� Date � &4