Ordinance No. 11,173ORDINANCE NO. 11,173 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 -10 BUDGET SUBMITTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BAYTOWN CRIME CONTROL. AND PREVENTION DISTRICT: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS. in accordance with the alternate budget procedures of BaNiown Crime Control and Prevention District (the "District ") and the published notice of the budget hearings, the Board of Directors of the District (the - Board ") conducted public hearings to consider the District's proposed annual budget on the 14 "' day of July. 2009; and WHEREAS, on the 14`h day of July. 2009, after considering the proposed budget together with the testimony and information received at the public hearings. the Board adopted its 2009 -10 budget; and WHEREAS. within ten days of the Board's adoption of its budget, the Board submitted its approved budget to the City Council of the City of Baytown. Texas; and WHEREAS. on the l ) day of August, 2009. the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, held a public hearing to consider the budget adopted by the Board and submitted to the City Council in accordance with the published hearing notice; and WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Baytown, alter considering the submitted budget together with the testimony and infornation received at the public hearing. believes that the budget approved by the Board is consistent with the interest of the residents of the District: NOW THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section l: That all matters and facts set forth in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and are approved by the City Council of the City of Baytown. Texas. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown. Texas hereby approves the budget submitted by the Board of the Baytown Crime Control and Prevention District. which budget is attached hereto as Exhibit `'A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes for the District's 2009 -10 fiscal year. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and alter its passage by the City Council of the City - of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative v e of the City Council of the City of Bayto\vn this the 27h day of August. 2009. S PI IEN 11. DONCARLO . Mayor A EST: LJt/ �� PY7 p by LE IC:IA GARZA, Inte m City Clerk o� �`•�.��� U to APPROVED AS TO FORM: � 41A C�ORA MIR EZ. S R. ty Attorney ',',cobsrvlUeeal \Karen \Files \City Council \Ordinances 2009�:1ueust 2TApprovingCCl'1 2009- IOBudget.doc i,KrqIi, CITY OF BA YTO W N CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT (CCPD) 2009 -10 PROPOSED BUDGET CRIME CONTROL PREVENTION DISTRICT (CCPD) BOARD MEMBERS RIKKI WHEELER, President JOE WHITEHEAD, Vice President CARL BRANDON, Member GARY COCHRAN, Member BOB GOOLSBY, Member DEBORAH KAYE GUTIERREZ, Member SAMUEL BARKER, Member CITY OF BAYTOWN CCPD (POLICE) FUND - FUND 206 BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND Actual Budgeted Estimated Proposed 2007 -08 2008-09 2008 -09 2009 -10 Revenues Sales Tax $ 1,056,274 $ 994,600 $ 1,159,100 $ 1,060,000 Interest Income 17,272 15,000 5,500 5.000 Total Revenues 1,073,546 1,009,600 1,164,600 1,065.000 Expenditures Personnel 792,238 871,073 937,058 1,006,465 Supplies 14,080 7,900 7,874 7,900 Services 5,913 6,000 6,000 6,000 Sundry - Other 795 - - Total Operating 813,026 884,973 950,932 1,020,365 Capital Outlay 96,598 180,998 181,977 129,500 Unforseen/New Initiatives - - - 250,000 Total Expenditures 909,624 1,065,971 1,132,909 1,399,865 Excess (Deficit) Revenues Over Expenditures 163,922 (56,371) 31,691 (334,865) Working Capital - Beginning 567,174 658,724 731,096 762,787 Working Capital - Ending $ 731,096 $ 602,353 $ 762,787 $ 427,922 3 CITY OF BAYTOWN 2009 -10 BUDGET 2010 BASE LEVEL FOOTNOTES Account Justification Amount PERSONNEL SERVICES 71002 Regular Wages $ 680,706 71009 Overtime 35,000 71021 Health & Dental 105,540 71022 TMRS 123,585 71023 FICA 52,205 71028 Workers Compensation 9,429 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,006,465 SUPPLIES 72007 Wearing Apparel 4,500 Regular Uniform Issue for (14) officers and (1) sergeant @ $300 each 4,500 72041 Educational 3,400 Handgun Ammo, 10mm, 180 gr JHP, 8k @ $425/k 3,400 (Monthly Practice and/or Qualifications) TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,900 SERVICES 74021 Special Services 6,000 Recruiting Supplies 500 Recruiting Travel 4,000 Recruiting Registration Fees 1,000 Printing of Recruiting Materials 500 TOTAL SERVICES 6,000 TOTAL OPERATING 1,020,365 CAPITAL 84042 Machinery & Equipment 62,000 Replacement Laptop Computers - 10 @ $5,000 50,000 Handheld Radar Units - 4 @ $3,000 12,000 84043 Motor Vehicles 67,500 Mid Sized Unmarked Vehicles 3@ $22,500 67,500 Replaces 9955 - 1999 Chevrolet Lumina - 71,590 Miles 0042 - 2000 Chevrolet Impala - 100,094 Miles 0249 - 2002 Dodge Stratus - 110,145 Miles TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 129,500 CONTINGE,NICES 99002 Unforseen/New Initiatives 250,000 TOTAL CONTINGENCIES 250,000 TOTAL CCPD $ 1,399,865 4