Ordinance No. 11,164ORDINANCE NO. 1 1.164 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS. RENEWING THE ANNUAL CONCR -ETE RAISINO CONTRACT WITH SUPERIOR GROUTING SERVICES. INC.. AUTHORIZING PAYMEN "I- BY -I-H -E CITY OF BAYTOWN IN TI -IE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED SIXTY - 1- t- tOUSAND AND NO 1100 DOLLARS ($160.000.00)_ NILAKINO OTHER PROVISIONS Rt_LATED THERETO_ AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE TI- IEREOF. * * * * �*WW V ** -k*W** W*** **WWas: **•* *W*ww *WW *W * * * *** * * * * ******* *W ** * * ** ** ** WHEREAS. Superior Grouting Services_ Inc.. was awarded the Annual Concrete Raising Contract on August 28, 2008, pursuant to competitive bidding procedures. which contract included an option by the parties to renew for additional one -year periods_ and WHEREAS. Superior Orouting Services. Inc.. has indicated its willingness to renew the contract for an additional year for a 1.413/6 decrease in unit pricing: and WHEREAS_ the Administration has reviewed the market conditions and recommends renewal as being in the best interest of the City: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI -1 -Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby renews the Annual Concrete Raising Contract with Superior Grouting Services. Inc._ for the sum of ONE I- IUNDIZED SIXTY THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($160.000.00). and authorizes payment thereof_ Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of- TWENTY -FIVE- THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($25.000.00) or less. provided that the original contract price may not be increased by more than triventy -f -jve percent (25 0,46) or decreased by more than twenty -five percent (25 10.46) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect in-unediately from and alter its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative v the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 13"' day of August. 2009. � STE HE ONCARLOS_ f ATTE _ I- ET1CIA GA, A. In m City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACID RAMIREZ. SR._ City t rney R:\ Karen \Fites\Ciry• Council\Ordinances\2009\August 13V2encw XnnuaiConereteRaisin-_Contract _doc