Ordinance No. 11,158ORDINANCT NO. 11,158 AN ORDINANCE OF '11-11.1 CITY COUNCIL CAF TI III Cl"l'Y Ol: BAYTOWN,TEXAS, AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDFR NOS. 3 AND 4 WITH ANGEL BROTHER'S 1--NTF`.RPR1SFS, LTD, FOR THE' 2007 STREFT BOND PROJFCT - PHASE 1, AUTHORIZING PAYM FNT13Y T1 IF C. OF' 13AY"I'OWN, TI: 117 SUM OFTHIRI"Y THOUSAND ONE I ]UNDRFID NINE' Y-EIGI IT AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($30,198.00), AND PROVIDING FORTHE EFFE'CTIVI'.. I)A*I"1-"']'[I["-'[Z[--"IOF,, BE FFORDAINFD BYTI 11-1 CITY COUNCIL OF-11-IF" CITY OF BAYTOWN,TF,.XAS: Section 1: That the City COL11161 does hereby authorize Change Older No. :3 with Angel Brother's Enterprises, LTD, for the 2007 Street Bond Project - Phase 1, A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit"A" and made a part hereof` for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of(he City of Bay town hereby authorizes the payment ofFIVL1, Tl 101-JSAND ONE HUNDRI'D NIN 1.`�TY-FIG'HTAND NO/I 00 DOLI-ARS ($5,198.00) to Angel Brother's L`nle rprises, LTD, for Change Order No. 3 lor the 2007 Street Bond Project - Phase 1. Section 3: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 4 with Angel Brother's Enterprises, LTD, for tile 200,7 Street Bond Project - Phase I. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. Section 4: That tile City Council of tile City of' Baytown hereby authorizes the paynient of TWENTY-FIV ETFIOU SAN D AND NC)/ 100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) to Angel Brother's Enterprises, LTD, for Change Order No. 4 flor the 2007 Street Bond Pro ect - I'llase 1. n J Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect immediately fi-oni and aller its passag ,e by tile City Council of the City of Baytown, INTRODUCED, RL'Al.) and PASSE 1) by, tile affirmative vote of' ity Council of the City of Baytown this the 5'�'day of'August, 2009, r DONCARLM"Mavor ATTEST: l.,E A ,l,lC1A G R A, h e im City Clerk APPROVFD S T. FORN/1: N A C41GACIO R M I R�I'Z, SR.. Ci 3, Attorney VKmcwFilQs C6! doc LTMifl! Brief Dasodption of Changes: Change Order No. 3 2007 59reet Bond Project - Phase 1 7122/2009 This dwnge order fe In reference to change order raquost 94 from Angel Brothers Construction, Ina for the reduction of fine Rom 1138 and the addition of a new line Item for 30" and 38° Class N RCP pipe. The Class IV will be used raider pavement on Narclile St. as par the City of Baytown ordinance. The currant hid does not have a line Item ior $00 and 380 Class IV RCP pipe. Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantlpl Unit Price Total 38 30- RCP Class Ilk 0.76 !.F - 161.00 $81.00 (13,041.00) CO3 30" RCP Clssss• IV C-78 t.F 02.00 .00 8,924.00 CO3 380 RCP Class•IV C-76 LF 69.00 $138.00 W5.00 S S S 5 Total 1 $ 5198.00 Contract Summary: Od Contract Price 3,969,187.00 Previous Chaw Orders 24 619.80 This Chan Order A-- ,1 Revised Contract Price $ 9,usu.004.80 maul this dwge order and all change orders nuthorfnad to date conaUtutss a 1% Increuso of the original c at price. I AMPAI A 141/01 1 atCtthe a Isos, Ltd. Date Director of Engineering SM D Finn Date City manager Date Bury ftrwenwrnm Data Brief Description of Changes: Exhibit "B" Charge Order No. 4 2007 Street Bond Project - Phase 1 7/29/2009 This change ardor adds the following allowances, which will be edminiaterad through allowance requests from CONTRACTOR, which must be approved by the City Englneer In writing: Add items: Item DewlMon Totes C04 Mlaa Dralrume allowance $1010M.00 _C04 Mien. Pavina allowance $101000.00 COQ Misc. UN allowance S%000.00 Total $25000.00 Tho OWNER lto the distribution may after o dis u on of monies among the ab eve- rofefonood allowance cat egoNes to be comrlstent with work authorized by the OWNER through an allowance request, but the total camwt "clad the $25,000 authorized through this Change Order #4. Contract Summary: Original Contract Price $ 1.9amp.0D Previous Channe Orders $ 29 817.80 This ChmVe otdor , neMsv vvnuacc race 4,024,004.80 OrMai Contract Duration - Calendar Dp& 425 Previous Time Extenalons 0 This Char4o Order revue c;ontracx uuration - Umienoar Days Tho ruautt of this change order and all change, orders authorlmd to data constituters s 9.2% Ingrearte of the orjg no tract price. OlLrA *11yal An I Brothees Enterprises. Ltd. Date Diractor of EngInciarbig Date Diroctor. Inance Date City Manager Kwo Bury Partn , Ina Date 425