Ordinance No. 11,127ORDINANCE NO. 1 1 .127 AN ORDINANCE_ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN- TEXAS. AMENDING CHAPTER 98 "UTILITIES," ARTICLE VI "STORMWATER DRAITTAGE ' OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF BAYTOWN_ TEXAS_ BY ADDING A NEW DIVISION TO BE NUMBERED AND ENTITLED DIVISION 1 "IN GENERAL" AND PLACING SECTIONS 98 -471 THROUGH 98 -476 THEREIN: AND BY ADDING A NEW DIVISION TO BE NUMBERED AND ENTITLED DIVISION 2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT": PIZOVIDiNG A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00): AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFEC "I'IVE DATE THEREOF. * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * *� * -6: * * * * *W WWW*. * * **** W *W *4c** * *** ****� * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** WHEREAS, land development projects and associated increases in impervious cover alter the hydrologic response of local watersheds and increase stormwater runoff rates and volumes. flooding_ stream channel erosion, and sediment transport and deposition; and WHEREAS, this stormwater runoff contributes to increased quantities of water -borne pollutants: and WIIEREAS, stormwater runoff. soil erosion and non -point source pollution can be controlled and minimized through the regulation of stormwater runoff from development sites; and WHEREAS, illicit discharges to the City of Bayto,N,-n's separate storm sewer system create water quality risks to public health. safety, and general welfare; and. WHEREAS, illicit discharges may necessitate repair of storm sewers and ditches:. damage to public and private property: and may damage water resources by reducing water quality: and. WHEREAS_ the City of Baytown has an obligation as a part of the Clean Water Act and the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit TXR 040000 for Phase II Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System to control illicit discharges and to protect water quality within its borders: and. WIIEREAS, the City Council of the City- of Baytown desires to provide reasonable guidance for the regulation of stormwater runoff for the purpose of protecting local water resources from degradation and preventing threats to public health and safety; NOW THEREFORE_ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITE' COUNCIL OF 171-IE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section 1: That all matters and facts set forth in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and such recitals are hereby approved and made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings by the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 2: That the Chapter 98 -Utilities." Article VI "Stormwater Drainage" of the Code of Ordinances. City of BaytoN n. Texas, is hereby amended to be entitled Article VI "Stormwater." Section 3: That the Chapter 98 "Utilities." Article VI "Stormwater" of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a new division to be numbered and entitled Division 1 "In General" and by placing Sections 98 -471 through 98 -476 in such division. Section 4: That Chapter 98 "Utilities." Article V1 "Stormwater," Division I "In General," of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a new section to be numbered and entitled 98 -470 "Definitions," which section shall read as follows: CHAPTER 98. UTILITIES ARTICLE VI. STORMWATER DIVISION 1. IN GENERAL See. 98 -470. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Authori_ed enforcement agency means the health department of the city. Best management practices (BMPs) means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, general good housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the discharge of Pollutants directly or indirectly to stormwater. receiving waters, or stormwater conveyance systems. BN4Ps also include treatment practices, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff. spillage or leaks, sludge or water disposal. or drainage from raw materials storage. Building means any structure. either temporary or permanent, having walls and a roof, designed for the shelter of any person, animal, or property. Channel means a natural or artificial watercourse %with a definite bed and banks that conducts continuously or periodically flowing water. Clean Water Act means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Vvater Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. (33 U.S.C. §§ 1251. et seg.), and any subsequent amendments thereto. 2 Clearing means any activity which removes (in whole or in part) the vegetative surface cover. Commencement of construction activity means the initial disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, excavating activities. or other similar activities. Construction activity means activities subject to TPDES construction permits. Such activities include, but are not limited to, clearing and grubbing. grading. excavating, and demolition. Construction regulations mean those rules and regulations contained in the City of Baytown 's Storinivater Aanagement Handbook for Construction Activities, 2009 Edition, which are on file with the city clerk and are hereby adopted and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Construction site means a parcel of land. or a contiguous combination thereof, involved in construction activity. Construction site Operator - The person or persons associated with a large or small construction activity that is either a primary or secondary operator as defined below: Primary Operator — the person or persons associated with a large or small construction activity that meets either of the following two criteria: (a) the person or persons have operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications: or (b) the person or persons have day -to -day operational control of those activities at a construction site that are necessary to ensure compliance with a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3) for the site or other permit conditions (e.g., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the SVA'P3 or comply with other permit conditions). Secondary Operator — The person whose operational control is limited to the employment of other operators or to the ability to approve or disapprove changes to plans and specifications. A secondary operator is also defined as a primary operator and must comply with the permit requirements for primary operators if there are no other operators at the construction site. Detention means the temporary storage of storm runoff in a stormwater management device with the goals of controlling peak discharge rates and providing gravity settling of pollutants. 3 Detention basin means a detention facility or alternative structure designed for the purpose of temporary storage of stream flow or surface runoff and gradual release of stored water at controlled rates. Director means the city's director of health. Drainage easement means a legal right granted by a landowner to a grantee allowing the use of private land for stormwater management purposes. EPA means U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Erosion control means measures that prevent erosion. Facility or Activity — For the purpose of this permit. a construction site or construction support activity that is regulated under this general permit, including all contiguous land and fixtures (e.g., ponds and materials stockpiles), structures, or appurtances used at a construction site or industrial site described by this general permit. met: Final Stabili_ation - A construction site status where any of the following conditions are (a) All soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and a uniform (i.e., evenly distributed, without large bare areas) perennial vegetative cover with a density of at least 70% of the native background vegetative cover for the area has been established on all unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent structures. or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as the use of riprap. gabions. or geotextiles) have been employed. (b) For individual lots in a residential construction site by either: (1) the homebuilder completing final stabilization as specified in condition (a) above: or (2) the homebuilder establishing temporary stabilization for an individual lot prior to the time of transfer of the ownership of the home to the buyer and after informing the homeowner of the need for. and benefits of, final stabilization. If temporary stabilization is not feasible, then the homebuilder may fulfill this requirement by retaining perimeter controls or other best management practices. and informing the homeowner of the need for removal of temporary controls and the establishment of final stabilization. (c) For construction activities on land used for agricultural purposes (e.g., pipelines across crop or range land). final stabilization may be accomplished by returning the disturbed land to its preconstruction agricultural use. Areas disturbed that were not previously used for agricultural activities. such as buffer strips immediately adjacent to surface water and areas that are not being returned to M their preeonstruction agricultural use must meet the final stabilization conditions of condition (a) above. (d) In arid, semi -arid. and drought- stricken areas only, all soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and both of the following criteria have been met: (1) Temporary erosion control measures (e.g., degradable rolled erosion control product) are selected. designed, and installed along with an appropriate seed base to provide erosion control for at least three years without active maintenance by the operator. and (2) The temporary erosion control measures are selected, designed, and installed to achieve 70 percent vegetative coverage within three years. Grading means excavating or filling with material to level uneven land. Hazardous materials means any material, including any substance, waste, or combination thereof. which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical. chemical, or infectious characteristics may cause, or significantly contribute to. a substantial present or potential hazard to human health. safety, property, or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of or otherwise managed. Illicit discharge means any direct or indirect non - stormwater discharge to the stormwater system. except as exempted in this code. Impervious surface means an area composed of any material that impedes or prevents natural infiltration of water into the soil. Impervious area shall include, but is not limited to, roofs, decks, patios, sidewalks, parking areas. tennis courts, concrete or asphalt streets, crushed stone and gravel surfaces. Infiltration means the process of percolating stormwater into the subsoil. Land disturbance activity means any activity which changes the volume or peak flow discharge rate of rainfall runoff from the land surface. This may include the grading, digging, cutting, scraping. or excavating of soil, placement of fill materials, paving, construction, substantial removal of vegetation, or any activity which bares soil or rock or involves the diversion or piping of any natural or man -made watercourse. Landowner means the legal or beneficial owner of land, including those holding the right to purchase or lease the land, or any other person holding proprietary rights in the land. Maximum extent practicable means implementing, continuously evaluating, and making corresponding changes to a variety of technically and economically feasible BMPs that ensure the most appropriate controls are implemented in the most effective manner. Municipal Separate Storm .Sewer System or AlfS4 means a separate storm sewer system owned or operated by a state, city, town. county. district, association, or other public body 5 (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over the disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater. or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control or drainage district. or similar entity. or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization. Non point source pollution means pollution from any source other than from any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyances, and shall include, but not be limited to, pollutants from agricultural, construction, subsurface disposal and urban runoff sources. Non - stormwater discharge means any discharge to the stormwater system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. Notice of intent or NOI shall mean a notice of intent that is required by the TPDES General Permit No. TXR050000. the EPA NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities in Region 6, or any similar general permit to discharge stormwater associated with industrial or construction activity that is issued by the EPA or TCEQ. Notice of termination or NOT shall mean the notice of termination that is required by the TPDES General Permit No. TXR050000. the EPA NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activities in Region 6, or any similar general permit to discharge stormwater associated with industrial or construction activity that is issued by the EPA or TCEQ. NOV means written notice of Oolation. NPDES means the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Perimeter control means a barrier that prevents sediment from leaving a site either by filtering sediment -laden runoff, or diverting it to a sediment trap or basin. Permittee means permit holding authority or responsible party. Pollutant - Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, filter backwash, munitions. chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment. rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into any surface water in the state. The term "pollutant" does not include tail water or runoff water from irrigation or rainwater runoff from cultivated or uncultivated rangeland, pastureland, and farmland. For the purpose of this permit, the term "pollutant" includes sediment. Premises means any building, lot. parcel of land. or portion of land whether improved or unimproved including adjacent sidewalks and parking strips. Recei►,ing water means a body of water such as a bayou. stream, river, lake, bay or ocean, which receives stormwater and /or wastewater. Residential property means real estate on which is located a single family living unit. The term expressly excludes: 6 (1) Real estate improved with two or more single - family living units; (2) A multifamily complex; (3) A mobile home or manufactured home park; (4) A recreational vehicle park: and (5) Real estate used primarily for commercial purposes. Responsible party means a business entity, franchised utility company, developer, property owner. contractor, or holder of a city building permit or stormwater permit. Sediment control means measures that prevent eroded sediment from leaving the site. Single-family living unit means a unified combination of rooms that is designed for residential use by one family and that contains kitchen and bathroom facilities. Single-family Iii -ing unit equivalent means the impervious surface area of a nonresidential property which corresponds to the impervious surface area of a residential property, which for purposes of this article is 1.979 square feet. Any partial single - family living unit equivalent is counted as one. Stabilization means the use of practices that prevent exposed soil from eroding. Stop work order means an order issued which requires that all construction activity on a site be stopped. Stornnvater means any surface flow, runoff, and drainage consisting entirely of water from any form of natural precipitation, and resulting from such precipitation. Stormwater conveyance system means any part of the city's system of conveyances, including roads with drainage systems, streets. catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, constructed channels or storm drains, which is designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater. Stormtinater management means the use of structural or non - structural practices that are designed to reduce stormwater runoff pollutant loads. discharge volumes, peak flow discharge rates and detrimental changes in stream temperature that affect water quality and habitat. Stormwater permit means a permit issued by the city for construction activity to ensure the control of erosion, runoff and grading. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or SIVPPP or SWPj means a document which describes the best management practices and activities to be implemented by a person or business to identify sources of pollution or contamination at a site and the actions to eliminate or reduce pollutant discharges to stormwater, stormwater conveyance systems, and/or receiving waters to the maximum extent practicable. Stormla,ater (or Stormwater Runofj) - Rainfall runoff, snow melt runoff. and surface runoff and drainage. 7 Stormwater system means the system or network of storm and surface water management facilities managed and maintained by the city including but not limited to inlets, conduits, manholes. channels, ditches, drainage easements, retention and detention basin, infiltration facilities and other components as well as all natural waterways. SJVOMP means Storm Water Quality Management Plan. agency. TCEO means the "texas Commission on Environmental Quality or such successor TPDES means the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. iVasteu,ater means any water or other liquid, other than uncontaminated stormwater, discharged from a facility. iatercourse means any body of water, including. but not limited to lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and bodies of water which are delineated by the city. Waterway means a channel that directs surface runoff to a watercourse, or to the public storm drain system. Wholly szrfftcient and privately owned drainage system means land owned and operated by a person other than the city's drainage utility system and which does not discharge into a creek, river, slough, culvert, or other channel that is part of a city's drainage utility system. Section 5: That Chapter 98 "Utilities," Article VI "Stonnwater," Division 1 "In General," Section 98 -473 of the Code of Ordinances. City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 98. UTILITIES ARTICLE VI. STOR \IWATER DIVISION 1. IN GENERAL Sec. 98 -473. Municipal drainage utility system charges. (a) Fee. The following schedule of drainage charges is hereby levied against all real property lying within the city: (1) Resident icrl property. 8 (2) Monresiclentiul properly. Number of Single- Fa in HN, Living Unit EqUivallents Less than 5 $ 1.71 6 to 10 5.13 11 to 15 8.56 16 to 20 11.98 21 to 25 15.40 26 to 30 18.83 31 to 35 22225 36 to 40 25.67 41 to 45 29.10 46 to 50 32.52 51 to 60 37.66 61 to 70 44.50 71 to 80 51.35 81 to 90 58.20 91 to 100 65.04 101 to 150 85.58 151 to 250 136.93 Over 250 205.40 (b) Exemptions. The following are exempt from the payment of the municipal drainage utility system charges: (1) A state agency, a public institution of higher education. and the city: (2) Property with proper construction and maintenance of a wholly sufficient and privately o,,N-ned drainage system: (3) Property held and maintained in its natural state, until such time that the property is developed and all of the public infrastructure constructed has been accepted by the city for maintenance: and V: (4) A subdivided lot. until a structure has been built on the lot and a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the city. The determination of whether a person or property is exempt from this article shall be made by the director of health. (c) Billings and collection. All billings. credits, rules and other procedures relating to this charge shall be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, § 402.041. et seq.. and shall specifically include the following: (1) There shall be a charge on each monthly utility statement for the municipal drainage utility system pursuant to this article and as authorized herein. The director of health is authorized to collect such charges in a manner consistent with state law. The drainage fee will be a separate line item on the utility statement and shall be clearly identified as a separate charge. (2) Except as otherwise provided herein. billing. charges. penalties and collection procedures shall be consistent with that of the water and sewer services. Water and/or sewer services may be disconnected for failure to pay any or all of the drainage system utility charges. (3) The director may. from time to time. adopt rules for the administration of the drainage charge. (d) Appeals. (1) The following matters may be appealed to the construction board of adjustments and appeals: a. Residential property billing can be appealed when the owner can offer proof that the property is unimproved and therefore not subject to the municipal drainage utility fee. b. Nonresidential property billing can be appealed when the owner can offer proof that an error was made with regard to the category of land development. that the land is unimproved, or the amount of imperviousness of the land development. The construction board of adjustments and appeals shall render a written decision on such appeals within a reasonable period of time after receiving a written notice of appeal from the landowner. (2) Decisions to terminate any customer's water and/or sewer service may be appealed in accordance with subsection 98- 62(1)(5). (e) Remedies. Violations of this article. including failure to pay. are declared to be civil in nature, which may be enjoined by civil proceedings in state court, remedied as allowed 10 by Subchapter C of Chapter 402 of V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, including termination of water and/or wastewater services in accordance with subsection 98 -62(i) of this Code. Section 6: That Chapter 98 "Utilities," Article VI "Stormwater" of the Code of Ordinances. City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended by adding a new division to be numbered and entitled Division 2 "Stormwater Management,' which division shall read as follows: CHAPTER 98. UTILITIES ARTICLE VI. STORNIWATER DIVISION 2. STORNIWATER MANAGEMENT Subdivision 1. In General Secs. 98 -530 -- 98 -539. Reserved. Subdivision 2. Illicit Discharge Detection and Control Secs. 98 -540 -- 98 -549. Reserved. Subdivision 3. Storm,%vater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity Sec. 98 -550. Purpose. (a) During the construction process, soil becomes the most vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. This eroded soil endangers water resources by reducing water quality, and silting the aquatic habitat for fish and other desirable species. Eroded soil also necessitates repair of sewers and ditches, and the dredging of waterways. In addition, clearing and grading during construction causes the loss of native vegetation necessary for terrestrial and aquatic habitat. (b) As a result, the purpose of the local regulations contained in this subdivision is to safeguard persons. protect property, prevent damage to the environment, protect water quality and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating. and controlling the design. construction. use. and maintenance of any development or other land disturbing activity which disturbs or breaks the topsoil or results in the movement of earth or land in the city and to provide a healthy living environment for citizens of the City of Baytown. W Sec. 98 -551. Applicability. This subdivision applies to all premises that have stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. Construction activities disturbing less than one acre that are not part of a larger common plan of development are not required to submit an NOI or other documentation to the state, but must submit a limited SWPPP to the city as designated under this division. Construction site operators for sites where less than one acre is disturbed must also apply for a stormwater permit and prevent any pollutants from leaving their site and entering into the city's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) or waters of the United States. Sec. 98 -552. Standards. The standards set forth herein and promulgated pursuant to this division are minimum standards; therefore compliance with this division will ensure that there will be no contamination, pollution, or unauthorized discharge of pollutants. Sec. 98 -553. Permits. (a) The responsible party that is required to have a NPDES or TPDES permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction activity shall prepare its SWPPP in compliance with the construction regulations and shall strictly comply with the requirements of its NPDES or TPDES permit. the stormwater permit issued under this division and its SWPPP. (b) No responsible party shall be granted a stormwater permit for construction activity which would disturb one acre or more without the approval of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan by the director. (c) A city stormwater permit is not required for the following activities: (1) any emergency activity which is immediately necessary for the protection of life. property or natural resources: or (2) existing nursery and agricultural operations conducted as a permitted main or accessory use. (d) Each stormwater permit application shall include a statement that any land clearing, construction. or development involving the movement of earth shall be in accordance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. and that a construction site operator shall be on site on all days where such activity takes place. (e) It is a violation of this division to operate a facility: 12 (1) that has stormwater discharges associated with construction activity without an NPDES or TPDES permit and a city stormwater permit for stormwater discharges, or (2) in violation of the NPDES or TPDES permit. or the stormwater permit covering the facility, or the SWPPP. Sec. 98 -554. Stormwater permit application. The responsible party for all construction sites within the city shall be required to complete the construction site operator training, which consists of viewing the video, StormYt -ater Pollution Prevention for Construction Sites and complete the video questionnaire, as part of the stormwater permit application process with the City of Baytown. The video questionnaire with a passing score (greater than or equal to 60 %) must be submitted with the other materials required for stormwater permit application as follows: (1) For all construction sites where the responsible party is required to have a NPDES or TPDES permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction (disturbing one acre or more), the responsible party shall not commence construction activity without first submitting an NOI or CSN to the EPA or the TCEQ, as appropriate, and applying for a city stormwater permit by submitting the following documents to the director: a. a copy of the NOI or CSN submitted to the EPA or the TCEQ; b. a certification that the NOI has been submitted to the EPA or the TCEQ as applicable; and C. a copy of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan describing and ensuring the implementation of practices that will be used to reduce the pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with construction activity at the construction site including a Site Plan detailing the location of erosion and sediment control measures. (2) For all construction sites that are not required to obtain TPDES coverage (less than one acre). the responsible party shall not commence construction activity without first submitting a limited SWP3 to the Stormwater Coordinator at the time of application for a building permit containing the following: a. A statement of erosion and sediment controls to be used at the construction site, and b. A statement of pollution prevention practices to be used at the construction site. 13 Sec. 98 -555. Stormwater permit review criteria. Each stormwater permit application will be reviewed by the director to ensure: (1) All documents listed in section 98 -554 are included in the permit application; (2) The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes the following: a. A written SWP3 report that provides the project description, the selected erosion and sediment controls. a plan for maintenance of controls, inspection procedures and reporting. any non - stormwater discharges associated with the site. and copies of all tables and forms. These sections must comply with the Application Review SWP3 Checklist provided by the city. b. A set of SWP3 civil drawings indicating the following: perimeter controls. 2. inlet protection (IPB). 3. stabilized entry /exit (SCE), 4. concrete wash out areas (CWO), 5. areas where street sweeping will be conducted daily (STC). 6. an indication of how stabilization will be achieved for areas that will not be paved — usually those in the landscaping plan and also the detention pond — the pond should be stabilized upon completion of the pond — not after the whole project is done or erosion will occur from the pond itself, and 7. the following notes shall be included on the drawing: a) all subcontractors will be educated to follow stormwater Pollution prevention requirements, b) structural BMPs will be inspected and maintained at least every 14 days and after any precipitation or runoff event that causes surface erosion. sediment transport or vehicular tracking; C) scraping and sweeping of streets, sidewalks and flowlines must be conducted at the end of each work day when dirt and other construction material has been tracked onto streets; 14 d) earth materials and landscape materials such as sod. rock and mulch shall not be stockpiled, placed or stored on driveways. streets, sidewalks or in stormwater f7owlines; e) construction supplies (e.g., trusses and lumber), roll off containers, dumpsters, portable toilets. trailers, etc., shall not be stored on streets or sidewalks or other impervious surfaces. These items shall be stored on the construction site or staging areas; and f) sanitary facilities shall be located on natural ground and at least 25 feet from any storm sewer inlet or water body and shall be serviced regularly as needed. Sec. 98 -556. Stormwater permit closure /Submission of the NOT. A responsible party who has applied for a city stormwater permit must submit a certification that the responsible party has submitted an NOT to the EPA or TCEQ by submitting a copy of that NOT to the director at the same time the responsible party submits the NOT to the EPA or the TCEQ as applicable. Sec. 98 -557. Review and issuance. The director will review each stormwater permit application to determine its conformance with the provisions of this division. Thereafter. the director shall, in writing: (1) Issue the permit: (2) Issue the permit subject to such reasonable conditions as may be necessary to secure substantially the objectives of this subdivision and the construction regulations. and issue the approval subject to these conditions: or (3) Disapprove the permit application, indicating the deficiencies and the procedure for submitting a revised application and/or submission. Sec. 98 -558. Design Requirements. Grading, erosion control practices. sediment control practices, and waterway crossings shall meet the design criteria set forth in the construction regulations, and shall be adequate to prevent transportation of sediment from the site to the satisfaction ofthe director. IZ' Sec. 98 -559. Modifications to the plan. (a) Major amendments of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall be submitted to the director and shall be processed and approved, or disapproved, in the same manner as the original plans. (b) Field modifications of a minor nature may be authorized by the director by written authorization to the permittee. Sec. 98 -560. Clearing and grading. (a) Clearing and grading activities. shall not be permitted. except when in compliance with all provisions of this division. (b) Clearing techniques that retain natural vegetation and retain natural drainage patterns, as described in the construction regulations shall be used to the satisfaction of the director. Sec. 98 -561. Inspection. (a) The director shall make periodic, unannounced inspections of the site during construction and shall either approve that portion of the work completed or shall notify the pennittee wherein the work fails to comply with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan as approved. Compliance with the provisions of the SWPPP will be checked on every visit, including the following items: (1) Proper public notice, (2) Copies of NOI, stormwater pen-nit. SWPPP, and, if applicable, a SWQMP onsite; (3) Condition and effectiveness of erosion and sediment control devices; (4) Condition of entrance so as to reduce vehicle tracking; (5) Inspection and maintenance records; (6) Proper fueling and/or washout area construction- (7) Sanitary facilities; and (8) Proper storage of materials. including hazardous materials and end of workday containment of trash, construction debris, and work materials. Plans for grading, stripping, excavating, and tilling work bearing the stamp of approval of the city shall be maintained at the site during the progress of the work. 16 (b) The permittee or his /her agent shall make regular inspections of all control measures in accordance with the inspection schedule outlined on the approved Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(s). The purpose of such inspections will be to determine the overall effectiveness of the plan, and the need for additional control measures. All inspections shall be documented in written form and submitted to the director at the time interval specified in the approved permit. A notice of inspection will be issued to the responsible party. If deficiencies are noted, they must be corrected within 72 hours of receiving a notice. Upon re- inspection, if the deficiencies have not been corrected from the first inspection or additional deficiencies are identified. the director will undertake enforcement procedures as specified in section 98 -564. Sec. 98 -562. Notice of violation. Written notice of violation shall occur in cases where the violator has knowledge of the applicable discharge prohibitions. and has not been abated within 72 hours after receiving an inspection notice. A written notice of violation shall explain the nature of the code violation and a time frame for remedy. Copies of the violation shall be: (1) posted onsite or left onsite with the site control manager: (2) sent via certified mailed to the property owner and permittee or responsible party; and (3) placed in the director's administrative file. Sec. 98 -563. Penalties /Enforcement. (a) Failure to comply with any provision of this division shall be grounds for the revocation of or the refusal to issue or renew any permit required in this division. (b) Any person violating any section of this division shall, upon conviction, be fined as provided in section 1 -14. (c) If any person violates any section dealing with stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. and does not, after notice, implement and maintain stormwater pollution prevention best management practices in conformance with this division, the director may take whatever action is necessary to remedy the violation, including.. but not limited to. withholding permits. stopping work, injunctive relief, abatement, and other civil and criminal remedies. (d) The remedies and enforcement powers set forth in this section shall not be considered exclusive remedies, but rather shall be cumulative with all other remedies provided in this division, in any other ordinance. or by law. IVA Sec. 98 -564. Stop -,�'ork orders. (a) If necessary to assure compliance with the permit requirements, standards, or other provisions of this division, or to protect public health, safety and welfare, the director may issue a stop work order for the purpose of preventing or minimizing accelerated soil erosion, polluted stormwater runoff, or other conditions posing imminent and substantial danger to public health. safety. welfare. or natural resources. (b) The stop work order shall be narrowly focused on stopping the specific discharge activity that constitutes the violation. No work other than actions necessary to remediate the violation shall occur on -site until the stop work order is lifted by the director. The stop work order may contain conditions in order for the same to be lifted. (c) The stop work order. when issued, shall require all specified construction activities to be stopped. A copy of the stop work order shall immediately be submitted to other state and local agencies with regulatory jurisdiction pertaining to storm ater management. (d) If the director determines that pollution of the waters of this state have or will reasonably occur from a premises in violation of this division, the director may seek to enforce the division by notifying the person who owns the land, by mail, with return receipt requested, of his determination. The notice shall contain a description of specific stormwater pollution prevention best management practices which, if implemented by the property owner, would bring the owner into compliance. (e) A person, who owns the premises subject to this division, shall implement and maintain stormwater pollution prevention best management practices in conformance with this division within ten (10) days after the issuance of a stop work order. Sec. 98 -565. Appeal of notice of violation. (a) Any person who received a notice of violation may appeal the director's decision to the city manager within two working days from the date of the notice of violation. The notice of appeal shall be in writing addressed to the city manager and filed with the director and shall set forth in detail the basis of the appeal. (b) The burden of proof shall be upon the appellant to demonstrate that the notice of violation was issued in error or was not made in accordance with this article or applicable state law. (c) The decision of the city manager shall be final. 18 Sec. 98 -566. Enforcement measures after appeal. (a) If the violation has not been corrected pursuant to the requirements set forth in the notice of violation, or. in the event of an appeal. within ten days of the decision of the city manager upholding the decision, then the director shall enter upon the subject private property and is authorized to take any and all measures necessary to abate the violation and /or restore the property. It shall be unlawful for any person, owner, agent or person in possession of any premises to refuse to allow the director or designated contractor to enter upon the premises for the purposes set forth in this section. The owner of such premises will be charged the city's actual costs to abate the violation and /or restore the property. plus an administrative charge of 5100.00. (b) Until all such charges as described in subsection (a) of this section are paid. the property shall be subject to a lien in favor of the city. The lien shall be superior to all other levies except tax liens and liens for street improvement and shall accrue interest at the rate of ten percent per annum. Subdivision 4. Post Construction Stormwater Runoff Secs. 98 -570 -- 98 -580. Reserved. Section 7: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed: provided. however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 8: if any provisions. section, exception, subsection. paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 9: Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine in an amount of not more than TWO THOUSAND AND NO/] 00 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each act of violation and each day upon which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the penalty prescribed above. the city may pursue other remedies such as abatement of nuisances, injunctive relief. administrative adjudication and revocation of licenses or permits. Section 10: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) clays after passage of this ordinance. 19 INTRODUCED. READ and PASSED by the affirmative vot of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the I It" day of June. 2009. STEP N 1 -1. DONCARLOS, Mayor EST' ��p�YTOW�, cn KA IE DARNELL. City Cler �k 1 APP OVER AS TO FORM: eldNACIO RAMIREZ. SR.. Ci Dttomey \\cobsry I\l.egal \Karen\Files \City Council \0rdimuices\2009Uune I I\Stom Water Construction Ordinance.doc 20