Ordinance No. 11,084 ORDINANCE NO. 11,084
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Baytown did advertise for bids for the Baytown
Bridge Rehabilitation Project to be received on February 19. 2009; and
WHEREAS. notice to bidders as to the time and place, when and where the bids would be
publicly opened and read aloud was published pursuant to provisions of Texas Local Government Code
Annotated § 252.041: and
WHEREAS, all bids were opened and publicly read at City Hall at 11:00 o'clock a.m., Thursday,
February 19. 2009, as per published notice to bidders:NOW THEREFORE
Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown hereby accepts the bid of Excalibur
Excavation. L.P., for the base and alternate bid items for the Baytown Bridge Rehabilitation Project
according to the plans and specifications set forth by the City's engineer, and authorizes payment of an
($509,290.00): based upon the unit prices specified in the bid. and the City Manager and the City Clerk of
the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest to a contract with Excalibur Excavation,
L.P.. for the above-described project, said contract containing the plans, specifications, and requirements
of the City's engineer and appropriate bond requirements in accordance with the provisions of Texas
Government Code, Chapter 2253.
Section 2: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated
§ 252.048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a
decrease or an increase in costs of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS
($25,000.00)or less. subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more
than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent
of the contractor to such decrease.
Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the
City Council of the City of Baytown.
INTRODUCED. READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of City Council of the City of
Baytown this the 12`h day of March, 2009.
A T: �gPYTa�V
KAYT E DARNEL , ity Clerk
CTMACIO RAMIREZ, SR., 'ty Attorney
\\cobsrvl\Legal\Karen\Files\City Council\Ordinances\2009\March 12\A%tiardBrid.-eRehabilitationProject.doc
THIS AG- EEMENT,is entered into by and between the City. of Baytown (the OWNER") and
(tile C'CONTRAM"OR") -foi- the
Bridge Rehabilitation PR.0,1'.ECT.
The teymealencicv-,doy means ant clay of the week or nionth.no days being exec-pted.
1.02 CITY or OWNER.
Whenever the word City or Ovisner is Used, it shaft mean and be understood as
referrin 'to the City of Raytown, Texas. its oflIcers, mients. representatives, and
The Conti-act Documents shall con.sist of*the Simied.Standard Forms ol'A.12reement
Performance, Payment and :tip ainten'-E-Ince Bonds (when required), Addenda, Plans,
Spec ifileaLions; Proj)osal (Bid Form), Notice to Bidders. Instructions to Bidders,
Scope of"Work and all niod.,if"ications thereof incorporated. in any of the docimients
before the-execution of the Aureement.
Whenevcr he word (.�'ONTI?A(7 O R is used. it shatl mean the person, persons,
partnership. or corporation who has ao-reed to perfor i the work embraced in these
Contact Documents. including the Notice to Bidders, Instrueti.ons to Bidders,
Proposal(Bid Form'),the Standard J'orm of Agreement,Performance Bond,Payment
'r. %. "I"ech.nical, Sp
Bond, Maintenance Bond, Scoj)e of Worl-, any and all ecificatimis for
General Requirements and Site Work-;and CON'TRACTOR's Bid.
, hall be understood to inean-and inettide
The term Exii-w I-Voi-k as used in this contr,,ict s
atl work that may be required by the OWNER or the 0WNE.WS
REPRESENTXrIVE if al)p-rovecl bN, the OWNER in writing prior to ffie work beinu
done bv the CONTRACTOR' toaccol-IIIIII.S11 all ch(anae.alteration or addition to the
plans and specifications or carry' xv,01'k order issued Under this Contract if the work is
not reasonably implied by the sjvcific ationsas determimed by the (: \VNIER.
1.06 1"=fN7AL CUMPLE110N.
I'he termfinal may.Velion as the stltne I)ertains to the phms and specification: or a
work.order shldt mean that-(-III wod<`has brC-en c(:)mj)leted in accordance with the plans
and specifications or work order,al.1 such work- has been insj)ected and satis.ractorily
completed as cictermitied by the OWNER'S REPRESENI'A"I-IVE, all 1.)ayments to
maierialmen and SUbc{fin-tractors have been made for the work.specified In the plans
and specifications or work order.al l doc:Lin-entation it id warranties,lfany-,have been
subrylitted, Loll ClO COUt (10C irnents have been eXeCLited and approved by the
OWNER'S REP R S1.".NTA`-f'.IV and the C)\V*N1.R and the OWNI1:.:1US o-overnino
body has accepted the Project.
Whenever the-words i-th-c'c.ie(.I,perinittect, (lC'.Sltal'1C1ted,1'L'q1.11r'ed,
prc.sc.i--bed, or words of like impart are used, it is understood that the direction,
requirement, permission, order. designation. or prescription of the; 0%ko"N'ER is
intended. Similarly,the Nv-ords gly)r'r���ed, uc'c'e1�Ic:ale, �iafi.�•f ielc-}r.11.or words of like
import shall mean approved by, accepted by or sari sfa.ctory to OWNER.
The tern nonc o f cli•minc uwi-k shall mean the work k car and,part thereof ej ected by the
OWNER'S REPRl: SENTA"FIV or-the OWNER as not conform ng to the Contract
Whenever the words Off,:IER'S REP RE,'E*AT.11T:IVl. or RE1')Rb.,' 1#."A A71'J1Y;,* are
Used. they sha.11 mean. and be understood as re errincr to the City Engineer or his
designee or the do si�rli professional designated by the City Council under whose
supervision the Spec i f-ications Nvere prepared and wli.o is hereby authorized to act:for
the 0%�,W R and inspect and issue instr Ction.st but.shall not directly supervise the
C ONTRAUl"'O.R.or persons acting on behal.i`of the CONTRACTO-R..
The term.1mu-IieS shall .include the OW.:. ER and the CONTRACTOR.
"I'he term 1.)r q ccl as used in this a�rreeine t shall be understood to mean and InCI 1de
all that is required to obtain a final product that is acceptable to the OWNER. The
term it=or'k -shall ha-ve 11.1ce rneaniny. This pr(.jW -illClUdes all work required as
outlined in the Scope;of Work. Ifspecified in the Scope of Work.the project shall be
idc:ntilied in separate W01 k orders issued by the C)wnei's Representative and m.ay be
required to be performed after norm-al workinf-) hours i-fso stated by the OWNER in
the work order.
1.12 StJ BCON'.f'RAC'TOR.
The term subcontrac:tor,as employed herein,-includes only those 11*red by and having
a direct contract with the COM."RAC"1"OR for perfornicance of any work or service
rclatino,in any way to the project. "i"he OWNER.shall have no responsibility to any
subcontractor-emliloyed by CO'N"FRAC'MR for perfi-m-mince c}t'work can the project
conte-niplated by this AgreernCIIt. and any said subcontractors shall look exclusively'
to the CONTRAC701Z for any payments due the subcontractor.
c -2-
The term ii.,oi•k as Lisici h.C.M11 shall mean and ineltide all that is required to obtain a
final product acceptable to the OWNER. The term pi-gjea shall have lilac inea.nii1c.
This project includes al.1 woi°k required as outlined in the Scope of Work. If'specified.
in the Scope of Work. If specified in the Scope of`Work, the work required herein
shall he specified in separate work ot•cl.c rs isscied bit the Owner's Representatix?e and
may be required to he performed after normal work.ini,) hours i f.. so stated by the
OWNER to the work order.
if specified in the Scope of W orlt, this contract shall be comprised of separate work
orders;whit li shall cover the 0WN'L:�1Z'S anillrC11 project needs as contemplated at the;
time or the execution of this Agreement. inc.hrding em ert►cncv repmrs. Each wort
order-shall, be fully and finally- completed within thirty (3)0) calendar days #i10111 its
issuance, unless otherwise expressly stated in the work order.
1.01 COMPLE11 ENITARY D0CLJ�'4 -N-"l"S.
The Contract DoCLIM.ClItS c0111pr iSe the entire aLr Bement between the C NNT l R and
C the O jTRskC'TOR concerning the project. '7"he Contract: Documents are
complementarv,and.what is ca.11c d .1"or b anv one shall be as bi.nckno as if called flor
by al.l.
2.02 PRIORI"I"Y OF D0C:1.1M1.-. ` ',S.
:In case ol�conflict between anv of`the Contract Doeun-cents,priorily ofinterpretation
shall be in the followinc;carder:
?0 .01 Addenda to this Acireenient.
?0 .02 "I'his 5iond Standard Forni o:l'At reeinent,
?.o?.o 1 Scope of Worlc,
/1 0 .C) Instructions to Bidders.,
2.0 .05- Notice:to Bidders.
?.0 .lab Mans.
2.0 .07 slieci lications.
?.021.()8 Performance, Paymem and aintc:nance.13onds, and
2,0 .()9 Proposal (Bid Forn-i).
?,�� t :�lL'�'l. l ?G CyC�N,.1"I1 J%C'F 1�0Ct���lEN*1'S.
No ainend.ments to this.�►oreement sllcill be effective and binding unfit it is reduced to
wiltinL) and s4med by the duty'authorized representatives or both parties.
'.04 ACCESS IL.1"1'Y O *'[^'l..]E C'C N-11') %C'1 1�()C't: 1f11-aNTS.
Where applicable. the: C:`ON'FIZAC"I"O will be .I urnished two sets oil Con.tract
Documents :f or its use during construction. Specif-ications provided iDr use ditrin
construction shrill be Furnished directly to the C'ON'l.'RAC:`"I'OR only.
05-01 The CON"FRA C"FOR shall dist-ribLIW COPIeS Of the specifications to
SLIJ)Pliers and subcontract(-.)rs as necessary. The CONTRA CTOR shall
keel)at least one copy ofthe specifications accessible at the work site
with the Latest revi I sions noted thereon.
1.05.02 All specifications and copies thereof furnished by,the OW'NER shall
not be reused on other work, and., with the exception of the sioned
contract sets, are to be I'CtLIMCd to ONk"NER on. request, at the
completion of the work. Nothing herein shall be construed as
grantiniv the CONTRAC"FOR.anv subcontractor or supplier or other
person or onyanization perfiormina or furnishing any of the -work
17UrsUant to this Ao reementiany title or ownership riahts i.n anv of(he
It" tl a
drawin.als, specifications or other documents for copies thereof)
prepared by the OW N ER'S REP RES 17-�NITArw.E.
The project shall be administered by the OWNI-4-.R."S REPRESENTATIVE,who shall
assume all duties and responsibilities and have the rights and: authority assio-lied
either to it or the OWNER in the Contract Documents.including,,,but not limited to.,
the following:
.).01.01 I"he OWNER'S REP RES EINTA.'TIVI shall periodically revieNv and
shall inspect the work ofthe CONTRAurOR as described in Section
0 1 0 2, The OWNER"S RETIRESENTATIVE shall a t ppoint from time to time
such subordinate supervisors or inspectors as the OWNER'S
REPRESEN-TATIVE ni-lay deem proper to inspect the work
P erffirnied under this Aareement and ensure that said work is
1)erl.'0 rilied in accordance with these Conti-act Documents.
0 0_31 'The C0TN7`.RAC'T0IZ shZ-111 regard- and obey the direC6011S and
k_� $
instRICti'011S of OWNEWIS REPRE,SENTATIVE, any subordinate
S-Upervisors or iiis-pectors appoInted b)11 t h e 0 NX'
F(L'11,1)RES EN I'ATI V F', provided such directions and instructions are
consistc.nt with the obligations of this Agreement.
.).01.04 Should the CONTIZAC1,01Z 01 lect to any orders by the OW NEW S
REPREST_-4'.NTA'I`IVL or L-11IN' Albord.in= SUpervisor or inspector
appointed by the OWN EWS REPRESENTA'FIVE, the.
COVHZACTOI*� niay Nvithin two (2.) calendar days From recei.-pt of
such order niake Nx,--raten appeal to the OWNE'R4S City Mcanracyer 1101.
his decision.
3.02 V\7 S P ECIII ON S. '11i e 0 WN 1--A*S R.1 shall nicd e visits to the site at
intervals appropriate to I-lie vanous stail-CS Of C011SO-LICtion. appropriate to verif
C0`.\17R_A- CT0WS payment rCCjUC,'SLS,and as OWNER'S R1-_',J1RL-,.SENTATJVE and/or
OWNER deems necessary..in order to observe as all experienced and qualified desion
professional the proijress and quality ot'the Work. SUCII visits and observations by
OW`NEW,S REPRES]".N""I'ATIVE are not intended to be CXhZ1USfi'VC or to extend to
every aspect of CONTRACTOR"S work in progress or to involve detailed inspections
of CO'NTRACTOWS work in progress beyond the responsibilities specifically
assigned to MNNER'S bv the OWNER. Based on inforii-iat 1`011
obtained during such visits and such obserNrations, OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE
NX,qll determine if CONT.R.ACI-OR'S work is proceediii� in accordance with the
Contract Documents, and 0W'.\1- !E.R'S REP R.E.S EM"A'11VE shall keep OWNER
informed of the progress;of the WorIC..
LINES /viND GRADES. t.Jnless otherwise specified,all lines and Grades, Includino
horizontal and vertical control data points to establish base.1ines and benchmarks]'or
locatin ,the Work shrill. be furnished bv the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE:
9 1 w
however. construction stakino shall be pert"ormed by the CONTRACTOR.
Whenever neces,.;ary, construction Nvork shall be suspended to permit perfoni-iance of
this work,and the CON-l"RACTOR shall be allowed no extra compensation therefor.
The COM"RikCTOR shall give the OWNER'S REPRESEM"ATIVE ample notice of
the time and place where lines and Lirades will be needed. All stakes., malts, etc.,
shall be carefully preserved by the CONTRACTOR, and in c ase of ccue'less
destruction. or removal by him or his employees, such stakes, marks, etc., shall be
replaced at the CONTRACTOR'S expense.
' he OWN"ER'S REPRESENTA"HVE shall review CONTRACTOR'S applications
-ror payment and supporting data,determine the amount owed to the C'ON,rRAUFOR
and approve,in wriling,,pavilient tci CONTRACTOR in such amounts.,such approval
of payment to COIN'TRAC170R constitutes a repro sentat loll to the OWNT'ER of
OWNER'S R.EPRESENTA.T1Vl'_"..S professional Judgment that the work has
profl)ressed to the point indicated to the best of his knowledoe.information and belief.
but such approval of an application ['or payment to C"ON"I'RACTOR shall not be
a I.:
deemed as a representa-tion by OWNER'S REPRE"SENITATIVE that OWNEWS
REPRESENTATIVE has made any' exan-iination to determine how or -l'or what
purpose COYFRAUFOR has used the monies paid on account of ffie Contract price.
4. (,.,'0 M IN/I U.N I C AJ`1 ON S.
4.01 The CONT'RikC7FOR shill ('Orx�-iird all communications, xvritten or oral, to the
, ,
0 W*N ER throtioli the I 'S 1_\'�E I`RE S ENTATI V 17-a.
4.02 WRI'*r,]'EN NO'I*ICI--'
L;`nless othcrwise Speci fled, written notice shal I be deemed to have been duly served
fi c -of
ii'delivered in person to the i nd iv dual or to a nieniber o-f the irni or to an offil. el
the corporation for whoni it is intended, or if" delivered at or sent by telecopicr,
overMOlit or facsimile transmission or if'delivered or sent by certified or reoistered
mail to the last business address as indicated herein. J._.,,ach party will have the right to
change its business address bv oivini-I at least thiily(30)calendar days'wiitlen n.()Ijce
t� aW
to the other party ol'such chancre.Notice (jiven by niail shall be deenied criven-three
(3) calendar days after the date -0-f the m ail incy th.ereof.
5.01 On or before the execution ofthis-Aareeni.ent. the CONI'lZACTOR.shall deliver to
the 01AINER all documents, bands. and certificates of insurance required herein.
.).02 The CON TRACTOP\. shall be prepared to perform th.e work. in-the most expedient
manner liossible clue to the comin.encernent of the time for final. completion.
').03 The work shall be commenced within ten (10) ealendar days of the date or the
notice to proceed or work order. In. the event cif`any clis
Pute, the records of`the
OWNIER shall be C011CILIsive evidence as to the commencement clate.
D 5.( ~fine is of the essence in this Aoreernent.
6. WORK.
6.01 The CONTRACTOR shall complete and be responsible for all work as specified.,
indicated, or described in the Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR shall
complete and be responsible for all Extra Work as described hi this Agreement. All
Work. done 'and all materials furnished shell be in strict conformity- with this
Agreement,the Speed.-II cations,11.111d other Contrllct Documents. In the event that
the CONTR.ACI.-OR fa-lils to perf'orin the \vork as required f'or final completion,the
OffINIER may contr-act With a third party to complete the work and the
comm,ACTOR shall assume and 1)av the costs of the perforniance of the work
specified or contemplated by the Contract Documei--its.
6.02 Unless otherwise stipulated, the CONTRACTOR shall provide and paN for all
materials, supplies., machinery, equipment. tools, SUrperintendents, laborers,
insurcance. 11tcl, transportation, Lind all other llacilitie.s and utilities necessary for the
execution and con-iptetion of the Nvork. sj)cciI-icd or contemplated by the Contract
6.03.01 'Fhe CONI"R.ACTOIZ shat] secure and-pay all permits juts licenses.
and inspections necessary f7or the proper execution.and completion of
the work. The CO'\TRACTOR will not,however,be required to pay
for any perinit fees for perinits-to be i.ssucd by the City of Baytown,
which will be waived in con' . n with this Auree-nient.
junctio, %..W
6.0 3.02 The C0'N'*FIZA,/\C'F0R shall give all notices required by law and
comply Nvitliall lay-Als,ordinances readations.codes,rules and lawf`ul
orders o.-f all public authorities bearing on the perforniance 01" the
6.04 Tj.kXES. "The OWNI',1Z qualifies for exemption from state and local sales tax
1.)UNLiant to the provisions of Arficle'20.4(F)of the Texas Limited Sales.Excise and
U'se"Fax,Act.However,if any taxes are applicable to the Work,the CONTTRAC"I"OR
shall pay sales,consumer, use and similar taxes as leaallv required.
.0 C� .0
6.05 SHOP DRAWINGS. The CON Tl�_tk UFOR shall submit to the OWNEWS
REPRESEN-TATI VE,VVIth such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or
fil that of any 0-Lber contractor,checked copies,unless otherwise specified.,of.all shop
and/or sett-in,(_1 drawinas and schedules required for the worl,.,-:of the various trades,and
the OWNEWS _'REPRESEYFATIVE shall pass upon them with reasonable
promptness, inaking desired corrections. The CONTRACTOR shall make any
corrections required by the OW NEWS UPRESF.NITATIVE.,file with him corrected
copies and -lurnish such other copies as may be needed. The OWN-ER'S
REPRESENTA."I"IV E'S ;tpproval of such drawinas or schedules shall not relieve the
CONTRACTOR froni responsibilitv.ffir deviations from drawino*s or specifications,
unless he has in writim-.1. called the OWNEWS REP RESENTA."FIVI-','S attention to
such deviations at the time Of SUbmission,nor shall it relieve him fi-om respotisibil-ity
for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. It shall be the
CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to fully and completely re vieNv all sheep drawintls,to
ascertain. their effect an his ability to per-fiorm the required contract work in
accordance with the phans and specifications and within the contract time.
.4 �
Such review by the OWN*ER"S REPRI._0 SI.`,N*FA,riVIre shall be for the sole purpose of
deteniiinin,g� the sufficiency of said di-mvinils or schedules to re.SUIt ill Finished
improvements *in cc.nt'Ortnily 1,vith the plans and specification.s.and shall not relieve
the C0YFR./kC'I`0R ot'his duty as all independent contractor as previously set-forth,
a being) ex pressly understood and agreed'LlIc'It the OWNER'S REPRESEN"FATIVE
-ings or
does not assume any duty to pass U.P011 the proprietN or adequacy of'such draw' s
.1 - .0
schedides, or any 111CWIS Or 111CLhods rellected thereby, in reIL-ition to the safety of
either person or property durin CON-FRACTOR'S Per-forniance hereunder.
7.01 'I'he date ofbeginnino and the date I'Or finch com-pletion ot'work as specified in this
Ai-r.reement are essential conditions ofthis A reement.
7.02 The work will commence within ten (10) calendar days of the date ol'the notice to
proceed or a work order,whicheNf,er is applicable, and will be completed within one
hundi-ed(100)calendar days froin the date so specified unless a different arnount Of
t1me is authorized in writiml b\,the ONVNCER. In the event of any dispute.the records
ofthc OWNER shall be C011CILISive evidence as to the date specified on the notice to
proceed or work order.
7.03.01. The CON"FRACTOIZ has submitted.its bid in full recoo-nition of the
time required for the completion of this project taking into
consideration all fiactors, includino. but not finilted to, the averacTe
cliniatic ranee and indust.rV conditions.
.1.00) nie CON'TIZAC"FOR has cons-iderccl the liquidated daniaoe
provision, and undersizinds and agrees that it shall not be entided to,
nor will it request an extension of time for-final completion under this
A�,,-reenient, except. if the Nvork has been delayed by an act or netilect
-iv, employed by the OWNER or by
0-1 the other contractors, if ai
chanaes ordered in -the work.. or redLICtiOlIS thereto in writinLr.
7.0 3 Within seven (7) calenclar clays of any act or incident that the
CONTRACTOR reasonably believes niayjUstil �an extension of time
for final conipletion,the CONTRACTOR may apply in writilia fior an
eXtellSi011 Of."SUCII tillIC, submittino therewith all writtcnjustific a-tioll
as rnav be required by OWNER. Thercafier, the OW'N*ER'S
REPRESENTATIVE,within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of a
Writ-Wn request for an extension of time -from the CON,rIZACTORI,
Which is SLIpported 'by all rcqUested documentation, shall Ili=
aUthorize or deny such written reqUeSt,-, provided that the request-for
an extension is not based LIJ)011 weather conditions. Should an
extension be reqLICSted within the seven(7)calendar-day period based
ulion weathcr conclitions. the OWNITR'S RE PIZESENTATIVE shall
authorize or deny Stich Ea written request upon Final Com-pletion of the
W01-IN-6 I)EISC(i LIPM any warir,_-ttion from. the average climatic range,
7.04 DELAYS.
7.04.01 "I'lic CONIRACTOIZ,in Lindertakingto complete the work within the
time herein I.-Ixed, liar ti-Iken into consideration and made allovvance
I'or all hindrances and delm!S 111CIdellt tO SLIch worl..,.*..whether orowin
out of delays in seCLII*111(), niaterial or work.m.en or weather or
otherwi se.
7.04.02 No clial•Lic whatsoever shall be made by the CONFR.ACJ*0.R for
hindrances or delays fl-om any cause whatever, ex-ceP t where the
\voi-k is stripped by oi-der of the OWNER,dewing the progress of ally
portion of the wo 1. contemplated by the spec:i..f cations, but_ the
OWNER'S R�1:�:PR_l�SI N''I"A'I"I'V may oraint all extension of time 161,
tile: C0111pletion of the work, provided the 0W- NI.�R is satisfied, that
such delays or hindrances were di.tc ID the extraordinary causes car to
-the acts of oniis csion ot-c nimission by the OWNER. .
7.04.0' It is a0reed that the lrantincj of such e Tensions of time shall in no
iI7stance exceed the time actually lost by the COYFR.ACTO.R for
reason of such causes,provided that the CONTRACTOR shall Q-I'e
OWNER immediate notice in writing of the cause ofthe detention or
7.04.04 In case the work is stripped by ail act of the OWNER., then the
expenses of the same, as determined by the OWNER'S
.R.1 PR.F,ST vN'T-A"T'lV , shall be Maid by the OWNER to the
7.05- FfNAL COMP.I,I.':l-ION. The CON'FRACTOR shall noti.Fv the O NVER'S
REPRESI N`FArl`'1VF'.and OWNER NN-hen the CONTRA C'TORbelieves that the work
I' r each chanoe is Imally completed as defined in section 1..06 .herein. 11' the
OWNER'S REPRESENTA"FIVE accepts the prc�jc:ct cYs finally completed. the
CONTRAC'FOR shall be so notified a.nd a certificate offi.nal completion,as provided
herein.shall be issued. Thcrc:after. the OWNER shall pay the balance due,if ally and
less any retainaoc, which shall be held foi-a period of thirty(_3O)calendar da}-s after
final completion. At the expiration of the thirty (0) calendar dad- period, the
OWNER.'S RLPRrSENT'A'F1V.E may release arid, unclaimed rctai.nage.
8.01 PAYtiII..N]". N-101..1NT. The C~ON'1`RACTOR alurees to perlonll the woi-k f()r all of
the work ender this Aareemem and the OWNER agees to pay the CON€TRAC'FOR
based upon tile: u111t lViCeS cnunlei-ated in the OWNER'S Invitation to Bid. the total
ol'which shall not exceed the total aniount bid foi•the completed and accepted ti����i•l�
as set fiorth and ad.jUsted it1 accoi-dance: with the terms of this Agreement.
9.02 P.ROCF.*(D .M_ 14'OR P ftOCXRESS P A Y IVI I__NN'1`S. "I'hc Contractor Shall subi-nit
applications to the Owner's Representative for pre�grc;ss payments as provided for
herein no moi-c often thin once a month Application For pay-nlent will be processed
by the: OWNER'S RI'PR.]-.;IS I N"I'A`1V1�f.
8.02.01 Subject to the terms ol'this para(yapll and the othc:r provision of this
l�:R sllall il7��lce Ial-ra ress payl•n�nt based Llp(Ji�
A reenictit. the O��'N'
I unit pr-lCc,s oil the basis of thc. C() .I f. ' r •.,., -•v � '"I�,�.C,"I�CJI`'s 4�p13llC,atlorl ftJr
paynnent as cjppr( �,=ecl ley tljC OWNER'S IZ.I•^;P.1 ES1*"N'Fr1"I:'lV.f::.
whene-Ve r the CON_1"RAC"` OR's application for a -iiient inCl uccs
paycnent flor work that is deterniined to he either(i)not its accordance
With this A reenicnt; the worl�. �-;rite-up, spedFictiti(_lns, or other
Contract I)c3cullients, or(') del'ective, the C:)W-N- .R ni ay. in his sole
discretion, Withhold progress payments whenever sonie w0•1, der
Which payi—nent leas already been Inadc tinder a prior prouress payment
or a portion thereof; is del riniiied to he either(:1) not in 4accorclance
with the AcLn
yreement, the N ork write-up, specifications ot• c:1ther
Comract Doc:unicnts or(2) defective.
8.02.01 Subject to the tenns of this paragraph and the other provision of�this
Agreement. progress paments wit]. tie made, less the norm
retainage specified Mow and additional amounts as the C)WN.EWS
REPI:.I 1.,
1N T f'T[VI tend/or OWNER rnav deternn i fie and rnay
withhold in accordance with this Aip-eement.
8.02.04 The C)'�-N IT'S RETI��.I�:�E TA T`.IVT and/or OWNER nlay. at anv
time,suspend pro ress pa y Inents on the work if,in the sale discrollon
of the OWNER'S R1' 'RES1::.N`I`ATI.VE and/or OWNER, it
determines that the -projected liquidated daniaoes niav excee(I the
retainag e.
8.02.05) "l'he OWNER'S R'S REPI ESE-NTATIVE and/or oW�=ER nay., at ativ
time, suspend prouress payment if it believes that the
CoN'mACTOR Neill not complete the work clue to actual default or
that the C'O TRAC°l'OR has represented or dune som.e act that
indicates that the CONTRACTOR will not complete the worl�within
the dates specified in this Aoreenient 10.r final collection or than it will
Otherwise not c oniplete the work i.n accordance with this t'oreenient.
8.0) RETAINAG . From each approved statement. the OWNER shall.retain until final
payment f::ive percent(51%)ifthe total Contract Pi-ice at tilne of Contract execution is
F otir Hundred"Thousand 'Dollars (.S400,(.00.00)or m.()re or ten percent(1 t:)%) i f the
total Contract Price at time of C'ontract execution is less than PC)1JR I�l. '�DI ZED
THOUSAND AND N0/1.00 DOLLARS ($400,000.00). "Tthe OWNER may also
retain from each approved statement Cant.,sui-ns atithoriZCCl under other terni.s of this
8.04 FINAL P AYM1_. '*- After con.ipletion and acceptance of the work specified in
the plans and specifications or in a work artier. if the contract is isS'tled on a work
of-deer basis,the OWNE'R shall pay the C O "FRACTOR in ,: ance-�N,,,i�th Section
7.05 the remainder or they pricey due uncles- this Agreement less any sums N ithhelcl
tinder other terms of fins AgreeiTlent.
Except as
provided in SeUlon 8.04, if the actu,-,:1. amMlllt Of the work to be done and the
materials to be furnished cli.fTer f'roIn estimate Ind where the basis foi-payment.is the
Unit price method. them pavniem shall be or the actual amount of accepted work
done and materials furnished on the prCject.
8.06 MAJOR I�:C1'MS. In case the actual. gUantity, of and, major it.eni should become as
l:ntich s15 7 c3f�more trail,chi' t�'n less t11aI1 tl�e estil.11tltt'd Cl]'C(lIlteill plated quantity:f~C�1'
l cl
SL1Cl1 items., then either party to this AID—c:e-nient. upon dc:i.nand, shall be entitled to a
revised consideration LIp021 the Portion of the worky above or below 20% cal' the
esti.in aced C1 u ant i tv.
A "Major Item" shrill be constrUed to be an 4' individual bid item InC LUTed in the
proposal that has a total. cost equal to or �I'Cater than. filve (5) en- Cent of the total
contract cast. c:oiml)uted can the basis of'the pi-ol)osal quantities and the conti-tact unit
8.07 REDUC110N Ilti SC'0I'1 0
R C;L.1 A_.'\i'1TrY. Reduction in the scope or quantity of
work on ullit price items shall rnere1v re.dUce the number cif' units. 'File
CONTRACTOR shall tiever be entitled to anticipated ot-lost prof its on the deleted or
reduced portion of'a job whether bid.on a U.nit price or lump suln. basi-s.
8.08 01"FlE.it CHARGES. The CON'I"RAC"lyOR shall have the sole obligation to pav anv
and all cha raes and f'es and ive allnotices nece.s.sary to and incidental to the til
prosecution of the Nvork hereunder. The CONTRACTOR shall not,and shall have no
aithori ty whatsoever to,obl i Kati the OWN ER to make any I)aviiients to another party
or make any promises or representations of any nature on behalf'of the OWNER,
withOut their specific written approval.
8.09.01 No chancles sh:Il l be inade and .no bills f CAI- c.han cs. alterat.ion.s,
modifications.deviations,and extra orders shall be recognized or paid
f 0i- eXCCpt: upon a written chance order from the t7WNTR. or the
8.09.0 "I"he CON"FRAC]"OR tiirther ag�_rees that either be-f,ore or after die
bevinnin-o of the work. the t: W'N1_R actino solely throii()h the
OWNER'S REPR1;SEN"FATIVE, 1 cav miIke such changes and
alterations as OWN El'\'S RE I'R I. SEN"l A"t-IV E and/or 0 WN ER sees
fit in the diniensions, plrins or materials, or any p�:Il•t. thereat', f:car the
work conte mplclted tender this Ar1reement wiffiout afe-sting the
validitv cal` this Aoreenic.nt car the accompanying bonds. If such
c;hanzo s or alterations diminish the quantity ofwrork to be done.they
shall not coll.Stitffle the basis Ior any Claim for damages or anticipated
I.)refits oil the work that may be dispensed with. 1-he
CONTRACTOR shall }7t.'.ver he entitled to anticipated or lost profits
on the deleted or 1-edLlCed portion o.1 the project whether bid oil a unit
Or I t11111.)titlrll basis. I f•SUC;h changes increasc:the amoLillt o["work,and
the inc:reascd work can lac fairy- classified under the specifications.
Stich Increase shall be paid aceordinu, to the cl v uantit``i: actually done
~ r
and at the Uilit price established.for such work Linder this Agreement:
otherwise. such additional work.shall be paid f'or as provided tickler
F-Atr•a Work. In case the OW EIZ shall make SUch changes or
alterations as sllall rnakC useless any work already done or material
atrc illy furnished or- Used in said Nvork, LhC11 the OWNE4R shall
recompense the: CON 'R.�1CTOR or any material or labor so used
and far• any actual loss. other them tost I)roliis occasioned by such
change due t{7 actulal cxpenscs 111CUrl•ed in preparation fior the-v ork as
oria inally planned.
8.09.03 Changes and alterations that are authorised through change orders
may he ni.ade or approved by the oW;N ER provided that the cheuicle
order clocs not increase or decrease this Agrcenlent by more than the
arllount sl)eci f iced in the ordinance passed by the City Council
approvine, this contract. Any requests by the CoNVTRACTOR for a
change: in original Payment Amount shall be made prier to the
beginning ofthc work covered by the proposed c;hanuic or-the r•i��;,ht to
payment for Extra Work shall be waived.
8.10 EX'TRrk WORK C11ARCrES.
8.10.01 T'he terin ".Extra Work" shall be understood to mean and iiiclude
Nvork no-t Cove l-C(l or c01ItcMplated by the Conti-act Docunlelrlts that
may be required by the OWNER or the OWNER'S
RE PIZ F�*S I..".NTAIJ VE and approved by the:OWNER in writing prier
to its beino clone by the CONTRACTOR to acc;onllalisll anv change,
alteration., or addition to the work as shown on the Speci:llcatiorls or
Contract Documents.
8.10.02 It is agreed that the CON I'TtACTOR shill perlC�rm c111 Extra Work
under the direction of the OWNER'S R.I 1'.RI*:SE-N TATIV wheri
presented " tll a written xvork order signed by the C�V�I�'I�R.
8.10.0 3 No claim for Extra Work of any land will he allowcd unless, prior to
the work bei-no done, it is ordered in wr.itino by the 0%VN `R. In case
any orders or instructions allpcL:Li- to the CO TRAC:"I"OR to involve
1`xtra Work for tti-high it.should receiN c:additional conlpensat oll or all
adjtisti'llent in the.'C011Str1101011 tlrlle, tlic CO 'FRACTOR shall make
N.-\,i•itten request to the OWNER for a written order li-oni OWNER
authorizing such I"Atra \ ork.
8.10.04 It is agreed that the bLasls of conlpellSatloll to Lhe C()NTRAC E OR for
Work elther Lidded or deleted by a Chc1nge Order or for"ditch a claim
for I Atra Work is made shall be determined by one or more of 111E
f cillowing lliethods:
Method (A) - By aoreed L1114 I)rices; or
.\,IetlIod (B) - 13v agreed 11111 p sum; or
llctliod (C) - 7 f neither .Method (A) nor Method (B) is
ii;�7reed upon before the l xtra Work is
commenced. then the CON.l.,i•AC~TOIZ shall
be Maid the f'c1CUMI f ICICI COST" of the \.\-orl\.
8.10.0."-) In the event said Extra Work is performed and paid For under Metllod
(C), they the provisions of this parao raph shell apply anal the "actual
.field cost" is hereby defined to include the cost to the
C ON."I-•RACrITOIZ of all applicable woi•kinen, such as f orernan,
timekeepers, mechanics and laborers,and materials, supplies,teams
trucks. rentals on nlaChinery and equipment, ]or the tine: actually:
employed or used on such Extra Work, plus actual traIspol•tation
charges I ecessanly iIICUITed,together with all power, fiuel, lubricants,
water and similar operatinu expenses, also all necessai-V incidental
expenses inCUrred direct] on account of such �`xtra Work.including
social sc:curitv.old-age benefits and other payroll taxes,and a rateable
proportion Of PI-'"111iUi11s on Performance, Payment and %i 4aintenkince
Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damaue and Workers'
Conipc iisation.-CUid all other insurance its may be regUired by my law
or ordinance, or directed by the OWNER. 111e actLlal (field costs to
be paid to the CON`T•R.AC"1,O.R shall cover and compensate the
CONTRACTOIZ f or the CON17RACT OR,"S prod t,overhead..c eneral
superilILCtzdence, held office expenses,and all other elements ofC:osCs
and expenses not embraced within the actual field costs as herein
derned. ACtual field costs shall not exceed the prevailing market
price therefor 1,vithin reasonable tolerances as deternimcd bar the
9. NDLI�LNDY."N �CC:NTR-1'�.C�``l�{:alp.
9.01 In all activities or servICC per101-111cCl hCI'eunder, the CONTRACTOR is 'and at all
times shall remain an 1ndelmident contractor. not an agent of employee Cif" the
C)AN-11.R or the C�ti'�l'�FIJZ'S IZI.PR SI�'�'"I•'�'�f•l�ll;. The CONTRACTOR. as `cln
independent contractor,shall he solely responsible for the final product contemplated
under this Afire mcnt. 1 xcept for materials furnished bti� the OWNER. the
CON"1 RAC"I•'0lZ shall sLII)I)IN- all matc:nals, equipment and labor reCILIII-ed fior the
C XC'.CtltI0n of the x- oI-k on the project. The CON"FRACvTOR shall havC Ultimate
control 0\1e1-tl_ic CXCCUL1on of•the work Under this Agreement. '111c,COOT AC'-1`0R
shall have the solo ohlio ation to employ,direct,Control,stIpervise.nlana�e.discharo e
and compensate call Cal•its 1.111111t1yces and subC.onLi^actors and the OWNER and the
OWNEROS R*EPIZ1 S1::''l A'I'IVI'- shall have no direct control o-1*01-Superv-1sion Over
the employees of-the C ON 1 RAC1 TOR.'s SUbcontrac;t.ors cxce pt to the lil ltcc ex-tent
provided for in this A rec°naent.
9.0' The «fork to be provided on this project shall anCl Ude the furnishing of all labor.
materials. C r.Ir .in nl. alacl oll:lc:.r' s'i•�'ices ntcess lry, car' reasonably- incidental to the
performance of the work by the C'C)�:•1`RAC:'`J"OFI- , It shall be the rest onsibiliLy ofthe
•C�C��NTR.AC.".FOR tc� f Llrr1.ish a completed work prod.t.ict that meets the requiremrezats of
the OWN R. Any additional work.naliterial,car equi-pnient needed to meet the tnte.nt
this specification sha11 be supplied by the C:'ON'T"R"ACTOR without claim ior.'
additionLrl pay nient, even thotiola not sl�ec:ilically� mentioned herein.
9 0 3 The C:`ON"'RAC:''F0R shall retain personal control Traci shall Give its personal
attention to the faithful proseCLltion and Complction of the work and fulfillrncnt of
thisNareernent. The sublettino L3f any portion or feature of the work or materials
required in the performance ofthis cTreement shalI not relieve the CONTRACTOR
from its obli.oations to the OWNER Lander this Agreement. 11c CONTRACT OR
shall appoint and keel) on the project Cluri.n�u the progress of the work a competent
Project :Super-iiiteiicl:ii-t-M'ana�,ler and arty= necessary assistants. all satisfactory to
OWNER., to act as the L O.TN TR A C TCSR's representative and to supervise its
employees and subcontractors. A.11 directions given to the l'r(�Iect Superinten.dent-
Manaoer shall be binding as if given to the CSONTRilkCTOR.. Adequate supervision
by competent anti reasonable representative of the CONTRACTOR is essential to the
proper performance of the work, and lack of such su]')ervision shaall be urounds for
suspending the operations cif the C"C:�N'11ZAC�•T`OR ar.atl is in breach of'this Aul,eenaent.
9.04 unless otherwise stipulated* [lie C:`ONTRRAC71"O;. shall. provide and pay, for all
materials, labor, tools, eClUipment., transportation, and other facilities necessary y for
the peflorrnancC and completion of the: x- ork.
'I'he CONTRACTOR au-irces to eniplo on1v orderIv and cc:iilapi tent persons, skrllftll in the
Performance ofthe type of work reclLlired tinder this contract,to do the work. FL1.1-thermore,
the C'O:TRAC~7POR �Z�.�rces that whenever the OWNER or the OWNE.R'S
IZ7,I'RESE' 'FATJ*VE shtal.l inform the C."ONTRACrI`OR in writim-1 that ativ l.ac:;rson or persons
performing any of the requisite x-vork are. in the opinion of the: OWNER or the OWNER'S
REPRESE TA•11 Vl-:',incompetent,un aithful or disorderly, such person or persons shall be
dischar.uTed and shall not main he cilaployed to perfor•na zany worl1 on the project WithOUt sLICIa
C��'4':N R's or C.����NI R'S 1ZEPR1 Sl.'::N'I�A T�I��E" � I•ic I• °r�itt��� cc�ns�:za1.
H. NAPFt!Rl't)l.:..l..I ITS WORK.
It is un.derstoocl ia;acl Li.=�rec.cl that the: C'C;)NTR AC-1`0R has. by careful examin-ation. satisfied
.......,., itself as to the ntatL11-C and location of-the work. the mafirmcation of the ground and sail. the
nature ofany.Structures, Includino sut-Iace.and sLlbsurfacc Utilities.the character.quality aml
?,....... quantity of the material to be utilized. the eh>racter cif'CCluipment and facilities needed far
and CI1.161I. the prosecution of the work. Lhe time necdcd to coml)1Lte the work-.
C ONI' 'R11M'OR's ability to meet all dc�ldlines and schedUlCs rcgU11-C--d by, this Agreement-
the(eneral and local condlt'1011S. ('111d all other n1':rtters that in any wav of fecl the work under
this Ao-r anent.
12.01 (.unless otherwise Specifically l)ro ided herein.the CONTRACTOR lllav prosecute its
work at such time: and sessions, In SL1C.11 ol-Clel'01"lNeecdence, and lit such manner,ts
shall be most conducive to the economy of the pm ject; provided; however,er,that the
order and time of prosecution shall be SUC11 that the work, shall be Finally C011.1)lctc:d
as a wrlio.le,in accordance with this Agreement,the Specif cations,and other C ontrIlrt
DOCulllelItS and within the time of completion desibilaLed in the proposals and
schedUles agreed upon by the liarties.
12.02 further, the parties shall be subject to the followlil(:
12.02.01 The OWNER. reserves the right to enter the propertyy by suc:ll
employee(s) or agent(s) as it may elect for the purpose ofiilspec:l:iilg
the work.
12.02.02 The Projcet Superintc:iiclellt/Mail-ctt)-er shall coordinate its activities
and work xvith the OWNER. [f regtiired by the Owner, the
C'oN'FRAC.]"'OR shall provide a Meekly schedule of l)lanned
activities,x-vhich inay be reviewed on a daily basis. .ln the case of any
coml)leted work or material that is to be cohered over by, other
material,the I'roject Sulm—intendcntr Manager shall provide notic:c+to
-the OWNER no later than twenty-6otlr ('24) hours before the
anticipated cover-up of the previously c;otl.11)letcd work or material. 111
the event, however, that such notice i.s Im-ovided on a Friday the
OWNER will have U11t1 l the 1 el1mi np-Mondav afternoon to approve
tllc lareviotlsly completed work, and its COVer-ul) and the
CON"I'RAC'TOR.shall ti l.e no action until such approval is ('mien. bv
12.02.()'IN "f'hc:C'C)It"TR.ACl'" C.)lZ shall sut)n)it,at Sucl1 tt nlc;as in ay rc:asonLtblv he
requested by OWNER, 1�Urthcr sc:hc:dulc:s that shall list the: order ill
Which the C 0'N� J`RA- C: l"CSC\ proposes to carry on the work, dates
at which the C'(. NTIZACy`f OR will start the several 1a1-ts ol'the worl(
and the estinimed dates oCcomi)Iction of the several parts.
12.02.04 The C°O'N]'RAC:'TOR shall attend ►dditional nleeti.11<L..�',s CLllled bV the
OWN)4. or he (�)ti T I::IZ�S 1Z.1:1'R.I:=,SI '"1'.�lrl�`I�'l upon t��ei-1t �-four
(24) li0L11-S% 110tICC UllieSS 0tlle]-\-VisC '101-CCCI by the parties.
� Its c3��°il force When the C➢W l R is having othcr work Clone, b1
approved by the 0WNE*.R5S REPRESENTATIVE.TIV the CJW1 !ER'S
REf)IZI: SI"#N'l-A'I"IV'E may direct the three and manner cif7woi1 done
tinder this A�.jreement, SO that conflicts will be avoided and the
various work being Clone by and for the OWNER shall be
13.01 Where the C'O'N'T'I�AC'I OR is w(ii-kin(;arOLtiid of ir1 existlnci strllcttll'es,it shall.,�.et-*I.fy
conditions at the site, including. but not limited to, road. casements,door openlno s.
Passages,and atll�r existin site cc�I�diiicii�s. Aiz��items cc�nstl•ticiccl at•tnanu:f-aclurc;d
offs-site or outside of buildings shall be done so that they are not too bulky -f:or
existing f a;dities. The C"ON'T" AC"1 OR.shall,provide special apparatus as required
to handle any such items. All special handling equipmC'.ilt chan)es shall be at -the
CUNTRACTOR."S sale cast and expense.
l-3.02 It is the intention of the OWNER'S REPRLSEN"I~A`FIVI to show Can the flans the
approximate location of all under.lround Utility lines and structures except service
connections to buildings. To this end. owners of all known underoround lines and
structures, ine.ttiding ails,water.electrical cables,telephone cables,saniuu-y sewers.
storm sewers, InCILiStrizll Pipelines, and appurtenances thereto have been contacted
and the information provided by the i.is shown on the plans. Where gas,Nvater,and
sewer lines exist In the vicinity,, the CON.-TRACTOR shall asStr111e that service
connections exist to cacti building and exercise appropriate caution during
excavation. It is the COIN IJI ACC FOR's responsibility to notifv various owners In
advance when excavation is to be Clone in the vicinity of their underground tines and
structures. .Damaec to such undergl-OLInd lines and stI•LictUres.whether or not shown
oil the ptans,shall be flit responsibility of'the CO T.RAC'"01Z and lie shall bear the
cast of necessary repair or i•ep1acellmit of dammed parts.
133.0 3 ThrOUL111011t the progress of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the workin'
area free from debris of`rill ty'I)es, and remove f ray`m premises all mbbish, I-LSultint
from any% Nvork being done by him. At the completion of the work, the
CONTRACTOR shall leave the premises in a clean and finished condition. Any
allure to do so mav be remedied bv the OWNER or its desi,(Ynee and charged back to
1).04 The;C'C)N'I'ILAC"�FOR shell be responsible fc)r verify-in c311 coild1.1ions at the site prior
to perflorming the work. As such;the("ON`FR,r'M"OR understands and�Um-ces that it
shiill be responsible f(ll'conditions encoullicl•cd at Lhe sift`',includin),but 110t limited
a. subsiii-41ice or otlici-w-ise collet;-sled physict,11 conditions which differ 11-o n thosc:
indicated in the C ontrC-tet DocLin-ents. and
b. unl(nown plivsical conditions. which dificar 1`rom those: ordinarily found to exist.
and generally rcco�.'nized as Intierent ill C(.)ns'tructioil activities of`chc: character
provided Ior in the C'ontraGt Doc uilltllts.
No additional cony lacllsL�ti c i�i shall be i f i arch;d to the C: "T'�f�C��i'C�f�. for d i f~f cI•i110
site conditions.
Except as specifically provided herein. the CON"I'RACTOR shall lay out all work in a
manner acceptable to the C)u'NER in accordance with applicable cedes and ordinances o:f`the
city. count- and state. T'he. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE will review the
CONTRACTOR'S layout of all. structures and anv other layout -%Nlork done bv the;
CONTRAC"FOR,but this review does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the responsibility
Of aCCUrately locati.n.c.1 all work in. accordance with the; specifications and Contract
15. CONTRACTOR'S S rf',R U C"r`tJ1 R'E S.
15.01 Whenever the CC:)ltiiI'RACTOR erects, Installs, or uses additional Sti-LictL1l•ts on the
property for the storage, maintenance of materials or U.Se o1 elnplovees and
subcontractors,SUCK stI•uctIll-e shall not dan-iage the property and the C'ON"Ti'AC'TOR
shall maintain sanitary conditions in a.nd about su.c i strUCtures at all tines in a
manner salisf3ctory to the C`JWNI".R.
15.02 'T'he CCU- TRACTOR shal l provIde and maintain necessary sanitary'conveniences for
the use of laborers on.the;Nvork.. Such conveniences shall be properly secluded From
public observation and shall be in. a location approved by tile OWNER'S
1 7 The OWl J,�*R may cliccYM e the CON r*l"RAC.-I"01Z for any damage or injure to the
OWNER- its pi-operty or third persons as a i-c:si.tlt of the location or tisc of any of'
C0 1'Jt,'kCT0 R`S struc:titres.
16.01 Materials or N ork dese.rib*ed in words vvhic:li when so applied have well-known
tec:linic:al or trade nieuni-no shall. be Bela to re'cl* to stic�h reco(y.nized standlerds. All
work shall be clone;end all IYlateria.ls f Urnlslied In strict conf ormlty with the Conti--,let
DOCUn erILS and recognized industry standards.
16.02 Materials and silpl)lirs 'zltiliZC(l ill the f Mfl th-Elt Nvill btu tUrnec:l Over tO the
OWNER shall be new and Of'000d cliialitV. L#'p ail request.the CSC. NI.`i't11C'TOR shall
sul?PI V l)r00-F c)I'g Lia l i tV and man u Zlctu er.
16.03 do 1-eIurbislicd, i-econclitioned or other-l-).rev-IOLISI utrliz(-,-d nir itcr•ials car suI !dies will
'be used without the sii-med -Crcr1110rization ol`OWNER.
16.04 Where the product is to be turned over to the OWNER, the CONTRAC"I"OR may
utiliZe substitutes of-equ,,ll quatity�md function as pix.) ided For in the sI ecificatioris.
16.05 "Hic OWNER shall have full and final decision over thC Llse o-f substitute materials
and supplies.
17.r OBSER l i.TIO , F1,`S. I"CTIONS "•FvESY S
17.01. The O N~:•R and the 0 WN R*S R 11 R.F.-.SEN. `T"A'I.,l.'VE reserve the right to enter the
property by- such emplovee(s) or ao'ent(s) as lie rz av elect fior the purpose of:-
inspecting the work. In accordance therewith,the CON'TRAC'FOR shall sup-ply fthe
OWNER or the OWNER'S REP SE "FATIVE, bloc request, with a.ny .kegs 01"
in f brmation necessary for the OWNER car•the (JWIN l:R'S REP S ""NTA"FIV E to
.have access-to the proper-ty. J"he OWN1: R and the OWltiEWS REP R Sl I"I'A"l IVT
shall have the ri��ht to enter-the property or loc cation of the work for the purpose of
per Ionning SLICK collateral. work. as the OWNER or the MV.\-I:�R'S
REP-P%,l✓SEN'1`A'T1V deems n.ecessmrti-car•appropriate.
17.02 'The C.)��'�{.E.R and the O%k,'j 'ER I S REPRI: S EN'J'A"FIVE shall have-the right, at an'y
reasonable time, to observe and test the work. "File CONTRACTOR sha11 make
necessary arrangements an provide properIacilrties and access for such observation
and testing at any location.wherever the wor!c or any part thereof i s in preparation or
1.raciress. The CONTRACTOR shall ascertain the scope of any observoation that may
be contemplated by the OWNER or the OWNER'S RE i'RLSENIT .TiV F.and shall
give ample; notice -cis to the time each Dart of the work witl be ready for such
obscrvati rrn.
17.0G The OWNER or tlic OWNER'S REP *1.*-_�FA'I 1V E may reiect ativ work f guild try
be defective or not in accordance with the Contract Documents, red ardless of'-the
state of its completion or the time or place obits discovery reo-ardless o-f whether-the
OWNER or the C.����N R-S IZI I'1Z.I1SE;'I'A'I''IVE has previously accepted the work
throw l oversi4ht or otherwise. Neither- observations bar tile. OWNER or the
C� #TNNE!Z'S l��.I I"R1aS1:1XI'r�".l��VE near inspc�ctic ns, tests. or appr•c3z�-ovals made by the
OWNUZ or the OWNER'S REPRE.SEN'I"ATIVI.. or persons authorized under this
Agreement to nia.ke such inspections. tests, or approvals, shall relieve tlic
CO TRAC"I"01Z ti-orn .its obli��ition to perform ille work in acc;ord.ancc wid'i the
r•Cquirements Off the Contract Documents.
17.0=1 The C�WN I R or the C)lt'*':�`�I-A'S R.I:I"I"�..1~SEN"�1�A I' VI".upon aplrr•��ii�z!c�f`tl�e 0���N 1::IZ
may recicrire the CC:)N'I:'RAC;"FOR to remove. dismantle or uncover work c on—ipleted.
In the event that tl1(-: CONTRACTOR has failed to perlarill the work as required b
the special icat:ions,or drawinuls.or L)thC.r Contract Documents.C0T\ `RACT'0.R.shall
assume acid pay the costs cif' repair and restoration of' the worlc required t.c;r be
(; removed. dismantled, Or IIIIC0VC'red. In the event that 1ht'. C ON' RAC I`OR has
per 01-mcd the work correctly to `�pec„'iflC:-aions. OWNER shall asst1111C alld PaV the
cost of restoralmll of tlIC C011SU'I.IC11011 tO the j)0iIlt that the OWNER hcas required the
work to be uncovered or dismantled.
18.01 The C)lh'NER(:)r the 0NVNER'S shall have the right to order
t1c: 1'0l-l: of 111c; C~C)N"FR:1Ul'C)R or anv subcontractor wholly or pal-tiall.}� stopped
immediately under any one or more off.the Following c;onditiolls:
18.01.01 the wo1-l: may be ordered stopped immediately if-in the judi-iment of
the OWNER. or the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, any of the
materials F mi.shed or the work being done;is not in strict accordance
with this Agreement;
18.01 A) the work may be ordered sttoppc:d immediately until any o jectiojiabje
person or material is removed from the premises' or.
18.01.031 the worl may be ordered stopped i.ni,mediately if`any 1)ortion of the
work is bcin,)performed so as to create a hazardous condition.
18.02 Such stopl acre or sLIspension shill neither invalidate an.y of the CON'T,It-,\C 1,0R's
pert'or 1mnce obl.ioations under this A.g.reciumt, includino time of performance and
deadlines therefor,nor wiII extra ehar0e be a]Iowed the CON"T'RACTOR bv reason of
Such stoppaue or suspension.
19. .ItiEJ 1 C'I ED WORK.
19.01 The OWNT-ER car the C)W*Iti`:l.R`S REP SE. 'TA":I`:lVE., in its discretion. nz.ay reject
any and all work that is found to be del' c:tive or deemed not In conformity with this
A(Ereemcnt. The OWNER or the OWNER'S RI'PRESS '"F,-VFl.V`I-� rna�r rejcc:t said
work or an};.pOrtion thereof)-coardless of the siege of its conlpletion or time or plac;c
of discovery of such errors. F Llrther. the OWNER or the 0 W'N*I..R`S
RI I'.R'r~SE I` I*l I-a may reject s tid Nvork regardless o.r whet her thc:C:�ti' N]—'R or the
ONN Nl R'S REII RES ENI'MI'VE hues previOLISIN?accepted the work.thrOL1011 oVct-Sight
or othelAvise. Neither observations by the 0 WN ER or the 0W*NI`,R'S
RI:.I='R1: SI;NTATIVI" nor inSj)CCti0I1.s. Lents, certificates or approvals made by the
OWNER or the OWN L.:Z'S VE.or persons authorized under this
Agreement to make scic:h in.spc:ctions.tests.certi I is ates or approvals.shall relic-v e the
CONTRACTOR from its obligation to perIi:l rm the work in accordance with the
regUirements of this agreement and the other CO MI"r-ic:t I:)OrLIm.ents.
19.02 In the event that any work or anv part thereof is re'cc;ted by the OW F.,'R or the
C�1�4-NI:aR'S I�EPRI SI"N'I���'l,IV.t:a,the C`C)'�`I'I���C� I"C)I�sl���ll_at its sole c�xl�����4e����cl
aftcr receipt or xvi-itten notice thereor rrolll the tJWNEP or the (:)WNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE re11l0 C such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy :such
work so that it sh"Ull be iii f ull compliance: l-vith this Aorec:ment and the other Contract
Documents. as follows:
19.02.01 At the option of'tlie C..)WNf.R, the CONTRA- CrTOR may be required
to remedy such work so that it shall be: in full compliance with this
Agreement. As soon as passible but not later than,seven(7" calendar
days a-Iter receipt of notice from m the Q WNEIZ or the C:)WN.i W S
REP RI L111"I-�TIV I- car such ether period of time: speci fled by the
shall, at itssole expense, replace or repair all rejected work. or
materials so as to conform Wit11 this Agreenient.
19.02.02 If the OWNER or the C. WNEW S REP Rl-:-�SENTATIVE in its
discretion deems it inetpedicnt to correct Nvork damaged or no-t done
In accord-cance with this AgrLement, an equitable deduction Im the
Payment Amount mc--A ' be made b�-the OWNER.
19.02.03 lf`the.CON C' C)P does not relzlove or replace any rejected work.
within the time specified in Section 19.0 2.01, then the OV.,NER or
the OWN.1 W S RI:r'IZ1:�S i ��.I.�.i�iti'is iliay liavc the work removed.
replaced car repaired at the C`C)N"FR.�C'rI'()R'S exl)ense.
-)0. St,I I3CC)MMAC''I'C)iZ S.
20.01 The C ONTR��urOR shell retcam penontil control and C; its personal, Liti��tast
attention to the fil'lthful Prosecution and completion o-f the: work and ftilfillment of
this Agreement. The: sublettim) of anv portion Or fie'ature of the work or materials
required in the:performance ofthis ghee ment shill.not relieve the CONTRA 1"OR
from its obli(,2111tions to the ONN,17 ER tinder this Ap-mcment.
20.02 All Subcontractors must be approved by the OWNER'S IZI ?RESla.N"I'A"I`IVE prior to
performing any 1,vorlt on the Project..
210.03 If the: OWNER'S IZF I)R.I:IlS1wN"I`A'I"I'V[-*.._judges Subcontractor to be lailim. to
per orm the work in strict accordance with the drawl,110S alld specifications, t.lie
C U T.RAC'TM shall discharOC the s11111c, but this shall in no w-r,.i releases the
CO 1 IZAC``l OR From its oblioatiolIS a11(i J_C )()nslbility under this AurC'ement.
'10.04 EN,c:i-v stibc oiitractoi-shall bc:bOLliid b the teriiis al�d jii-ovisioiis o.i�this o i—ceiiient zis
Iar as applic.Cab1e to its xvork.
20.05 1hc CO ]'RAC'TO shall be fully i-esponsible to the OWNER and the C:)W 1�.I1'S
REP RESE.`vTAI'1vI::; f or the acts CrInd omissions of its sLibcontractors.
20.06 `()t111I7 contained herein shall create relations between any subcontractor and the
OW NIER or the oWN l"IR"S Rl"-,,.PR.*[..i.Sl".. l"l�i'l'*f* `E.
?0.07 RESPONSIBILITY 1_1`01Z P����:\/1_1-;N'I.. OFSUBC`C����l.'RAC�1�ORS. �I:�l�e
CONITR..ACy l oR shall be solc:IV aild eXCILisi%,CIV responsible for compcn.sming any of
the:CON"PRAC'TOR'S c'mploN'ees. sLibcontractors,mat(rialmen-and/or SLi a aliel's 01"
C-my type or nature whatsm.cr. '11e CON"1-RACTOR shall Curthcr be exckisively
responsible f car ensuring that no claims or liens of Erne type are: filed cminst ally
property owned by the OWNER arisill(otit of or incidental to the perfoniianc:e of am
Services perfoi-med l)ui'suant to this Agreement. In the event a statutory lien notice is
rent to the:0IArNT=R or the OWNER'S R:I Ml:SEN"I"ATIVE. the C"OItiTI Acf"ark
shall, where no payment bond covers (lie work. Llp0I1 written notice fi•cim the
MkrN R or the OW NI~W S R.EPRESIfNI-t'1Tl:V , immediately obtain bond at the
C0 ,rPZ_ACT0R.IS sole expense and held the OWNER harmless froni any losses-that
Inay resLilt:fi•oni the filing car effl.'orcenicnt ofany Said t.ien notice. I.n the event that the
CC)NI'I�ACTOR defaults in the provision of ttie bond,the OWN'ER may withhold
such Ii.inds as are necesscary° to ensure the paymenit of such claim until litigation
determines to whorn payment shall be made.
The O'W"NER shall have the right to take possession of and use anv con-lplcted or partially
c:ompteted portions of the Nvork,notwithstand no the firne for c:ompletint)the;entire;work or
sLICII portions may not have expired, but sLICI taking.posscssion and use shall not be deemed
an acceptance of an.y work. not completed in accordance xvith the Contract Documents.
??, PL R.1�I11"S �' I) C�`I: RTIPI C' 'l�l S.
'J"he CO VTR AC"I"OPL shall SeCLII'e and pair Im all necessary _permits. licenses and/or
Certificates issued by the state, municipality or other authorities and subillit the same;to the
OWNER'S REPIZ.I::<SI N'T�r TIVE. 71"he OWT ER may x-\-ithhold Imy Ira .nients dLie tinder this
A( reenlent or that may become c.iLle under this Aureement until the necessary permits,
licenses and/or certificates are procured and delivered.
? IS A U UI'Y W 0 It K l\/I.A.N S:1:-111".
Neither the final p-ayment nor any aecLptance nor certi.ficctte nor iny provision of this
(Treemen-t shall ref.ieve the C(_')N ['R.AC'l*'0R of any responsibility f Syr fiatilty\varkmanship or
materials. At th.c option of the OWNER. as lirovided in this A grec',nlem. the:
CONTRACTOR shill remedy any def"cts thereto and pays l'or any datniic: to ether worl.
resulting theref 1•om, rOilcli i�1a al)pear sifter fiilal ac.c�ept*kmc.e of the work.
24. W AR.R. NI TY.
Upon acceptance ol'the work by the C)WN.I:::R,the C ON'FRAC;TOR warrants for,:l period of
one (1) calendar year from the date thereo l`as -f if l l o»vs:
24.01 The CC)N-'F RAC''T'OR warrants to the OWNI"R that i) all materials provided to the
OWNER Linder this Agreement shall be new unless otherwise approved in\:,,ritirio by
the C�'����'ER..'S Rl r'RESEN'FArl"ItrE, (ii) Call materials installed shall be free From
asbestos containinu)material.and(iii)al.l niaterials and work will be cif 000d q-ualitY.
free lrom faults and CIC.(ects, and In conformance with this A`reernent.
24.02 All work not con)rniin� to these; requirements, Includi-no, but not limited to.
substitLitiOns not properly approved and iiuthorized, niay be considered def ctive.
24.03 This warranty is in addition to and: rights or warranties expressed or implied by law
and consumer protection clainis arisi.no from n.i.isrep-esentatlons bNr the
C✓ON'l'iUk, C"1"OR.
24.04 Where more than a one;(I)gear warranty i.s specii led I*or individuIC-il products,work.or
materials, the longer warrtunty shall (overn.
24.05 This warranty obligation shall be covered by any performance or payment bonds
tendered in compliance with this Agree.nient.
I1'withl.n.one (1) calendar rear after the c:la.te of acc ej)Lance by the OWNER of desh1-nated
equipment or w1thi:n such loner peri.od of ti.nle as naav be prescribed by law or by-the terms
of and,applicable spacial warranty required by this Acyreement, any of the work .is Found or
determined to be defcctive, i.ncludin.«obviMls de f"ects. or otherwise nal in accordance with
this Aareeinent, the Contractor shall correct it PRC.7: p*rLY.
25.01 After receipt Of Nvritten notice from the OW',,\WI P\. to bc:( in corrective work. the
CON lt-kC''TOR shall pre:mptIv bL�oin the corrective «�C)rk. ']*'his obli�atic�r� shall
SLIn,i\-e the ternlinati011 o��this �1�;1'ec:.illC:ilt. The �Lit:il•antc:e shall not cc�IlstitLitC'. the:
exclusive ren edy of the OWN l R, ilci.r she ed shall other rLniies he limited to either
warrant' or guarantee period.
2�.t1? If�'l�ithin seveii (7)cal�7nclar days-aft r the����N ER has notified the C'ON-FRAC.�"I�7��
of defect., failure or abnornialitY in the.work,the CONTRACTOR has not started to
make thene�ccssai*v corrections oradjU.Stnients.the:�:)�ltf�IN R is hereby aUtI101-i ze'd to
inlke tlle corrections c7r adjutitnlents,or to carder the work to be done liv a third party.
The Cost of"the shall be paid IaN? the CoNrFRACTOR.
11%.0 1-he cost of all in,iterials.p(irts,labor.transporUaLion.supervision,special instl-Unie;nts.
and supplies required for rep.lacenlent or repair of parts and fior correction o.f`deffec t.q.
shall he paid bar the C.'C:)'T'I��AC'`I`(: R car by the: sure-t�-.
�'.04 Tlie one (1) calendar yet-ir warranty shall co cr all tvrork, equipment. and nlatei'ials
that are part of this project. whetllcr or not a \ arranty is specified in the Individual
section prc:sc:ribing that pMrtictilar AAspec,t cif the work.
6. I_.1Q U III)ATE:.I) DA.-\4 A G I':;5.
'16.01 It is expressly understood and a�.yreed by the parties that time is of the essence to this
Agreement and that the date set for the final completion o-f the work described herein
is an essential condition ofthis_oreement. It is 1urtlier undel-SLOod.and agreed that
the date I'r Anal completion ofthe work is reasonable dates for the completion oft.he
prc jest, taking into consideration all conditions, includinia. but. not limited to. the
averacTe climatic change and cmidlt:ions and 11SUal industrial conditions prevailinu In
this locality.
26.0') If the COYIT.AC'T OJ1 should neo;lec:t. fail. or ref use to complete the Nvork required
for final completion within the dtite specified in this Agreement, or any proper
extension that is granted In writingl by the C)W:EJZ. then the CONTRACTOR herebv
agrees, as a part of the consideration :f{:)r the awarding of this agreement. that the
0NVX :R niay x-vithhold p rnzcinently frona the CONTP�CTOR's total Payment
Amount the stint of f"Iti`1.. FI1JNDUD Ati'T)NO/100 DOLLARS($500.00)for each
and every calendar day that the CONTR.AC`IOR is in default alter the date
stipulated for final completion, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the
breach c�f`tilt �'�.0
2d.03 'Fhe aniMint of liquidated dan7ci�ges For the C�O'TI�ACTOR's failure to naect the
deadline For Final completion is fixed and agreed can by the C'ONTRAC'TOR bccause
of the impracticability and extreme difficulty, in f xi-ne and ascertaining actual
darnaoes that -tile OWNER would In such an event Sustain. The Clmounts to be
charged are crgreLd to be the dunnage~that the OWNER would sustain and niay,at the
option of the OWNER,R. he retained from either current prowess paw lent or 1i•0111
final payment.
27.01 Rc(jardless of any- hand. the C)WN'1 1Z*S I:.EPfZES :NTA'F1VE may, on account of`
subsegUently°discovercd evidence. withhold payment.or nullify the�, hole or part of
any acceptance or certificatC' to SLICII ('XtL11I z1s ni.ay be necessary to protect the
0W Nl;1Z from loss can aCCOL ilt(')f:
1. De f ccti ve work or work that is not, in strict ac:ct)rdctnce with the terms o r this
,��.reC1I1Cilt, the Sj.aeci f iCati011S. 01- Ilac other Contract DOCLIMCllts;
?. Ck inns f fled or rc,�ason lblc evidence iildic:atin� prc�Eaable filing oil ClclinlS, as
detei•111ined Alt the sole discJret'on cif the OW'\E IZ:
�. F-8i lLll•e of the Cv0N'F.I'•ZAC`I`0.R to nial:e prompt payniints to subcontractors
or 17or niateriill or labor or iiiatericllmen;
4. Claillis Tiled or reasonable evidence, as cictermined at the SOIL discretion of
the; OWNER, of damage to another contractor or a third part'. includilIQ
adjacent property- ownei-s:
�. Reasonable daunt.as detcrmiiiccl at the sole discretion of the t�IA,�Iw;TZ. that
the work cai1 be completed f.or the Unpaid balance of the contract amOL1I1t;
6. Reasonable indication, as determined at the Solt' discretion of the OWNER.,
that the worl: will riot be completed within the contract t1111L
7. Litluidated darnaroes and administrative charges, as determined by the
C)W�'FIZ at its sale;disc;rction.
9. Charoes made For repairs to the CO ''FRAC"OR'S def ective work car repairs
made by the C)W NI'll"R to correct dama�ile to other Property:
9. CClainis filed or reasonable evidence as detenniined at the sole discretion of'the
OWNER indicating unremedied darnaille to property owned by the OWNER:
](). Other amounts authorized Under this Agreement.
27.02 Whetiever the Ct :'\'I'RACC'—OR aridlc)r its surety is required to make a payment under
this Contract, it is expressly understood and agreed that such payment shall be due
within l ClavS after•reccreceipt(� an invoicetI1cI-t;f(�
withinrc Unless expressly stated otherwise.
Pali°inents required by CO '171I .ACTOR tend;or its surety,which are not tiniely made.
shell accrue: interest crit a rate of one percent per niorith.
28.01 The CON"PLAC'FOR shall be liable and responsible for anal dan.i.aoes incurl-ed or
repairs made nece:ssai-y by reason ofits work and/or c"Lltised by it. Repairs ot'any hind
required by-the C��'�-'Nl�R or the: C��'NF'.R'S REPRl SF.'N`r'.'1rI�I�'I: will he made and
charged to the C ONITtZ11t.:'..l OR b�� the OWNER.
28.02 The CC)N`I RAC'T01Z shall take the neccssary precautions to protect any areas
ad j acent toils work.
2S.0} The work specified consists ofalI Nvorl:, materials and Iabor required by the OWN f 4JIZ
or the OWN�l~W to repair any damage to the property ofthe
OWNTER.MCILidin`.I)LIt 110t IImited to,structures.ro,,UdNVk1Ys.curbs,parking areas aml
sidewalks, to an equill or better condition than before such property was damatlecl.
2 .0= llle C'U 'I•l��' C~'1'{:)}Z s11Li11 at all tiiz�cs exercise rerisrIl.� �ible precautions o�1 r the sllcty
of employees Land others on or neclr the x-N°ork and shall comply with all applic ible
provisions of federal.Staate.and MUMC'Ipal salety,lav's and bulldino and C0I1St1'uCt.i011
codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be(,tlarded In
accordance with the "Milnllal of Accident Prevention in Constructloti" or the
Associated G'eneral Contractors ol'Ainerica cxccl)t where incompatible with 1`ederal,
State, or Mitnicipal lMVS oI- .1—Co Ulations. "I he: Ct N'TRAC"I OR shall provide such
machinery (uiirds. Sac walkways, ladders, bridile:s. t,),angplank.s. and other satety
dexrices. 'I"he safety prectiutions actually taken and their adequacy shall be the sale
responsibility of the C't:3.�"l'I�.��1C�"I~C:)IZ, ac;tln�,) at his discretion as an independent
'N.0 I Wau_e rates Maid on this pI•c�)c:ct shall not be less than specified in the srhtc1ulca Of
general prex'alling rates of per diem rates attached hereto as .exhibit "A and
incorporated herein Im all intents and purposes. Should the CONTRACTOR or any
cif its subcontractors fail to pair the general prevailin�u.► rate to a worker pc rlorimil0
work, on the project, the. CONTRACTOR shall pay to the OWM R SIXTY AND
NO 100 DOLLARS (`60.00)Ic)r each worker emptoyed for each calendar day 01-Dart
of'the clay that the worker is paid less than the lti-aye rates stipulated in this Conti-act.
29.02 The CQN"M�%C 1"OR and each of the subcontractors shall pay each of its em loyees
entyaued in tivorl": on the; project under this Ai-m-ecinent in full (less mandatory leoal
deductions),in cash or by check readily cast able,WithOUt discount,no less than once
every two (2.) weeks.
29.03 The OW I R.or OWN REPRI SEN T'ATIV I may.,prior to final acceptance of
the project. require the COM"RAC"I'M to execute an affidavit in legal form s-tatim
that all bills for labor,nia-terials,and incidentals incUITe;d have been paid in full and
that there;are no claims pencling of which the CGNTRAC`I'OR has been notified.
30.0 l "1•llrowahout the term of this All-reernent,the CO "FRACTOR at its owrii.expense shell
purchase, malntal n and keep i n 1 orc•e fand e I'f ec:t insurance a�tainst claims for injuries
to or death of persons car d�:il��ai�es to l�rc�f�crty v1 I11C11 [11ay arise out c�f'or restlli #i-o»1
the C'ONTf�ACTOR'S operatimis alld/or Perl"0111alice Of the W01-11C. uilcle:l- this
Agreement,whether such operations zind/or per-.orrnance be by the C0N'rRAC_1`0R.
its agents, representative's. VOIuntl.-ers. emplo c:es or subcontractors or by anvone
directly or indirectly employed by and' of them. or by and one Ior whose acts anv of
them may be liable:.
0.0 'l:'lie CO.\'I'R.A.0".I."OR's iiisui*�lnc;e coN�*ei'a.,e s1iLill he lir*Iiiiar-v llIstl•El.1zcC\,\,itli i-sliect to
the OWNER and his volunteers and ailents. ,any insurance or sel C-ifISUrance
maintained by the OWNER, its off leial.s.employees or volunteers shall be considered
in excess,0.1,the CSC..:)N"lyR.AM`�:)R's i 11�Ltranec and shall not ccantribLlte toit. Further.
the CO TR.AICTOR shall include all subcontractors as additioncil InSul'eCIS under its
policies car shall furnish separate certificates and c;ndorsen.ients for each
subcontractor. All C0\ ra��e's �f�il• SUbc ontrac:tors shall be subject to all cif the
requirements stated herein.
0.03 "The l�lltarrin is a list of'standard insurance policies along w.rt}i t11cil• respective
mini.nlurn covera0 e aniC3t.IAS reClUi'rCd in this contract:
(I Workers' Compensation Poliev
® Statutory amounts regliired by Texas law.
1:=:�nipl over"s Litlbi lit . `500,000
(2) Commercial General viability Policy
01 General atJ orelvate ol*$1,000 000
M Owners' and Contractors'tractors' Protective Liability of$' 0,000
.I'roduc;ts Lind Completed Operations of S 1,000,000
Personal and Advertising lnjury of.$1..000.000
0 Mi.nill-i-c.I111 of.S5100,000 per occurrence
0 Coverage shall be at least as broad as ISO CtC 00 01 10 93.
N o coverao c exclusions shall be deleted from standard l�c�l icy
w1thout notification of individual exclusions being attached for
review and acceptance.
G")) Automobile I..,iability Policy:
IM Combined single limits of l.000.000
IM coverci)e for"Anv Auto."
0.04 Prior to or upon tile:exectiLion o this Aeveement an before.c o nni.e.ncino-rny of the.
work, C'ONTRAc*r(,)R shall mile with the, OWNER. valid Certificates of Insurance
and endorsements acceptciblc to the OWNER. Such Certificates shall contz'iin a
provision that covera,(-,1,e.s 11:1"Iorded tinder the policies Neill not he canceled,SLIspend.ed,
voided,or reduced until Lit least thirty��0)d�ivs' pt•*or-kvritlen notice his been given
to the OWNER via certified mail, return.receipt requested. Prior to the encl ofeac:h
cove.ragc period during the tern'i of this greemetit. new Certificates of Insurancc
must be filed wall the GeriNl.:'.R evidencing., continuation orcoveraee.
'Fhe CONTRAC;rl"OR shill also Cite with the OWNER valid Certificates ofh-isuralac:e
coveriill all Subcontrac ors. -1 he M.k- f R reserves the nu t to reject any bid that
does not meet the nlinimurn insurance requirements as outlined above.
0.05 `I'lie fallcawin`are Cgeneral requirements, xvhich arc:applicable to al] policies:
- c-
All iIISL I7aIICc caVCI-�IUC I-eCILI red 1--tern iti, except for Workers'
C oml)ensation 111SUranc e, shall be written by a carrier vN ith "CIn A.M.
1 CS'L Dating c)- —: or hi.oher in accordance with the Current Best: Kev.
Ratin=) Gucle.
3t:l.oj. )2 Oniv Insurance Carriers licensed and admitted to do business in the
State of I"exas will be accepted..
30.05.(13 Deductibles shall be listed oil the Cei•tiiic:•ate of� nsura.ncc and. aI•c
acceptable orily on a per occurrence basis.
0.05.04 Claims-niade policies will not be Liccepted.
a0.05.05 The OWT-LIB.. its of icia:l:s,emplovees and volunteers,are to be added
as``Additional Insureds" to all liabil.i`ty policies. 'rho;coveraoc shall
contain no special limitation can the scope of protection aft' rded to
the OWNI.R. its officials, employees or Nfolt nteers.
30.05.06 A waiver of subrogation in 1. 1vor cif the OWNER with respect to
Workers' Compensation Insurance must be included.
0.05.07 Upon request. c:,ert}l iccl copies of all insurance policies and/or
certificates ofinsurance shall be furnished to the OWN. --ER. at no cast
to the OWNER..
30.06 Certificates Of 111SUrance shall be pre pared and executed by the insurance cols pang or
its authorized went. and shall contain the folloNving provisions and warranties:
30.06.01 All endorsements and i.n.-SUrancc c;avera9es accord.hig to requi.rem nts
and InStructions contain.c herein.
30.06.02 `Fhc form of the notice off can termination, or change in
c overaae provisions to the OtivNI=R"S REl3.RL-`S N,rAT[VE.
0.06.03' Ori'ncal end -cements af`fec;ti o covei ale required by this Section 3()
shall be furnished with the certificates of IIlsuranc .
30.06.04 i. I)on req—LIc St of Ind Nvithout cost.to the C�� NF..� or the����`N I=�I"�'
Rl:::r'RESI N'FA'fIVE, iiISu.ninc;e policies shall be ttrrnished to
30.06.01 L pon requeSt Of.aild -without cast to the OW'N. .R. loss runs (,Claims
listing) of anv alictlor cell iIISLIral-Icc covera�gcs shall be furnished to
0\,\i'N I,'-.R.
30.07 The C'ON"FRACTC: R shell comply with Section 110.110 c:11"Fitle 28 of the; 'I"exas
Administrative Code,Which is ll1corporated herein as Exhibit"B" for all intents and
pLIII)OSes. In addition thereto. the contractor shall perforin and nl11111taill cc>m.plianc:e
Witli all provisions of "l*'C•xa Worker's Compensation Commission Rules, Rule
110.1101 (c)(2). However,it is expresSIN'understood and agreed that in the event of
a conflict between the provisions of-this Section _30 and the provision contained in
�hibit``B.''L: the more strint-ent shall control.
3 I.01 The CONK I:"RAC."TOR shall furnish separate performance.ante payinent.and niaintenatnc e
bonds,each in the suin of one hundred percent.(100%)of the total contract price. in
such for is as -the OWNER ma�4� approve and with sureties as the C�kINf���I:. nia�:
approve, for this purpose,guaranteeing f:aith.ful perlor ante ofthe Contract,f'ait:hliil
performance of work during the warranty period and f aithftil payment,to all persons
supplying habor and materials or furnishing any cquipment to the execution of the
Agreement. The cost of such bonds shall be inc�l�.ided in the C�t�ItTRAC:-`I OIZIS
proposed price.
3 1.02 A1.1 performance, payment, inalntenance and spec:iftl bonds required herein shall
remain in effect throughout the term of this Acyreernent and for a.period of one (1)
Year after tlic:completion o�f�th.e N ork.arid shall be extended:Ior any warranty work to
cover the kvarranty period.
31 1.03 l#�at and, tin�c clui-.inn the execution of this Agreen-ient or in the recltrired period
thereafter. the bond or bonds become invalid or ineffective for any reason, the
CONTRA "'f'OR shell promptly supple within ten. (10) days such other bond or
bonds,which.bond or bonds shall assure_performance or-lxa_yment as required.. Such
replacement bond(s) shill be issued by a surety acceptable to the ONVNI R.
1.04 The C'ONTPN ACTOR shall nial�c;such chancy s and alterations as the OWNER may
see fit In the work herein contemplated- or any part thereof without affectin4 the
validity of this Agreement and allY Nvcark accompanying bond. If such changes car
alterations diin.lnish the quantity of the work to be done,they shall not constitute the
basis for anY claini. for damages -or ,.nticipated pro fits on the work that rnav be
dispensed xvit.h. In case that the OWNER makes ch noes or alterations as shall make
useless any work already none (:}r material already used in said work. then the
0VvNER shall recompense the C:`O 'TRA.C;TOIZ for any niateria-1 or labor so Used and
for any actual loss occasioned by stic:h change dtie to aGtUal expenses incurred in
preparation for the N ork as orionial1v planned.
I'RC.I�C,'Iy t... I�I�J1�C✓C�1��'l'1 1'�C r1'C.)1Z' CC ; '[`IZC�I...,
And,irlj tub•or darnagxe caused to the C�t�'��TR �C`"�O R or the project pi-jor to and includil��the
date of-final completion caused by,in act o f'C1c�d.Natural cause,a party or entity-not privy to
this ur•eeni nt. or other 17orc;e nia.jeurc shall be assuined and borne by the CC)N'TIZAC'"I"OR.
s COMPLIANCE W111.1 1.,AW.
;3.Ol 'I"he C'C?N'IRAC'TOWS work and materials shall comply with all slate and federal
laws. municipal ordinances. reyt-lulations and ClireCtion of inspectors appointed by
proper aUthorlties h-avillg jUrlsdiction I11ClUd1I1g. WitlloLlt limitation, the -follo inay.
The CC?MAAC'T`OR shall perform,,and require all subcontractors to
perform the work in accordance with applicable lam,,s, codes,
C31'Cl li1a11C:cfi, r11.ld re(TU l"Iti?.IZ t��~ tilt' t itt� (? �?�c1S �111C ill . nl tCCl
States and in coniplianc e xNnth OSHA and other lama's as they illay
apply. In the e\lent any ofthe conditions o-f the specifications Violate
the code: -for any industry. then such code conditions shall prevail.
33.01.02 The CON'rRAC"FOR shall follow all applicable state and I' deral
laWS. MUITic:ipat ordinances and uuidelines concernine soil erosion
and sediment control t11rmiohout the project and warranty period.
33.f?1.0 The CON"1'RAC'I OR aorces to abide by all federal, state or local
re oulations relative to equal opportunity to all persons, WithoLlt
discrimination as to race, color, creel; religion., national origin, sex.
marital status. age and status with rccrard to public asslstwice or
33.02 If'the CU'NiTPvkC'FOR observes that the plans and speci[Ycations are at variance with
applicable laws,rules and/or regulations,the CC N'TRAC'OR shall.promptly notify
the OWNER,S REI'RI ::`1 N"FA'F1VE in writing. if tape C'O 'lRAC'TOR pe-rf'ornis
any work knowing It to be contrary to such laws, rifles and regulations and WithoLlt
notice to the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, the CON'FRAC'I'OR shall bear all
casts arislnf.2 thereftoin.
34.01 Sai'ety precautions at the site:aTC ri part oftlic coIlstruction technigUes and processes
for which the CON"t'RAC'TDR shall be solely responsible. "1 he CONTRACTOR is
solid` responsible for handling and Use of hazardous materials or waste, and
iiii'ornnirig employees o-f ally such hazardcau.s materials or waste.
34.0? "l"he CC7MRACI-OR has tile: sole oblu ation to protect or warn any individual of
potential hazards created by the pee-1ormance of the Nvork set forth herein. •�11ie
co,.\ rRACTOR sliall, at its on C.";``1mise. take such precau-tlonary measures foi•the
Protection ol.,persons. property and the Nvork as nay be necessary.
3=1.03 The: sal' ty off the public and conven i�ence cif traffic sluall be regarded as pri111c
11111)MIL-1l1CC; dul•ing C011tiITUCtiOn.
2 0_
34.03.01 Du6111L 11C:)I•r11111 C0.11Mr-LI tiOn,the C'O "FRAC."FOR shell not hinder or
inconvenience travel. of streets or intersectill(y ape's for more tlian
ti��rc:r blocks girt atly one time. The CO'tiI.RAC:rCOR shill use warning
si ons as necessary to adequately protect the tra-11 tc. If the OWNJ R or
other appropriate entity approves a stree! closure, the
CON TRACC"FOR shall furnish and maintain at each end of the closed
Section, M all intersectint streets within the section. and in all
intersecting streets at. a distance oil one block on each side cif' the
work,properly Nvor ded si[Ins and barric:ades announcing the closure to
the public. "['IZc CO .FlZAC'"1 OR shall not be allowed to start anv
operation that grill close a street or streets Until the required
barricades arc in peace. narl-icades-and earning sl.gns shall sleet the
specifications Cas shown in the plans and/or specification.s. Warning
licy11ts shal l be kept burnillo f i'0111 sunset to sunrise. When a street is
to be closed, the CONTRACTOR must notify the OWNTER'S
Enoineeri-no and Public: Works Depal-Mlents 48 flours in advance of
the closure.
34.03.02 The CONTRACTOR shall remove, as soon as practi-cable,
accunitlltrted rubbish, sur-ptus dirt, etc., from the construction site;,
thereby opening eacli block :f car public; use. ease by the public,
however, of any portion of(---I street where work has been done, shall
.I10t Constitute in itsel acceptance of the work done therein. Backfill
and shape trenches across street intersections or driveways to permit
safe usage at night. If trenches must be left open for arly .length of`
time,the CONTRAC17OR shall span with wooden.mats or bridges to
permit traffic flow an-d prevent injury tO the public. When driveways
are cut..the OWNER may direct they immediate placement of.nlat:s 1'or
ingress and egress of Ntellic:les i:f, in the 0WNER'S
•I'�.EPR.f::.S1 .it"l."ATIVE or OWNER'S opinion, Undue hardship to
property,owners WOUld otherwise restilt.
34.03.0 'Fhe CCO-FRAC'T`C)R shall nor block Glitches.inlets,llr'e hydrants,etc.
"I"he C:C:)N`l'1 ACTOR tzI1all provide temporary, drainaoe v�,:here
necessary or as directed by the OWNTEWS REPRESENrT'!TI'VE or
the C.)W I"R.
3 .03.0 4 When pL.1's(:)I1s c1r- c'cluiPnletlt are ti rc3rkin,� in streets open to moving
traffic:. or if otherwise ordered by the 0V;:\!`1 R'S
1Z.l:.]' FR' S1 �..-I*'A'�I'IV 1-,the C`C�Ny'l"RAC:.`TOR shall Iurnish flagmen.f for
direction of traff-ic to protect both the nloving traffic and the
Colltrac;tor's operations. The flagmen shall wear an orailoc fluorescent
vest over theft 1101,111erl work clothes.
3 .()�- The C.'{:�: `I`1-.Z.��.C:.'"l�C:R hall be held responsible for all damages to property, 1.�c.rsona
f,,....,., injuries anal/or death clue to t1lilL11'e 10 crse s�iiety clevices of any tvpe oi- natUTC that
inay be rc:cluired to protect Or\varn any individual of potential hazards created by the
rf" performance ol'the work: and when any prol-vi-ty c.anic ale iS ilICUIrcd,the deli a,(Ifed
pt1I't1�I1 S11�tl1 11I1111�:'dl�tLl��be l'c:placed tall'C.'(llllpensa-ted llor by the C'C�:�rl`�tAC`".l»OR.at
its 0xvil cost and expen-s'.
34.05 The CONTRACTOR shall inclemnift, hold harmless and defend the
OWNER its officers �aumts and cm lovees .including the
OWN-EJll'S REa IZESENTAT:IV hereinafter in this subsection
collectively referred t:o as "OWNER" from anv liability of whatever
nature caused b r tl e CO'i TRACTOR'S failure to co.� 1 ��ith
applicable Federal state or local retyulati.ons that touch upon on or
concern the maintenance of a safe and protected Nvorkina
environment and the safe use and o . oration of niachinerw and
e ui pent in that warlcina environment no matter where fault or
responsibility lies. Sucli indemnitil shall in.demnif'f sand protect the
OWNER :from the conse uences of the OWNER'S own neorli ence
rwlaen that neu-14yence is the concurrin cause of the.in-jurv, death or
dams es anti from the co.nsec, uence.s of the CONTRACTOR'S `joint
or sole nealiuence. It is the expressed intenti011 of the parties hereto
both the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER, that the rode na�ait
rovided for in this paragraph is an indemnity by the
CONTRACTORto incle rn-ifY, ):I.-otect and defend the OWNER from
the conse uences of the OWNER'S own ne liaence where tkiat
negligence is a concurring cause of the i•n ur ' death oi-damage and
from the CONTRA.CTOR's own nealiaence where that net4liaencc is
the sole or concurring cause of the in'urv, dcath or damacre.
Furthermore, the indenmu*L87 provided for in this .aragra h shall
have no a,pplication to.anv cla*n loss Ilan t��e cause of action suit
and liability where the in'urv, death or daniaae results from the sole
neLyli ence of the OWNER unmixed with the fault of any other
person or entity.
.rn Mrl
35.01 The CONTRACTOR aEgees to and shall intlenxnif hold harmless
and defend OWNER
,E a its officers, agents rind em lovices,
including the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, hereinafter in this
article 5 ind all sections hereunder collectively referred to as
"OWNER"), from 4vnd against miv and all ch ims losses, damages
causes of action suits and liability of every lkind 'neludinp, all
expenses of litt�atioa, coI ~t costs anti atto -nevs' #`cues for In i:-v to or
death of anv person r for dainaac to an , pro aert!! arisine out of or
in con.nection witli flies.wor l(done bv the CONTRACTOR under this
Contract, where sucli injuries, death or dama(yes are caused bv the
sole. or -joint neorliguice of' tlie CONTRACTOR' or the -joint
negligLince of flic OWNER and anv other person or entity. It is the
expressed intention of,tbe parties liereto, botli the CONTRACTOR
and the OWNER.,that the i.ndemji.itv Provided for in this paragrap.11
is an indemnit-Nr by the CONTRACTOR -to indemnify, protect and
defend the OWNER from the conseguences of the OWNEWS own
nealiaence,where tiviat netylicrence issa conctirrinay cause of the injum
cleath or damage dand from the consequences of th e
CONTRACTOR'S own nealigence,where that neg7ligonce is the sole
; 4 njury, death, or dam-au
or concarrin Ise of t.11.e- i be. Furthermore,
ap-plication to the OWNER for ain, claim, loss, dca m a g c, cll Ilse of
actioon4 suit and liabilit wbere the in' - damage results
from the sole nea ence of the OWNER., unmixed with the fault of
anv other-person or en
35.02 The CONTRACTOR. sliall indemnify, protect and defend the
OWNER from the conseguences of the OWNER'S concurrent
nggligence in accordance with Section 35.01 for all work done by the
CONTRACTOR,including, but not limited tothe followin!,g specific
5�,0 2,Ol In the event the OWNER is &-amaged. due to tli
omiss.io.n.,-- mistake, fa ti It or default of' the
indemniAl and liold the OWNERAND THE OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE liarmless for such damaZe.
OWNER liarinless from anv claims of materl"ac-11
3.15.0 2.0 3 The CONTRACTOR sliall indemnify and bold the
OWNER harniless from anvsand all inihirics to or claims
of adjacent propertv owners caused bv the
CONTRACTOR., its afients emplolvees and
ci, used bv the
daniat,ge to the floors, walls, etc., I-I
ern I)Iovees ca n d CONTRACTOR, its agents.,
representatives or their egaip-ment durina,. installation.
3:5.02.05 The CONTRACTOR shall also be resp nsible for all
subcontractors hired by it.
3:5.04 The indem-nities i)rovided for herein, includine, but not limite to
those contained in articles 34, 311") and 37, Will survive the expiration
or teremination of this Agreement,
3 6. IZELE-A S E.
Bv this Agreement, the OWNTER cloes not consent to litigation and expressly revokes any
consejit,toliti.cyatio.iiti.iatiti.li�iyliave(.li-aiitedbN!.tiictei-iiisortliisAt7i-eementan charter,or
I t
applicable state law. The CON'J."RACTOR assumes Rill responsibi.lity ror the xNvork to be
perfornied and releases. relinquishes, and cli.scharges the OWNER, its officers, agems and
1 Z7.
emptoyces frorn all claims.demands Cand caLlSeS Of action ofevery kind and character for Wly
inj ury to including, bUt not finii-ted to, death of any person (wheLher third persons.-, the
CONTRACTOR, or employees of either of the parties). This release includes the cost of
defense of any claim and any loss of or damage to property(whether property of the parties
or of third partiess) that is CEILIsed. by or f-C-itlecled to be caused bv, arising 01it of, or in
connection with the CONTR.ACTOR'S�,N.orl%--.to be perlornied under this Agn-cenient wheffier
or not said cldemands,irns. ddemands, and callses of' action are coveredw in hole or in part by-
'I"he CONT RA- CTOR shall i)ay all royalties and license fees,and shall pro-vide for the use ol'
and,clesil.-In.device.n.i.catcrial.oi-process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable legal
%� w l .0
.aureernent NN;ifli the paLCIItCC or o*«,'ner. The CONTRACTOR warrants that the
products hereby illcor-porated into the.21-0-i ctand/or ativ -aroduct used in
association with the 12ro I -- lILYC- tMon o ny Pa
-ject floes ffift"I r violate. a te ti tal
copyright, trade secret or am other pro,I)r 1etary lit of."any th nird pa-r!y;
the event of anv claim bv' an third Pai-tv nainst the OWNER or its
oncers., agents and/or eniploy.ees, includinor the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE het-einafter in this section collectively referi-C-A -to as
, (
"OWNER") the OWNER shall notify the CONTRACTOR and the
CONTRACTOR shall defend such claim, in the OWNER'S mame, but at
the CONTRACTOR'S expeftse, and shall indem-nif , hold harmless and
defend the OWNER from and against an andall Claims, damages, loss'es,
causes of action,suits, and liability of event kind, hicludingbut not limited
to, all ex eases Of fifluation, court cost, and attorneys' fees, for in-jur
death,or daniaae to anv third party arising out of or in connection with the.
Product(s) used in the .perform-ance, of this Conti-act and...regai-dIess of
whether such claim by and any I-*esulfina injurv, death, or dam-acre to third
parties is caused in artby he acts and/or omissions of the OWNER. It is
the ex ressed intention of the pal-ties hereto both the CONTRACTOR and
the OWNER, that the lhidemnity_ provided for in this 6W4 Taraaraj)h is an
indemni!j. by the. CONTRACTOR to indemnit]y,protect and defend the
OWNER (i) from the consequences. of the OWNER'S acts and/or
omission Itere the OWNER'S acts and/or omissions are the concurring
cause of the infil iLyement upon or violation of ally Patenti-copwight, trade
Secract, or other 12roprietary HalA and anv i- na 'Inft.1I111, death or
esulfi I
damage of any thirty-'12 r-tv in connection with the products provided,
incur orated, or used in the_V.ro-i ct under this Contract and/or (ii)-from
the conseguences of the CONTRACTOR'S acts and/or omissio'll here
the CONTRACTOR'S acts and/or omissions are. the sole or concurrina
cause of the infrihige-ment up_pn. or violation of any.L)atenf,co -yri ht trade
secret, or other roori-etary right and anv resulting injurv, death .
t3 1 01
damaea of anv third party _ n connection with the products provide
incorporated, or used in the jwoject under this Contract. Furthermore, tile
indemnity i 'ovided for in this iargavii shall have no m)Pfication. to the
...par, -L--
OWNER for anv claim, loss, daninve, cause of action, suit, and liablifitv
where the infri ent upon or violation of any patent, copyriaht, trade
secret or other rietary rights and restiltinginj"ury, death, or damaae
-p.ro L 5"t
results from the sole acts and/or omissions of-the OWNER, unmixed with
the fault of anv other persan or e If the material, design, service. Proctuct O-r
I �-I
process specified car required by the OWNEWS R.I"'.PlZl-:,Sl"',N"I'A*rIVEI*s an infringement,the
CONTRAC'I"OR shell be responsible fol- SLIc-h loss. unless lie 1.1rom-I.ItIv Gives such
n!' rination to the MVINERS REPRESIENTATIVI-H.
A BAN Irk Olt NM ENT'.
S.01 hi case the CONK FRACTOR.should ab-ti.dotl. fail orref"Lise to resume work within tell
(10) days of written notif lcatimi. fi-o-m the OWNER or the OWNER'S
R E"I",P RE S EN'I*"A'I-1 V E',or ifthe CON"FRACTOR 111ilS tO COITIPIVwith the orders ofthe
OWNER or the OWNER'S stich ordcrs are amsistelit
-% ith the Contract l OCLIl-rie:ntS.then.and in that case.where pCrl0171.1 'CUICC and payllnent
bonds exist, the sureties on thelsc bonds Shall be notified in writing and dlrccted to
complete die work. and a copy of said notice shall be de;li\�lered to the
�8.02 After receiving said notice cif aband011lnelnt. the CONT"I"RAC TOR shall not remove
from the work anv machinery. equipment. tools, materials, Or Sul)I)liCs then on the
.job, but the: same, together with any materials and equipnie nt tinder contrCact-flor the
work, 1n1ay be held I01- use oil the wort: by the OWNER or the Surety Oil the
performance bond. or another contractor in completion of the: worl�. and the
CONTRACTOR shall not receive any rental or credit therefor, it being understood
that the use of such equipn7Lnt and intiterlals will ultiinately redUCC the cost to
complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement.
The OW.\ER shall have the ri()ht to declare the CONTRACTOR in breach of this AUee.mc:nt
for cause when the OWNER detern-iines that this ALlreement is not being performed
according to its understanding of the intent and n-ic;aning ol'this Acyreement. Such breach
shall not in any NN-'av invalidate. abrogate. or tcrnlinate the CONI"RAUFOR's oblivation
Under this Agreement.
40.01 If this Agreennent is terminated for cause.the OWNER shall.have the right but shall
not be obligated to complete the work either itself or by others; and to this end,the
OWNER shall be entitled to take possession of and use such equipment and materials
as innav be on the.job site and to exercise: all riahts, options and privilccles of the
CONTR ACTOR under its subcontracts, purchase orders or otherwise; and the
CONTRACTOR shall promptly assign such rights. options, and privile L-Ies to the:
OW'\IER. Ifthe O N L",'R elects to collnplete the work itself or by others.pursuant to
the lrire Cgoing, than the CONTRAC"FOR will re11n1.burse the OWNER for all costs
incurred by the OWNER'S REPRE.'E tiI`�TIVE. (including, without limitation.
applicable, general and adiniinistr.itive expenses,and field overhead, and the-cost of
necessary equipment, materials and field labor) in correcting w o rk by the
CONTRACTOR that fails to innect the requireniclnts of the Contact DOCLIincnts.
40.02 After reccipt of a notice of' termination, v0iethcr with or without Cause, the
C ONE"I'RACTOR shall, in o-ood falth and to the hest or its ability, do all things
nec;e ssarV ill light 0l'SUCh notice to aSSUrc thc c l7ficie nt and proper close:-out of the
ter111inated work (icnclUding. but not limited to. the protection of the: OWNEWS
propertv). A1nio ng other things the C'ONIRAC'"IDR shall. excel-it as otherwise
directed or approved by the: 0W\i 'Ey.R., do the -6011owi.ng:
{t�) Stop the work on the data and to the extent sliecifiled in the notice of'
(b) Place no Iurthcr orders or subcontracts For services, equil)n1ent,or m.aterlal.
except as may be necessary for comliletion ol'suc h portion of the \ ork as is
n(A terminated:
(c) Immediately terminate all Orders and Subcontracts to the extent that they
relate to the perforniance of-the;work terminated by the notice of termination:
(d) Assign to the OWNER, in the mt-Inner and to the client directed by it, all of`
the right. title and interest of the C ONTIZ-AC OR under the orders or
SUbcontracts so terminated In which case,the;OWNER shall have the right to
settle or pa.}t any or all claims arlSln() out of the termination of"such orders
and Subcontracts;
(e) With the approval of the OWNER, settle all outstanding liabilities and all
claims arising out of such termination. orders and subcontract;
Deliver to the OWN 11R.,when directed by the OWNER,ER,all documents and all
property.which if the worl�had been con.iple-tecl,the:CON7"RI CTOR would
have been required to account f.or or deliver to the OWNER.and transfer title
to SLICII prolm—ty to the OWNER.to the extent not already transferred:and/or
�) fake; actions necessary or as otherwise directed by the OWNER'S
REP RES ENJ'AJ I V E or the OWNER llor the protection anti preservation of'
the: work.
40.0' In the event Qf"LICIT termination,there sliall bean equitable reduction of the.Pgn.ient
Amount to reelect the reduction in the Nvork. Costs incurred after the effective date of
the notice of termination shall not be treated as reimbursable costs unless'they relate
to carrying out this LHIM-111inated I)ortiol) or taking close-out mcasul-CS.
41.01 Without lire Lidice to anv other legal or egUitable right or.remedy that the OWNI:R
would otherwise possess hereunder or as a matter of law.the OWNER,R, Upon wiliVitUl
the C.'ON"I.RAC`":V OR five(5)days' lirior written notice,shtcll be entitled to terminate
this A.�rLLII ent II7 its entirety -,.it ativ time fQr the .followino:
41.01.01 11' the C.'0NT1t C'l C)IZ becomes insolvent, commits anv act of,
bankm] tCV. niakes a ocncral assignment f()r the bind~it of creditors.
or becomes the subject or ativ proceeding c:ommencccl under any
stc-atutc or taw f-or the reliel'ot'debtors:
41.01.02 11"a reCeivei•,tI-ListCe.car licfuidtttor cif any of-the property or income of`
the C ON l'RACTOR shell be al-)pointed
41.01.0 3 I f' the C'C N"T'RAC'T•OR shall fail to prosecute the work or any part
th reof with diliLence necessary tO C.1.-1si.lre its proorc ss and completion
as prescribed by the time schedules:
41.01.04 117 xvithin -five (5) c alen.dar days after written notice thereof Irc}ln the
0 WNI• R or the. 0'A".\!ER'S REP RL-SLN'l'A**rIVLz, the
CONTRACTOR shell fail to remedy any;def'ec:tive\vork or work that
does not conforn1 to the rquirements of this Agreement.
specifications, and other Contact Documents, or any other default
under any cal-the terns,provisions,conditions;or covenants contained
in this ureement or any ether current agreement between the
CONTRACTOR OR and an(:)thei-QWNER ror similar construction N.Vork
on ether property Ql'
4 l.01.05 If the C O'N'FIL,'kC'T0R shall fiail for any reason other than the failure
by the OWNER to make payment called Li on when due.
41.02 IIl the eveiit ot'stich teriiiiilation Ior cause,the C'C N"'I"RAC''I'OTZ shall otily be paid its
reimbursable costs incurred prier-to the effective Mate of'the termination and shalt not
be entitled to receive; any further progress payment hcrCLinder and shall be further
sLfl ject to any claim that the CJWNER"S REPRESENTATIVE or-the C W'\.*E Z may
have against the CONTRACTOR tinder the provisions of this Aareenlent or as a
matter of law.. includln.?- the refund of any overpayments of reimbursable costs or
prouress payments.
'. T1:,R.\,—4-f A'T'10'N FOR CONI' �VENI N C'1''L
42.01 The performance of the work may be terminated at any tune in whole or in Dart, by
the:C)W1ttl:R"S REPIZES*]."N'I'A'I'IVI.;fc�r its convenience. Any such termination shall
be effected by d�Ii���ry to tl�c C'`t� ''I�1Z�f1C"I'C�1: cif a -ritten nr�tice (ntic ; of
termination) speeifyino the extent to Mich performance of the %vork is terminated
and the date up011 which tert"nination bc;coines efTective. If. for wliz,.itc:ver reason,this
contract is terminated for cause, which is later determined not to exist. the parties
agree that the: contract N1,ill be deemed to be terminated for convenience.
42.02 In the event of'terinincition Cor convenience,the C'O 'T'RAC'I"C:}R shall only be 1-aid
its reimbursable costs incurrcd prior to the e-1 fe.ctive date of the termination notice
and shall not be entitled to receive atiy further prc:i�.,.ress payment hereunder and shall
be fttl-ther sUbject to any Claitn dle C)WNER may have acainst the CvC�N I-Rf�C:'Tf: R
under other provisions ol'this Agreement or as a illatter of laxv. inclU.dlllro the refund
of any overpayment of reilnbLtrsable costs and!or pt-o&)ress payment.
4-3.01 In the event.that the C:`C.)'\"TRAC."FOR has abandoned the project or the:OWNER.has
terminated the contract For GaLISC WId where there is no performailce bond provided or
where there is a surety but such stlrety, within seven(7)calendar days alter the,notice
deinililClln�x GC�in�.letion is sent, fails to cotmnence the completion and dilicent
pl-osecution o"the work in compliance with this_greement,then the OWNER ER iiiav
ITS 011110' 1)rovlcle for completion of the work in either of the f 011owing
elective manners:
43).01.01 The OWNER nifay, employ such Io-rc:e of men and use such
machinery.equipment,tools_materials,and supplies as said OWNN R
inav deen"I necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of
such labor, machinery!, equipment, tools, materials, and supplies to
said C'ON'FIZ.1 C''l CJI .,and expense so charged shall be deducted a-nd
paid by the C7W'NI:*JIt Cut OF UCII monies as may be due, or that 1YI'ay
thereafter at any time become due to the CONTRACTOR under a]-id
by Vitale of this Ailreeinent. In case such expense Is less than the
stim which would have been payable Linder this contract, if the same
had been completed by the CONTRACTOR, then said
CONTRACTOR and/car its surety hereby waives any and all
privileg,es. rights, and claims to receive the difference. In case such
expense is greater than the sum which would have been payable under
this contract, if the same had been completed by said
C~ONTRA.CTC)IZ, then the CONTRACTOR and.,or .its surety shall,
within seven{7) c;alciadar days,pay,the amount of such excess to the
43.01.02 The OW'I\I�,R..under sealed Bids,after notice published as required by
law at least twice in a nc spaper having ocnera.l circulation in the
city, may let the conti•cict for the completion of the work under
substantially the same terins and conditions which are provided in
this c ontraet. In eclse any increase in cost to the OWNER under the;
nc\v contract as compared to what would have been the cost udder
this contract, such increase shall be charged to the C ONTIu_AC'TQR
and the surety shall be and remc in bound therc ror. However, sh(:)tlld
the cost to complete anti'SUCh new contract prove to be less than what
Woulci hLiVe been the COSt to C011 pletc under this contract, the
C0 l kAC'l't_}R, and/or its surety hereby- waives any and all
pri\-ile`ules. r1olzts, a m(and claims to such excess.
=1 3.02 In the event of abandonment by the C:'OIN I IZAC"' O]\'),. the Cf. N'l•I'`AC I CAR shall
assign to the C)WNI."R. in the manner,cuzd to the extent directed by the OWNER,all
of the right, title.and interest ofthe CO:TRAC'101� in and to any and all materials
ideated Can the property- and any subcontracts for work to be pci-formed on the
prc�pert : ill Which else the C)�N-N1::,R shall liave the: ri�ollt to settle car laay� till claims
arising out of the tcrnl i n(ation of'such (:)rdcrs and subcontracts.
44. D NiN'1.A.G.I. S.
.ol WItlloUt pl-ejiiclice to a.11�� other legal c.)r eq.-UltablC; ri ht or rernedy that the OWNER
WOUld otherwise possess herLundcr or as a matter cif"law. the:OWNER uJ)011 OiVing
the CON"'I'RAC T"OR Cive(5)days' prior written notice shall be entitled to damages
for breach ol"contrac-L u11011 bUt 110t limited to the f of lowinL7 occurrences:
44.01.01 If the CCU'T'RAC'T OR shall #cil to remedy any defatilt after written
.notice thereof from the OWNER or the OWNERS
44.01.0? Tfthe CON'rRAC"FOR slizill fail for any reason other thaal the failure
bv the C)WltiER to make payments called upon vN,hen due-, or
44.01.0 3 Ifthe commits a substantial defattlt under any,of-the
terms, provisions, conditions, or covenants contained In this
If any provision of this ALreel�nent shall 11e J1eld-to be invalid., illegal or Wienforc;eal-le ���a
court or other tribunal of comps tent jurisdiction,the y',ll.idity, legality and enforceahili.tyr of
the remaining provisions shall not In any xway be affected or impaired.thereby. The parties
shall use their lest efforts to replace the respective provisions or provisions of this
Aoreenlent with the legal terms and conditions approxinlati-no, the original intent cif"the
46. ENTIR. GRI E.M.I lvT.
It is unClerstoocl that this A+lreement contains the entire aureement between the parties and
super cedes any and all prier a�reell�.tnts.arran ements car llnderstandi,mis bet Areen.the parties
relating to the subject matter. There are no oral understandings. statements. pronitses or
inducements contrary to the terms ofthis Acirec;l-nent. This A�reenlellt calltlC?t be changed or
terminated orally. No verbal agireem.ent or conversation xvith anv officer. went,
representative or employee of the OWNER, either before or Cafter the exec;iItion Of this
Aurreement. shall �1-fro or modify any o the terns or obligations hereu3-der.
47. AMf.,NDMF�'.L`F.
No amendments to. this A(Ureemc nL shill he efl-ective and bindim-c u1-1til they are recluc;d to
'' writing and si yanc d by duly authorised representatives o f bath parties.
"I"his Agreement has been. i-nade Under and sh,.ill be o(.verricd bye the laws of the Mate of
The place of makino and the place of performance-F i-all purposes shall.be BaNtown,Harris
COUntV 1'ex 1s.
50.01 Failure ofany party,at any time, to en(C)rce a l)rovilion of this Agrc;ement shall in no
way constitute a waiver of that pi-o-vision, not- in any way, affect the validity- of this
A(Treenlent or I)al-t hereof or the right of' the: OWNER or the OWNER'S
REPRESENTATIVE thereafter to crif orc;e each and cvei:y provision heareof:. No terin
of this Agreement shall be deemed waived or breach excused unless the waiver hall
he In ti'4'1'1.t1i1g and signed by the:party claimed to have waived the same. r"Lirfiherilnore.
any consent to or waiver of a breach will. not constitute consent to of waiver of-or
eXCLISC of any ogler different or subsequent brcach..
50.02 Nothing contained in this Agreement or any off the Contract Documents shall be
deenied to .Unlit or waive the sovereign ininitinity-o-f the Owner
51. 111~aADIti l GS.
'f'he article headings are used in this A are einct7t f.ol'coil venience and reference pL11j)0ses only
and are not intended to define, limit or describe the:scope: or intent of any provision of this
A��reenicnt and shall have no meanine or of f"C-Ct. Lipoil Its lntt'i'l.11*CWtlo.n.
Words of anv gender used itl this,.reemcnt shall he helcl and.construed to include any caller
;gender. and words in the slnaular number shall be held to include the plural.and vice versa.
unless corit xt requires otherwise.
5 C'C). S�1'RC CTI CaN 01y AG REI'."'�1 I NT.
The parties agree that this greement sliall n(A be C011strUe:d In Favor of or against any party
oil the basis that the party did or died iiot author this Aarc:'{',ment.
>4. I NT FR Ct:)N"I"IZACT.
Each party has the Full power and authority to enter HIM and perform this Acyreemcnt.and the
person sl�,,Illn(,,) this Agreement on behalf of each part'v has been. properly authorized and
empowered to enter into this AtUfl-Cen ent. "'HiC pCl'SOI1S CXCCIItinu this Aureci-nent hereby
represent that they have authorization to slon on behalf of their respective corporations
and/or business entities.
"I"he parties acknowledile that they have read.understand and intend to be bound by the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
56. A S S]CrN iir1 ENE-".
ab.o 1. CON'I'IZAC'I*OlZ may Iiot assi(yn or otlici-wise t1 aiisfei-tliis cireemcnt or an\r i-iLihts or
obll atlons hereunder without the prior written consent of the OWNIER.
56.0? CONTRACTOR herebv assigns to C}WN-R al v and all claims f car overchuaes
associated with this Project,which arise:under the antitrust lags ofthe United States.
CONTRACTOR shall regUII-e all SUbcontractors to make the same assignment to the
OWNER prier to performing any work Linder this Contract.
'I"his A.zreernent shall inure to the benefit of'and be bindinb upon the CON]"RAC"FOR and its
Successors and assigns.
tt is understood and agreed that this Aoreement mad, be executed in a number of identical
Counterpai-ts each of which shall be deemed an orioi.rlal f'Or all purposes.
-=1 1-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have: executed this Agreement in multiple
copies,each of which shall ze rned to "In I , hL11 all of which:shall constitute but one and
the same AO?i'cement on the dat%()'1 ?{� the date off execution byC
n, p ... __._._..._. __...:
the City Manager of the it c�I E�aytoNVI l
XLQ l i bur �XCAda._h�0_n.,Le
(Company Name)
/h, ! 7✓.......__... . .._ .....
( t,1_nature)
(Printed Name)
P es�d ,"&
Cl '0I : WN
CA EIS ' 3P�Uiv BACK,City Manager
A'rT r:
KA�1 TH I ARNrLL. City Clexk
ACID R�1lIIRL'1, SI'., .itzr Aitorney
Before me on this clay personally(tippeared Ja-►%f-s War-4- ---------- iii his/her
capacity as presJ&Snt of Ek-"1 16 tor f;y Oil behalf Of SUCII
cOrporation or oilier business entity.
%/ known to me;
......... ........
proved to me on the oath of or
provcd to me through his/11cr cliffelit
description of identification card
or other document issued by the 1'ecleral government or any state (.2overnment that
contains the photouraph and sicmat.Lire of'tit acknowledging, person
(check, onc-)
to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoino instrument.and acknowledoed to ille that
IIC%,/ShC eXeUlteci that instrument Cor the-purposes aid consideration therein expressed.
Given under my hand and seal of of this c,IV of Ma r ci-.,. 20,6
,lot JAHANZEB AK-HTAR No r • Publi Dn and for the St-cate of
Inn NOVEMBER 29,2009
Mycommissionexpires: \1`Vc1'--LQU9
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Article B-1. Workers' Compensation Insurance Co%yeraue.
A. Definitions:
Certificate of coveraae (certi.11catL)---A coj:w of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of
authoritv to self insure I*SSLICd by Lhe c coMMISS1011, or a cowrat) -)-re nient (TWCC-81.
,,e at- -
TWCC82, TWCC-83. or showinL, statulory workers' compensation
insurance coveraue for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project.
for the duration of the pro'.1 ect.
Dtiration of the pr ject--inchides the time 1.-rom the beginning, ofthe Nvork on the pr jct
()j oJe
Untit the CON 17RA CTOR's/pe rso n's work on the project- has been completed and
accepted by the Lwvernrnental entity.
-qject (subcontractor in 406.096)-4clUdes all pusons
Persons providing services on the pi
or entities performing all or part of the services the CONTRACTOR has undertaken to
per-form on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the
CONTRikCTOR and reoardiess of whether that person has employees. This includes,
Without 11111itation., independent conti-actors.., subcontractors. leasing comp n.-I anies, otor
carriers, owner-operators, eni.ployecs of any, such entity, or emplowes of ativ entity
-vices include. w*thout
-nishes persons to provide services on the pro ect. services which F i J
limitation, providing, hauling, or deliverinu e.qUipMC11t or materials, or providing labor,
transportation. or other services related to a project. Services do 1-10t 'InClUde acti-\.,,1t'1es
unrelated to the project, such as fiood/bevera�,Yc vendors. office supply deliveries, and
delivery of"portable toilets.
B. 'Fhe CONTRACTOR shall provide coverage, based on proper mportim't of classificationC�
codes and payroll MIOUnts and fillim, of any covet-acre agreements, which -niects the
statutory requiretiiOnts of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all emplo-gees of
the COYFRACTOR providino services on the pr(�ject, lorthe duration of the prQject.
C. The CONTRi-k- CTOR must pro-vide a certificate ofcoverage to the (.2overnmental entity
prior to being awarded the contract.
1). If the coverage period shoxvii 011 the CON"FIZACTOR'S current cortifilcate of coveragc
ends durino the duration of the project, the C0NTR_,kC*J'0JZ MUSt, prior to the end of the
coverac,e period. ttle a new certificate of coveracyc x.vith the oovernmental entity showinf.y
that coverau-7e has been extended.
I. The. CONTRAUFOR shall obtC.citl (TOM each person providing services oil a project. and
provide to the governmental entity.
(1) a certificate of coverage. prior to that person beginning work oil. the
project, so the governmental entity have; oil file certi ficcates of' coverage;
showln{a covet-age f oI'al� 1)Ci'sC�11s pI'{�viCllllg services o11 the l�.l'ojC(;t; rind
(2) no later than seven dads after receipt by the CONTRACTOR, a new
certificates ofcovera�o c showi.nu extension oI. coverage, if the coverage period
shown on the current certif idle of coverage ends during the: duration of the
pI'cij ect.
F. The CONTRACTOR shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of
the project and for one year thereallcr.
G. `1'he CONTRACTOR shall notify the goveWrnnlental entity in writln4._' by certified niai.1 or
personal delivery, within 10 days of ter the C'ONTRAC"I"OR knew or should have known,
ofan.y change that materially affects the provision cif'coverage of`any person providing
services on the project.
1-1. The CONTRACTOR shall lost on each project site a notice. in the text, form and.niatiner
1ai'LSCI'*bed by the Texas wort ers' Compensati n C�onitnission, inf(.o niing all persons
Providing services on the pr(7.Iect that they are required to'be covered, and stating; host' a
� coverage and report lack ofcoverac e.person llaa�; veri f y
1. The CONTRACTOR shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to
provide services can a project, to:
provide: coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and
payroll amounts and Mina of any coverage agreements, which meets the
statutory requirements of"'I'exas Labor Code, Section 401.01 ](44) for all
of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the
(21) provide to the CONTRACTOR., prier to that: pc;rson beginning work on. the
project. a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is be111r.al provided
for all employees of the person I7roviding services on the project, for the
duration ol'the pr(:J ct,
(3) provide to the C:`C. N"FRAUFOR. prier to the end of the coverage period. a
new certificate oaf coverage shczwini extension ol"coverage, ifs the coverage
pei-iod shown can the currc11t certificate of c overagc; ends during the
d u l-C-16 011 Oil't h C p r(:)j e C t;
(4) obtain from cacti other person Nvith Nvhom it contracts, and provide to the
C'O 'FR_f-C'TOR:
(a) a certlfic:ate o l' covemae. prior to the other person
bc:ginnino Nvorl oil the project; and
) a new certif lcate; of coverage showing extension of
coverage:. prier to the end of the covet-age period, if the
coverage period shown on the current ceiiif:icate of
coveraue ends during the duration ofthe project;
(5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the
project and for one year thereafter:
(6) notil}' the govern.n7ental entity in writing by certified 1ed mall or personal.
del ivery, within 10 days after the; person knew or should have known, of
any change that niziterially affects the provision of coverage of any person
providing services on the pI•oject; alld
(7) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as
required by paragraplis ('1)-(7). with the certificates of cov erase to be
provided to the pci:tin For whom thev are providing services.
.... . . . . .
13y signing this contract or providing or Causing to be provided a certificate of coverage.
the CON"FRACTOR is representinb to the governmental entity that all emplovees cif"the
CC N*rRAC"FOR who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers'
compensation coverage for the duration of the prc�jec:t, that the coverage will be based on
proper reporting of classification codes and pciproll amounts, and that all coverage
agreements xvill be Tiled with the: appropriate instirance carrier or, in the case of a self-
insured. with the col.mission's Division of Self Insurance Regulation. Providing false or
misleading information may Stihject the CC)NTRAC'"1'OR to administrative penalties,
criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions.
K. The CCN`I AC~TOR's failu1•e to coIizply with any of these provisions is a breach of
contract by the CONTRACTOR which entitles the govern.n-iental entity to declare the;
contract void it' the CONITlZAC"TOR does not remedy the breach within ten days after
receipt of notice of breach from the governinental entm.
Article B-2 Required Notice.
_Fhe CONTRA.C'FOIZ shall post a notice oii each ProJect site inflorniing all pet-sons
providing services on the project that they are required to be covered. and stating how a person
may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coveraue. This notice does not Satis-fv
other posting requirements imposed by the Act or other com.m.ission rules. This notice must be
printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type. and
0'shall be in both En(Thsh and Spanisli and any other language common to the worker population.
The text for the notices shall, be the 6.0
llowing tcXt provided by the commission on the san-ipte
notice, without any additional words or chanties:
The law requires that each person work-11111 Oil this site or providing services
related to this construction pro' ist be covered by Nvorkers' compensation
project 111L ?
insurance. This includes persons providinor. liaulino. or delivering equipment. or
materials, or providinL! labor or transportation or other service related to the
pro.ect.,regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an emplovee.
Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission at 51,2440-3-789 to receive
-information on the legal requiremeryt for coveraLe, to verif� whether your
'.' I
emplover has provided the required coveraoe., or to report an employer's fadUl-e to
provide coverac.)e
Article B-3 Required Contract Provision.
The CONT.RACTOR.shall include in all contracts to provide service on the project the followine,
By sicyning-.1 this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of
t� 4-1
coverao-e, the person sianino this contract is representing, -to the oovernmental
C5 C� C) M C�
entity -that all en-vployees of the person signing this con-tract who. will provide
services on the pr .0r the
o ill be covered by workers' compensation cove I1 ect will I—
*11 be based on proper r ' it,) of d.uration of the project, that the coverai-le wi eportir.
classification codes and payroll anioUlItS, and that all coveraue aureenients will be
C_ %-10
filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with
the commission's Division of Self-hisurance 1�euulation. Providinc, fiahse or
I.- I'D
misleading information nica), subicet the contractor to adniin-istrative Penalties,
criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions.
d. 2
Article B-4 Applicability.
1"l1e eove.rage requirement In this Exhibit "B"" sloes not appl.y to sole proprietors. partners.
and corporate o(.'tic;ers w-ho meet the requirements of the Act,'10 .097(c), and Nvho are explicitly
excluded from coverage in accordance with the Act., 406.o97(c-l) (:as added bar House Bill 1089,
74th Legislature, 1995,• 1.20). This subsection applies only to sale proprietors, partners, and
Corporate executive officers who are excluded from c:overaue in an insurance polio; o-t•certificate
of authority to sell-i.izsurc that is delivered, issued I'Or clelivery, or renewed oil or after.January 1.
11. The coverage requirement in this Exhibit `"B" does not apply to motor carriers who are
rewired pursuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Article 667'c, to register wi.fl7 the Texas Department
of "Fransportation and who provide accidental insurance coveran pursuant to Texas Civil
Statutes, Article 6675)c.4c)).