Ordinance No. 11,007ORDINANCE NO. 11,007 AN ORDINANCE OK THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WITH CSA CONSTRUCTION, INC., FOR THE NORTHEAST W ASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN IN THE AMOUNT OF SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND S1XTY-SBVL-N AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S75.067.00); MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tl IE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council does hereby authorize Change Order No. 3 with CSA Construction, Inc., lor the Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant Project. A copy of said change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof tor all intents and purposes, Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baylinvn hereby authorizes the payment of SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND SIXTY-SEVEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS (575,067.00) to CSA Construction, Inc.. for the change order authorized in Section 1 hereof. Section 3: That pursuant to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Annotated §252.048. the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs ofTWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by more lhan twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Bayiown. INTRODUCED. READ and PASSED by the affirmative vole of the City Council of the City of Bavtown this the 13lh day of November, 2008. BRANDON CAPETILLO, Mayor Pro Tern KAYTHIE DARNELL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: NACIO RAMIREZ. SR.( C^Allorncy I'totiirvlJ.egiifKaieii'FilM'Ciij Council.OiJinancciJOOB'No'.tmbct DCtn Exhibit "A" CITY OF BAYTOWNECEivfd :: 2? im Change Order No. 3 Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant iAYTOWN October 8,2008 Brief Description of Changes: This Change Order is created to have CSA Construction, Inc. perform the following work that is outside of the current Contract 1) install catwalks around the perimeter of the generator, 2) add 11 removable bollards around transformer, 3) modify the 48742" air piping and 30" digester air piping around the blower building, 4) add an 8-ft wide gate along the rear of the plant, 5) add a vent to the cyclone feed piping to eliminate siphoning, 6) extend the catwalks adjacent to the belt presses, 7) modifications of classifier footing to relocate equipment, and 8) add concrete paved access road to existing water tower. Add or Delete Items: Contract Summary: Revised Contract Price $ 17,621.382.00 CSA Cdhsffuotfbn, Inc. _S COM Date L^EngineeHhg & Su Director of Finance Date City Manager Date Froa:CSA CONSTRUCTION INC 07/D3/20QB 07:87 8476 P.001/003 CSA Construction, Inc. Tat eaftCrtter Pww» RiekMayflefc* Faaq 713-8404173Pageat3 Phono*Dam 7/3/08 BaytownWWTP CCi Tony DUrgent OFwRevtow QPleaseCommant O Pfwuo Reply D Pteasa Recycle Don, Attached are two letters requesting rain delays for this project One letter was dated February 5*. 2008 and the other was dated September 7th, 2008. These letters were sent the construction manager and tills issue was discussed in length at several of the monthly meetings and was recorded in the meeting minutes. The owner has agreed to the amount of time requested of 122 days (approximately 4 months). The City wanted to wait closer to the project end to see If we could makeup some of the delays. This has been the case and some of the delay has been recovered. Now that the schedule has been replotted with a revised completion day beyond the original contract date, I am requesting that this additional time be added in the next change order. The revised completion date given these approved days will be January 18th, 2009. Fro.*: CSA CONSTRUCTION INC 07/03/2008 07:57 8476 P. 002/003 , Sheffield & Austin, Inc. / General Contractors 713/686-8868 713/686-8889 Rax 2314 McAllister Rood. Houston. Texas 77092 February 5,2007 Mr. Dennis J. Garoiere, P.B. Dc Oplossing, Inc. *332 Space Park Drive Suite C-l 83 Hou-ton, Texas 77058 Re: Baylown NE WWTP Dear Dennis, 1 am writing you to advise you and the City of Baytown of my concerns regarding the amount of rain that we are getting on the Baytown project. Several months ago we lost the entire month of October and now we have lost the entire month of January. During these months the rain pattern seams to be the same, cloudy and tight rain for several days in a row then remaining cloudy for the rest of the week. This pattern will not allow the site to recover and dry enough to continue the dirt work operations. The soil conditions at the site are expansive clays which gets slick when wet and dries slowly. Once we can get a major slab down we can work on top of the slab out of the mud. But, until we can get the first slab poured any progress will still be dependent on the weather. I submitted a schedule to you last week. The schedule shows that we will be completed in (he time allotted for the project. I want you to keep on mind that the schedule does not account for loosing months of progress at a time. Hopefully, as the weather dries out we can go to work and build die crews needed and the. tune factor does not become a problem. I am not asking for a time extension at this time. I want the City to know, that it is difficult to start a project with these soil conditions and given the weather pattern that wo currently under. I am asking that this letter serve as documentation of the unusual weather and if it continues CSA will have no choice but to request additional time. Sincerely, RMM CC: MikeE. Cavalier, Pi. FroniCSA COHSTRUCTIOH IHC 07/03/2008 07:87 8476 P. 003/003 Craig, Sheffield & Austin, Inc. / General contractors 713/ 686-8868 2314 McAllister Road, Houston, Texas 77092 713/686-888 September 7,2007 Mr. Dennis J. Gamicrc, P.E. De Oplossing, Inc. 233JS. VoasRoad Suite 551 Houston, Texas 77057 Re: Baytown NE WWTP Rain Delays Dear Dennis, As you arc well aware the Baytown site has experienced unusually wet conditions for this summer. During the three months starting with May, June and July we had over 38" of rain. This is more than the Houston yearly total. I have listed below the rain totals for these months. Sincerely, Rick Mayfield Craig, Sheffield & Austin, Inc. / General contractors 713 / 686-8868 M14 McAlllstef Road< HoustonJexas 77092 713/ 686-8889 Fax September 2,2008 Mr. Don Cutler 3050 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77056 Re;BaytownNEWWTP Rain Delays Dear Don, As you are well aware the Baytown site has experienced unusually wet conditions for this past year. I have listed below the rain days through August 2008. Jan 16,18,19,22,23,25,30 Febl2,16,20,21 Mar 3,6,10,18,30 April 18,26,27 May 5,15,27 June 10,24,26,29 July 23,24,30 August 5,6,15,17,18,19,20,21 Due to the rain and days lost pumping water, we are requesting an additional 37 thirty seven days be added to our contract time. Sincerely, ivfield FroniCSA CONSTRUCTION II<C 713S880BB3 04/07/200B OB:08 S910 P.002/002 CSA Construction, Inc. 2114 MoAlfoter Road Phone: 713-686-8868 7t3«868889 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No. 00008 TITLE: Generator Catwalks PROJECT: Baytown NB WWTP TO: Attt: Dennis i. Oamlere, ?£ DeOptosslng,Inc. 2323 S. Von Kd. Suite 551 Houston. Texas 77057 Phone: 713-953-0969 Fax: 713-953-0854 To: Coit $33,076 00001 lMo JOB: CONTRACT NO: 13 Number: tn.oii.oo o.oo» Unit Cost- Matt Tax: Total: wo S22,O76V00 $22,076.00 APPROVAL: By:, Dennis J. Gamlerc, P.E Date: _ KM • By:. OaU: CSA Construction, Inc. 2314 McAllister Road Phone: 713-686-8868 Pa« 713-686-8889 TITLE: Removable Bollards PROJECT: Baytown NE WWTP TO: Attn: Donald Cutler Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. 3050 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 300 Houston, TEXAS 77056 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No. 00009 DATE: 5/14/2008 JOB: CONTRACT NO; 13 RE: To: From: Number: COR #7 which was approved, added(10)pipe bollards "^^ff^'^^^^^^^S^Srfbol CenterPoint Energy Ihcy added pipe bollards at the service pole and changed Ibe pipe bollards to bo removable. TWreviseomi count is now (11) removable bollards. This price upgrades «be ten standard bollards and added an additional removaow oouara. Stdck# CjuWttty Units. ftem inscription 00001 1400 $1,277.00 0X0% Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Total: littfct Attaint S1.Z77X0 $1,277.00 $0.00 $1,277.00 APPROVAL: By: Donald Cutler BibkMayfield Date: Date: Fron:SSA CONSTRUCTION IMC 71368B8B89 06/09/2008 08:57 t>330 P. 002/002 CSA Construction, Inc. 1314 McAllister Road CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No. 00010 Houston. Texas 77092 Phone: 713-686-8868 Pax: 713-686-8889 TITLE: Air Piping / light Fixtures PROJECT: Baytown NE WWTP TO: AUn: Donald Cutler Camp Dresser A McKee, Inc. 30S0 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 300 Houston, TEXAS 77056 Phone: 713-423-7309 Fax: 713-840-0173 DATE: 674/2008 JOB: CONTRACT NO: 13 From: Number: RE? To: DESCRIPTION Otf PROfcOSAt This proposal reference* two different problems with the 48" and 30" air piping. 1) The 48" air piping from the blower building turns down, reduces to 42" and tuns along the front of the aeration basin. The 48" sir lino from the blower building is off by 4'. To comet too problem an additional 42" pipe will need to be provided along with • dresser coupling to fill the gap. Tho 16" air pipo coming off the comer of the 48" air header ii too long by 4' and will need to be redesigned to remove 4' of pipe. 2) The 30" digester air header running along the eastside of the treatment module conflicts with the light poles installed In the same location. To correct mis problem CSA will relocate two of the three light poias to the inside of the bamn structure by installing double knee braces with a I /<*" plate weWed across the top. The brackets will be mounted flush with mo top of ihe sidewalk and outside the handrail similar to the concrete mounts. The electrical conduit wax installed in the concrete sidewalk and will be abandoned. New 'onduit will need to be ran exposed on the underside of the sidewalk and holes wilt be drilled through the basin wall Co me brackets. .lie new conduit will need to be run to connect all three light poles not just the two relocated poles. Item Description 00001 Stock* Quantity Units Dolt Price Tax Rote Ta*Amo.ant Net Amnat l.OOO S13.J39.OO O00K JO-CO 113.338.00 Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Total: $13,339.00 SO.0O $13,339.00 APPROVAL: By: By:. Donald Cutler 4 late: Date: FroalCSA COHSTRUCTIOH INC 71368688B9 08/01/2Q0B 10:63 8724 P. 004/004 CSA Construction, Inc. 2314 MaAJlUterTtoad Houston. Texas 77092 CHANGE ORDER BEQUEST No. 00011 Phone: 713-686-8B68 Pax: 713^86^889 TITLE: Fence Walk Gate Changed to 8' PROJECT: Baytown NE WWTP TO: Ann: Donald Cutler Camp Dresser & MoKcc, Inc. 3050 Post Onk Boulevard Suite 300 Houston, TEXAS 77056 Phone: 713-423-7309 Fax: 713-840-0173 DATE: 871/2008 JOB: CONTRACT NO: 13 RE: To: From: Numbon As per the City1* request, CSA proposes to chantjo (be rear plant chain Unk fence gate from 41 wide to 81 wide to accommodate equipment. Add $250 Mortt UOOQI 1.000 $95040 0.00S Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Total: 10.00 $250.00 S2SO.00 $0.00 $250.00 APPROVAL: By: , Donald Chjtler Date: By:. Date: CSA Construction, Inc. 2314 McAllister Road Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: 713-686-8868 Fax: 713-686-8889 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No. 00012 TITLE: Headworks Cyclone Vent Pipe PROJECT: Baytown NE WWTP TO: Attn: Donald Cutter Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. 3050 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 300 Houston, TEXAS 77056 Phone: 713-423-7309 Fax: 713-840-0173 RE: To: From: DATE: 8/12/2008 JOB: CONTRACT NO: Number: 13 As per your request by contract design clarification 0001, CSA proposes to furnish aod install a 4" vent on tbe cyclone feed pipe to act as a siphon break. Please note that plan sheet //23 shows this line incorrectly on the outside edge of the sidewalk. This line is comely shown underneath the sidewalk as shown on sheet #24. CSA will need to install a 4" tee and a 4" 90 to turn up on the outside edge of the sidewalk. We will provide horizontal support at the edge of the sidewalk. This will leave approximately 10* of the vent pipe unsupported above the slab at elevation 41.00. CSA bas not included any additional support for the vent pipe above elevation 41.00. Add $2,210 Heat description cooot SloWt Quantity Ublti 1.000 XltiitHtitt UAWW 0.00% MM 12J10.00 Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Total: $2,210.00 $0.00 $2,210.00 APPROVAL: By: Donald Cutler Date: CSA Construction, Inc. 2314 McAllister Road Houston, Texas 77092 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No. 00013 Phone: 713486-8868 Pax: 713-686-8889 TITLE: Belt Press Cat Walks PROJECT: Baytown NE WWTP TO: Attn: Donald Cutler Camp Dresser & McKce, Inc. 3050 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 300 Houston, TEXAS 77056 Phone:713-423-7309 Fax:713-840-0173 DATE: 8/18/2008 JOB: CONTRACT NO: 13 RE: To: From: Number: As per your contract design clarification tt2, CSA proposes to famish and install the additional catwalks in the belt press building. Since the handrails are not installed we can move them to the new locations. Wa have added additional posts on the shorter comers where the extensions don't extend out to the end of tho platform. Add $10,677 Itcn* ' Description 00001 Stock* Quantity Units UnlMfocC TaxKatCTaxAmoatitNctAniOunt 1.000 $10,477.00 0.00% SOJOO $10,677.00 Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Total: $10,677.00 $0.00 $10,677.00 APPROVAL: Bv: Donald Cutler Date: Pnauna < By:, Date: WckMayfield CSA Construction, Inc. change order request 2314 McAllister Road No. 00014 Phone: 713-6864868 Houston. Texas 77092 Fax; 713-686-8889 TITLE: Classifier Elevation Change DATE: 9/2/2008 PROJECT: Baytown NE WWTP JOB: TO: Atta: Donald Cutler CONTRACT NO: 13 Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. 3050 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 300 Houston, TEXAS 77056 Phone: 713-423-7309 Fax: 713-840-0173 RE: To: From: Number: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL CSA proposes to relocate the headworks classifier to allow the classifier and the conveyor to empty into one 6'long dumpster. The will push the classifier closer to the headworks and raise it by 3' by placing the classifier feet on concrete pedestals. This chaogo does not include any concrete paving modifications. Any modifications will be adjusted later. Add $5,850 Item Description Stockff Quantity Units UnltPrite Tat JEUteTaiAmotint Net Amount 00001 1M0 $5.15040 O.0OK $0.00 $5,85000 Unit Cost: $5,850.00 Unit Tax: SJMJO Total: $5,850.00 APPROVAL: By: Donald Cutler Date: CSA Construction, Inc. 2314 McAllister Road CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No. 00015 Houston. Texas 77092 Phone: 713-686-8868 Fax: 713-686-8889 TITLE: Paving Connection to Water Tower PROJECT: Baytown NE WWTP TO: Attn: Donald Cutler Camp Dresser & McKec, Inc. 3050 Post Oak Boulevard Suite 300 Houston, TEXAS 77056 Phone:713-423-7309 Fax:713-840-0173 DATE: 9/2/2008 JOB: CONTRACT NO: 13 RE: To: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Revised Deleting the RCP pipe crossing. From: Number: As per your request CSA proposes to install a driveway connection between tho entrance road and the water tower site. The driveway is approximately 79* long and 2ff wide. The width matched the existing paving. The driveway will include crossing a ditch with CSA providing RCP pipe. The new drive connection will not have the turnout as shown on sheet #10 of lbs plans. We have assumed to required AddS22,516 Delete die RCP Crossing <S3,128> Revised total $19,388 llem Description 00001 Stock* Qnantfry Units Daft Price ta»Rafet*tAinoantittiAnwnn( 1.000 SI9.388.00 O.00K JO00 S1B.3BB.00 Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Total: $19,388.00 $0.00 $19^88.00 APPROVAL: Bv: Donald Cutler Date: By: < WckMayficld Date: ?/$a/o8