contractors for tree trimming debris removalAI ORDER OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS, ESTABLISHING REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS PERFORMING TREE TRIMMING AND /OR DEBRIS REMOVAL SERVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF BAYTOWN DURING THE STATE OF DISASTER; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW: AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** WHEREAS, by Order issued on the I O h day of September, 2008. the Mayor declared a state of disaster for the City of Baytown based upon the impending arrival of Hurricane ike, which presents within the City of Baytown an imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property and severe economic and social disruption due to high winds and tidal surges and other public calamity resulting therefrom: and WHEREAS. the City of Baytown was impacted by Hurricane Ike and sustained widespread damage as a result of wind and flooding: and WHEREAS, during the recovery phase of Hurricane Ike, the City of Baytown desires to protect its citizens from unscrupulous contractors performing tree trimming and debris removal services, who may prey upon those in need of such services within the City limits: and WHEREAS. the Mayor of the City of Baytown hereby establishes interim registration requirements for contractors desiring to perform such services within the City of Baytown to reassure its citizens that contractors are properly identified: NOW THEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED BY THE MAYOR OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the following interim registration requirements for contractors performing or desiring to perform tree trimming and debris removal services within the City of Baytown shall take effect immediately upon issuance and shall remain in effect until the state of disaster is terminated: Registration a. Registration required Any contractor performing tree trimming and debris removal services for a fee for any property in the City damaged by Hurricane ike shall be required to register with the City of Baytown's Building Services Division. b. General provisions for registration. (1) An application for registration under this article must be made in writing to the chief building official on forms provided by him for that purpose and be accompanied by a registration fee of $25.00. (2) Each registration application shall specify the name, address and phone number of the applicant. If the applicant is a business entity, the applicant shall also provide the name of the owner. officers. and directors of the entity, persons authorized to work under the entity's registration along with other relevant information required by the city. (3) The chief building official shall issue the registration only after the applicant has submitted all of the required information to the chief building official. (4) Registrations under this article expire six months after the date of issuance. Registrations must be renewed upon the same terms and conditions as provided for original applications. including. but not limited to, the payment of the registration fee. (5) Shcndd information comained & a pevon's l gislnation application change during, the period for r,vhich khe per,;on rs registered, the penon shall updaic his registratic)n inArmadon mWin ten day,,', of any such charige. (6) Rugkuwims is crueler WI an Ac am not nMpwbk or UnAM. (C) Displqv Any convactor per0nning we tHmAng and debris removal ser,vices ibr a ke 6m Amy pnTuny hi Qc Cly, damaged by—! luuRane Ike shall be mqu&uJ K) dNply, the regisswimi when sohcWng b0new; awl W pmdmc nwh repro; uadon when requested by the chief building official or Hie pofice chiefor their respective dcsignecs. Sect on 1 The fhiWre w obey this Order may resuh in WNW penWdes as proddul by I avv , Scefion 3 This Order shall be Wd pmmpb/ with (lie City Clerk and shall be gAn prompt and gateml plUcity, SecOon 4: 11is Order shall We Wid immedialely Ihmn and A is examthn. ORDERED Ohs the 17"' day of'Sejveraber, 2008. S]"I'THEN FI, D0,N(',,A[U,0S, Nlay MaNnWiMmarpncy ShungannfAppmdums no AncyTaukane Te Aghum"WhdaAkc, 2