Ordinance No. 10,957(,),P,AD N1(21 '. N(.). 10,1957 AN 0RF->P1,JT,ATQCZEE 0.111 THE CTI Y' (70,L)WAL 0F C71 VY (7)F 13MI-l-WAYN, WEROGNS, 1ARMNAMIQU 1:011 -f,im mcri pmt suov4 0T I)ISA,S'11,,R 131-,.C'1,/�,RATR )NT 'AND 11 lk () N/ I FA 1 N G I AD IT I Fl F? E f: I F I V E L3,A1 E A f I Li, P. E (), 1'� NANIFIETEAS, on the 101h day of" Setmeniher 200R, the Wawir issued mi c•der and lwachnnation 21 ,LaW Of" disaswr the (if 13,,-1yuxvn, I t-USkOting Anni the iniposuling arrivtd of- Hurricatic Ike. %vhich prcscntod Nvith'iti the ("'ice]v Of' W3 W%vn Mi iminhumil threat of %widespread or sevew daniage, iqjuiy, or loss ol- Mb or 1,-)ropemy MMI Se'vere ccoa cwrarucs atria s4leiali du'e, to Nvirld"; ruid tidal surges and cape r public cahunhy resuhing lhereffcmn; and MY WF1V,A!$,, thc-, condhions nweess"atAng as decktrmion ofa signe ordisvister co"Unno to exim: nnd W1 §-1 123. 10H(h) of , Me Texas Goverm-nant (:MLIC providcs lh at vt lcicaV stntv cwf' disas(kyr vn,a: nc)t be cnnOnued Wr as peric& W vxcewi uF suven chov whimur the consent of die govuTnirtg hudy setf- the ptdilkaf subdivisicwii: NOAV UK F 01MAINE13 BY T1 I C'IT'Y' C'01114CM 0F THE UM N' ()F' BAY'I ( :) VVN, J 1-." X-A S � MCA= 1: 'Flint die state CW ch sun or proclahned For the cm, o r Baytovvn In, Blue Mayor on the 10h day 2008, shall conlhnw innU ten"hualud by conlinance cNihe CA", CMuncH, S i 0 rm -21 'rius corcmai,ce is passec I aw an coneqgency nicasure auul, pursuant to We& (:1,y 2008. rriensu res, sha I I trocon my of ctive 0)1-1 tl AL.- l 6"' INT11013LAMIA, ITEAM and V' /%S: FA-,)1 Iwo HIC VOIC' <70' the i t, HaytoN"i th is the 16" ch", o F Sepleniber, 2(018 S, UT AN A Tj I I K A clity U1011, � N, /\L 1111 R, C) V F, I S -Y( ..... . ...... ------ ,-F f ZZiZ5 1�"_ TIAN t=110y, R� J'„ mcnAk "AanL,�_c-avbCs""%ppen "Hot S J61 nnw"Aw"Ww c