Ordinance No. 10,942ORDINANCE NO. 10,942 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AND THE ANNEXATION OF (I) A PORTION OF TRACT 67, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, (II) A PORTION OF TRACT 8D, ABSTRACT 21 OF THE G. ELLIS SURVEY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, (III) A PORTION OF TRACT 8C, ABSTRACT 21 OF THE G. ELLIS SURVEY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, (IV) A PORTION OF TRACT 8C-2, ABSTRACT 21 OF THE G. ELLIS SURVEY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, (V) A PORTION OF TRACT 8F, ABSTRACT 21 OF THE G. ELLIS SURVEY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, (VI) A PORTION OF TRACT 8, ABSTRACT 21 OF THE G. ELLIS SURVEY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, (VII) A PORTION OF TRACT 38A, ABSTRACT 21 OF THE G. ELLIS SURVEY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND (VIII) A PORTION OF TRACT 57A, ABSTRACT 21 OF THE G. ELLIS SURVEY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; WHICH SAID TERRITORIES LIE ADJACENT TO AND ADJOIN THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. ************************************************ WHEREAS, there being no request for an "on-site" hearing, two public hearings before the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed annexation of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance, were held, during the City Council meeting on the 24th day of January, 2008, in the City Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of Baytown, Texas, which date is not more than forty (40) nor less than twenty (20) days prior to the institution of annexation proceedings; and WHEREAS, notices of such public hearings were published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Baytown, Texas, and in the below described territories on the 14th day of January, 2008, which date is not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such public hearings; and WHEREAS, a notice of such public hearings was posted on the City of Baytown's website on the 14'h day of January, 2008, which date is not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such public hearings and remained posted until the date of the hearings; and WHEREAS, the total corporate area of the City of Baytown, Texas, on the 1 st day of January, 2008, was 35.6 square miles; and WHEREAS, the population of the City of Baytown, Texas, is approximately 73,959 inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the below described territories lie within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Baytown, Texas; and WHEREAS, the below described territories lie adjacent to and adjoin the City of Baytown, Texas; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the following described land and territories lying adjacent to and adjoining the City of Baytown are hereby added and annexed to the City of Baytown, Texas, and shall hereinafter be included within the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, and present boundary limits of such City, at the various points contiguous to the areas hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to include said areas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" Section 2: The above described territories and the areas so annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown, Texas, and the property so added hereby shall bear its pro rata of the taxes levied by the City of Baytown, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all the citizens of the City of Baytown and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 3: In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated §43.056, as amended, the service plan prepared by the City for providing municipal services to the annexed areas is hereby approved and is on file in the City Clerk's office. Said service plan is incorporated herein by this reference for all intents and purposes as if fully copied at length and attached hereto. Section 4: This ordinance shall be published and passed in the^nanner provided in Article \, Section 9, of the Charter of the City of Baytown, Texas. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vot/ol\the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 12th day of August, 2008. ATTEST: 1 ■<■/ H AY7HIE DARNELL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: H. DONCARLOS, Mayo ft \ I I <O4*&#(<* RAMIREZ, SR.fcJry Attorney INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED on the SECOND AND )$M 2008. day of FINAL READING this the itk YflllE DARNELL, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, Mayor s ! / NACIO RAMIREZ, SR., Cify Attorney ■ ■■ i ■ ■ WcobsrvlVLega]\Kar8n\Files\CitjiCoun<jil\OrdinBnefls\2008\AiiguBi l2\AnnexationofNMain&HS doe Exhibit "A" BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the east right-of-way of N. Main Street with the southwest corner of a 20 acre tract known as Tract 67 of the George Ellis Survey, Abstract No. 21. Said point also being the northwest comer of Tract 8E of the George Ellis Survey, Abstract No. 21,in the incorporated limits of the City of Bay town, Texas, THENCE, in an easterly direction along the south property line of Tract 67 a distance of 50* to a point, THENCE, in a northerly direction, 50* from and parallel with the east right-of-way of N. Main Street the entire distance of Tracts 67,8D, 8C, 8C-2,8F» and 8 of the George Ellis Survey, Abstract No. 21, to a point in the south right-of-way of Wallisville Rd.. THENCE, in a northerly direction, over and across said Wallisville Rd. to a point in the north right-of-way of Wallisville Rd. Said point being 50' from and parallel with the cast right-of-way of N. Main St. and also being in the south line of Tract 38 A of the George Ellis Survey, Abstract 2 U THENCE, in a northerly direction, 50* from and parallel with the east right-of-way of N. Main St. the entire distance of Tract 38A to a point in the north property line of Tract 38A, THENCE, in a westerly direction and at a right angle, a distance of 110', at 50' passing the east right-of-way of N. Main St., to a point in the west right-of-way of N. Main St, said point also being in the cast property line of Tract 57A of the George Ellis Survey, Abstract 21. THENCE, in a southerly direction along the east property tine of Tract 57A and the west right-of-way of N. Main St., to a point of intersection of the west right-of-way of N. Main St. and the north right-of-way of Wallisville Rd., THENCE, in a westerly direction along the north right-of-way of Wallisville Rd., a distance of 1350.01* to a point, THENCE, in a southerly direction and at a right angle, over and across said Wallisville Rd. to a point in the south right-of-way of Wallisville Rd, THENCE, in an easterly direction, along the south right-of-way of Wallisville Rd. a distance of 837.52' to a point, THENCE, in a southerly direction and at a right angle, a distance of 20* to a point in the south right-of-way of Wallisville Rd., Kxhihit "A." Page 1 THENCE, in an easterly direction along the south right-of-way of Wallisville Rd,, to a point of intersection of the south right-of-way of Wallisville Rd. and the west right-of- way of N. Main St., THENCE, in an easterly direction, over and across N. Main St. to a point of intersection of the south right-of-way of Wallisville Rd. and the east right-of-way of N. Main St., said point also being the northwest corner of the aforementioned Tract 8, THENCE, in a southerly direction along the east right-of-way of N. Main St. the entire distance of Tracts 8,8F, 8C-2,8C, 8D, and 67 of the George Ellis Survey, Abstract No. 21, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 8.961 acres, more or less. Exhibit "A." Page 2 III 11814213274 CCISOACC. PAYABLE 12 52 51pm. 02-28.20OT 2« STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF HARRIS) FIELD NOTES of a 60.0513 acre tract of land situated in the George Ellis League, Abstract 21, Hams County, Texas, and being out of and a part of Lot 14 of the subdivision of said Ellis League as recorded in Volume 72 at Page 459 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Said tract also being out of and a part of mat certain called 120 acre tract of land (bring the South 120 acres of Lot 14) conveyedby Royal D. Bumside, Jr,, ftiriq>wident Executor, to Beverly Sansom, et al, by various instruments of record in County Clerk's File No. Kl 64705, et al, of the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas. This 60.0513 acre tract of land is more particularly described by the following metes and bounds, to-wifc NOTE: ALL BEARINGS ARE LAMBERT GRID BEARINGS AND ALL COORDINATES REFER TO THE STATE PLANB COORDINATE-SYSTEM, SODTfi CENTRAL ZONB, AS DEFINED BY ARTTCLB21.071 OFTHE NATURAL RESOURCES CODE OF THB STATE OF TEXAS, 1927 DATUM. ALLDISTANCES AREACIUALDISTANCBS. SCALBFACTOR-0.9998998. REPBRENCBIS MADB TO THB PLAT OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANYING THIS MBTES AND ID BOUNDS DESCRIPTION. (|J BEGINNING al a Hindi lira roa\wimc^, set at to H wayimeof WallisyilleRoad (60 feet wido right-of-way) with the Westrighfcofcway line ofNmuMamStreet(60 feet wide ri^ht-of-way), Said point bemg the Southeast canier g oidPOlNrOFBBOINNINQofthiBtnrtB^ Q IHENCB: South 77°50f30w West along the South line of this tract and the North right- fi of-way line of said Wallifiville Read, for a distance of 1350.01 feet to a K inch iron rod, U). wife capt set for tlxe Southwest corner of this fractal of me residue of the heretofore mentioned 120 acre trad THENCE: North 12°20f52w West along the West line of this tract and the Scmthflmmoat East Ike of said residue tract out of said 120 acre tract, fir a distance ofl93 8.20 ftet to a K inch iron rod, with cap, set for the Northwest comer of mis trai^ an interior corner of said reside tract; in the North line of a 30 foot wide right ofway easement, conveyed from Royal D. Bumside, Jr, et al, to Seagull Petrochemical Corporation, by deed dated October 19,1989 of the Official Public Records of Harris County, Texas, and in the South lms of a 50 foot wide right of way conveyed from Edward F. Peterson & Olive Peterson to Harris County Flood Control District by deed dated July 29,1949 and recorded in Volume 2000 at Page 223 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. Exhibit "A." Page 3 12814213274 OCISDACC PAYABLE 12:5318pm 02-262OT8 315 PAQB2-60.0513 ACRES. THENCE: North 77°53f 16" East along the Nozth line of this tract, the Easternmost South line of said residue tract, the North line of said 30 foot wide easement, and the South line of said Harris County Flood Control District tract fin-a distance of 1350.01 feet to a K inch iron rod, with cap, set in the West right-of-way line of North Main Street for the Northeast comer of this tract, the Easternmost Southeast comer of said residue tract, the Northeast comer of said 30 foot wide easement, in the East line of said Hams Comity Flood Control District tract Prom said point a 1-1/4 inch iron pipe found for ther. Northeast corner of the residue of said 120 acres betas North ]2°20'52" West a distance of 50.00 feet THENCE: South 12°20'52" East along the East line of this tract, the Bast line of said Haste County Flood Control District tract, and tho West right-of-way line of said North Ntom.Stre^ for adrtmice^fimit feet tothe containing within these boundaries 60.0531 acres of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Jaliene Ramsey, Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4379, do hereby certify that the foregoing field notes were prepared item an actual survey made on the ground, in jj September of 2003 and that all lines, boundaries and landmnrim are accurately described f| therein. _ ... WITNESS my hand and seel at Baytown, Texas, tm> the 16th day of October, A. D. • 2003.- (j) Mene Ramsey ' rtered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4379 03-2471B.fim Fxhibii "A." Page 4 PR O P O S E D AN N E X A T I O N OF A 50 1 ST R I P AL O N G NO R T H MA I N AS WE L L AS WA L L I S V I L L E AN D NO R T H MA I N RO W PL U S 60 AC R E SI T E OF SC H O O L PR O P E R T Y -■