Ordinance No. 10,924 ORIANANCE' NO. 10,924 AN ORDINANCL,' OFTI-11.' CITY C( I I TEXAS, —) jNC[L OFTI IECITY OFBAYTOWN, AUTHORIZING C1 IANGE ORDER NC.). WITH AN(,,,IFL BROTI MRS ENT[HM)RISES, LID, FOR THE, 2001 STR-1"LT 130ND PHASF," IV PROJECT; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BYTHE CITY 01: BA1'T0WN,THI.,. SUN1 Ol, NINE'I'Y-NINE't'l-10[JSAI�ll) SFXEN HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVI: AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($99,765.00); MAKING 04TIFIR PROVISIONS REILATEDTHERFT0,, AND PROVIDING FORTHE EFFF"CTIVE DA,n, Tl-IFRL`10F. BE IT (")RDAINF"D BY ` 'Ill; crvy COUNCIL 01-11-IF" C'ITY 01" BAYTOWN, T]EXAS: Section 1: 'rhat the City Council(toes hereby aU1I10riZC Change Order No. I with Angel Brothers EInterprises. IAD, Ior the 2001 Street Bond Phase IV ProJect. A copy ofsaid change order is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A"and made a part hercof Im all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City ("I ouncil ol'the City of Bavtown hereby aLlthorizes the payment of NINE'ry-NINETHOUSAND Sl"VL:N I JUNDRE-1)SIXTY-FIVf',ANDNO/I 00 DOLLARS($99,765,00) to Angel Brothers Enterprises, LTD, fior Change Order No. I For 2001 Street Bond Phase IV Pro ect. Section 3: "I'llat P1.11-SL1,111t to the PrOViSions ol' T'exas Local Government Code Annotated §251048, the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs ot"I'Wl,"N'I'Y-1"�'IVE'I'IIOL SANI)AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS($25,000.00)or less, subject to the provision that the original contract price may not be increased by inore than twenty-five percent(25%) or decreased by more than mcrity-five percent(25%) without the consent oNhe contractor to such decrease. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately fi-orn and alter its passage by the Ci(y, Council ol'the City offlaytown, INTROI)IXED, READ and PASSFID by the affirmative vote ol' the Ci COLInCil Ol'the City 017 Baytown this the 24"' clay 0HUly, 2008. S "PI-9N )ONCARLOS, avor T)PI MMM iA 71 the CoL""i 1 0"the T WI- �6N- �';�—RLOS, M—ES"I': 14 Y_ 'E',Y, I E DARNI'LL, City Clerk -,, 'c'- APPROVI"D AS 'l-0 FORM A610 RAM IREZ, SR, Cit� A torney ,Wbsiv 1 A Council',(DI'll )1,,(h a nge(hdut I Succd.iundPhaiu IN'doc Exhibit "A" e CITY OF BAYTOWN Change Order No. 1 Kilgore Road & Bob Smith Road Reconstruction BAYTOWN 7/15/2008 Brief Description of Changes: Modification of grate inlets to throat type inlets, Installation of 12"gate valve, 16"Arch Pipe for culvert replacement, 18"Ductile Iron Pipe replacement, 16"Concrete Cylinder Pipe replacement and 6" Flow Stop Description Add or Delete Items: Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Grate Inlet Modification to Throat Tye EA 7 500.00 $ 3,500.00 2 Install New Throat Inlet Frame and/or Sold Top EA 7 340.00 $ 2,380.00 3 112-inch Gate Valve EA 1 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 4 15-inch Reinforced Concrete Arch Pipe LS 1 1.200.00 $ 1,200.00 5 18-inch Ductile Iron Offset Force Main LF 88 685.00 $ 60,280.00 6 16"CCP F.M. Replacement wl 16"D.1. LF 74 668.50 $ 49,469.00 7 6" Flow Stop EA 1 3,600.00 $ 3,600.00 8 16"Steel Offset Force Main LF 88 253.00 $ (22,264.00) Total $ 99,765.00 Contract Summary: Original Contract Price S 3,421,472.45 Previous Change Orders $ This Change Order 99,765.00 Revised Contract Price $ 3,621,237.45 Original Contract Duration-Calendar Days 240 Previous Time Extensions 0 This Change Order 0 Revised Contract Duration -Calendar Days 240 Contractor n me 'Director of Enginee Date a I Y IIIliI.Y1 Director of Finance Date City Manager Date kau—�� 4 . 7-14--02 Consultant name Date CHANGE ORDER REQUEST REQUEST: #1 revised Date: 6.19.08 Klotz Asenc.Job No. 0481.008.000 PROJECT TITLE: Kilgore Road & Bob Smith Road Reconstruction C.R.TITLE: Grate Inlet Modifications CONTRACTOR: Angel Brothers Enterprises,Ltd. Prolect Manager: Kevin Guy PHONE: 281A21.5721 FAX: 281.421.6796 OWNER: City of Baytown Project Manager; Brent Costlow PHONE: 281.420.7154 FAX: 281.420,6686 ENGINEER: Klotz Associates Prolect Manager: Katherine Mears,P.E. PHONE: 281.689.7267 FAX: 281.689.7309 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATION SECTIONS AND DRAWING SHEETS: Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NUS Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S DE CRIPTION OF PROBLEM OR UESTtON: Sketch Attached: Yes Na We offer the fallowing unit price for modification of the grate inlets to throat type inlets.This modification will raise the inlet top elevation to match the proposed sidewalk elevation while allowing drainage at the throat opening.The modifications will be performed at the engineers direction at locations where the proposed grate inlet proximity to the sidewalk will create a drop off condition. Please review our proposed unit price additions below for approval. DESCRIPTION QUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ADDITIONS Grate Inlet Modification to Throat Type 7 EA $500.00 $3,500.00 (Exist.Inlet top to remain) Install New Throat Inlet Frame and or Solid Top 7 EA $340.00 $2.380.00 Total Addition to Contract $5,880.00 Answer requested by(Date): 6/2712008 CHANGE IN THE PROJECT COST TO OWNER: YES X_ AMOUNT $5.880.00 NO CHANGE IN THE PROJECT SCHEDULE? YES X DAYS 3 NO _ Kevin Guy Project Manager 611912008 SIGNATURE ONTRACTOR REPRESIFTATIVE PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE lLct�i rwv�c, A Ka+ rZe— A. Me cxr Pry .C+ Marannr APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE ACCEPTED BY OWNER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE I uwWw�Wr.w�nw�gyyw.yyay�u.'I.Ica ei Yi"Rim F l CHANGE ORDER REQUEST REQUEST: #3 Date: 6.20.08 Klotz Assoc.Job No. 0481.008.000 PROJECT TITLE: Kilgore Road&Bob Smith Road Reconstruction C.R.TITLE: 12" Gate Valve CONTRACTOR: Angel Brothers Enterprises,Ltd. Project Manager: Kevin Guy PHONE: 281,421.5721 FAX: 281.421.6796 OWNER: City of Baytown Project Manager. Brent Costtow PHONE: 281,420.7164 FAX: 281.420.6686 ENGINEER: Klotz Associates Project.Manager: Katherine Mears,P.E. PHONE: 281.589.7267 FAX: 231.589.7309 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATION SECTIONS AND DRAWING SHEETS: Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NOS Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM ORQUESTION- Sketch Attached: Yes No We offer the following unit price to furnish and install a 12"gate valve on the existing 12"waterline at Kilgore and Texas Avenue.The 12"gate valve installation will be required to isolate the 12"waterline in order to replace the 12"STt_pipe offset waterline crossing at HCFCD Unit No. Q 103-00-00. Please review our proposed unit price additions below for approval. DESCRIPTION QUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ADDITIONS 12"Gate Valve 1 EA $1,600.00 $1,600.00 Total Addition to Contract P,600.00 Answer requested by (Date): 6/27/2008 CHANGE IN THE PROJECT COST TO OWNER: YES. — AMOUNT $1,600.00 NO CHANGE IN THE PROJECT SCHEDULE? YES_X.•_ DAYS 1 NO Kevin Guy Project Manager 6/2012008 SIGNATURE O ON%A-CTOR REPRESEN IVE PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE ''c � v rtic. A. �.� cz v�-� iC c�-t~Y'i r in A • 1 AenivS art'v- .cat C--ZG-M APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE ACCEPTED BY OWNER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE z JUN 2 4`08 i rrc n^�r�a k h, -a I� f C CHANGE ORDER REQUEST REQUEST: #4 Revised Date: 6.24.08 Klotz Assoc.Job No. 0481.008.000 PROJECT TITLE: Kilgore Road& Bob Smith Road Reconstruction C.R.TITLE: 15"Arch Pipe STA 18+06 CONTRACTOR: Angel Brothers Enterprises,Ltd. Protect Manager: Kevin Guy PHONE: 281.421.6721 FAX: 281.421.6796 OWNER: City of Baytown Protect Manager: Brent Costlow PHONE: 281.420.7154 FAX: 281 A20.6586 ENGINEER: Klotz Associates Project Manager: Katherine Mears,P.E. PHONE: 281.689.7267 FAX: 281.689.7309 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATION SECTIONS AND DRAWING SHEETS: Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S DESCRIPTION gF ROBLEM ORQUESTION: Sketch Attached: Yes No. We offer the following unit price to furnish and install one&joint of IS"reinforced concrete arch pipe at STA 1$+06. Please review our proposed unit price additions below for approval. DESCRIPTION QUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ADDITIONS 15"Reinforced Concrete Arch Pipe(8'JT) 1 LS $1.200.00 $1,200.00 Total Addition to Contract $1,200.00 Answer requested by(Date): 6/2712008 CHANGE IN THE PROJECT COST TO OWNER: YES„X— AMOUNT $1,200.00 NO CHANGE 1N THE PROJECT SCHEDULE? YES DAYS NO " Kevin Guy Project Manager 6/24/2008 SIGNATU OF CONTRACTOR RekRESENTATIVE PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE ca.x a.v,�r •z P ttL�4 I':rani h i n c'_ A APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRINTED NAME TrYLE DATE ACCEPTED BY OWNER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE JUN?5 `G8 ' KLOTf 1-SS lC,lAT,:5,IN CHANGE ORDER REQUEST REQUEST: #5 Date: 6.24.08 Klotr Assoc.Job No. 0481.008.000 PROJECT TITLE: Kilgore Road & Bob Smith Road Reconstruction C.R.TITLE: 18" Ductile Iron Force Main Replacement of 18" Steel Force Main CONTRACTOR: Angel Brothers Enterprises,Ltd. Protect Manager: Kevin Guy PHONE: 281.421.5721 FAX: 281.421.6796 OWNER: City of Baytown Prolect Manager: Brent Costlow PHONE: 281.420.7164 FAX: 281.420.6686 ENGINEER: Klotz Associates Prolect Manager: Katherine Moars,P.E. PHONE: 281.589.7257 FAX: 281.589.7309 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATION SECTIONS AND DRAWING SHEETS: Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM OR UESTION: Sketch Attached: Yes E77F7771 We offer the following unit price for replacement of an existing 18"steel sanitary force main with an18"ductile iron force main at STA 75+33.The contract bid item is for this work specifies a 16"force main replacement. Please see our unit price deduct for this work below. Please review our proposed unit price additions below for approval. DESCRIPTION QUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ADDITIONS 18"Ductile Iron Offset Force Main 88 LF $685.00 $60,280.00 DEDUCTIONS 16"Steel Offset Force Main -88 LF $253.00 -$22,264.00 Total Addition to Contract $38,016.00 Answer requested by(Date): 612712008 CHANGE IN THE PROJECT COST TO OWNER: YES X_ AMOUNT $38,016.00 NO CHANGE IN THE PROJECT SCHEDULE? YES DAYS NO XL_. Kevin Guy Project Manager 6124/2008 SIGNATURE-OF CONTRACTOR REPR NTATIVE PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE I Weft Pf ,1A-X,gAy 1-,ar4lr r i a c- A. tAe--jrs El '�i Mctrvo ee 7-11-Z 8 APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE ACCEPTED BY OWNER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE E JUN 7 5 ` S t'R(73a CT, 0. ...r...- ! r rix,Lmwx -.,,,.., K GTZA5SOCiATM, T e20d #** ROI.LY.i.OAb 7 mad ss s t i • i Q1i9Gl�91g Si�tlSL NOLLYI�Q 80d 9l.'SS09T► 86'sss LOOO199T Y3 MM 51BD/K/8 D7d 110Z XX Z 06 L9'908T aso* bT YH mm XSD/N/S Du AT XX ST 09 S8'08T 06Si► N Y8 da xoYd mmy a mD IG rR OZ OLdoa 8SLoora Z OL 691"Ict T48 -az Y8 GmI-I Iota t1iC1II0n ONOD Du .81 X uoS STOr"a XX Z 09 T9'6965 TLOT'fi9TT YS 0Mlil'I TOM uldm DU 8 rN 1109 OZ1►m XX Z 09 19.8889 MOS•S66T YS vd amm sip IQ ou j eT it * Ott WOW 86f►6'866£ Ys said Ia aw-i Tom gd I ad no-t9 Y neT XX Z 0£ Q 98'ST69 L916'9089 Y8 SdId IQ dMl TOM &I X 8d nO-tZT X AT XS Z OZ 98'T"91 T994.OM Ys Shcd Id GAHI'I TON MA Z D.0 A9T X 8T XX 1+ OT }� 30INd ivxu mna Im N/A ROIZditIJ88G It/d Homm 'Otf nyd Alb 11 'r , s��tO�aO T99L XZ R&OM VII 9921A XZ N1kloS,1[dS avoll Emm SOH 2f QM aVOIDMX M X08 Od :qor - :-um4m "q=X qor So*[OX j O zequms aemogsn0 80/8T/90 ftva pTH MMOS O 99Te aomdesTes 0029 APO-BU OUagd OM aq pe2amb SOZOD90Z1 S'eioub S0/8T/xo OVP uOTP2TdM 80/8T/90 POZOub +**; HOIiYZOA 1YNttOd ** B00Z/6T/90 90 - AXVMDO AUcMS NOSIMON CHANGE ORDER REQUEST REQUEST. #6 Date: 6.24.08 Klotz Assoc.Job No. 0481.008.000 PROJECT TITLE: Kilgore Road & Bob Smith Road Reconstruction C.R.TITLE: 16" Concrete Cylinder Pipe Force Main Replacement CONTRACTOR: Angel Brothers Enterprises,Ltd. Project Manager: Kevin Guy PHONE: 281 A21.6721 FAX: 281.421,5796 OWNER: City of Baytown Project Manager: Brent Costlow PHONE: 281.420.7164 FAX: 281.420.6606 ENGINEER: Klotz Associates Project Manager: Katherine Mears,P.E. PHONE: 281.589.7257 FAX: 281.589.7309 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATION SECTIONS AND DRAWING SHEETS: Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM OR UESTION: Sketch Attached: Yes No The existing concrete cylinder pipe force main at STA 75+33 is in conflict with the proposed drainage improvements. We offer the following unit price for replacement and relocation of the existing 16"concrete cylinder pipe force main with a 16"ductile iron force main.The proposed force main location will be approximately 4'lower than the existing location. Our unit price for this work includes removal of the existing CCP force main, installation of 16"D.I.force main and installation of CCP to ductile iron adapters by Hanson. DESCRIPTION QUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ADDITIONS 16"CCP F.M. Replacement with 16"D.I. 74 LF $668.50 $49.469.00 Total Addition to Contract $49,469.00 Answer requested by (Date): 6/27/2008 CHANGE IN THE PROJECT COST TO OWNER: YES_X AMOUNT $49,469.00 NO CHANGE IN THE PROJECT SCHEDULE? YES X DAYS 3 NO Kevin Guy Project Manager 6/24/2008 SIGNATUR CONTRACTOR RE SENTATIVE PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE A V-rAfheu-i✓i C'. A. M eeNrS }i-Ci p- f'�U t'tetc / -T-I I-09 APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE ACCEPTED BY OWNER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE I .0 ., JUN 2 5 `03 I P. 00l/00l j MORRISON SUPPLY COMPANY - 05 08/27/2009 8HA6 F0 QUOTATION **y*. Quoted 06 Expiration date 07/18/08 quote t Q0540397 ! Quoted by 2456 Phone 713447--2500 Salesperson 2456 Customer Bid Date 06/18/08 - Cnetomer Number 07AMB Job Humber Customer: Job: ANGEL BROTEMRS IDNTF+RPRISRS mm AT7'jI: CITY OF BAYTOWN PO BOX$70 IF m IOLG ORE R ) BAYTOWN TX 77522 BAYTOVM TX 77522 Co=oAta: LI QTY PART NO. VENDOR P/H DESCRIPTION U/M UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE `4' 1 20 4 XX 1611 X 161 FE X FE DIP P401 LINED EA 2776.0000 11100.00, ' IO $0 2 XX 16" X 60-0° FE X FE DIP P401 MEN EA i892.8077 3884.62 ac 40 2 XX i6° X 121-0° FE X PE DIP P401 LINED EA 2338.4616 4676.92 60 2 XX 1611 X L NJ 88 P401 LINED EA 768.7500 1607.60 60 1 1.0000 1.00 70 4 UI07680 SLDP16 16 MM-LQK SLDP RESTRAINT ACC KIT IMP BA 122.0267 488.i1 I 8o 4 XX 1611 PLO 46 BMM P401 LINE EA 1461.4000 5805.60 90 12 . XX 1611 NOT, BOLT A CSKT SST 8A 142.8670 1714.28 100, 2 XX 1611 FLO INSUL 7190 KIT EA 78.5714 167.14 ' 28835.17 FOB DESTINATION TERMS STANDARD r I s**t Page 1 FORMAL QUOTATION ****ORM CHANGE ORDER REQUEST REQUEST: #7 Date: 7.16.08 Klotz Assoc,Job No. 0481.008.000 IPROJECTTITLE: Kilgore Road&Bob Smith Road Reconstruction C.R.TITLE: 6"Flow Stop CONTRACTOB: Angel Brothers Enterprises,Ltd. Prolect Manager. Kevin Guy PHONE: 281A21.6721 FAX: 281A21.6756 OWNIM, City of Baytown Prolect Manager. Brent Costlow PHONE: 281A20.7154 FAX: 2S1A20.66M ENGINEER: Klotz Associates Prolect Manager. Katherine Mears,P.E. PHONE: 281.589.7267 FAX: 281,68fl.7308 APELICABLE SPECIFICATION SECTIONS D DRAWING SHEETS: Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG,SHEET NOS Project Manual Sec. Specification Sec. DWG.SHEET NO'S DESCRIEMONO uEST10 • Sketch Attached: Yes o Per your request we offer the following unit price for a 6""Flow Stop".This additional work is required to complete the water line improvements associated with Bob Smith road. Please review our proposed unit price additions below for approval. DESCRIPTION QUAN. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ADDITIONS 6"Flow Stop 1 EA $3.600.00 $3,600.00 Total Addition to Contract $3,600.00 Answer requested by(Date): 711512008 CHANGE IN THE PROJECT COST TO OW E • YES X AMOUNT $3,600.00 NO C N E IN THE PROJECT SCHEDULE?- YES X DAYS 1 NO Kevin Guy Project Manager 7/1512008 SIGNATURE O NTRACTOR REPRESEOTIVE PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE. l axr..an..� A - Kcav-&- K4%0-,eeinc A,K emus Pro4!=*Maria Z—t6-138 APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRINTED NAME TlTrE DATE ACCEPTED BY OWNER PRINTED NAME TITLE DATE