Ordinance No. 10,88901MINANCF,M), 10.889 AN ORDINANCE'. OFTIff", OF CITY OF 13A),-F0WN.Tl',,,XAT A(,',CE`, TI-N(3 13 . ANNUAI-, ROLL,-OFf" ('OM AI F,k SERV1(,.ES (,'ONTRACT AND AU M(MUMM"i PA 1`MF`,NTLINTI IF', C14'A' OFBAXF()WNJN FIIE,MVIOUN F(".)F ONE 1lLJNDIkF',D 1'I I N-S1; MOU SAND 'I Em H(JNMRED TW1.:,N'I`i' .AND N()1100 DOLMRS 0,d56.520,00),', N/IAMNG OTHF'R PROVISIONS RELA1 ED'l 'IIER FCC,A!qi)!ItC)Vlf')IN(.,-i FOR THE F'TF[,,CT1VF DATF, ITIERFOR *jr **444's *** cc" ✓ * ** 4,*** " *"*:k WFIL',RE,AS, flue Chy CowwH oNhQ C'it) off3ayk,n,vil dk1 authorize the Purchasing, Departrnent for the coy or Bagown to advmtse Or bAs Rw dw Annual Roll Off Contairmi Services Contract lo be received January 3, 2008, and WHEREAT notice to Mas m io Ow Me and pkwe. "M and "Inv do cwmm "wN he published purskrant to the provisions of Charror 252 ofthe 11w Lowl G(,ovecnnient Code; MKI WHEREAS, all bids we opened and publidy read at Chy Had at 210 pmv'Pwndga Mum, 3, "'1008, as per published no0ce to [Adden; NAM WIERFFORF, BE I 17(")RI)AINED H�`l HV CITY COUNCIL OF 11 Hi MIN' OF BAYT(MIL 1EXAS: Section 1; 'Thi Te Cly Council ot the C!q of %yunvn lwr&y auep dw bb Mit) WbMe, f"or the Annual RoMM"MmAwr Scm&s Comr�act For the sum of'ONE HUNDRIJ ) FIFT)'-SIX Fl IOU SANE) Fl Vf`.'I 0J`NM`ZL.D DOLLARS ($150520MO) mid aulo0o lmynwnt thcreoE Sectkn 2: Lai pursuant to.thu prindsh". of I exas 1,cw'al 61overin'rient (,'�ode Annotated §25200 the Cit Manager 6 hemby gwed genual authori[y to approve any cbmige order involving a dwrease or art increase in c( its o1 "'rw1 NTY4-'1VE,1 H(AJ�SANI) AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS (UAM00A0P)r less, sul,ecl to die 1amv6km thl Ow MOM convul phe nmy not he increzised by inore dian (wenty-flive percent (2551) or decreased Q niore than menly4ke pervatt (25%) whhou; Te consent ofthe wMravor to such decreaso. Sathn I This ordkane AM UK 041 hmnalkwly f5in and Mr is pamage by the CA, Councd (,,d'the City cil"Baylo%vn. INTR(AXJCF',D, RFAD and PASSED by the afnnnwic VOW CW C'OLIFICil Of TC CRY Of' thk the Wh dav or N4, 2008, Bum .......... . .. ..... . .. ..... CAWYOMCy . RqKwuwHQMy&unc I ()aHnanziolaox N II S A "M An nUjRAdw0H( S111PHEN 11. DONCAMOST Mayor