Ordinance No. 10,888ORDINz,'�NC"F, N() 10.888 AN ORDINAN("J.", (11 OF 111F, (A" M,'Cl-PlIN(i `]H[`: ll-.X S ;�WFNLTMAK TREl', l%lF Ill /\N PAVING PR0JF:,(.l'; AUTHORIZING FINAL 11I�YN,4EM' OF THE S'U,A,l Of.' C)NF, HU,`NDRF,',f) ff-11R] Y- 141% T1-llMSKNE1 SHUN HUNIAZED FIFTY_SFVEN AND 92/100 DOLLARS ($1310702) ID IWAISUrE. IN( R)R SAW PROJE(A'; AND PR(MDING FV)R H W EH"EC,"FIVE DAl LTI IF'RD)F * * * * 1, * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * * * * * * * * *, * 4, 1� * * & * * * * * MAW:. - k * * * * * :A * * * * * * * * *, 4, * * * * * q; * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'k * * 4, * * WHEREAV the (My of thymn cmumcmd with 'Founisite, Inc.., for the 'Vexas Avenire 'Free vledian Ptvin g Prc-)je _[ 1w alt d WHEREAS. r01 of the sald impwitmann as pm%kkd W dw p%s and specifications hereuMe pmparud by We Cly"s enoneer and as a"rmW and adqxed by the (My Cbuncd have been perAnned and cornpleted in WH accmdanw: "th aH of Ke remis nnd cmOhkwis MAE Mvmdd conwo; and WHEREAS. We Clq"s enghwer in dw nmnwr pniOded by the lenins of the said cconliwo and the Mans and specillcaRns thereLlf, has qTanvd and weped die I-exas A�cnnic Oak 'Free Nledian Pavirql)_ 116cel and hHs heroofine ismied his Urtilcme of Fbal i4cepwnce and has cers ified sanie i() the Clty (:,oulled and recornalended thal it accepi and receive saki work aml WqwmwnwnB as comwed and compkwd by Comracwn W WIEREAS, thUTe renwhis due and o"ing to lWaVe. hie_ the sunn of ONE, FlUNDRED H-HUY-NIM THOUSAND SIEVIPW HUMMED H KSF.VL.N AND 92/100 DOLLARS ($�39,757,92);NOW lll� I I (.')RE),,MNFJ) ('()q NCIL 01,111F ('VVY (W 13,, YTOW'N, -FEXAS: SwAn k TV Te Cky Councd hereby, accqxs and appayves the above-described work and irriprovernents, and Wds and deiviniNK Qla Al Of Said irnprovenicivis have been conylaed as 1voWed in the and spc66ca60llS dlereofl and in full accordance "Wh all of We wrips and provisOns of the alresail ccmiwam Sao ion 2: 11mi the Unificale of Wal Accqswc herevokwe ismwd by dw CIO's engineer and certilied to le Cly Comwil is Web) accepled mid rvceived, Section 3: 'rhat Waal payinma w Twakko 40, in thC aATIIOUW ol' ONNF HUNDRED 'FHdR'f'Y-Nl,N'E "H101.)SAND SFVFN HUNI)RIJ) f'1F1 'Y-SEVVPs' AND 92/100 D(d_[,,,,�RS (S 13175712) is hevby awhorkod. S"Ibn I This ordinance shall take effecl hinuiediately Cky U"mil of be C 1 of Bqwwi, INTRODUCTJ RFAD and PASAID by to aMraimW 1) rata law tl,i�Yi flic S'' daS, of,,Vlog. 2008, mignm=11 KAY 101,44, "l )A RNNE'LL, C-'ik- Clerk and aller its pdssa.,w by the the ylq, Wuncil or the Ut, of 0M.'AR1,OS, Ma�o,,,rr APPR(,')Vl',D \S TO F()RNd� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y i wey a T't_ M10 RANIURL/� SR_ (,fi H ANWASTAY comad A&MMM``' 44m, No U N j w A . 6S A, ' T i t V P I,' '�� �Nfi,2 I i V I 6" I,,,[ I JirI c, r I dc