Ordinance No. 10,883ORDIN`A_NCF� NO. tO.,883 AN ORDINANCE OF THE 011' CIA=11- OFT'HE OFRAY'TOWNTEXAS, ,AC(T,PT1NG THE BH) CW RA�'FOWN FOR T111-.,')\NN11,JAL F11',("1-RICAL N40"FOR CONTROL CENTER SL,RV10ES CONTRACT AND KJHORIZING PAYMENJ BY T! W C11Y OF 13AYl­(__)\VN ,lip I HE AMOUNT OF ONT,', HI-INDRE'D T1K)1_JSANI._) :V\J) " "G100 l)()LLARS (SHnUMOMY MAKRQ'i 0011411 100VISIONS RELATFD TI WRETCh AND PROVADIN(_'i f,'C)R 1`1­ff,_,, 1_,FFI_, CT1l\/E DATE THERFOF * * * * Q"• * y;** wo** * * " * * * * Kim I * * * 40 * * * *r * * * * * A * * * 0 *, 'F4, * * * 41, p. * * * *, * * ** saw,. * * * A, * * qf,: * *,** N'* * * 'r * * -.0 * * WHEREAS, the City Cbwwd of We CAy of 13" Ov,'n tfid authorize [Ile Purchasing Dqxulrnent for ific, Cit y offlaytown to adverike Rrr hids Ry to Arnmal Fle mull al Motor Conwol Center Services C(.!mn-acl to 1-w receivod Alord 8,2008, and WHEREAT mWe M bidday as H) dw Ome and 1o& we. when and "Teiv ale coWnd wouW be IN "as, pubhsl)u.d purs'u"Int to the pvw� isiow,, o6' (Auqmer 2:�2 of to Toue, Local Guvcrmucjr� C`bde, and "11FREAS. all bids Nvere (Miened and publOW amd W Cly I INN M100 pAu. QuAl. AprH 8, 2008, as per pulKhed MAC to bidde": SAM ITIERFIN)RE BE IT ORDAINED BY -FHF C11 Y (YMAVIL OFTSE (A` Y CA' BKrFOWK 1EXAS., SeCiAt"I 1: TV Te Chy Cowwd of dw Chy of Baytown huelly accepts the hud of'Baytown Ekaric Cbmpm, Or Me Mnwd FSKcA Slou.,,r C"omri,'fl Center Services (7onlract for 1he suni ofONE' Ht,jNT)RF.',D 11101JSAN't) ANE) �,,NOQOO D041ARS (lCCir „t3C1Ct.Cttlt aauuul affll'101-wXeS payn'lew thereol'. SO% 2: 'I ml puNuml to the provisAns of AN as Kcal Government 4 u c Annomial §2521148, the 01 N4umga is hemby gmnwd general awhKI U) jTme any change ordt ,w- involving a decrease orm blerease in cos�s ol"[W1 iuhjeC( to the pro,, ision lha die miginal cororact prhu nwy nm be Wennaied by inom Qn iwerby-%� percent (2516) or deenmed by nhxv thun oven,nve pemm (251%) widu)ul Me cmumn of We cmmoor to such dec :rerise Sea An 3: This oidinance diaH take Aim Anniedhaely froni and Acr is pa"age by the Ciry mu or we my or Raymyn. INTRODUCED, RHAD and PASSP) by the anirniwive %ate of Qlf Coun6l of [he (Aw of' n thou Ole Kh ahoy ofApHL 2= EN—r-r DONCARLOS, N/l,'ayor ME” E)A R \,'F It 1. , (7l 1,,, (_, l e rk APPRONTE) AS IX) FOIANC cj 'Xx iC <ACR) RAN/lIRL2, SR, C"o."O" ttaowuuen R—Kav IF W (A y Coou)ci I Qn 1 14 MurdAnm a I Q am 2 A MOV an N Am n an W