Ordinance No. 10,8820PA)M,\NCE O. 10,882 A N URDJ N A N(T OF THE (NFY 0 43111. OF 114 C1 FY OF' AS., AC(--'E,P1T,N(; FHE BID (" "al HAY 11=0 FLECAWICKONAPANY FOR WE ANTWUAL ELEUTRUU. SERVICES UKTRAUT AND AUTPORIZING FKAWENT 13)" THE (AT` ()F 13,,k)"FOWN, IN T1IF AMOUNT OF TWU HUNDRED-aHOUSAND AND N(X100 [WLARS (WW00,00); MAKIN"(1 ()TI1f-,'R PROVISK)NS REL,ATED THEREID: AND PROVIDING ITA4 PUT EFl-'FC-fT\/F,' DATE,'FFIERUOK * s ,'k * 4 *** Now* I***** WHEREAS. We (at y CluncH of We (10 of Byinwn dW aubohze to Pum4wMg Depumm for Me (jq of Bqyown to Weake WT hids Aw Me Anmta� `,ervices Contrao to be ieceived Aprd 8, 2008,� and NUIERFAS. nolicc m bkiders 2�s tup dw thite and ph e, when ouid where than emoractwould he 01 was rnllkhed purnam to Te pmn aria. ons of (Vapwr 252 of the Was Local Government Code: inns WHEREW aH bids wen opmai W ptibficly read at l laall at 2:00 p.m.,Ttiesday, Aprd,', 21008� as pu pubhAed notice to btdders-, N(,-)\V 4] ILPFFORF, BE IT CMD AI' FI) BA' 11 IF CT FY (v nysm OF 1W (ITY* seclu.)n � � Im Te Chy Cbmwd of Te Uy of Baywn hemby a"qxs the bid of Wymn L McKc (Wpwiy Wr KeAnn Ual Eleethcal Ser\ ices Qmracl Or the sum ofTWI) H UNDKED THOUSAND AND "01''1W DOLLARS (S200,000%) and audwries paynwnt dwreof Section 2: 'nut pumuma io The pm visions of UmN Weal CAATninnetol We Annown] §252AW to Chy Mmwgx k hewhy granwd gowml awhody to qpuve any Ownge order invoking a dvcre,ase or an increwn in cons of T3UNTY11 VE TWUSAW A �'\,`D 1" 0,1 00 DOLLARS (S25,000,(:b0) or less, sultect io dw proviskmi that the Wginal convan pyke nmy ntst be Weaned by inom-Man iweno-Five porment (2505) or decreass! hyniow than wemy-lbv pavaii (25%) vvidwui Tu ouNetn of Me convack, to stwh tleuean Seat" I H& ordKance Audl We efOct immUrOdy hann and after As pawage by the Ciq Cotnwd ofifte 01 ufBapown. 1�7 INTRODUTD. READ Lmd PASUD by the ,,oie of �161 CRY (�Uwd of we City 0[ flyw"m ths to 21h Q o r A pH L A H K dy U (10 R A.\41 R 1,`,. Z, ~3I ( ("A' 3 C Kwx'vn Fo-�es ( r1) ('uutl6l 0[ fi I TkApd ?4 ST/'THEM-1. DONCARLOS, Nlaym,