Ordinance No. 10,880A C` .11a "<,\AQCY ()F TTI F CF IN' C( )L- N CI L. (M T HE CV In' ()F 13 A %,`T(,)%A,'N,
mum mu ixi wricm iwa.Tr-,c-I AI ' FI I I >41% E, 1IM"MEN-V 0311 'Fl-11 I EMNI
0F SIE V E PY I %� I A V It T I I C.") t i SA i �), s I Fv to i i L j to ro to F; I-) , r w F, N, -F'�`- C) N F�., A,N E) 2 0,`10 0
1,3C)LI-ARS 1, S75,721.20), FC) FC-)R SAiD PROJE(_-F-,
A N E3 FT R () V1 I A I N C i FAD R -r L-i I i K I, t-, I,- (-'T1 \," E D,;VFFs 1A I 1:,° I,Z 110 10,
NVI 1HITEAS. EVIL City Wf BUYtOWn 1:0118raCted Milt (:Sj% CotuoruwWn, rnc [tie C CintraI icC',
Nmit 1"COCC; (Ove "I'Moect-)v anti
'WHERIhNS, nit or the saw !nqmwvcni;m"x, as rwuvidwl in the arik.l
prc,pared b�," the and a,, applovan! and adynited by the City Cuum"d lhav(,�he-�erl
mul cn""fwleted in IOU awncwtiance with all o1 the lwwul and �)fthc c()nfracl, aLlrd
"tea H LIFE! ""vS, 01": CIY,N enghwcr in the inminer provkhed by the ter-mg of the saki conwact mid tW,r
philit"s and sf-,1,-,ei I Vein ic"is M"coll has aprwo%cd and accel"ad the ( °onfral Mstrwl Waslu%%vitur TreatilleyAr
1111111V Pf4,JjjC`C1 iAKILI hC'l-ClOtbrC MUM WS C"a. ~Oincart- OCF1 11afl a9ld 11LIN ClentifiCkl
•imle to the C"Y CT""WH aml In"Inuum"Jed dial il ucwel" aW receive said ""cork mul inWroveit-writs aS
and CorlllaLtcwr., ii1141
NA7HEP,L-,,%S, H-iere rernains 4..lue " ,uld twwirig tt.)
IAVII SEN/FN HL)NUMun) ANF) 20,a10,0 ($,75.721.20)- NOVV
BE IT (311 DA 11, ED Los" T14E (A FY CAWNCIL. (01" 'Fill! (M-Y (,-,)F" BAN-F()V ,'N,
Motion I: mint die city councif hcr•b , acca pts, and appi-Cives i.law.w aVrd
inpirovenienty, and finds and deterrnille�,, thaf -all ulf saki hnpruvwiwnts have L-itwun coiiipleted as pisivided
51 the JAMIS and �lx�rudlaa,ttiavir the,,rec')C, :reran: in CuH, uccardatic<.,,. vw,ith aH of the lerins and prCIvjSi(:,)T-js of thu
--i f "o r 0
"said ecnitract.
I i C a It! mil V hi a I A ccep I �:utc i L: I -'ou') f-ck r e isst I e, tt by 't I le" i I, v e I lee� r
mod cu"Mwd tn Mc C Aqy Cliuncil is 1wre1`, n"vjAcd and weaved,
C t i w ) a 1 3 A-1111t 1-11-LL11 uw ( C , , , C)11,;TrtrCiiCm., g"C, in We uniount WSEVEKTFYMIVY
F 1+0iJ -,;,,\ND SF I 1l)NEDREED YNAMM"NIMNE MM 20V 1 00 DC)I..A-,NRS 1 S,,75,721 .20) i,,s hereh�,,
McColl 4: Wunedhitely
iI.v ( ."c)(nicil ofr�Irc Cixwa '
IN-MC)EMCK D. REM!) antf the attirnuoW C C
JA15epanNAi Wis the 24"' day W.AprH,, 21100`�, I/ , -
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V, Ay ';14,
asKI idler An passage In, the,
(317 the Cily CA)"FICH of" the City lot
14 C7 J% It I .1..3 % TVI aj-o r