Ordinance No. 10,879(--)RD1NANC1--`N0, 1()-879
AN ORDINANCE OF THE crFY COUPWAL. OF 11 AE cmry cm Fumv-mm/p, wkwown
AL..rT'1-I(-)1"'1Z1NQC3 ANE3 01RECA-INKA =11 CA-TY sl 9.F t.u1 T AND CATY CL.ERK TC)
EXIACUTE AND ATTEST T'("D A C'(--)N'1-R.AC"T w, All 1-11 tJNDERC1RC,)UNE), INC-".,
ElCil-T-1- -17HOUSAND FOUR TWE ', -T-Y-T \VCD ANT) l-470/100 DOLLARS
($a�78,422,0()); C-)T+IFR PIRCY"VISIDTAS FRI--,L,A'FEI-> '111FIZE-TO, AND
the City' C-2ouncul of the UkW of BotyLo"m did adveilise fbT bids for the NoMenst
Pola Prt� eul, Phase Ill to Ise received cm April 1-4, 2008, and
%V11HREAS. nodce Lci bidder,-; as to Lhe time and filnec", when and where the bids vvot.ild tie 1--)ublicly
opened and read alnud was Ivahlished Immsunril M PTOVI . sions of rexns LOCal C. -jDVeTAIMCTA (:,,'O(,Ie AuRlotated §
252A)41; and
WHELP-E.A.S, all bids w,vero opened and •Ublicly read 'at. City I CrrIB at 1 :30 Ma TTCItiN% Al.-auil 14,
2009, as per puhlkhed noiiL:,, t. ca bidders, NOVV
BE I-F 0E-E).-L1 -.,'1,,1EE) B-VTHE CIT'' ,' C-CDUNCAL OF THE CITI'm ' (--)F- BA"i'l-OWN, -TE>,AS,:
Secuon 1: mat the City CAiuncll of the May cAg' B�,ayto,,vn hmmby accepts the bid of Jinlelmon
Undeoground, Inc., for thkx b,ase arld altc�-ruite I-sid items for the Northeast vva'stev�'zi Ler -1-i-caln-lent Plant Ofl-s;itc
Phzl';c Ill according to rhk, jflanN zinc! N rice i ITL:-;L' I ic)l Is s'ct Mi-th by the May's vn✓ineer, unal autlu3Azes
paynievit of an aniouni of 1 1G FT' HL"WDRFD SFYmpy'rN,.Estowr inwusmni FOLIFT HUNDIUM
-F\VU"NTY--1-'1vVC3 AND NO, I(A) EXMLAAR�-S based upon the unit p6ces specified in the hid, and
the City N/fancq7�,er and, thc CAty C'MM of the (--,ity axe hereby, aaahmized and directed to execute and attest to a
cortuaw vAth Jimerson 1jnclej-_-j-(.-"und, h1c., for the projec:Q said contract containing ,the plaris,
specificatic.)rls, and requkenients carfm the City S CnIgineer and bond reqUil-0,11-tel-ItS ill aACCC)�-,LJM-ice Vvith
the pror ;isiogl% CLiov eve nnent C"de, Clnqxter 2253.
Section. 21 '111 at PUT'SLUInt tO die prnnnisions of 7exas Local Clovennnent Code Annomted
§ 252.04H, the CALy Manager is hereby grw"cd genom! zurthority to al,rove any chringe order involving as
decrease or an increase hi cosw oF -l-h1C3Lj5S,-"kNf-) AND NC-)/I (A) DC-)L-I..-,,,\F-,S, (S-25,00,0J)00 u)v
]c atEal�cct, to the provisimi that: the uAginal cmArmul Imice may not be incre"'Sed 17wy IuClr'C` 01M-) tr'w'VCTI('y-fivc°
porcent (2511) or decreased by tham tAvemy- dig e purcent (2590) willioul. the consent of the contractor u-)
such decmase.
Seciion 3 This ordin;ance 'shall lal<e eft-ect it-ru-nediately froni and aller its, passa,.ge by the Cily
41',c�uricil of the City, of Bnylc)^'vrl.
2M I27-, IONFRODUCED, REA13 and PASSED by the at" t-ninvive vc)te " f the City Courtc] (-),f tho Cily of
it Ill i S tllk-- 24'�' clay
D L\ R NELL, City Clerk
A I P f C) V E S ,I'0 F 0 R, N1