Ordinance No. 10,878ORDINANCE", NO. 10,878 \N ORDINAN(1- OF THE (.1FV C(A--l�CIL (--)F "I'TU,, (TIY' OF FE AS, RPNEINING THL', ANNt-AL \flLL AND OVERLAY CONTRACT - MR WrM ANGEL BROTHERS ENTERPTSES, urm AUTHORIZING MYNKIENT BY WK CITY OF BM-roWN., IN` AN ANIM.AT Cy,i. TO EXCHFI) ONt,',', MILLK`,)N I'M", HUNDRF`D THOIJSAN'D AN'[) N0/100 DOLMRS (7QW0()()J)0),' MAKING 0"F111,,R PROVISIONS IT ELATED TIHEREMAND PROVIDPW FORTM` FJ:FT`(J1VF DATI-THPRF,01-, r**, f * -0 * * �5 "', * * * * * * * " ,wr. * * "'W * * * * ""n * * * 4"" * *,w,;. ti,p W * 5 * * * " V" * * *4- jw .r'* a J1 ljl,�d�,J,,J, * !�, � * * ag .„ �k� * q� * p, K ;r[,, :,y. �',, .�, W HE REA S MWel baton E nlapkmR I M wm =W We Annual M i I an d 0 verlay Cont ract 2007 on Nlvy I e0, 2007, pursu,,im m compedtive billing pnxedum as hich cmAma incWded a" op6on by We ptirks to, rol'It"nN, 661-aciditional olle-yeal, periods� "and WHEREAS, Arm & Wolms Enteryuhm LTD, As AW&W is Mngnvs to imm the conmact Rw all addhRuml year umlr the smiw mus and condhims: and WHEREASSe AdmKimm6on has rodc"ed the market cmdAhmis anti reconuncM anent! as Lai ng W 1 1 1 law et i n I. e res I o f Vice' 0 ty N ()IkV T H FP', E,1 () R ', HE' IT 0RDAINI,,,D BY THE CITY ('MACIL OF 1,111", ( I FY OF BANE T0WN,'11XAS: Section 1: 'Mat dwQjCouncHorQC1jofBay1omm-1 1wrcbyrmw"v tits cab HradofAngI BroHms Hinerphses. LTD, k,.)r 11le nnujl mffl arld 2(H)7;nU!aLohorizespayawnthiananuuntimitu) exwed ONE T! R)LOWND Ala) 14CYMO DOLLARS (SI 500010) based own the unit ruices spec'MA & dw Annual W1 mul Oveday Chnumo - :y007, Seaton 2: T pursu"'int lo lht�,� pm6sWns of Tem Mail Governmem Codc Amnamed §252AW Wc Chy 91mager is hereby grwiwd genval amhmi, io appmve mVnhwye Wer invok,ing,'i decrease or an increase in A ND'N,(:): WO MOLARS 012100(VM) or les, prokled that the W&A convact Inice may nw be Mmmed by more' Mani won q-tive 1wrcent (254'o) ordecrca',"r cd hy more than I v"enty-flve pew ma (2541) %vAhOL" Wc uumsent of thO LYnnuctor to such decrease, smion �: 1 hi'; cn,kfinancuw shall mkc effect fl-onl and after lls pas'slge by the City Cotmctl oF We Chy of Bapown, INTRODUCED, READ and PASMA) by the Mnmke vote oftl Connell OfffiC City / % We 21 hy of ARA NWK K I A al i1 ' I 1- 0 k ,DARNI' APPROVED AST(,) F(AVvt 0009 11C,'l ACIO RAM]REX. Sk- �. It y A?T� Y, cltv Comue :il (hdirian,,-cs ;"M AMA