Ordinance No. 10,875ORDINANCE NO, 10,875 AN ORDINANCE OF TIR! CITY OF THE CTrY OF B,X)nlQVV1C 110AS, ACCEPTING T1111 LAKE"TXN1 PHAS' II & Ill S AN FFA R Y S I-.-- W E P, REHARHITATRYN: PR0Jf,,(:"J'; AUTIVRIZINO 11NAL IIAYNIFN]" C)F THF SL NM OF EIGIF!"Y&W THOUSAND FW HUNT)RED FORTY41VE AND 38/10) DOLLARS 08154538) IT) 104 1, C%S1WWV0N`, PROJFCT� AND PROVIDING FOR '1­11E FJ1:LC­fJVF' l),A, E 0 1 \VHLAZF,AS, the (IQ; of Baymn cownwWd " Ah P&I C%snuc6on, Ine,, 1'or the q,��ke,,%rood Plutse H,K. III Sanitary Sewer RwhahHhaikmi 10ten (the -!h(QA and WHERL'"AS, wall of dw Wd BKon Ana om ns pm%&Wd W We phns and specifica[ions heretofore pare panned by the Chy's cRonCUT and as aMxmxd and mkqwd hy Te City Qu=d love been pe6xnwd and conWined W 1011 accordance "idi Al of dw lanh aml conchihns of the aRweadd convan; and WFILRI""As, the tai the matmer, plovided l,')y die wrily of we sod CWUM0 am! me phms wid WWHWons thercok has iqqnwed aml accepled the L.ikcwood Phase It & III Sanitary Sewer RcNLd)ditaLi0Y1 P T' �M and has heread0v Nsud hk (Wifim of final Acceptance and hascenflied waaanne to Me City Wntcil wid recommended thm it rwcqu wul Yvcelve said work and improNnnients as constwed and compkwd by Commcwr and WHERFAS. them ronwins due and owbg to PNI Ansaniz[Vii, Inc., the suni of F]Gf ITY-ONE, TH()U'SAND FIVI 1IU'\T)RED FORTY-FFVU Wa) 311M) DOLLWS (SS104538Y Nokk` THFREFORE BF, BY THF CITY CWHINCIL WCHE CITY OF BAYTOWN, 171..,.XAS� S"don 1: 11mi Me Ciq Cbuncd hewby accqms and appnYves the above-described a\ any wid imploovenient"s, alul 6nds amd detennhws thm 01 of said imprownims havc been con,licteed as prudded in die plans and speci%Oons thavok and in im =Domwwe wkh aH or le Lernis and pmvisions or me aRnWd convact, Section 1 TIM I me C"M do a to of l l¢a <aI A cceplai we havW Rue issued by I he CA,& s enorreer and ccrlil"Jecl to 1he (,."ity C"ollned is hereby acceple'd and re(:eived. SeciJon 3: TV Hnal paynwmt io Ci,,.msiruclion., hnc_ in dic aniount of l",IGHTY-ONE 'I'l IOUSAND 1'"WE 11W&DRED FT)RTA%FVVL ANDA100 DOLLARS 181,545.3X) is VVy authorized. semon A Ws ordWance shaH take ef% imrne➢mdy I' n aml afier ik passaue by the Cly (Wwd of Mc CAq of Bq= n, r I : 1 V5 vw`v INTRODUCED. READ and PASSD) by dw aninnMive %no %vn IQ Wc 240 day Wqml, 20UK APPR(WED AS TO FORN/L I -M01- (Vinniii, F", —'s R Kan Now, Am, d Al.k a Ks no I the Cjq Council of the (?y of S11"JI'EN I-I. DONC'ARLOS, Mayor