Ordinance No. 10,871ORDtNANCE V), KS`71 AN ORDINANC[i OF THE (Try 0A1N(.JL OF THE CT FY (w wwrow TVXAS, ACCFP'W' G HIF WEV KAYTOWN KWE H & 1H SANrh%RY SEWR R,E[fABlU-r'A11()N PROJECT: AVYWRIZING V➢ NAL PAYME"O" OF ]FIF SUM of FF11-WSAND VIREE 1-q `° FORTY-SIX AND 45,100 DOLLARS 092346AN 11) PNI (UNSTRUCTUM NC- FOR, SAIL) PRC)JF-(,J'-,A?4D PROW)INK FOR THE FFTFCTKI" DATE 11-JEREW, 1 v, 4r �t, "k �J. 4. * �4� sp, L� * :j � sz ::J x� J,� * ;J WHEREAS, Te Chy of Baywwn comnwwd "K PNI Unswuumm Inc, Or the Wesi Haylown Pha,,e 11 & Ill SaWry e"e Rchabihtaficrn Prot ect (jhe and WHEWAS, all of Me Kd haptuvmum as jwovWd ill 11w plans andspecif"Tcitions herewfoiv pl-cp.in-ed by the ()q0 enghlecr and as aNwmvd W adupwd by the (_'lty Uounci� have been peH'orrned and complaed in AM acoAAanue ,wit nH of Ow wnvs and condGms of Te akwAd comma w)d WHERFAS, Be 00"s enghwer W to nmmwr pRyOded by the temn of Te sAd cmmut and Te phns and specificalion,"; 1hereof. has aq)provcd and accefacd the Wow Baytow Phase H At HI Sank, Scwm ReWh1kruion kiyew am! has hemkOhe issied Ids Colnewe of Firull Acuyance and has widled sarne to the City Clmncil and n,Crofljujutjjcfi.a,j uhtatt it accept and rccek,e .,*iid ivork A111d m1prov,enlem", as constructod and compkmed by Comran�)r: and WHERFAS, Tow roullis due and 10 J,\,j -1, N T% "0 lk.)f [W— [11C SUM ofNINETY % TH(A.,SANF) THREE 1 E NDR11) FCMTFY-SIX AND 41100 D101i l—A[,,,S (S,)2-3,46,45): NO%V TFIFREFORE BE! 11"ORDAINIA) W T1W (: TU (T)1 WIL OF THE (ITY C* VVYTOWN& TEXA& section I TV Ow CAy Chuncil hereby accepts and allwves the ahow-described "int and kupu ovcn,iems. and nn& fmd dwermines [ha't ffl oC'Said h, 1\,e bee,l C0j,j,jploje(j pfro\�u c I e C� ill lhC plans and ,,peciflcalions thercc&, mid �n trull dc�cm'dancq.", whrl "all of dic, ternis and provisiolls of the albresaki comract. y�ccijon 1 101 an UnwWwre of Fhw "Weparwe humd'ory issued by the C'ity's unginour and certilled to 11le City COMICil is, hn °reby aoc 'cpwd r,i nd received. SmHon 3: Thal final n) PVt Conuucficm, in dic amcmntl of' NVNETYZIAVC) THO(�SAIIND 1,1111"EE HUN'DRf'D 1URWSIN AND 411M) DOLLARS 59204h.45) is Web), autholued. secflon 4: Thk 001 Uwe CB&I immewwo fy It and after i[s passatle by we C'my Councd orthe Ci oC Baylo\,n INTP,( )DU CED, READ and PASS11D by We affinnatWe vo q to C Courlcd cd'the City A' t11is the I Y" W of Aph L 2W A PPROV FT) ,,\S ]'() FCQ;\r : of Y 'f ' % r I I r o h , c