Ordinance No. 10,8692%1"K C)RD1NMNC,"E OF I FIF C17Y CNAUNCIL OF YHE CUTY OF Bykwrawry, moms. REENEWINC-i THE C"C)PvrFzxk(7'r cm w-wownim comITRUCI-ION 5WRVICES, 110C., FOR THLE A.NNU,'k1. CC`),N(-"'RF',TF VC)IM CONTIOWT.AN D CITA" OF SJJ'%1 ()J- FNk'C) HUNDRE13 JqFTY NO/100 DC)L-L-,,NR.S; Nl,%J<iNj(i ormoFt Fq?C)vjSjC,)!N.,!--, "rimmyro: mon PRON'MI cwt Ci FOR. 71AF FFFFC"T r r \,,,, I _" l ); 'V11'. '%All 6.'(.)1r',trL1CtjcPn !Services, Inc., xvns awarded the ;%n"rj,'a,1 C'oncrere \Ve-)v-k Connowt on luull „s 29, 20CY5. pm,-,suarnl to cornpelhove hidding ,�r MOM cwaract included XM 017)'ti011 by (11C E)MAjOS to Jerre' whidionni ()nu--ytn.ar peri'ods; mid WHETIT10% S, sawch cc"wi act waN rune” ed Mly 13. 2006. mid J"Q; 1 2, 2007, arm can be renewed agah-t Or an terin, and WHITRUMV Tcaniwork. C"Tmiwtructk-)ui Survl ccTv In m, has iMECULcd its %viHhqpums to renew, the connuca Rn- nn addiiic>rual year umder the sanic terniq arul cc"W"fons: anti 'WI ERKNIQ the Mrninistration has revieweiJ nou inmAct conditions and rect-nnn-icrids, in the U�t at interest of-the City-, NO\N" TI 1f-"1"R'FF()RU B E ry co it m% m E 13 13 N" T f 11". <- " I T "L " C' (.-,) L') aN C " I L 1: - -r I it F (f I .I ,..,a" C) I ` L-3,"\ % - F( ) wX' N , ..I,. 1 , :N A S :; sec-non I That lhc,' City C"ou'ricil cO the City Cjf fjayjo%%'u'4 C(111AYaICA Inc, Or the Nnnmul %Vork 66, the sun, ourNAIC) HIKNF)P.F�,E) FIF-1Y 1"I - I (") LJ I S IN I N I wAN 1 N 0 / I () 0 V a (,) I - I , 1/\ I P . - - , (S' - - , ! , 5 " 4 ) , ( ) ) " a T d < t u t I I o I i x I - - , s ' p a ly E r I ' I I I t I I e re C) I -. Scctit)n 2 That pul"lla"I to the IMI"As""Is "f7exasp I a,,252.048, the 11ULQVYQ Uo appixwe any change order involving as decrease cw mi ions renscin -L�LND N01100 D(DE-LARS QMMOWOO) orfess, proNvided thni the origOnal con tnicl price inay imthoincrunsedbyinore Oman 11-10r'Clhlinl t:wNfctlty-tive (2594) widrout the consem ofthe cunuactent to such docrease. °•'ection I Tal rya' °alueasarwa +, shall IndeeeflUct fmi"edfately fin-mi am.1 aher Os pnssaga--, L)y Oic City Crouu ,cad le )I-If(�A-41, REW) yund PASSF-1-) hy thyc- affirn-tadve vow- wFO, C, L'I I I C i 1 0) C I I 1 o C' t I o f 13 1 o v as - cr, I i.� '2,0 0 41 f %1 a LX )NC IN P" I "qi ,s Ask 1-�4" Irac-a.. �n-1 Cny "AMPROVED M; 111 FORNP C-17V5 � ACIC) RA N I I 1ZF,`,Z, P ., C W"A,"n.wu