Ordinance No. 10,868() R D f�­,` ,\ N ( " E N ( ). I (), 8 0 8 CAN 0 R 1) 1 NA N C1 (A' T FQ 0 C1 T Y U) lJN U L 01f Y[ E C1 " I'Y () F I 3,,,I\)'T() W N, 1', 11 \ A S, ACCEPUNG "rin %V001WAWN U171' SfATI(YN RlT1AR1I_ITA'1I(_')N PROJI-J AL;TW)RJZI>Q('i FIN,\L ItAYMENT OF THE S1N1 OF IC)RTY-T\V() Tl-I0U'S-\,ND IVREE HUNDRED FORT)nFIGHT AND W(K) DOIA.-ARS (`� "42,348,61r)l TC) PELTIER BROTHUS ('()NSTRU('TI()N, INC'-, l" (W SAID PROJEUF, AND PROVIDING FCW 10F EFFECINT DAYF THEREOF ,� .j. * 1j• ,,� .�, * 4', !V ,, * I,I " V'. I; lj� V, k, A, �, ;� ;: .� u f r q, f: t .y4 jit j" sr ;, y , r 't 5r. 6" * � *, rr •* !1, I'L * * * * '* "? 4! * War * * * * :Iil * 41 -4, * 'IF, * * * *, * I, * [,, *- WHERFAY. We G, tf lbywwn comwed QQ PehOr HrmheN Wswunkm Me, Qr the WmAh"n LAI Sw6on Rdlabdhaiumi Kdecl (the'I'moect-A mid WHEREAS, all of le sAd WyDvansw as pmvhkd hi me pkans a -'Ind Specifications preparc,d by the 0q& enghwer and as approved and mQcd fly il,ic (,_,'ity Council have berm pwilormed and conTleted in thil ac"Wance a Ah aH of to lenns and condlims of the ahwomid conwom: and WHEREAS, We (Ty 's enon"i in We irumner pnyOded by the tents of We sid emnum and We PhMS am] qWWWWAIS t1wryof, has approved and amcWod dic Woodlawn Lirl Statnon Rehabilitation WOW and has Wroo0v issued 16, UrWac or F&I A"Isomw and has cenifimi swnu to the (Ay ('c_wTurlcil and recon,mlended th'at it accen and reVve saki "ink and inTrownew m cmianwUM and canplawl by Wonwiw: and WHERFA& them wmaKs thic and o"ing io 1%hWr Bn9heN (Tonstruc6on, Inc, the surn or FORIN,m) THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED I&IRTY-EI(Jiff 60/H)0 DOLI-ARS (S42,348.6()): NOW THE'R FOPE IT 01 DAINF',l) BY 141! ('11"Y (1)UNCIL. C01-11 IE C"I YY 0FBAY'I"0WN,TLXAS� sec' ricm l: "I'hal Me f Uumil Web) accepts and upprovcs 01L abi.ive-dvsci ibed wk ork and in-1provemems, atJ W& and detennithm &W Al of said impnwenims have beon conTJOed as proWed in tile: pkins and spe6ocutions WWI and in 011 accordance widi all of Te tarns and pmarimrs or the albrusahl ccaract SwVon 1 that the C'ed0cme of Fitud Accepiwice Swolbre Issued by die (Sy"s sughwor ;md ca%xf to Me Chy WWI is KvIly accepted inid received. sec6on 3: -Fhak flnzd paym _,-ni to FYltkr lWhers Qnstiuction. Inc. in the arnount of FURTY-TWO THUSAND THREE JILYDREE) IT)RTYVK31U AND 601M) DOLLARS (01348AD) is hmvby audwized, WOW 4: This ordinancc Jia ta,e effeci Anniedlawly W, i wxf aher its passage by the CAI Council of Ow (AY or Ha tow n, INTR(A)IJ( ED. and I' A S S E 1) hy the a 0111! na I i w ,re a'),Yr a f dre, ("ity C!,ouncil (it' the 0(y or B,vvtown 0iis the 27" da,,, cd'N'harch. F, PH E N I I, DOWARI-OS, Mayor A TE, 4� . ........ ....... . I J fwerlrn (1t1,1,, �(erk s, APPROWE) As"11) FORNS 1{,T(f ZK R C ate' P K. Lrc rA a j lI ( o I C own, It M,, JI'SZ-Pf ml P:., "a , f i. %' Vs, a Ildl I, Ill 0C) III IMP� OILM 4l W