Ordinance No. 10,860AlN (.R'J)ENL%N('E OF THE C1 US' COUNCIL OFTHI,, (11'A' ('--,')F RAYTOWN, TEXAS, APPR(dVP"i THE ANNLANL SODIL-'M, HYDRO)JI)F," THE BAYTOWN AREA NVA110 AlYTHORITY AND (JNIVAR (JSA IN( -, ,,\NI) PROVHING R)RI"HE DA THH.F01', 'r, J+ 'j, •J� :+• , *: * * * .V. �4L * * �r, �, * 4, it :;k 1 �, * * * * * * * q. , * r, * ry �, '$, * * * * t,: * k, * 4. 4.4+ * f, * 1V * * * * 11 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rye * * * * * * * * WHEREAS, to Wnd of Divou" of to [hytown Area Water Atttho,rit,} ndvertked for bids for the Artrwal Sodimn Hydmx&e %Hraci to W rouhmd on Imuny 2W 200& W WHERFAY nolice to biddeus as to the Wic and p0c, when and where dw commet would lie lot v, as pul.flished in accordaixe w1lll lav, ; and WHEREAS, Al hAs wow opened and pubhdy n.md at the B��qtcrkvn Area ",`ateri\Ltthority's Frit"', [ daaans Fueddy on 1030 wnn on %%Wq Jmuuy 28, 2008, slS jkT T1411-DhShed notice to [i6]ders, atid cm l'uhmm-y 20, NOS, We Bomd of Dim= of the Hapown Pan WaRr Audoky accqited the bid of Unhur USA Inc, Or the Annul SodAmi I Odroxke Cinmint Rw die swu of ONF, lfl.JNDR1-.,E) FUNITTY-THRE'E "FIV W�,SAND FIVE M-INDRE.D SEVF.N]T ,?, N AND NO/I010 WHERF.AS, the k,,giskition Noe Bay,own Area (,p,'aier Aulhoriq) C43AWA") reqLuires that Me Cly Chwwh (1dw (IQ of Bayumv approve conums enwal duo by 13AVVA: and WHEREAS, the (My Cbwwd of dw (Vy of Byamn •diev" thasuch contract is desirabic, and advamageous, Ar the ped0unnce of We BA Wks 6gMs and po"Trq NOW 114 HR HIT)RE BE', BY THU. (`ITY('01JNC1t, OF" °I HE (�'ITY 01-`BA)-l"()1VN, T1.-',XAS: WOW 1: Thatt the City C'ouncil of to Chy of Baiytowji. Te' as, hereb.y approves thL MHUMI WdWrn Hydroxide (,'ontract tietvvot!n die Bagoun Area Aiater ALA1101�ity, and [Ji6vm, L)SA Inca. ses"n 1 'rhis ordinance shall lake km'nedialvly F1 pffu(j :[fjej jtp; 11yr Cdic Cky WWII OCOW City of Bqlmu. INTRONJ(,11), RI --AD and PASSED by the afRuMNe vWK of he (0y Cotined of me (IQ of Fk sew Rnvn this die 130 day of Adamh, :'.WP &A 11. 5(vaW> RLC)S, %K�lo 1",11 VHN lra('�rnn 0ty'(,-':1crk APJIROVED AS'F() FOW&