Ordinance No. 10,858ORDINANCE NO. 10,858 AN ORDINANCE- OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 82 "SECONDHAND GOODS" ARTICLE IV "GARAGE SALES." SECTION 82 -202 "PERMITS," SUBSECTION (B)(2) AND SECTION 82 -203 "APPLICATIONS," SUBSECTION (A) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS_ TO REMOVE THE FIVE AND NO/100 DOLLAR ($5.00) GARAGE SALE SIGN PERMIT FEE AND TO PROVIDE FOR COMMUNITY GARAGE SALES UTIDER ONE PERMIT; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE: CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE_ AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. *** -19************».************** W********* 4- ************ ** ********** ************ * * ** *** BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNTCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section l: That Chapter 82 "Secondhand Goods" Article IV -Garage Sales," Section 82 -202 "Permits_" Subsection (b)(2) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Baytown, Texas_ is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 82. SECONDHAND GOODS ARTICLE I % -. GARAGE SALES Sec. 82 -202. Permits. (b) Gcrrcrge sate sigh per-nrit. (2) Application for such sign permit shall be made to the inspections division. Section 2: That Chapter g2 "Secondhand Goods" Article IV "Garage Sales," Section 82 -203 "Permits," Subsection (b)(2) of the Code of Ordinances. City of Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: CH:IPTER 82. SECONDHAND GOODS ARTICLE IV. GARAGE SALES Sec_ 82 -203. -applications_ (a) Cctr-cege sale per-nrit crppticclriorr_ The information to be filed with the inspections division by an applicant for a garage sale permit shall include the following: ( 1 ) name of each person conducting the garage sale; (2) name of owner of each property on which the garage sale is to be conducted and consent ofawner if applicant is other than the o «°ner: (3) location(s) at which the garage sale is to be conducted; (4) number of days of the garage sale, (5) date at-the proposed garage sale, daw, ROca6t-m "Ind naw c of auto, garaz,,e w,rfle pam&Maed in or conduacd by each person nanied in subscobui (ay I) of dis smilon or heki on the proposed pretn� ses fisied ren s0vecdorl (a g3) of Ods •e0nn twig dw pwa I I nvinG per0d, (7) an al"I"u-nnative slament dmi We properly to be sold al the garage sale is personal properly o%vilctl by 1he apphcal)[, vvas neither acquired no consigned Or duo puquee tit' resale, and is nco h,om an ho Navory or smck cK jax"Is in trolde: and (mf) a S%\orn S[(Memenl (:)t affimlaukori b�, apphcavo dun flie information jm,)\Jdcd in [lie appficaifon us tme 'tnd ccmv�c , MuNple loCaLAMIS under one penon nwm be kaw'd v, flhl the Same sub(fivision, Sectfc�n 2: All ordunaM!Cs or (..it' orklinances n je(mmjSjSjenj \A J(11 tile (if flurr ordinance are hereby repealed; provWT Weveo dml awh repcol sh�,all be only to the exrelfl of such rricon"'Jsr e'lic ' v and ill ^4mfl 01her n",Sfwcts this oit.finance OmH be CMULdMWC 4 oMer mAnames wgWMKg and pmemk"'x tho subject TrIMM co" ","red t,,�v flai,'; c')rdinance. ROW 3: If any proviskm woRm, exceptRui, sUseclKnu pivagrapt sentence, clatNc m afar -asc� oC �h�s ordinanve or Me apphWon of sarne to any pormm or We mH of c4cumsulnem Amll for an.v [w hcLi unconsWuGnA void f,'w such WnWhy shall ruil affect the v,'ihd l v o[ thc pro", kim. of ON onhumce or HKAr aMdivakn it) m1wr Persons or sets of cRumstances and 1(k ihis ord all pmWons of Ohs ordhancc am Wkwed to be so% muhlv, Stoc6on -4: This ondinnncc half Etc onw hnni"Wely from and after its pasr;agc 1)), Ole 0L", Cuuilcd ofthk City 0h 131aywWrL INTF1,0DUCED, IBC- and PASSED by Me aMrmmkv VOW t' f the (:'ly Coundl oF We City of 4) di the 130 da of NUK, WK Y lI I I 1 (1)NC A R L 0S. 14 APPROVi-J) AS 1-0 FORM: enAINACK) it KAWU I On tly (,=:d ]m) 1Jm,:W ' L;'r w 1", M m?,.R R can�1,, I