Ordinance No. 10,857(DRUINAAWE ?M. M1357 AN ORDIF&MICAT WF 11112 UFTY CNAMMIL. OF 714EE urm OF TF',XAS. C*HAT',,Gl7 OR DIM Nch 2 vvrTH GEURCA10 C"ONITFRAMM(.mPY, MQU- MH TINT NORTIMANST W A SIT, F "A' ._1\ F-1 R PI - ANT S AN, I "I "A I � Y I .,'. W I � Rt J1AC'KAG+,,' m. I J-0, AND FHH, ASKJAIA, WRIVES ZVI' KIM 1 %A7 (D il I� F Awk PQ (2 E S (") I' I I A, J N I' [:"" R , 'S, C: R, q L, S L J 14 1 ) 1 N/ 113 1 UN A j'-"r E) F( S A N S `I A L., I., D, U 1.'T` TA I P C3 U C1 I -1 'I I I t; C 7 A 151 Ad G Q 10 A"I I F,, WA'lA" RA. .N,'F HORED 'Fill! UNION PACIFIC- RAHAWAID RMUIT-011- WAYZ /w,rimiumm, IN\YNAF?OF FOR SLAM ( A I A IN C; l 1 0,I ,1� I ) F. 1-� IN FHE AMOUNT (IF FAwr%­Fmmm i-imusno:III FFAVE HLJNl) RA_`J_) AND L)01 I.ARS 052,525 WE AND PROVIDINU 11014 T11E EFFEWFIVE DATE, °T "tlTI it IYA � 1 N7 Fr commimm In, "Fim ul l-f (A)UNQUIL. ()F nm urrm" C)F B,\Y1UVVNJ. "MMASO S a vv i t I "I hal. 01c (_'i�y dk_)C�n LM,Ihori�-e C'hange N�_) 2 C c- C) r L: C,A,.anslruction, hlc_ Olt: N"'Orow"O Waste %valer TYeatment Plant (AWtv TWOU"y Se"er PicsimA Package I to ic"movc anti ioplace Hic Ksw,AreAw mlm Lh-ACS al the 1"wr c"llwnccs t)f Hurriler's Ureck SuMlivisiun Lm4A to insulH condt,ait thvoi�q:!,h 01c° ca� lrg', Orle hore,,l umler Wit"i MOM Railmiul's righov*0 tl`�aI_`,', A Of Saki Mange cmder is amnchcd 1wrCLO, nutrked 1 "°,. iriMI 'W" and made, 'a p.Arl nH intents unul Imurposes. S 2 Fha Ole City q )Fghe CAty WBaywwn aujim3rieews li.vm_ls p,lyahlo tcw ki viu'm "mlotail Tn,uit I" excoed FIFTWFIMIAH THOUSAND FAVE HUHADMAD Awiwvm FIVH AND NO/100 DOLl"IRS (SK L525AH" in nccomtrmcc MW C'hange Order M. 2, aMhUll-jZCmC1 ill '_,Uctiean I S c". l t (') I 1 3,; 'I 1115 4'14'd'tma"` 2' !L_"IILIH lul*�e 4 h nt i"W"Wately 111"11 City, C kwmaf ""the Mq/ of FOlmown- j 111 D maul PASSIAD by We afOrmwiv(, v( tc, this the 13" day oF March., 200�, '010 . I m e r l i n City,XWW W. A �v R, I SR-LANY Alummy k K_"WKw_ AV v (­A, 40-- >A W�w.jo 0 A _0­ AJ r,11­7r­ -1 m ambler,- "s passage by lh(_m I IC),' L OS, "0 Exhibit "A" R`CEIVEU 0 - 77 PATE • ENGINEERS CONTRACT CHAMA: ORDER Project: Needlepoint 30' .\ 42" Sanitary So%er N;EW%VI O Off -Site SewCrN, Contract rsI Project 100:- 11'11r' 110400- 71IJ02 Client: City of liaytot,•n Contractor: Ceoro e CmI%t ruction. Inc. I. (iENFRAL STA "ITMENT OF CI1:�NCili: Page I of I Date: 2/20/2005 Change Order \o.: 2 .Tub \o.: 11.;4-006-011 Contract \o.: I REMISED CON I'RACT AN101 N'l Original C onttact Amount: S 1.731),IS7.00 Pro ions t ontract Amount: X16.71 1.00 Amount I his Chance Qr&r Roised l ontract Amount: I Jt.77?'Jt)5.(I(l Percent of Original Contract Amount 1nt1.7S "t, a. Rcnut\c and replace a-:phalt .iriyrs at mo enhances w the I luntet's Creek docloptucut ioswntctcil atler thi.s project u:ts a,ti:udcti. fhr� rr in the alicrttner,t cite the 3?" _anitan - .,�c•r. h. Install ? , conduit strap {xd to the prtposcd 5" a ;trrlin_ it, a 24" 1a-ing under the I WRR. Fit: conduit, are for telephone �cr%icc to the \G \\' \ \' IT. lliis is the mo,t cost- etteCtiye ntrthud ul pru% iding, for conduits tiM rrtluiral utility service. 3. FIN iI*: 0 days I ice %%Olk Co\Crrd b, this ch :ue r order shall be p:•rtor ncd under the �.unc terms and conditions its included in the original construction crnurac:. Ch:ut -CS Recommended: w I -A , Ch:ut�rs Approved: City of Ilayw,yn Owner He: I Dato GcurLC Contitu•uction, Inc. C ttractor 3 3 o�y l atel ADDITMNAL ITEMS 3. CON I RAC F UK: \ \\'IN( i IFVISION,,. \t 1 \t• t Fu 1% -th rc-cd on •1. ICON I RAC" I- DOCII \IHN I S I(I- WISIONS: NONE 5. CO's I RACT PRICE REVISI)NS: a. Rentot, and Reela- -% t„o dmes.a liuni,:C C.M. (Prop. vto l 1,. Install 1-2" conduits on X- t\aterline- in 24- ca mL umber t'111M t Prop - -'2ro 1 S 4,5ol TOTAL A.MMINT OF CHANGE Olmi.-At No. 5.1,525.00 PROPOSAL NO. 3Rev. ATTN: Mr. Paul Wallick, Fax 713 -462 -1631 SUBMITTED BY: George Construction, INC. DATE: Feb.19, 2008 Project NO. 53411 - 71002- WWTBO400 -71002 PROJECT NAME: Needlepoint 30" & 42" Trunk Sewer for City of Baytown REFERENCE: Remove & Replace Future Street As per sheet 25 & 27 of 59, approximate station 27 +00 & 32 +00 called for Future Street along Needlepoint Drive for hunter's Creek Subdivision. As per the field condition, these two future streets are already in place. While constructing 42" sanitary sewer line, George Construction needs to remove & replace back Asphalt paving. 1) Remove & dispose -off existing Asphalt paving with base, 4850 SF $1.00 /SF $4,850.00 storm sewer pipe & inlets. Prepare & grade to receive base material. 2) Install 10" crushed concrete base. 3) Apply prime coat & lay 2" Type D HMAC surface course material 4) Remove & Replace 24" culvert under the driveway Approximate 80LFx2EA 4850 SF $1.90 /SF $9,215.00 4850 SF $1.45/SF $7,032.50 Details 24" RC pipe C -76 Class I1I 160 LF $41.80 /LF $ 6,688.00 CS sand bedding & backfill 1 LS $1,600.00 S 1,600.00 Dump Truck 1 LS $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Labor ( 2EA- Labor, Operator, pipe layer & 1 Foreman) 2 days $1142.40 $ 2,284.80 Equipment 2 days $2,203.60 $4,407.20 Total Remove, dispose -off & Replace new pipe 160 LF $ 98 /LF $15,680.00 5) Install Type D Inlet complete in place 2EA $2900/EA S 5800.00 TOTAL $42,577.50 15% OH & P $ 6,386.62 Total to This Proposal $48,964.12 Page I Any quantities more than the specified limit, will be charged according to the unit price. Time Extension to this Proposal : 8 days SUBMITTED: CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE (Signature] Praful B. Bora, Vice President Page 2 February 19. 2008 DATE v FEB :1,2008 14:11 E. J. Manuel 409 -267 -3258 Cowboy Asphalt Service HC 1 Box 805 Hankamet; Texas 77560 409- 374 -2648 409 -267 -7240 February 11. 200H Grurbe Cunstnrction, Inc. 5148 Lotus Strcet 1' O. Hox 27369 77045 Houston, TX 77227 Office- (713) 728 -8480 Fax: (713) 729 -6553 For City of Haytmvat Needle Point (toad Baytown Project Nu. 5341 1. 71002- V`'W'I L 040U -0424 CONTRACT I Instal) 10 inches of crushed concrete base un driveways at Wcst Dnvc and East Dri,,c, appruxintatel\ 302 tuns for both driveways. Roll base material with Steel wheel rnllcr. I'ntal square 1'rrt for hoth drirr..a),• 4.00 <quare fret 2 Apply SSI prime oil mi approximatel. 4.►t;U fret of haw matciud 1. Overlay both driveways wilh 340 T}pc D -100 hot mix asphalt and roll to compaction, approximately 4,850 square feet. Contract Price for Items 1: $9,21 5.00 Contract Price for Item 2 & 3: 57,032,50 CONTRACT PRICE FOR ALL WORK: $ 16,247.50 CONTRACT PRICE INCLUDES ALL MATF.RIALS, EQUIP,1-t'ENT, LABOR, TRA,VSPORTATIONANDSUPCRIIISION Earl J. Manuel (409- 267 -3258 home-409-267 1119 cell) Estimator lur Elmu S. Pedd.. Owner Page 1 u 1 :.. IP: ?.l N.F -9 R',.`-4.311.j ^'1 7;•i -c vgT.:.j:+L 1:1" t7 ?!D^ P.O. Omc 55309 Telephorw{ (832) 590.5400 Houston. Tem 11255 Fax. (892) 590.6399 wmwu- QUOTAT70N Project 30" & 42' San Cewrer Trunk Bid Dato: 2118x2008 Plant: 1689 City of 030awn Bid Time: Quota Number: PRI- George Englnoor. County: Harris I b aAft+c a s COW tT We" calf "Al Ce T' LP dry& ;Litt. bkd wg arirer0 Pa 30, s Marl a w1 t asairon rroaaq a New i apa a y Mme ea OOnpf V0 m to MW N1ritl 6w0. t ft"10 q Va iiOCM fPRJed rsas. w cefp r{1a1 RNr (Y-7 dtW ROg1 W deb tl @.e7bn Meor� IrY /. tenR�ry • DORip C]trtrat tal'+wr RA+ od rVRfOCd lyon Ib :rre errd iold.`1urr1 edr4f W ar tde 1i1�Y cored. rTEM APPROX UNIT NO. JN1T5 SIZE DESCRIPTION PRICE t 160 LF 2•T' X 8• RG Retrrforced Co'Icrete Ptir G76 Ctase to 941.80 LF for storTn sower aWicabon only ASTN C 16 Ctam III tot dorm sewer appticrmlon FOB nucfmjoboie One gasket 6 jo'M lubncarlt inckrded Field tesllnp,lf required. Is far the account of the customer Unit price a good tar enders placed by Mate-1 18. 2008 Rinker Materials Standard Terra 8 Cordritiars etuU aptly TERMS OF DELVERY DELIVERY DATE: To be mutunny ! PAYMENT* 10th Prot POIN7. Jobste nrtnr�ye0 A=PrE000 arytl 10 u0en Ew Wma rM COnOTScro c tA>nd sr, bad% warn Renal. /rAAr RC:PKVdN "bmIltdd Wfdm Cantle a of Tsj u. tP drW s r4wbr KTOWW&Cam refs Pigs Dktdan to K An, Safe& Manaaw 9e4+ TrtL E rvc�cw Peas 1 d 1 (l l' I CTE tl,!, 2 Cv" "k PRC Of'. PROV fit WATT P sx if SWI, I .TON LANE.\ t, :7­� iG x0o .1 ll �71og- 13cti1c"UARI. VM 742: SCHAIIURN PMjrli: PAILROAf, !TWF PROJECT046, ' 5 WOIU FrOm r� POwER FIM (III it[ IVAllit SIDE .)r 1--A,;T f Of Of CAST APCHIR P01-0. rL(l 0:j [it-' fACl JIF AFICHFIR. kC64) FROU 115 I*'ii:O5-_--.-,1tr),t wilt, SICK -At"DER kc-Af) 1_1,[:VAIION - . 7 79 I)AIUM) PFIQP. 2- ".ULIC. _/ I()- COUPACIED SIAR11111411 %UtIGRADC 26-t]. 1 —PROP. TYPE 'D_ INLET -Fl. 26.10•(EAW) 11 -PROP. an i_r. -24- ctjtvrRT (SIZE & GRAM 10 HE COMIRIJECI kly 11C. PCI, 1.111 fl,tf 70 61E .Cui,_.Tcn 6, 4711r-IEF41.Nl ftlCtfh•- k,_�j Q , u-oTe-., c-vllc 'A lu"TAi:3,cuc_XkQ%n in _C=9uNanLA siri -are -jul `. !=- Uxl x"N= ii=3 _lIjL ef w-ni.1c 21 L=!f..' :n m.MN4_:. t., 1U. 10. 26. n OS SD OL' le. 1 - e' . 6' . 6' TEE 1 - 6- 1 - r.N. " :• soar SAN. SWR. MAN" .0 SID. 23.30.33 20.00• LI TON LANE 0 HT. 21 ) PROP. 8" `I WATER 8 � 1 PROP. e- I O ^SAN. SWR. I I 1= 1 I I:nci RTER —•� UNE �U-? PROP. 8" J gttc' ge WATER h 43 2 R; $ I 6" TEE I HUNTER'S TRAIL LA X s Y Q 18 oll.now 0, i 1 1 V 1 ( EMT. a' WATER i i to 0 _ BENCHMARK RU 742: SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD SPIKE PROJECTING APPR0XUUAYELY 2.5 INCHES FROM A POWER POLE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EAST SIDE OF OF EAST ARCHER ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 1,600 FEET ON THE EAST OF ARCHER ROAD FROM ITS INTERSECTION WlYH SJOLANDER ROAD. ELEVATION - 27.79 (1973 DATVM) cxm. 12' EMT. POrER POLE TO BE RELOCATED BY C04DWOINT ELECONC 1- !•- - ----luo + a r7P 26.16 E -D" INLET -�FL - 1 2635 -(EkW - H.MJ LC. MPACTED STABILIZED SUBGRADE 0 E.F. -24" R.C.P. CULVERT GRADE TO BE CONFIRMED BY H.C: PCT. 2) PROPOSAL NO. 2 Rev. ATTN: Mr. Paul Wallick, Fax 713 -462 -1631 SUBMITTED BY: George Construction, INC. DATE: Jan.30, 2008 Project NO. 53411- 71002- VAWBO400 -71002 PROJECT NAME: Needlepoint 30° & 42° Trunk Sewer for City of Baytown REFERENCE: 2° PVC Conduit under UPRR Track Supply & Install 2" PVC S -80 -3EA conduits, Tie -in with 8" WL & thread inside steel casing under UPRR. A) Material: 2" PVC S -80 — 3EAx260 LF Conduit w/2" plug @ Each end. $1041.00 B) Labor & Equipment: Tie -in 2" -3EA conduits w /8" water line & thread inside 24" steel casing $2925.00 Total $3966.00 15% OH & ProGt $594.90 Total To This Proposal $4560.90 Time Extension to this Proposal : 3*days SUBMITTED: CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE [Signature] Praful B. Bora, Vice President Page 1 January 30, 2008 DATE A � a �g Atli Atli 72 W 'o �4 Q Oc) � �2 i �a 0 Luis 1e4��•a - g 'o z SEE SHEET 608 ? G r 3 FOR CONTINUATION / it'd z I I 1 1 t 1 I I I 1- II X I I I � 1 I 1 NOLLYnKm00 wod it imws 339 8 i m � 9 J _ I � . rl. (t IJ rZ t Zt .•� i ti z