Ordinance No. 10,854() R 1) 1 N A CE '�, (4_l. 10, 8 5 4 A'N ()R DlN,,%N(,'F OF -111 E cm, (IA MI OF 4 Ff L'" CITY OF B,\Y'F0%VN., AUT110MZING 11111 PAYNIFI&T OF ONE I&NDRI,"D FORlY THOUItiAND FOUR AM) "wMWO(I [)(-)L,L,ARS (SI-40,442,00) TO Kj`(Allll (1-1 V R,() I.- ET., I N ( , - TIJ R(A-J, G h I FI i F" 1101 S TO N G /\ I., V E, S " I'() N A R F, A, CO 1,, J N 0 1, I. - 0 1 Z 111, PUPCIlASE OF' A NEW V0BU1, ANCE wml FRAZER"MANT I GENFRATOR N)WFRED NKMU[,F' M0L TFD()',\ A 2008 (0 1., F)U`RAN4,,%X DIESEL. CliASSiS, \lAkJ),Gg (Yll*0 PROMUNS RELATEDMERETA AND MOVIDING MR "ME EFFFCTAII DATE T1 WR•DF ;je r '4• * 4. J, ^ 4 r 1 r 'j, $ 4 •' r * •J• di •j, V, 5µ fj 4z ;j; ;J� 4� 'j, aJ. r , 'j, * "J" the Oq (bumil ofdw (1yofBapown ImsqTnwMan Interlocal A;� vocmem which aw1wilzes the lloustan4lahmon Area Qnmch to A bills Mr certahi k,,° ms on behtIfciftube C� i(Y of Wl lFRFAS, U)Lfl"SLIMII 10 SUch agroommm. to I-Imamplhilveslon Area Council has taken bids lbrart arnbulance wuth Iijazer Tylx! I gencraug pu"ewd nu dule numniod on a 2008 Chevr(i[ct ('4500 6.6 V. Duranlax diesch cha�sis: BF ITORDAINFE) BY ME CITY (MIM1. OF T! IF an, 01"BAYTOWY IWAY Scc6on 1: Vuitlu Cly(.=hwwd oFTe Cky of Bytom hereby authorizes, the Ivymentol'Ohl" I i I. 1 N D R L - 1 ) F0 R TY T 1-1 () I, S A N 1) FO ( R , I I t N 1.) R E D T \V F L All A W-) N 0/ 1 () () DO 1, L A R S (S", E40,41 2. W) io Km;V CIMM&L hw. Anmyli the llousuM Ahngon Awe Cowwil Rw d purchme ufn new ambWaue kk it Frazor IjMe I gawmuu powoNd mmdule numnwd on a 2008 (ThemAct 4"4500 6.6 1. Duramax MY wlmssis, SuMmi 2: TWO pursuant to the lonv&W of Wxas I-ocal Governnield Code Annotated §252A49. the (1q, Mager k hereby gramed gu"nd awhoity MoMmme any clunge onfer Ovoking a Wmasemmi increase in co.srs ofT\VEFvrY4`lVF TH(rUSKJ)AND N0,100 or I' Udell thm 01C oric,inal c.Imtratc:t prks nmyqvq he Wwreasod by mowlhan (2500 or decre'usto'd hy ll'�ore �hlltl to pucent (25%) midiout We mnsenll of We cmamOor to such decrease, Scclmn,3: This (W(finanec—shall take Ma immNAwdy Ilum and after As pamage by thu 0q, Cbum H of d G 4 of Bapo" n INTRODUCED. RVAD ond PASSEL) by the ammimwe vve of coy comm of Hie aq w, l3n,vtomi [his ihc 10day oFNIM, 2008. . j7jmh L�,()S� Nlayor dl 0 1 Ea I El )l Inter K§luk ", I , ), i n I it APIlR(-)VFl)AS TO FOP1,M: ('oum-d �nfin�ull, ��bPl ""lal rag Y N R A(Tm A mhulawv doc