Ordinance No. 10,849ORDINANCE NO. 10,849 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 130 "ZONING" ARTICLE VI "DISTRICT REGULATIONS," DIVISION 3 "UN URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT," SECTION 130 -472 "PERMITTED USES," SUBSECTION 1 "RESIDENTIAL USES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. BAYTOWN. TEXAS. TO ALLOW CERTAIN RV PARKS WITHIN THE UN URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD ZONING DISTRICT; CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PRESCRIBING A MAXIMUM PENALTY OF TWO THOUSAND AND NO /100 DOLLARS (S2.000.00); AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. ************************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** BE iT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section l: That Chapter 130 "Zoning" Article VI "District Regulations," Division 3 "UN Urban Neighborhood District." Section 130 -472 "Permitted Uses," Subsection I "Residential Uses" of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 130. ZONING ARTICLE VI. DISTRICT REGULATIONS DIVISION 3. UN URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT Section 130 -472. Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted by right in the UN urban neighborhood district: (1) Residential uses. Unless expressly stated otherwise. there shall be only one single - family dwelling unit per lot. Only permitted accessory structures shall be located on a lot with such single - family dwelling unit. Residential uses shall include the following: a. Single - family, detached and attached; b. Duplex: C. Mobile home; d. Multifamily; and e. Recreational vehicle parks located in a subdivision for which a plat is recorded in the county real property records on or prior to April 22. 1999, and in which the majority of lots are subject to deed restrictions expressly allowing recreational vehicles to be used and occupied as residences; provided that the recreational vehicles so located comply with the standards established in chapter 58 of this code, including the American Standard Association Pamphlet A 119.2 -1963, Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Systems in Travel Trailers. Sectimi 2: M ordinances or pans Mwdhmnces inconsklent MY the lenns of Ohs ordimancc' me hereby rq=ded: pro,,'ided, hm,)v'c'vm that such rc"l-val be only to dic, extent of such incomistency =1 in all odier respects this ordinance Wl hC CLIMUkitiV0, 01' 01,11CI' Ordh]MlCes regulaling and govendrig the subject nmur amered by Us Whmnce. Seclion :3: H' any provision, seckon, exceptiou, subseMm, pamgraph, semence, chme or Idwase of the ordhmnce or the applkkon of samie to any perm"i or the set of Wcummices, shall Q)r any rcammi be held unconskudont, mid or Muld such immiNky shall not effect the validity of the remAning pRwijons cd'this c)rdimance, or their apphcatiorl to offier persons or sets Of circullist"ince's and to Ak end all pmvkbns ofthis midiance me dechred hi he sevamble. Section 4; Any Pemon "to Us to conqdy with my provision (,,4'thjs ordinance Amll be gudj of as nAsdonemmr aml upon m"Alln. AM be plikled by as fle in mi arnow-n ofnm mme th,,mi T\V0 T'H(.)U",SAND '~ ND No. 100 I)MLARS 0"2,0(9) Jesup. Each moat (I vKhWon and each &,xv in)CM W hD ch arly' such a kflatic)n sUl occur shall consi-lune a weparate cd'f�;rrse. In addition to the penal, prescrdied above, the ch ' v my pume other remedies such as abatement of nNsances, mjunchve relief. administra6ve 'adjudkohm and revocation cake icenses or permks. scctk�)n 5: Thk omhnmwe MH We Met Amm and after ten ( 10) days From its pasuge hv the City (10mck"Te City C k is Weby chruted to gkv noIN hemof 4, cmusing Be capkil of ilvis oninmwe to bo pubhOwd in Q oBkhl newslmpar of the (Ty (A' 13ayown at least ME: Aill'Jll tell ( k)) after passag'e ofthi"'; ordimince, INTRODLITA READ, AND KASSEA) by thes ,nH)rrlrative r Ate eel` the 0ty C'mmed of Haymn, Us We 13,"' day of March, 200,S', // NAVF. Haiti Cid CWk APPROVED AS 11) H)ITN'L .0, e . . . . . ........... N Km on 1405 CK Wn"d I uck L', P 2 STYP I- I F N H. D 0 N ('A, i � I . () S, NI ay o r A A6 NAVF. Haiti Cid CWk APPROVED AS 11) H)ITN'L .0, e . . . . . ........... N Km on 1405 CK Wn"d I uck L', P 2 STYP I- I F N H. D 0 N ('A, i � I . () S, NI ay o r