Ordinance No. 10,845ORDINA,NCE NO 1(),845 ()RLWy 'A,",kT OF TIT CITY U(NNUL OF THE CITY OF BAVT()\V ,, I 'VAS, 210111,D DIPAIC-111,11"I"(1 TTE CITY MANA(&R .'\N Na KT „R1Nl (ITY UIRK Ito K\I CIILTL AND A11"ES], TO A C'()N'FRA('T WITH WFISIN(',: &R AV FR "qdJ, INC, 1011 TIE JAMES STRFI:;'I WATF"R W[1,11-1, N"'PAIR PROJI,A"I'„ AFFHORIHNG IIANWEIQT OF A SUM OF FMT) HUNA)RFD fhlii^ r-, v r, r H o i N A N Dl--F I G H T H t, ,,” D f,( I -D AND NO,] W) DOH.AIZS (S219100JAW MAKING (YFHFR PROVISIONS RLINITI) "I , {� .� At, P o t�, , c �� d x t", to r. * * " P. it ", r r ,. M� 'j;t ". * t", *f "! *. ma , � w: ,'c * J, .y A 4 [,, A "l, .'r, :Y t . 'j, , *, jV t, '[4 ;� P ti ; .j4 ;(, v , A "t; '"ITREAS, the (1, Chwwd of Iv CIV of Ba"oun Lhd advenne Wr hAk Or the James Sircet %kaner %Q11 Repair Ajew to A,, rct,:c:T,,ed on Fca,m,,rnr.v T4,2008 md WHITIAS. wiwyAice U; bidders as io le Wn wd phjC"', �r d fli'° op, nc,'d ,�lnd k2ad ',Ih'Ald V,,I, pubhshod priirs�,iani to pnn Wns of Foun Land (hiumnav Cbd,,� Nonoultul I 252AWI: mQ WHERLAS. A 'Pr ds were opened ami publicly read at (. "hy 1161 at 2JH) WAnT yriv 11wrmly, T bruary 14, 21"N. ah 1wr puNkhed frokc u) ""()W Bll FF ORDAI\LT) BY FHE ('11-V (,.)F THE (TTY OF Sci,'[wil I Ihai the (Iq Councd of ihc, (.TL.v c)[' h,, -itchy wwocpts the ilid of Xcll, d,or flr,,' kurt,,:s Str,:et VWw- \011 11c1' air Pntai a"Wkq to Ow Ifuls And ,pecincamms Nvi Wrth Iq the KqA Lughwoc and authori/,c.s payinent of an MIIOM)t tfl' 1AVO ffl,:(IDPIH) I'll, 9 "A I] I 1'110i SAW LKAFr HUNDRI.,A) A` D N0,100 DO LIARS (S2N,W().f0,) kw1)011, the fflik in Me AL and 01C C'hy mamqCr and dic Interint (ily Cled, cd'lhe Ctl", m'o hvjc�,,'y au"Oh"d and direcwd ica cx: ,,cuie and tiles� to aI colAract with \1V e I L ger \,V"oel hic., 6m die, sait,] con raci conminKg Te p1mrs, Specificlikons, tuld r` °aTarit`r r'rra raft, nF the (in mid qppiwe Iva RI rupi0mums in a"onlarwe %vAh the pawkims or Amo (Avoonwi ( QW, (Tapier 220, is 1wr&v gmnwd general x0oAq to qqRwe any change owler Quiving a ill �:osw or TAVENTY-FIVI THOUSAND AND NO/W(r lit', LIARS WS W= or 44 subjai hi dw pnKnum Go the Aginal WHIMI Imice may not be Wwwawd by nuorw than t"enq.kc pawom 214 q Awreand by numn than i"wo-Se punwit (2540 Whow the Con•w W' sir C 10 SUCh This ordinance shAI wku .Afeci h,rm%,dfauIre from aml alter n,, by th,- W'0'le Citla 1, F I READ loul P \SjSFD the Wnmlf.,��c, �,oie of t)41� ('�)t�jjj:r x" 0 sit M of Uwv oC 7 ap S I May(m, I ' N K N N 1, 1� I I r e ri I I i (" i I y, ("-, rk, ,Ajq,R0V-TD AS 11) 1101INI: I " 4�4, I S 1,�), :A um