Ordinance No. 10,833ORDINANCE NO. 10,833 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ADDING THE PROPERTIES ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR LIMITED PURPOSES AND BEING DESCRIBED AS HUNTERS CHASE SECTION ONE, RESERVE A; HUNTERS CHASE SECTION ONE, RESERVE B; COUNTRY MEADOWS SECTION ONE, RESERVE A; COUNTRY MEADOWS SECTION FIVE, RESERVE B; COUNTRY MEADOWS SECTION FIVE, RESERVE C; PINE MEADOWS SECTION ONE, RESERVE A; AND PINE MEADOWS SECTION ONE, RESERVE B, LOCATED EAST OF STATE HIGHWAY 146 AND SOUTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 10, CHAMBERS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 5; AND ADDING THE PROPERTIES ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF BAYTOWN FOR LIMITED PURPOSES AND BEING DESCRIBED AS A 43.8056 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED EAST OF SPRING GULLY AND NORTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 10 IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, TO COUNCIL DISTRICT NO. 3.; REPEALING ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS, Section 17(1) of the Charter of the City of Baytovvn provides that the City Council shall redistrict the City if the growth of the City justifies; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to include the newly annexed territory described herein in a Council District; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: Council District No. 5 is hereby redistricted by the addition of that property which is described in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: Council District No. 3 is hereby redistricted by the addition of that property which is described in Exhibit "B," which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance are hereby repealed; provided however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be cumulative of other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 4: If any provisions, section, exception, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances, shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or their application to other persons or sets of circumstances and to this end all provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 5: This ordinance shall take effect from and after ten (10) days from its passage by the City Council. The Interim City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice hereof by causing the caption of this ordinance to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Baytown at least twice within ten (10) days after passage of this ordinance. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative/c City of Bay th day of February, 2008. KELVIN KNMJF, Interim City/lerk te of the City Council of the STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, Ma/or APPROVED AS TO FORM: RAMIREZ, SR., CifyjAttorney R:\Karcn\lriIcs\CityCi)uncil\Ordinances\2008\Febniary l4\AddLiinitedPurposeAiiiicxalionstoCouncilDistricls5&3.doc EXHIBIT "A" i Junt 20, Z.980 C3LWUDS CWWT5 MUNICIPAL OTIiITT DISTRICT HO. 1 TRACT 1 ti»«t wore deeded to t.n. ritigerald by Jonn Shearer In a 3«ed dated May 1 1916 and record Id Volu-e S, p,ge S7S of tne Dnd Record, of SamoaS Csunty, Sw**. »«id 50.2384 acres of land being Mti particularly deacrioea by Betas and Sounds as follows: ^^ CMUIDCIH at an iron rod found for the northeast career of tne aforementioned 102-264 acre tract, ■aid point being in the iouU a.O.K. line of Interstate Highway No. iq 4nd o,lno y,, ,aae ,inB of *»id Willia» Bioodgood U<9ud Xbseract Ho. 4 and ta» vut line of tnt HUllaa Bloodgood Augu- Moucioo Survey, Kaszzrtcz Ho. 5, cbance S TS'IJ'11 225.00 foet along tae soucA S.O.H. line of Inter-" »uw Highway No. lo to Ui Point of Beginning; MEMCC S 12*21 'W t, 2323.6* fact to a point for the louUtut earner of thim trae%. In the north R.O.W. line of N««dla Point Doad and Ui aousa Una of said 222.3 acre trace; raOtCE S 78*07*32* W, with the aouth line of tii* tracr, aaing the sects lin« of said 222.3 acrt tract and Borta JUO.W. line of Needle Point Road, a dla- taaee ot 2311.24 feet to a 1* iron pipe in tn« east X.O.H. lioa at atata Highway No. 144. being the ■sgtlwat comer of tnia tract; THEHCC N 12-S3'32* E, with the wc»t line ot this tract and toe east JUO.W. line of said Stato Bign- way HO. 146, a distance of 1405.00 Ceat to a con crete X.O.K. nonuaent for an angle point; Tamer H 3S-3S *3B' b, continuing with the west line of tftia tract and the east R. O.W. line at said State Hiooway Ho. 146, a distance of 17S.06 ie«t to a concrete R.O.W. nonuBent for an angle point; T3ENCT » IS'34'09* E. continuing with the West lioe of tCis tract and tne east R.O.W. line of said SutB Blgsxay No. 146, a distance of 839.71 feet to an iroo pipo and being she soutawest corner c£ tne Buwle OU ana defining Co. 0.B931 acre tract of land; THDICZ K 7J-B6-1B* E. vith Xorth line of this tract and being the south line of said 0.8J31 acrs tract, a distance oi 300.37 feet to an iron rod set in concrete for an interior corner, said corner being die southeast earner of tse aforementioned 0.J931 acre tract; TBCHCE H 15'iS'U' E, witn the east line of the s,aid O.S931 acrt tzact. a distance of 130.54 feet ta *n iron rod .«• m eonerete for the northwest comer of Lais tract of land and the northeast comer of said a.8931 acrt tract, said corner being in ta« south A.O.W. lin« of Interstate Hlan- way Ha. 10; * THENCT K 75-:3'l;-f, with tne north line =f wi* tract and being yie soutfl a.O.K. line of Interstate Hi-jrw.y ho. 10. a distance cf 822.30 feet -o tne Mint a; Beginning tnD eaniaming 90.2384 ac-es ■ere or less. " ' Paix-1 of 2 TRACT 2 DESCRIPTION OF A TRACI OF "A". Restricted Reserve "B" and^portiolf F^"r ^ *""* bcI"8 J" of R««ri«cd Reserve-Section One. a subdivision P^r^^^^^ 22ESs-Said " J^^^^ 1 line of State . Page 104 of the Map Records of Chambers County T " ™vision P|al recorded under Volume Summerlicld Section One. Restricted Reserve "A" in .^Jf1!'u?l?_Or!hw? comer of safd pent for corner, for the northwest comer of Block aLdln^K •adlstanceo"-''7.n feelioa ;^ ^thX^^^ Restricted Reserve "B" and The «*J*Z£^^ffif?d'tw thc northe»s' "mcr of said total distance of 637.78 feet to a point for com«^l«.f»S-.. Su"inierficld Section One. for a One. for the southwest comer «S££?ZES&'Z """V""^said Summorfidd Sec, on said tract herein described; southeast comer of said Restricted Reserve "IT and |«i and being in a Z° »,h "L« fcrT '" "" "" "«l»-r-«»y acres (262.0.7squart Ret, of,and Cobb, Pcndlcy & Associates, Inc. 13430 Northwcsi Freeway. Suite 11 DO Houston. Texas 77040 Phone: (713)462-3242 Job No. 5310-lD|-0|.oi January 8,2008 TRACT 3 DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING 10.2881 ACRES (448,149 SQUARE FEET) SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM BLOODGOOD AUGUMENTATION SURVEY A-5 CHAMBERS COUNTY. TEXAS Rln H Tf a traC' landccontainin8 IO28S1 acres (448,14'; square feet) situated in the William Bloodgood Augumentat.on Survey, A-5 in Chambers County, Texas beine out of a 11 5178-ere Li composed of three tracts ofland as recorded in Volume 294, Page 215, Volume a Page 9 " W ml fi?0 / and™"™ 282' Pa8« "51 of the Deed Records of Chambers County lex ns Sai -acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: ^ THENCE So.,1,77-W 56" Wat. dto.ee of 151.87 fco » , poim for eomen Cobb, Fcndley & Associates, Inc. 13430 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1100 Houston, Texas 77040 Phone:(713)462-3242 Job No. 5310-101-01-01 January 10, 2008 TRACT 4 DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING S^ <32-759 SQUARE FEET) SITUATED IN THE WILLIAMBLOODGOODAUGUMENTATION SURVEY A 5 CHAMBERS COUNTY. TEXAS " more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows tangent curve to .he right; ' "' ^'"° '^ '° " Point-for '"e beginning ofa THENCE Sou* 77-!«• 56" Wea,, dislmceof 151.87 fa. ,o a point; THENCE South 77-)8' 48" We,,. a disuuiee of 296.57 fee, to . point; Cobb, Fcodlcy & Associates, Inc. 13430 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1100 Houston. Texas 77040 Phone:(713)462-3242 Job No. 53IO-IOI-OI-OI January 10,2008 IN T E R S T A T E BI C H W A Y to (R- O . W . VA R I E S ) J TIU C T S SUB J E C T PR O P O S E D SP A NO. 2 NE W UU I T B D PU R P O S E AN N E X A T I O N AR E A ^J P BA Y T O W N CI T Y UU I T S DI S T R I C T BO U N D A R Y * SE R V I C E AR E A «J« 0 N.W . FRW T . . SVJ T E 110 0 WU S T O M TEX A S 770 4 0 46 2 - 3 2 4 2 20 0 7 EX H I B I T A 7'/l 4 C 7 ' < S SU B J E C T TO CH A M B E R S ■ ! EXHIBIT "B" STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF HARRIS) DESCRIPTION of a 43.8056 acre tract of land situated in the Nathaniel Lynch Survey, Abstract 44, Harris County, Texas, and being all of that certain called 121.047 acre tract of land conveyed by Evans Buick, OLDS, GMC, Inc. to Allen E. Russell, Trustee, by Deed dated October 23,1980 and recorded in County Clerk's File No. G736020 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas. This 43.8056 acre tract is more particularly described by the following metes and bounds, to-wit: NOTE: BEARINGS ARE BASED ON DEED BEARINGS AND FOUND MONUMENTS IN THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 10 AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE HERETOFORE MENTIONED CALLED 121.047 ACRE TRACT. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE PLAT OF EVEN DATE ACCOMPANYING THIS METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION. BEGINNING at a xh inch iron rod found in the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10 (right-of-way width varies, but is 300 feet wide at this point), for the Southwest comer of that certain 3.5528 acre tract of land conveyed by Ben D. Reading to MMR Viking Investment Assoc, L.P. by Deed dated August 3,1999 and recorded in County Clerk's File No. T902702 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas and by Reading Buick, Inc. to MMR Viking Investment Assoc, L.P. by Deed dated August 4,1999 and recorded in County Clerk's File No. T902703 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas. Said point being the Beginning Point of a Boundary-Line Agreement as recorded in County Clerk's File No. S381673 of the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas and the Southeast comer of the heretofore mentioned called 121.047 acre tract. Said point being the Southeast comer and POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract. THENCE: South 64°56'16" West along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10 and at 847.82 feet pass a concrete right-of-way marker found in said line, in all, a total distance of 1930.10 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Northerly. THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a Southwesterly direction, along the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10, the South line of this tract and the South line of said called 121.047 acres; said curve having a radius of 567.95 feet, a central angle of 29°45'08", and a chord bearing and distance of South 79°36'25" West 291.62 feet, for an arc length of 294.92 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve. THENCE: North 85°18'38" West along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10 for a distance of 29.61 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left, concave Southerly. PAGE 2 -43.8056 ACRES. THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a Northwesterly direction, along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10; said curve having a radius of 582.06 feet, a central angle of 29°45'30", and a chord bearing and distance of South 79°38'41" West 291.52 feet, for an arc length of 294.82 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve. THENCE: South 64C55'51" West along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10 for a distance of 557.18 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the : BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the left, concave Southeastelry. THENCE: Along and around said curve to the left, in a Southwesterly direction, along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10; said curve having a radius of 297.27 feet, a central angle of 29°15f44", and a chord bearing and distance of South 50°04*55" West 294.05 feet, for an arc length of 297.27 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve. THENCE: South 35°40'07" West along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10 for a distance of 26.98 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Northwesterly. THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a Southwesterly direction, along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10, said curve having a radius of 592.23 feet, a central angle of 10°08'12", and a chord bearings and distance of South 40°44'13" West 104.64 feet, for an arc length of 104.78 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve. THENCE: South 84C58'32" West along the South line of this tract, the South line of said called 121.047 acres and the North right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 10 and at 54.09 feet pass a V2 inch iron rod, with cap, set for reference, in all, a total distance of 62.65 feet to a point on the East bank of Spring Gully for the Southernmost Southwest comer of this tract and the Southernmost Southwest corner of said called 121.047 acres. THENCE: Along and with the meanders of the Northeast or East bank of said Spring Gully, along the Southwest line of this tract and the Southwest line of said called 121.047 acres as follows; North 16c30'45" West for a distance of 7.12 feet; South 83°16'31" West for a distance of 16.82 feet; North 58° 17'27" West for a distance of 104.79 feet; PAGE 3 -43.8056 ACRES. North 70°25'40" West for a distance of 77.39 feet; North 10°24'34" West for a distance of 27.60 feet; North 43°40'28" West for a distance of 108.06 feet; North 80°45'50" West for a distance of 62.74 feet; South 80°3r47" West for a distance of 33.72 feet to a point for the Westernmost Northwest corner of this tract and the Westernmost Northwest corner of said called 121.047 acres at the East right-of-way line of the C.I.W.A. Canal as described in Film Code #105-96-1373 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas. THENCE: North 07°49'01" East along the West line of this tract, the West line of said called 121.047 acres and the East right-of-way line of said C.I.W.A. Canal, for a distance of 86.18 feet to a point for the Northwest corner of this tract. THENCE: North 35°40'07" East along the North line of this tract for a distance of 143.43 feet to a point for an angle point in said line. Said point being the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Southeasterly. THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a Northeasterly direction, along the North line of this tract, said curve having a radius of 1082.06 feet, a central angle of 29°15'44", and a chord bearing and distance of North 50°08'24" East 546.64 feet, for an arc length of 552.63 feet to a point for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve. THENCE: North 64°55'51" East along the North line of this tract for a distance of 557.38 feet to a point for an angle point in said line. Said point being the BEGINNING POINT of a curve to the right, concave Southeasterly. THENCE: Along and around said curve to the right, in a Easterly direction, along the North line of this tract, said curve having a radius of 1067.64 feet, a central angle of 29°45'31", and a chord bearing and distance of North 79°41'22" East 548.30 feet, for an arc length of 554.51 feet to a point for the TERMINATION POINT of said curve. THENCE: South 85°18'38" East along the North line of this tract for a distance of 46.22 feet to a point for an angle point in said line. THENCE: North 64°56' 16" East along the North line of this tract for a distance of 2158.12 feet to a point for the Northeast comer of this tract, in the West line of said 3.5528 acres. THENCE: South 02°28'57" East along the East line of this tract, the East line of said called 121.047 acres and the West line of said 3.5528 acres, and along the heretofore mentioned Boundary-Line Agreement for a distance of 541.51 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing within these boundaries 43.8056 acres of land. 2524B-l.fdn.doc NATHANIEL LYNCH SURVEY A -44 1209 DECKER DRIVE. BAYTOWH. TEXAS 201/422-6213 ORAVN BYi Aft .OWG OCCKCD KIR SOUS; t INCH ~ 200