Ordinance No. 10,801ORDINANCE NO. 10,801 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT WITH KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC., DATED JANUARY 26, 2007 AND AMENDED ON OCTOBER 23, 2007, TO (I) FINALIZE THE CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLANS, PROGRAMMING FOR TWO OUTDOOR AQUATIC FACILITIES AT THE WAYNE GRAY SPORTS COMPLEX AND N.C. FOOTE PARK AND ONE WATER SPRAY GROUND AT MCELROY PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED CITY OF BAYTOWN AQUATIC FACILITIES MASTER PLAN, AND (II) PREPARE COMPLETION CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS, TO ADVERTISE FOR BID AND TO PROVIDES SERVICES RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE NEW AQUATIC FACILITY AT THE WAYNE GRAY SPORTS COMPLEX; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT BY THE CITY OF BAYTOWN OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SIX HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (5613,000.00); AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TF.XAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute and the City Clerk to attest to the Second Amendment to the Standard Form of Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., dated January 26, 2007 and amended on October 23, 2007, to (i) finalize the conceptual master plans, programming for two outdoor aquatic facilities at the Wayne Gray Sports Complex and N.C. Foote Park and one water spray ground at McElroy Park in accordance with the approved City of Baytown Aquatic Facilities Master Plan, and (ii) prepare completion construction documents, to advertise for bid and to provides services related to the construction of one new aquatic facility at the Wayne Gray Sports Complex. A copy of the Second Amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Baytown authorizes payment to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., of the sum of SIX HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($613,000.00), pursuant to the Agreement. Section 3: That the City Manager is hereby granted general authority to approve any change order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less; however, the original contract price may not be increased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without the consent of the contractor to such decrease. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote^Tf the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 10th day of January, 2008. NAUFTlnterim CitvOerk STE . DONCARLOS, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ, SR., C(tJ Attorney R:\Karcn\Filcs\CityCouncil\Ordinances\2008\January 10\Kimley-Horn2ndAmcndment.doc Exhibit "A" SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STATE OF TliXAS § COUNTY OK HARRIS § This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to the Standard Form of Agreement between the City of Baytown and Kimley-IIorn ;ind Associates. Inc.. dated January 26. 21)07. and amended on October ?.$. 20(17. is made hy and between the same parties on the dale hereinafter last specified to authorize the services necessary: 1. to final i/e the conceptual master plans, programming for iwo outdoor aquatic facilities at the Wayne Gray Sports Complex and N.C. Poote Park and one water spray ground at Mcl-lroy Park in accordance with the approved City of Uaytown Aquatic Facilities Mailer Han: and 2. lo prepare completion construction documents, to advertise for bid and In provides services related to llie construction of one new aquatic facility at the \Va\ne Cray Spoils Complex. WITNESSETH: WIl!£RliAS. the City of Ba\iowu ("OWNER") and Kimley-Horn and Associates. Inc.. ("ENGINEER") did enter into an Engineering Services Agreement, dated January 2fi. 2(1(17 ("Agreement"): and WHEREAS. OWNER'S City Council approved and adopted the Aquatics Master Plan on July 26.2007. as prepared by the ENGINEER: and WMKRHAS. OWNER and ENGINEER entered into the First Amendment to the Agreement on October 23. 2007 for preliminary design services and programming for two outdoor aquatic facilities at Wayne Gray Sports Complex and N.C. l;oote Park and one water spray ground at McElroy Park in accordance with the approved City of Hayiown Aquatic Facilities Master Plan (the "First Amendment"): and WHF.RF.AS. OWNER now wishes to amend the Agreement again to authorize the F.NC-INEER: 1. to finalize the conceptual master plans, programming for two outdoor aquatic facilities at Wayne Gray Sports Complex and N.C. Foote Park and one water spray ground at McElruy Park in accordance with the approved Citv of liayiown Aquatic Facilities Master Plan: and 2. to prepare completion construction documents, lo advertise for bid and to provides services related to the construction of one new aquatic facility at Wayne G:ny Sports Complex. Second Amemlmetil u> Mr-Si:nul;ird Form Of Agreement between Owner ;nul F.ntiinecr. f'age I WIILRUAS. LNGINi:l:R desires lo perform such services on behailof OWNF.R: and NOW THIiRKI'ORI-. lor and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto do hereby mutually agree as follows: I. Definitions. Unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context, words and phrases as. used in this Addendum shall ha\e the same meanings as in the Agreement and the Kirsi Amendment. ?.. Amendments. The amendments specified in lliis Second Amendment shall be particular to the uuidoor;u|iiai:c facilii) at Wayne Gray Sports Complex a. Exhibit "A" "Engineer's Services" is hereby amended 10 renumber Task I in Section A. 1.015 "Programming and Preliminary Design Phase" as Task la and to add a new task lo he numbered Task In. Such tasks shall read as follows: 'Cask hi Coordination and Design Management ENGINEER will serve as the lead design consultant and pro eel design team manager. Items of work included in this task are: a. Coordination of ihe miia e> and geo-uvhnical wurk: b. Assisting OWNER in defining the project scope, design budgets, and assignment of design team responsibilities: c. Perform initial due diligence 10 determine utility scivices and OWNER requirements: d. Manage the project and direct the consulting team during the preliminary design phase: e. Communicate regularly with OWNER as needed: and f. Attend design review meetings during the Programming and Preliminary Design Phase of the Project with OWNF.R and OWM-R"S representatives. Task II) Counlinatiim ami Design Management (duration or the Project) ENGINEER will serve as the lead design consultant, project design team manager, and owner's representative. Items of work included in this task are: a. Assisting OWNKR in defining and developing the project scope, design budgets, and assignment of design team responsibilities: b. Perform due diligence to determine OWNER requirements for the project: c. Manage the project and direct the consulting team during the following project phases: 1. Schematic Design: 2. Design Development: .i. Construction Documents: -I. Bidding: 5. Construction: and (>. Post-Consirueiion: Second Arncndiiiciit to the Standard l-'orin of AgreemeinJbehvccn.L'wiwr njuljinijiiieer. Page - d. Communicate regularly with OWNI-R as needed: and e. Attend meetings with OWNI-R and OWNER'S representatives during the following project phases: 1. Schematic Design: 2. Design Development: 3. Construction Documents: ■I. Ridding: 5. Construction: and 6. Post-Construction: b. Lx'iibii "A" •■fingineei's Services." Article A I.(115 "Programming ami I'reliniinai'} Design Phase." Section AI.UI5 A.O is amended to add a new ta>k to be numbered and entitled Task III ■Schematic Design." which task .shall read as follows: A1.01? Programming and PicliiiiiuaiA Design Phase A. LNGINLLK SHALL 6. Perform or provide tile additional Programming and Preliminary Design Phase tasks or deliverable*: Tusk 111: Schematic Design (3(1 days) KNTilNKHK >h:dl perform the following services fur the schematic t'esipii for the \Va\ne (iray Family Ai|tiaiies Center: 1. Prepare schematic plans, sections, and preliminary specifications for the pools, buildings and sitcdc\clopmcnt showing dimensions and features: 2. Pro\ ide nn opinion of probable cost for the pools. buildings and site development and answer questions regarding estimated cost data: 3. Provide information on finishes, equipment, lighting, outlets, pool water supply and waste, structural design and site utilities: 4. Present the schematic designs to the OWNRR and/or its representatives: 5. Review design comments with the OWN IIK and/or its representatives: and 6. dualize the schematic design package to rellect the OWNER'S changes and comments: c. l:\hibil "A" "".'ngiiieer's Services" is hereby amended to add a new section numbered and entitled A. 1.02 "Final Design Phase" which shall read as follows: A. 1.02 Fiiml Dt'sigit Plume A. After acceptance by OWNER of the Programming and Preliminary Design Phase documents and revised opinions of probable Construction Cost as determined in the Programming and Preliminary Design Phase, but subject to any OWNlfR- directed modifications or changes in the scope, extent, character, or design requirements of or for the Project, and upon written authorization from OWNi-R. liNGINLLR shall perform the following l-'inal Design Phase Trsk and/or deliverable.-;: Sci-oiid Amendment l.ulic Si:imi:iiil I onn nl* Aarceineni hemeen Owner and Knuiuecr. t'aue .? 1. (Modified) Oh the basis of the above acceptance, direction, and iiu:horizalion. prepare final Drawings indicating the scope, extent, and character of the Work to be performed and furnished by Contractor. Specifications will be prepared, where appropriate, in conlbrmance with the 16-division format of the Construction Specifications Institute or other format aureed to in wriiinu by OWNKR and ENUINI-I-R. 2. Provide technical criteria, written descriptions, and design data as needed for the OWNER to file applications tor permits from or 10 obtain approvals of governmental authorities having jurisdiction to review or approve the final design of the Project and assist OWNER in consultations, if an\. wiiii appropriate authorities. .V Advise OWNER of any adjustments to the opinions of probable Construction Cusi and any adjustments to Toial Project Costs known ui RNGINKI-.R. itemized as provided in paragraph A I.015.A.7. !. Perform or provide the following additional Final Design !'ha>e l:isk> ;nu! or deliverables: Task IV: Design Di-vdopmcni ((>() days) The Design Development Phase for the Wayne Gray FamiK Aquatic* Center will consist of ilk1 following tasks: 1. Preparation of design development plans and specifications (50% Construction Document) for the pools, building*, and site development: 2. Provide an opinion of probable cost for the pools, buildings, and site development and answer questions concerning estimated cost data: .i. Provide information on finishes, equipment. lighting, outlets, pool water supply and waste, structural design and site utilities: •I. Present the design development plans to the OWNKR and/or its representatives: 5. Review design comments with the OWNER and/or its representatives: and 6. Finalize the design development package to reflect the OWNIiR's changes: Tusk V: Construction Documents (60 Days) The Construction Document Phase for the Wayne Gray Family Aquatics Center will consist of the following tasks: 1. Prepare final construction plans and specifications (|<HJ°o Construction Documents) for the pools, buildings, and site development: 2. Provide an opinion of probable cost for the pools, buildings, and site development and answer questions concerning estimated cost data: Second Amendment in the .Suimlard Form of Agreement totvieen Owner and F.nuinecr. Pago 4 3. Provide info filiation on finishes, equipment. lighting, outlets, pool wuter supply and waste, structural design and site utilities: 4. Present the construction documents to the OWNER and/or its representatives, which documents shall at a minimum include the following: a. Engineering Site Plans: b. Site development plans (layout, grading, storm sewer ami 1 drainage areas, water and sanitary sewer, lighting, power distribution, erosion control, planting and irrigation, and details: e. Building plans (floor plans, elevations, section, details. HVAC. plumbing, electrical, utilities for OWNER-provided food service equipment, finishes, and structural): an.l d. Poo! layout, piping, and filtration plans (sections, details. equipment, pumps, tillers and chemical feed equipment): 5. Review design comments: and 6. finalize the construct ion documents to reflect the OWNER'S changes and comments: 5. Pa-pare and furnish Ridding Documents for review and approva! by OWNKR. ii* legal counsel, and other ad\i>or>. as appropriate, and n«iM OWNLK in the preparation i-i other ivia:eo dni'iuiu-nK (>. Siil-kiv.ii 5 final copies of the Ridding Documents and a re\ised •>pinii>n of probable Construction Cost to OWNER within 120 days alter auihi ri/aiion to : proceed wilh ihis phase. 7. (Added) Prepare additional line items in ihe Rid Tabulations, assuming the project documentation, including plans and specifications, were originally prepared to reflect these items, as reasonably requested by OWNER, so long as this these requesl(s) is made prior to the preparation oflhe linal bid documents. R. The number of prime contracts for Work designed or specified by ENGINEER upon which the ENGINEER'S compensation has been established under this Agreement is one (!). C. (Modified) ENGINEER'S services tinder lhe l-inal Design Phase will be considered complete on the date when lhe submiltals required by paragraph A1.03.A.6 have been delivered to and accepted by OWNER. d. Exhibit "A" "Engineer's Services" is hereby amended to add a new section numbered and entitled A. 1.03 "Bidding or Negotiating Phase" which shall read as follows: A1.0? UhltiiHg or Negotiating Phase A. After acceptance by OWNER of the Ridding Documents and the most recent opinions of probable Construction Cosi as determined in the l-'inal Design Phase, and upon written authorization by OWNER to proceed. ENGINEER shall for each phase of ihe Project: ■Second Amendment to tjie SiandaK) Form of Agreement between Owner iind.irjig.iju.-er. Page 5 1. Assist OWNER in advertising for and obtaining bids or negotiating proposals lor the Work and. where applicable, provide 25 sets of plans and specifications, and maintain a record of prospective bidders to whom Bidding Documents have been issued. 2. Issue Addenda as appropriate to clarify, correct, or change the Ridding Documents. .'. Consult with OWNER as to the acceptability of subcontractors, suppliers, and other individuals and entities proposed by Contractor for iho.se portions of the Work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bidding Documents. 4. (Modilied] Attend the Mandatory Pie-Bid Conferences and the Bid openings, prepare fJiil tabulation sheets, coordinate the assembly of the contract documents, assist OWNER in both evaluating Rids or proposals and awarding contracts for the Work. 5. I Added) Assist in connection with Bid protests, rebidding. or renegotiating contracts for coiiMruciion. materials, equipment, or ser\ kvv R. (Modified) I he Bidding or Negotiating Phase for each phase of the Project will be considered complete upon commencement of the Consinicltcn i'ha>e. e. Exhibit "A" "Engineer's Services" is hereby amended to add a new section numbered and entitled A.1.01 "Construction I'hase" which shall read as follows: A1.04 (V nisinti linn I'lu isi • A. Upon Niiecesil'iii completion of the Bidding and Negotiating Phase. ;tnd upon written umhoriTarion from OWNER. ENGINEER shall fur each phi>e of the Project: 1. General Ailministralioii oj Construction Comma. Consult with OWNER and act as OWNER'S representative as provided in the General Conditions. The extent and limitations of the duties, responsibilities and authority of ENGINEER as assigned in said General Conditions shall not be modified, except as ENGINEER may otherwise agree in writing. All of OWNER'S instructions to Contractor will be issued through ENGINEER, who shall have authority to act on behalf of OWNER in dealings with Contractor to the extent provided in this Agreement and said General Conditions except as otherwise provided in writing. 2. (Modilied).Selecting Independent Testing Laboratory. Assist OWNER in the selection of an independent testing laboratory to perform the services identified in paragraph B2.01.0. if any. .>. i'rc-Ctutsintctitut Conference. Participate in a Pre-l (instruction Conference prior to commencement of Work at the Site. Second AniendmerI lo Mil-Si:nula»i Form ot'A'jrccmciU between Owner ;uul F.nuincer. Paae <• A. liawliiicx and Benchmarks. As appropriate, indicate on the plans any baselines anil benchmarks for locating the Work which in ENGINEER'S judgment are necessary lo enable Contractor to proceed. 5. Visits lo Site ami Observation of Construction. In connection with observations of Contractor's work in progress while it is in progress: a. (Modified) Make visits lo the Site at intervals appropriate to the various stages o( construction, appropriate lo verify Contractor's payment requests, and as ENGINEER and or OWNER deems necessary, in order lo observe as an experienced and qualified design professional the progress ami quality of the Work. Such visits and observations by ENGINEER, and the Resident Project Representative, if an\. are not intended lo he exhaustive or to extend to every aspect of Contractor's work in progress or lo inui!\e detailed inspections of Contractor's work in progress be\oml the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in this Agreement and the Contract Documents, but rather are lo be limited lo spoi cheeking, selective sampling, and similar methods of general ohservat on of ihe Woik based on ENGINEER'S exercise of professional jttdgmcni as assisted In the Resident Project Representative, if :m\. Uascd on iiifnriiiaiinn nbiaiued during such visits and such observations. ENGINEER will determine if Contractor's work is proceeding in accordance with the Comma Documents, and ENGINEER -shall keep O\V\I-'R informed of the progress of the Work. b. (Modilied) The purpose ol' ENGINEER'S visits lo. and representation In Ihe Resident Project Representative, if an>. at the Site, will be lo enable ENGINEER to belter cany out the duties and responsibilities assigned to and undertaken In ENGINEER during the Construction Pha*e. and. in addition. In the exercise of ENGINEER"* efforts as an experienced and qualified design professional, lo provide for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will substaniiiilly conform to the Contract Documents and thai the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in ihe Contract Documents has been implemented and preserved by Contractor. ENGINEER shall not. during such visits or as a result of such observations of Contractor's work in progress, supervise, direct, or have control over Contractor's work, nor shall ENGINEER have authority over or responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction selected by Contractor, for safely precautions and programs incident to Contractor's work, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable lo Contractor's furnishing and performing the Work. Accordingly. ENGINEER neither guarantees the performance of any Contractor nor assumes responsibility for any Contractor's failure to furnish and perform ils work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ft. (Modified) Dejectiw Work. Recommend to OWNER that Contractor's work be disapproved and rejected while it is in progress if. on the basis of such observations. ENGINEER believes thai such work will noi produce a completed Project that substantially conforms to the Contract Documents or Second Amendment u> ihe Standard lurni of Agreement between Owner and Knainger. Page 7 thai ii will prejudice the integrity of ihe design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in ihe Contract Docimienis. 7. Clarifications and Interpretations: Field Orders. Issue necessary clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents as appropriate to -.he orderly completion of Contractor's work. Such clarifications and interpretations will he consistent with ihe intent of and reasonably inferable from the Conlraci Documents. liNGINHIfR may issue Hold Orders authorizing minor variations tii»;ii ihe requirements of the Contract Doamicnt.s. •X. Change Orders ami Work Change Directives. Recommend Change Orders ami Work Change Directives to OWNF.R. as appropriate, and prepare Change Orders and Work Change Directives as required. i). Shop Drawings and Samples. Review and approve or lake oilier appropriatc aciion in respect to Shop Drawings and Samples and other liata which Contractor is required to submit, but only lor conlbrmance with the information given in the Contnicl Documents and compatibility wiih ihe design concept o\'the completed Project as a limciioning whole as i idiiMtcJ in the Contract Documents. Such review* ami approvals or other aelim will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequence-; or proceilures of construction or Id >afct> precautions and programs incident thereto. l:.N'(.ilN'l:i:R has an obligation lo meet any Contractor's suhmittal schedule that has eulier been acceptable I.-I NCWN'HjR. 10. Substitutes and "oi-eqnal." Evaluate and determine ihe acceptability of Mibstiltiie or "or-equal" materials ami ei|iiipmeni proposed by Contractor, hut subject 10 the provisions of paragraph A2.fl I of this F.xhibit A. 11. Inspections and I e«ts. Require such special inspections or tests of Contractor's work as deemed reasonably necessary, and receive and review all :ertilicale> of inspections, tests, and approvals required by Laws and Regulations or the Contract Documents. ENGINLLR's review of such certificates will be for ihe purpose of determining that the results certified indicaie compliance with the Contract Documents and will not constitute an independent evaluation that (he content or procedures of such inspections, tests, or approvals comply with ihe requirements of the Contract Documents. KNGINEt-R shall be entitled to rely on the results of such tests. 12. (Modified) Disagreements between OWNER and Contractor. Render formal written decisions on all claims of OWNER and Contractor relating to the acceptability of Contractor's work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining lo ihe execution and pi ogress of Contractor's work. In rendering such decisions. KNCHNKKR shall be fair and not show partiality lo OWNliR or Contractor. l.>. Applications for Payment. Based on ENGINEER"* observations as an experienced and qualified design professional and on review of Applications tor Payment and accompanying supposing documentation: Second Amendment lo the Standard I-orm of Agreement between Owner and Enuineer. Pime S a. Determine the amounts that ENGINEER recommends Contractor be paid. Such recommendations of payment will be in writing and will constitute ENGINEER'S representation to OWNER, based on such observations and review, that, to the best of ENGINEER'S knowledge, information and belief. Contractor's work has progressed to the point indicated, the quality of such work is substantially in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to lite results of any subsequent tests called lor in the Contract Documents and to any other qualifications staled in the recommendation), and the conditions precedent to Contractor's beina entitled to such payment appear to have been fulfilled in so far as it is ENGINEER'S responsibility to observe Contractor's work. In the c:im" of unit price work. ENGINEER'S recommendations of payment \.ill include final dciJtminalions of quantities and classifications of Contractor's uork (Mihjecl to an> subsequent adjustments allowed b\ the Contract Documents). The responsibilities of ENGINEER contained in paragraph AI.O-I.A-.xa are expressly subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph AI .(M.A.5.b and other express or general limitations in this Agreement and el-eu here. b. By recommending any payment. ENGINEER sluill not therein Iv deemed in have represented that ohsenations made by ENGINEER to check the quality or quantity of Contractor's work as it is performed anil furnished ha\e been exhaustive, extended to every aspect of Contractor's work in progress, or involved detailed inspections of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in ibis Agreement and the Contract Documents. Neither ENGINEER'S review of Contractor's work for the purposes of recommending payments nor ENGINEER'S recommendation of any payment including final payment will impose on ENGINEER responsibility to supervise, direct, or control Contractor's work in progress or lor the means, methods, techniques, .sequences, or procedures of construction or safety precautions or programs incident thereto, or Contractor's compliance with Laws and Regulations applicable to Contractor's furnishing and performing the Work. It wtl also not impose responsibility on ENGINEER to make any examination to ascertain how or for what purposes Contractor has used the moneys paid on account of Ihe Contract Price, or to determine that title to any portion of the work in progress, materials, or equipment has passed to OWNER free and clear of any liens, claims, security interests, or encumbrances, or that there may not be oilier matters at issue between OWNER and Contractor that might affect the amount that should be paid. 14. Coiiwwtor'.v Completion Documents. a. (Modified) Receive and review maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, and guarantees as prepared by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. Engineer will compile this information as provided by Contractor, and deliver three (}) copies of the same to OWNER . Second Amendment ii> ihe Standard I'ornt of Aureejnejujieiween Owner and Enjunger.. I'aue <) b. (Modified) Receive bonds, certificates, or other evidence of insurance not previously submitted and required by the Contract Documents, certificates of inspection, tests and approvals. Shop Drawings. Samples and other data approved as provided under paragraph A 1.04.A.9. and the annotated record documents which are to be assembled by Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents to obtain final payment. The extent of such FNGINi£KiR"s review will be limited as provided in paragraph A1.01.A.1'. e. tNQNKIiR shall transmit these documents to OWN'KR within thirty da}S lit'receipt of documents from Contractor. d. (Added) Preparing and furnishing 10 OWNLR Rccori! Drawings showing appropriate record information based on Project annotated record documents received from Contractor. e. (Added) Assist Owner in coordinating the llnal ADA inspection and provide assistance to the OWNKR as necessarv for project compliance. 15. Siihsuiuiial Cimipk-iifit. Promptly alter notice from Contractor that Coniracinr considers the entire Work read} lor ils intended use. in coni|\tn\ with <>WNLR and Contractor, conduct an inspection to determine if the Work is Substantiall} Complete. If after considering any objections of OWN1-'R. I-INCJJNI-KR considers the Work Substantial!} Complete. F.NGIM-ER shall deliver a certificate of Substantial Completion to OWNHR and Cont-actor. 16. (Modified) Kinal Notice of Acceptability of ilie Work. Conduct a final inspection to determine if the completed Work of Contractor is acceptable so thai KNCilNF.F.R ma\ recommend, in writing, llnal pavmeni :o Contractor Accompanying the recommendation for llnal payment. tN(ilM-.l-k shall also provide a notice in the form attached hereto as Inhibit E (the "Notice i>t' Acceptability v\~ Work") that to the best of t-NtilNhl-R's knowledge, information and belief and upon the exercise of F.NGlNlfl-R'S due diligence, the Work is acceptable and is in compliance with the Contract Documents. 17. Attend meetings with OWNER, its representatives and/or contractor as necessary to ensure the Project is progressing in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Dnruiiiin o) Construction Phase. The Construction Phase will commence with the execution of the first Construction Agreement for the Project or an\ part thereof and will terminate upon final payment to Contractors. If the Project involves more than one prime contract as indicated in paragraph AI.02.C. Construction Phase services may be rendered at different times in respect to the separate contracts. C. Limitation of Responsibilities. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of an> Contractor, or of an\ of its subcontractors, suppliers, or of any other individual or entity performing or furnishing any of the Work. RNGINIIF.R shall not be responsible for failure of any Contractor to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Second Amendment to the Standard Komi of A'jrueiweiit between Owner and lin-jiiieei. I'aae Hi Exhibit "A" "Engineer's Services" is hereby amended to add a new section numbered and (.-milled A. 1.05 "Post-Construction Phase" which shall read as follows: A1.05 Post-Construction Phase A. IIpnn written authorization from OWNER. ENGINEER, during the I'ost- Consu uetion Phase, .skill for each phase of ihe Project: 1. Provide assistance in connection with ihe testing and adjustinu of Project equipment or systems. 2. Provide on-siic training to ihe OWNERS staff in operate and mainiain Project. equipment, and systems. .>. Wi.li input from the OWNP.R. develop wriiicn procedures for control of ihe operation and mainlcnance of. and record keeping for Project equipment and systems. ENGINEER shall provide a draft copy of such procedures to ihe OWNER for review and shall incorporate changes requested by OWNER. Once all of the commons are incorporated, the !:N"< ilNTI "R shall provide ten copies of the final procedures alon;j \\ ith a reproducible master cop\. I. Provide Operations and Maintenance Manuals to ihe OWNER .is well a< electronic as-buill drawing for ihe completed Project, in a formal acceptable ioi!v OWNER. ?. Together with OWNER, visil the Project lo observe any appareni defects in ihe Work, assisi OWNER in consultations and discussions with Contractor concerning correction of any such delects, and make recoinmendalinns as lo replacement or collection of Defective Work, if present. b. In company with OWNER or OWNER'S representative, provide an inspection of ihe Project within one moulli before ihe end of the Correction Period lo ascertain whether any portion of ihe Work is subject lo correction. B. The Post-Conslruclion Phase services may commence during the Construction Phase and. if not otherwise modified in this lixhibil A. will terminate at the end of the Correction Period. Exhibit "FT "Owner's Responsibilities." Section IS2.01C is hereby amended to read as follows: B2.0I In addition to other responsibilities of OWNER as set forth in ihis Agreement. OWNER shall: A. (Modified) Following ENGINEER'S assessment of initially available Project information and daia and upon ENGINEER'S written request, furnish or otherwise make available such additional available Project related information and dala us is reasonably required to enable ENGINEER lo complete ils Basic and Additional Services, if any. I. A site specific aeo-technical investigation or reports for ilie sites: Second Amendment lo the Siand:ird Tnrm of Agreement between Owner and Hnuineer. I'iiyc 11 2. A recent topographic and boundary survey of the sites: 3. Any existing final plats of the park sites: •I. Any previously prepared surveys or construction documents for the Wayne Gray Sports Complex site: 5. A copy of the current parks master plan; 6. Any plans of existing or proposed utilities, parking and streets within or adjacent to the Wayne tiray Spoils Complex site h. Ilxhibit "C" ••Payments in ENGINEER for Services and Reimbursable Expenses." Article <! "Paymoms to the ENGINEER." Section C4.01 For Uasie Services having a I >elermined Scope -Cost noi to exceed Method of Payment shall he amended t<-read as follows: ARTICLE-I --PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER C4.0I Fur Ihtsic Services Huvinx A DuienninedSo>pc -Cnsi not in Exceed Method of Payment A. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for IJasie Services so! iVmli in Exhibit A as follows: I. (Modified) a. For the Conceptual Design Phase described in Exhibit A Section A 1.01. a cost no! to exceed amount of S60.000. ha-ed upon the rate schedule, which is attached as Appendix : of Exhibit C ami incorporated herein for all intents and purposes, l! is expressly understood and agreed that (he cost of each phase of the service slinlt al no lime exceed I he corresponding amount for each Task: Task I S20.000.00 '■"ask I' $.10,000.00 rnsklll SI5.000.00 Presentation S 5.000.00 b. Tor the Programming and Preliminary-Design Phase, the Final Design Phase, the Bidding or Negotiation Phase, the Construction Phase and the Post Construction Phase described in Exhibit A Sections AI.015. A1.02. AI.03. A 1.04 and AI.05. a cost not to exceed amount of S30.000. based upon the rate schedule, which is attached as Appendix I of Exhibit C and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. It is expressly understood and agreed that the cost of each phase of the service shall at no time exceed the corresponding amount for each Task: Programming and Preliminary Design Phase Task la $ 4.500.00 Task II S25.5OO.0O c. l-'oi the Coordination and Design Management, the Schematic Design. Design Development. Construction Documents. Bidding. Construction and Post-Construction Phases/Services, described m i | Second Aiiieiulmeni lo [lie Standard Kcinn of Agreement between Owner ami Engineer. I'age 12 Exhibit A. a cost not to exceed amount of S565.000. based upon the rate schedule, which is attached as Appendix I of Exhibit C and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. It is expressly undersiood and agreed that the cost of each phase of the service shaf] at no time exceed the corresponding amount for each Task: Task Ib S55.5HO.OO Task III S76.5OO.OO Final Design Phase Task IV SI 53.O00.OO Task V S20-I.OjO.00 FJidiling or Negotiation Phase $25,500.00 Construction Phase $55,500.00 Post-Construction Phase $15,000.00 i. Exhibit "C" "Payments to ENGINEER lor Services and Reimbursable Expenses." Article 4 "Payments to the ENGINEER." Section C-I.O-I.A shall be amended to read as follows: f-l.0-1 Fur RcimhurSiibk-F.x/icii.ws A. (Modilied) When not included in compensation for Basic Services under paragraph C-I.0I. OWNER shall pay ENGINEER for Reimbursable Expenses at ihe rate set forth in Appendix 2 of this Exhibit C. before ihe OWNPK shall he liable for any reimbursable expenses, ihe ENGINEER must obtain prior written approval of the OWNER of any expense that exceeds SI.000 tor which the ENGINEER seeks reimbursement. Reimbursable Expenses shall not exceed the following for :ill phases otihe Project: I ravel Expense* iCuiinsiliii;iii-llims;ika:uiil kinilcvllom) S20.000.00 Reprnduciion $ 10.000.00 ADA Review and Inspection S2.000.00 Miscellaneous Expenses (i;\prcs> IH-li\m. I i.ui: Disunite, l-m.) ....$3,000.00 Expense Contingency $15,000.00 Entire Agreement. The provisions of this Second Amendment, the First Amendment and the Agreement should be read together and construed as one agreement provided that, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Second Amendment and the provisions of the Agreement and/or the First Amendment, the provisions of this Second Amendment shall control. Nothing contained in this Second Amendment, the First Amendment, or in ihe Agreement shall be construed in any way to limit or to waive the City's sovereign immunitv. Second Ainemltneni to the Standard form of Agreement between Owner and Engineer. Page IN WITNESS WHI-ltnOK. the parties hereto have executed this Amendmcnl in multiple copies, each of which sliail be deemed 10 he an original, but all of which shall constitute bm one and the same amendment, this _ day of .. 2008. the date of execution l\v the City Manager. C1TVOF HAVTOWN AITHST: By: GARRISON C. l.lRUMBACK.Cilv Ntonnuer I.ORRICOl)l)Y.Cit\ Clerk AITKOVI DASTOI-ORM: IGNACIO RAMIRP.7. SR.. Citv Atumiev KIMI.F.Y-IIORN AM) ASSOCIATES, INC. Bv: '. . '. '„">•••*«•' ■ ' -' ^fi I . i (Printed Name) ATTliST: (Signafui (Printed Name) (Title) ~ . ./■■ (Title) liartNSLViin AiueiidmciU lo the Siandard Porm of Agreement between (Iwneraml Knginccr. Pniie