Ordinance No. 10,794Published in the Baytown Sun ORDINANCE NO. 10,794 J<munrV l°' 2°°8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN TEXAS MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS AND THE ANNEXATION OF A 2.966 TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE GEORGE C DAVIS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1472, CITY OF BAYTOWN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 2.966 ACRE TRACT OF LAND BEING ALL OF THE CALLED 1 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO DAVID HESTER RECORDED UNDER HARRIS COUNTY CLERK'S FILE NUMBER (H C C F NO ) Z070096 AND ALL OF THE CALLED 2 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO MORRIS DAVID BOOTHE AND BETTY JOE BOOTHE RECORDED UNDER H.C.C.F. NO. X87I252, SAID 2.966 ACRE TRACT ALSO BEING OUT OF HIGHLAND FARMS, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED UNDER VOLUME 10 PAGE 47 OF THE HARRIS COUNTY MAP RECORDS; WHICH SAID TERRITORIES LIE ADJACENT TO AND ADJOIN THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. WHEREAS, there being no request for an "on-site" hearing, two public hearings before the City Council of the City of Baytown. Texas, where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed annexation of the property described in Section I of this ordinance were held dunng the City Council meeting on the I3lh day of December, 2007, in the City Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of Baytown, Texas, which date is not more than forty (40) nor less than twenty (20) days prior to the institution of annexation proceedings; and WHEREAS, notices of such public hearings were published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Baytown, Texas, and in the below described territories on the 3rd day of December, 2007, which date is not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such public hearings; and WHEREAS, a notice of such public hearings was posted on the City of Baytown's website on the 3 day of December, 2007, which date is not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such public hearings and remained posted until the date of the hearings; and ™., WHEREAS' the total corporate area of the City of Baytown, Texas, on the 1st day of January 2007, was 34.5 square miles; and WHEREAS, the population of the City of Baytown, Texas, is approximately 71,359 inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the below described territories lie within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Citv ol Baytown, Texas; and J Texas-NOWETHEREFORbEel°W deSCr'bed territories lie adJacem to and adjoin the City of Baytown, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the following described land and territories lying adjacent to and adjoining the City ot Baytown are hereby added and annexed to the City of Baytown, Texas, and shall hereinafter be metalled within the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, and present boundary limits of such City, at the various points contiguous to the areas hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to include said areas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown. Texas, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" Section 2: The above described territories and the areas so annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown, Texas, and the property so added hereby shall bear its pro rata of the taxes levied by the City of Baytown, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all the citizens of the City of Baytown and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 3: In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 43.056, as amended, the service plan prepared by the City for providing municipal services to the annexed areas is hereby approved and is on file in the City Clerk's office. Said service plan is incorporated herein by this reference for all intents and purposes as if fully copied at length and attached hereto. Section 4: This ordinance shall be published and passed in the.manner provided in Article 1 Section 9, of the Charter of the City of Baytown, Texas. 7/ INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative voi town this the 10th day of January, 2008. TEJ4 f the City Council of the City of THErHh-DONCARLOS, Mayor INAUF JhtEfim City Clej; APPROVED AS TO FORM: IO RAMIREZ, SR., City Atorney da of fr£^C$$P REA° ^ PASSED on the SEC0ND A)6jFINAL READING this the ELVIN KNAW, Interim City Gferk APPROVED AS TO FORM: STE/HEN^ffiONCARLOS, MaVo NACIO RAMIREZ, SR., CifyXttorney K:'.K;ireiiM:ilcs\<iiyC'.)imLihOrJin;inccsV20()8V)anuary IO\ArmcJialionol2»Acres.ili>c CITY CLERK CITY OF BAYTOWN POST OFFICE BOX 424 BAYTOWN, TX 77522-0424 EXHIBIT 2.966 ACRE 129,181 SQUARE FEET GEORGE C. DAVIS SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 1472 CITY OF BAYTOWN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS * * 5/8Th *«" «* wM» ye"ow cap stamped "LA THOMPSON ■— wsmmmm an exterior corner of the herein described tract-?I ^ marking southwesterly comer of the herein described tact; West Belt Surveying, Inc. Katy, Texas 77449 Andrew P. McConnell Date: October 2007 (281) 599-8288 XflS ^S18^011 No. 5651 O Service Plan Annexation of 2.966 acres Mini-storage December 13,2007 December 13, 2007 BAYTOWN summary The area to be annexed is located in the ETJ, east of Garth Road, south of Interstate Size of Area: The area proposed for annexation is 2.966 acres shown on the attached map. EX'StinCL!f"d Usft: Vacant Upon annexat'on, the property will be in the Mixed Use f MU) zoning district. v ' Impact! As a result of this proposed annexation: The Fire Department will deliver the same services as other developments in the area. The Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the 1st due nrSL 6 fminUteS' ,Fue Wi"u be COnfined t0 the room of orj9in basing the probability of accomplishing the critical task of rescue, fire control, and property conservation. EMS survivability from cardiac arrest increase by 10% for each minute with BLS care before 6 minutes. The Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the 1st alarm assignment (2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 1 Chief) on location, 14 minutes 24 seconds. The time over 10 minutes will significantly increase fire spread and 22?-ii !ureaSS resCUe' fire contro1' and Pr°Perty conservation measures. Additionally, the return of circulation for cardiac arrest victims without ALS care within 10 minutes diminishes significantly. To improve the service delivery performance measures to the proposed area the initial investment for construction of a new building equipment and personnel is $2,892,000 with a recurring cost of $1,105 805 (See attached Service Plan). The project site will be assigned to Fire Station 1. The Police Department indicates that additional area of responsibilities will increase the response times to existing City of Baytown citizens and businesses, without the increase in personnel. The project site will be assigned to Police District 3. The Public Works and Utilities Department response time, workloads and work order backlogs will increase on a cumulative basis. Means of Accomplishment: The annexation will be accomplished from the existing citv limit line. ' Public Input: Public Hearings will be held to allow for public input. ^^JT?' attached to this summary are the specific Service Plan elements submitted by each of the major city departments. SE R V I C E PL A N FO R TH E FJR E DE P A R T M E N T RE: Pro p o s e d ann e x a t i o n of 2.9 6 6 acr e s loca t e d eas t of Gar t h Roa d , and sou t h of Inte r s t a t e 10. 2. 4. Ahs t r a r t The are a will be ass i g n e d to the fol l o w i n g ser v i c e are a : rec e i v e the sa m e ser v i c e s as oth e r dev e l o p m e n t s in the a. b. Th e ne w l v an n e x e d del i v e r y per f o r m a n c e mea s u r e s for the are a wit h i n exi s t i n g arri . ... i r i . <2 mil e ? > Res p o n s e Tim e for rec e i p t of call for ser v i c e s unti l the arri v a l of the 1 due com p a n y . Tim e les s tha n six min u t e s is req u i r e d to con f i n e the fire to the roo m of ong m inc r e a s i n g the pro b a b i l i t y of acc o m p l i s h i n g the crit i c a l tas k s of res c u e fire con t r o l , and pro p e r t y con s e r v a t i o n . EM S suiv i v a b i l i t y fro m car d i a c arr e s t inc r e a s e s by 10 % for eac h min u t e wit h BL S car e bef o r e 6 min u t e s . Fir s t Ala r m : 14 min u t e s 36 sec o n d s . (6. 3 mil e s ) Res p o n s e Tim e for rec e i p t of call for ser v i c e s unti l the arr i v a l of the firs t ala r m ass i g n m e n t (2 Eng i n e s . 1 Lad d e r . 1 Chi e f ) on loc a t i o n . The tim e ove r 10 min u t e s will sig n i f i c a n t l y inc r e a s e fire spr e a d and the r e f o r e dec r e a s e res c u e , fire con t r o l , and pro p e r t y con s e r v a t i o n mea s u r e s . Add i t i o n a l l y the car d i a c arr e s t vic t i m s wit h o u t AL S car e wit h i n 10 min u t e s be req u i r e d to im p r o v e the Ini t i a l In v e s t m e n t Co s t in dol l a r s Bui l d i n g -4 Ba y Fir e Sta t i o n Eq u i p m e n t - Fir e En g i n e .2 0 0 , 0 0 0 65 3 , 0 0 0 Per s o n n e l Hir i n g Co s t s -1 5 Per s o n n e l 39 . 0 0 0 Ini t i a l Co s t s To t a l .8 9 2 . 0 0 0 Re c u r r i n g Co s t s Co s t in dol l a r s Pe r s o n n e l 1. 0 7 4 . 0 0 0 Ed u c a t i o n a l 15 . 0 0 0 Bui l d i n g Ma i n t e n a n c e 4. 0 0 0 Uti l i t i e s 12 . 0 0 0 5. Re c u r r i n g Co s t s Tot a l 1. 1 0 5 , 8 0 5 Wha t wou l d be the p r e d i c t e d ser v i c e del i v e r y per f o r m a n c e mea s u r e s wit h exp a n d e d res o u r c e s ? a. Fir s t Due : 6 min u t e s . Re s p o n s e Tim e for rec e i p t of cal l for ser v i c e s unti l the arr i v a l of the 1 du e com p a n y . Fir e will be con f i n e d to the roo m of ori g i n inc r e a s i n g the pro b a b i l i t y of acc o m p l i s h i n g the crit i c a l tas k s of res c u e , fire con t r o l , and pro p e r t y con s e r v a t i o n EM S sur v i v a b i l i t y fro m car d i a c arr e s t will inc r e a s e by 10 % for eac h min u t e of BL S car e bef o r e 6 mi n u t e s . Firs t Ala r m : 10 min u t e s . Res p o n s e Tim e for rec e i p t of call for ser v i c e s unti l the arri v a l of the firs t ala r m ass i g n m e n t (2 Eng i n e s . 1 Lad d e r , 1 Chi e f ) on loc a t i o n . The tim e und e r 10 min u t e s will sig n i f i c a n t l y dec r e a s e fire spr e a d and the r e f o r e inc r e a s e res c u e fire con t r o l and pro p e r t y con s e r v a t i o n mea s u r e s . Add i t i o n a l l y , the ret u r n of cir c u l a t i o n for car d i a c arr e s t vic t i m s wit h AL S car e wit h i n 10 min u t e s inc r e a s e s sig n i f i c a n t l y . ho n Bl a k e , Fir e Ch i e f b. No v e m b e r 29. 20 0 7 SERVICE PLAN FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Proposed annexation of 2.966 acres located east of Garth Road, and south of Interstate 10. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: A///!* The newh/ annexed area will receive the same services as other developments fn the area. ' 3. What will be the fiscal Impact of this annexation on your department? > $ fl/fr Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". w»w«is %d/j*' lhe need to Purchase add'«onal vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicfe requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". > %JjJ*> —lhe ^P3'^^ need for additional personnel. Please list in details any spedffc personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C. > ** JJT* If thls annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other Exhibtt"D" °r any aPital equlpment an exP'^at'on should be attached hereto as ^ffi response will this annexation effect established, (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies?(explain) AJI ff 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation Date SERVICE PLAN FOR THE PARKS ARFPRFATinM DEPARTMENT Proposed annexation of 2.966 acres located east of Garth Road, and south of Interstate 10. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: The annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. ' 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". _The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". > L 5— The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details anv specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C". > t. If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other °r anV CaPita' eqUipment an exP'ti ^ld b q e construction and or expansion of any other "D" °r anV CaPita' eqUipment an exP'anation ^ould be attached hereto as 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times? will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established recognized agencies?(explain) 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation Date SERVICE PLAN FOR THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Proposed annexation ofii^acres located east of Garth Road, and south of Interstate 10. 1. The area being annexed is described as a tract of land out of the Georoe C Davis Survey. Abstract 1472. Bavtown. Harris County. T 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: N/A. The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? > i. Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new buildinq requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". > i Q The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". *" $ Q The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C". > £ Q If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D". 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times? N/A and will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies? (explain) 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexatinn. Signature Date Y SERVICE PLAN FOR THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT Proposed annexation of 2.966 acres located east of Garth Road, and south of Interstate 10. 2. The area will be assigned to the following service area: -n*» annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. ' 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? > $ $ "7^"—Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new buitdino requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". 9 > $ Zr The need to Purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific ements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B" Zr£ . Pe additional vehicl vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". > $ -The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific el required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C onal pers personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C. * rf^ If thiS annexation * vl r-iiH annexacon requires the construction and or expansion of any other eSIS'-S" °r any CapIta equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times? will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established^ recognized agencies?(explain) A//^y 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Ljcon Signature Date