Ordinance No. 10,581Published in the Baytown Sun on April 18, 2007 ORDINANCE NO. 10,581 0^ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, f TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE EXTENSION OF CERTAIN BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AND THE ANNEXATION OF A 10.8162 ACRE TRACT OF LAND BEING OUT OF LOT 5 OF THE SUBDIVISION OF THE GEORGE ELLIS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 21 IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING A PART OF THAT CERTAIN CALLED 20.971 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER CLERK'S FILE NO. L330578 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; WHICH SAID TERRITORIES LIE ADJACENT TO AND ADJOIN THE PRESENT BOUNDARY LIMITS FOR THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS. ******************************************************************* WHEREAS, there being no request for an "on-site" hearing, two public hearings before the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas, where all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to be heard on the proposed annexation of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance, were held, during the City Council meeting on the 8th day of March, 2007, in the City Council Chamber of the City Hall of the City of Baytown, Texas, which date is not more than forty (40) nor less than twenty (20) days prior to the institution of annexation proceedings; and WHEREAS, notices of such public hearings were published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Baytown, Texas, and in the below described territories on the 26th day of ^ February, 2007, which date is not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date V of such public hearings; and WHEREAS, a notice of such public hearings was posted on the City of Baytown's website on the 26th day of February, 2007, which date is not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such public hearings and remained posted until the date of the hearings; and WHEREAS, the total corporate area of the City of Baytown, Texas, on the 1st day of January, 2007, was 34.5 square miles; and WHEREAS, the population of the City of Baytown, Texas, is approximately 71,359 inhabitants; and WHEREAS, the below described territories lie within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Baytown, Texas; and WHEREAS, the below described territories lie adjacent to and adjoin the City of Baytown Texas; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1: That the following described land and territories lying adjacent to and ^pv adjoining the City of Baytown are hereby added and annexed to the City of Baytown, Texas, and \ shall hereinafter be included within the boundary limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, and present boundary limits of such City, at the various points contiguous to the areas hereinafter described, are altered and amended so as to include said areas within the corporate limits of the City of Baytown, Texas, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" Section 2: The above described territories and the areas so annexed shall be a part of the City of Baytown, Texas, and the property so added hereby shall bear its pro rata of the taxes levied by the City of Baytown, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all the citizens of the City of Baytown and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Baytown, Texas. Section 3: In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Annotated § 43.056, as amended, the service plan prepared by the City for providing municipal services to the annexed areas is attached as Exhibit "B" and is hereby approved. Section 4: This ordinance shall be published and passed in the manner provided in Article 1, Section 9, of the Charter of the City of Baytown, Texas. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vofe of the City Council of the City of Baytown this the 12lh day of April, 2007. ) STEPHEN H. DONCARLOS, Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ACIO RAMIREZ, SR.,t% Attorney INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED on the SECONDED FINAL READING this the 2-7. day of KkfiUU , 2007. STpHENTTDONCARLOS, Mayor LORRI CO(SfcDY, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: RAMIREZ, SR.l^y Attorney R:\Karcn\Files\City Council\Ordinances\2007\April 12VAnnexationKcadingl0.81 Acres.doc 2 02/07/2007 05:02 7136885523 Y-SGUARE ENGINEERING PAGE 05/05 DESCRIPTION 10 f ld bi County, Texas): BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch Iron rod found marking the northeast comer of said called 20.971 acre tract; THENCESouih 1WST East (called South 11*43'16" East), with the east line of «K»£" acXadJstance of 899.62 feet (called 900.00 fcet) to a concrete ««W »»iihit fc«*to the nS^ht-of-W line of Interstate 10, for the southeast comer of the said called 20.971 acre tract and the herein described tract; 15' Se«f93.66 feet (called 94.12 feet) to a 5/8inch iron rod fr™£^Xd described trwt, also being the southeast corner of that certain tract conveyedto CrackerBand SdCetSSa^Ino! by Deed recorded under Clerk's File No. P212031 Official Pubhc Records of Real Property, Harris County, Texas; THENCE North O8°29M 6" West, with the «art Una of saW Cracker Band tract, adktaoce of 474 97 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for an interior corner of the herein described tract, abo fa*.^northeast corner of that certain called 0.9711 acre tact described as Tract II in Deed recorded under Clerk's File No. P621307 D JLH.C.T.; THENCE Sooth 80ft15'57" West (Called South aO-15'19" West) with &e «>rih line of «ud called 0.9711 acre tract, a distance of 584.93 feet to a 5/8 tech iron rod found for an angle point, also marking the northwest corner of said called 0.9711 acre tract THENCE, South 80°24'2r West, a distance of 325.19 feet to a capped 5/8 inchiron rod found i tt» east daht-ofway tine of the cuncnt Oarth Road (80.00' right-of-way) tot the most TBKNCE, North 08«29' 16-West, with the east right-of-way line of said Garth Road, a distance of 473.61 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found tathc north line of aforementioned called 20.971 acre tract for the northwest comer of the herein described tracl; THENCE, North 83°16'35" East (called North 83°1TO1" East) wiA the north line of said called 20!971 acre tract a distance of 953.19 feet to the PLACE OF BEOINNING and containing within these calls 10.8162 acres or 471,156 square feet of land. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS THE 25TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2007 RICKY^?JCHARDSON f&$"U**?& \ Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5445 RJR SURVEY CO EXHIBIT A 10 399d 1N33 WLSOd WiaOW3W UEBZBfXS? SERVICE PLAN for 10.81 Acres 20,000 sq. ft. retail center 20,000 sq. ft. office center Motel (200 rooms) April 5,2007 EXHIBIT B BAYTOWN April 6, 2007 SUMMARY The area to be annexed is located in the En, east of Garth Road, north of Interstate 10 q,7p of Area: The area proposed for annexation is 10.81 acres shown on the attached map. i and Use; Vacant. Upon annexation, the property will be in the Mixed Use (MU) zoning district. Impact: As a result of this proposed annexation: The Fire Department will deliver the same services as other developments in the area. The Response Time for receipt of call for sen/ices until the arrival of the 1st due company 6 minutes. Fire will be confined to the room of origin increasing the probability of accomplishing the critical task of rescue, fire control, and property conservation. EMS survivability from cardiac arrest increase by 10% for each minute with BLS care before 6 minutes The Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the 1st alarm assignment (2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 1 Chief) on location, 14 minutes 36 seconds. The time over 10 minutes will significantly increase fire spread and therefore decrease rescue fire control, and property conservation measures. Additionally, the return of circulation for cardiac arrest victims without ALS care within 10 minutes diminishes significantly. To improve the service delivery performance measures to the proposed area the initial investment for construction of a new building, equipment and personnel is $1,989,000 with a recurring cost of $895,313. (See attached Service Plan). The project site will be assigned to Fire Station 1. The Police Department indicates that additional property & business will increase workload of same number of officers and response time is anticipated to increase with the increase in crime rate. The project site will be assigned to Police District 3. The Heath & EMS Department states that the incremental annexations have significant combined impact on all functions of the department, creating a reduce level of service. The Public Works and Utilities Department response time, workloads and work order will increase and the divisions work backlog will increase. ^ang nf Arromplishment: The annexation will be accomplished from the existing city limit line. Public Input: Public Hearings will be held to allow for public input. attachments: Attached to this summary are the specific Service Plan elements submitted by each of the major city departments. SERVICE PLAN FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 10.81 (Retail Center, Office Retail and Motel ) located east of Garth Road, north of Interstate 10. 1. The area being annexed is described as a tract of land out of the George Ellis League, Abstract 71, Raytown. Harrig County. Texas. 2 The area will be assigned to the following service area: Aotf OiST-3. The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building reguirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A" y ft J&f The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list In details any specific vehicle reguirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". f j^ The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel reguired and attach hereto as Exhibit "C". j^ if this annexation reguires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital eguipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D". 4 How will this annexation effect existing response times? ThHi lqiu. t+*cJuu*ae i« L™,AttZ. will Sis annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by rec ft fo /) ^4 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation Date 0 RE: SERVICE PLAN FOR THE RRE DEPARTMENT Proposed Annexation of 10.81 acres (Retail Center) located east of Garth Road, North of Interstate 10. 1. 2. 3. Fills Survey. Bavtown.. Harris County. The area being annexed is described as: Texas. The area will be assigned to the following service area: District 1. The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. What are the expected service delivery performance measures for the area within exist'ng nStUDue! 6 minutes. (2 miles) Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of the 1st due company. Time less than six minutes is required to confine the fire to the room of origin increasing the probability of accomplishing the critical tasks of rescue, fire control, and property conservation. EMS survivability from cardiac arrest increases by 10% for each minute with BLS care 5. b 36 seconds. (6.3 miles) Response Time for receipt of it (2 Ei 1 can for services until the arrival of the first alarm assignment (2 Engines, 1 Ladder 1 Chief) on location. The time over 10 minutes will significantly increase fire spread and therefore decrease rescue, fire control, and property conservation measures. Additionally, the return of circulation for cardiac arrest victims without ALS care within 10 minutes diminishes significantly. 4 What expansion of resources would be required to improve the service delivery performance measures to the proposed area? Costs-15 Personnel Building Maintenance Recurring Costs Total What would be the predicted service delivery performance measures with expanded resources? ^ ^ minute8. Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrival of'the 1st due company. Fire will be confined to the room of origin increasing the probability of accomplishing the critical tasks of rescue, fire control and property conservation. EMS survivability from cardiac arrest will increase by 10% for each minute of BLS care before 6 minutes. First Alarm-10 minutes. Response Time for receipt of call for services until the arrivalofThefirsTalarm assignment (2 Engines, 1 Ladder, 1 Chief) on barton. The time under 10 minutes will significantly decrease fire spread and therefore increase rescue, fire control, and property conservation measures Additionally, the return of circulation for cardiac arrest victims with ALS care within 10 minutes increases significantly. Shon Blake, Fire Chief b. SERVICE PLAN FOR THE PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 10.81 acres (Retail Center, Office Retail and Motel) located east of Garth Road, north of Interstate 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. The area being annexed is described as a tract of land out of the Qeorge Ellis League, Abstract 7J, paytown. H?rrfc fnuntv. Texas. The area will be assigned to the following service area: n//(T • The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments'in the area. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? > * S^lim Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". > % tf\/0 The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any > tflJ/fi The Department need for additional person spedfic personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C". > trf/ft If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "D". DW will this annexation on effect existing response times?/1//' A and ^^salSatioA effect establishe recognized agencies?(explain)_/L^6l effect established (response time) standards as established by ^6 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation. Date SERVICE PLAN FOR THE mfaith/FMFRGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT j RE: 1. 2. 3. Proposed annexation of 10.81 (Retail Center, Office Retail and Motel) located east of Garth Road, north of Interstate 10. The area being annexed is described as a tract of land out of the fienrqe Fffls Leaque, Abstract "aTic fniinty. Texas. • The newly area will be assigned to the following service area: ^ h is as other develop will be assigned to the following service area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? > * Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". * The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". Tne Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C\ * t If this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or an^ltal equipment an explanation should be attached hereto as Exhibit "Dn. How will this annexation effect existing response times? ; and 'this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies?(explain) 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation Date RE: 1. 2. 3. 5. SERVICE PLAN FOR THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT Proposed annexation of 10.81 acres (Retail Center, Office Retail and Motel) located east of Garth Road, north of Interstate 10. The area being annexed is described as a tract of land out of the Georqe Ellis League, Abstract 31, Fj»Yfftwn-H?rn«T fnimtv. Texas. l/newlv will be assigned to the.following service area: —tl/M 5tthe «"* **°* as Other developments irf the area. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? j, f -Q -construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". > f -A -The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle requirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". > * -r> -The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel required and attach hereto as Exhibit "C. v * -o-if this annexation requires the construction and or expansion of an service facility or any capital equipment an explanation should be attached he Exhibit "D". How will this annexation effect existing response times? A//fh and will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies?(explain) N/i°r The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation, Signature w^ Date SERVICE PLAN FOR THE FNGINEERING DEPARTMENT RE: Proposed annexation of 10.81 acres (Retail Center, Office Retail and Motel) located east of Garth Road, north of Interstate 10. 1. The area being annexed is described as a tract of land out of the George Ellis League, Abstract ?i, Rayt-own. Harris County. Texas. 2 The area will be assigned to the following service area: . The newly annexed area will receive the same services as other developments in the area. 3. What will be the fiscal impact of this annexation on your department? > * 0 PC-1 Construction of additional buildings. Please list in details any new building reguirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "A". > $ OOP The need to purchase additional vehicles. Please list in details any specific vehicle reguirements and attach hereto as Exhibit "B". > $ ■'? £ O The Department need for additional personnel. Please list in details any specific personnel reguired and attach hereto as Exhibit "C". > * (0 i>O If this annexation reguires the construction and or expansion of any other service facility or any capital eguipment an explanation should be attached hereto as 0^ Exhibit "D". 4. How will this annexation effect existing response times?_ \ and will this annexation effect established (response time) standards as established by recognized agencies? (explain) }\!l) . — 5. The effective date of implementation of this service plan will be Upon Annexation, Signature Date