Ordinance No. 10,530ORDINANCE NO. 10.530 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ACCEPTIXG THE 3006 AhNZrAL SANITARJ' SEMTER REH ABILITATlON PROJECT: AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT OF THE SUM OF SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-FR'E AKD 161100 DOLLARS (S76.335.16) TO Phi CONSTRUCTION 6r REHAB L.P.; AND I'ROVIDNG FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE TI-IEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of Baytown contracted with Phi Construction 6r Rehab L.P.. for the 2006 Annual Sanitary Se~ver Rehabilitation Project: and WHEREAS. all of the said improvements. as provided in tlie plans and specifications herelolore prepared by the City's Engineer and as approved and adopted by the City Council have been performed and conipleted in full accordance \\.ith all of tlie ternis and conditions of the aforesaid contract: and ILXEREAS. the City's Engineer in the manner provided by the ternis oftlie said contract and the plans and specifications thereof. has approved and accepted the 2006 A~uii~al Sanitary Sewer Rcliabilitation Project and improvements and has heretofore issued his Certificate of Final .Acceptance and has certified sanie to the City Council and recommended that it accept and recc.i\.e said n.ork and improvements as constructed and completed by Contractor; ant1 MWEREAS. there remains due and owing to PM Constr-uction & Rehab L.P.. the sum of SEVENTY-SLX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-Fn'E AND 1611 00 DOLLARS (S76,335.16); NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section 1 : That the City Council hereby accepts and approves the 2006 Annual Sanitary Sciver Rehabilitation Project and improvements. and finds and determines that all of said impro\.ements have been conipleted as provided in the plans and specifications thereof. and in full acco~.clance with all of the teniis and provisions of tlie aforesaid contract. Section 2: That the Certificate of Final Acceptance heretofore issued by the City's Engineer and certified to the City Council is hereby accepted and received. Section 3: That final paynent to PkI Construction & Rehab L.P.. in the amount 01' SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE -4hQ 16/100 DOLLARS ($76,335.16) is hereby authorized. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect immediately fro111 and after its passage by tlie City Council of the City of Baytown.