Ordinance No. 10,529ORDINPLNCE NO. 10,529 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS, APPROVTNG THE BAYTOWN AREA WATER AUTIIORITY'S FINAL PAYMENT TO LEM CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.. IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGI-IT THOUSAND EIGI IT HUNDRED SIXTY- SIX AND 811100 DOLLARS ($168.866.81) FOR THE BAWA EXPANSION AND DISINFECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. PHASE 111: AND PROWDIWG FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WHEREAS. the Bayto\vn Area Water Authority ("BAWA") contracted with LEM Constrilction Co., Inc.. for the BAWA Expansion and Disinfection In~provements Project, Phase I11 (the "Project"): and WHEREAS. all of the said improvements. as provided in the plans and specifications heretofore prepared by BAWA's engineer and as approved and adopted by BAWA's Board of Direclors have been perfomled and completed in full accorclance with all of the terms and conditions of the aforesaid contract: and WHEREAS. BAWA's engineer in the manner pro~.ided by the temis of the said contract and the plans and specifications thereof. has approved and accepted the BAWA Expansion and Disinfectio~l Improvenlents Project. Phase 111 and has heretofore issued his Certificate of Final Acceptance and has certified satne to BAWA's Board of Directors and recommended that it accepl and receive said work and improvements as construc~ed and coniplcted by Contractor; and \VHEREAS. there remains due and oiling to LEM Construction Co., Inc.. the sun1 of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGIlT THOUSAND EIGI-IT HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX AND 811100 DOLLARS (S 168.866.8 1): and WHEREAS. on January 17. 2007. the Board of Directors of the Baytown Area Water Authol-ity accepted the project and authorizecl final payment in the above-referenced amount. WHEREAS. the legislation creating the Baytown Area Water Authority ("BAWA") requires that the City Council of the City of Baytoivn approve contracts entered into by BAWA: and WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Baytown desires to approve the final payment authorized by the Board of Directors for the BAWA Expansion and Disinfection Improvements Project, Phase I 11: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN. TEXAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Baytown, Texas. hereby approves the Baytown Area Water Authority's final payment to LEM Construction Co.. Inc in the amount of