Ordinance No. 10,516ORDINANCE NO. 10,516 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCLL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, ALJTHORZElNG THE CLOSURE QF CENTER STREET AT ELVINTA STWET; MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THEM; AWD PROVIDTUG FOR TIiE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. WtLEREAS, the Cfty of Baytown has received complaints about traffic in the School Court Subdivision: and WEmS, in accordance with the City's Neighborhood Tdc Calming Paltcy (the cbPolicy"), the City and representatives from the neighborbod met to discus the traffic concerns, a petition was filed and a mffe study was perf~mert; and WHEREAS, specificdly, C J Hmche & Associates perfvlmed a traffic study for Center Street between McKinney and Elvillta Street to determine whether area of study qualified far cmsideration of implmenting measures under the Policy; and WHEREAS. the trasc study, which included traffic speed and volume studies, c~ncluded that tm%c calming measures were wmted due to the cut through traffic; and WHEREAS, it is the s~commendation of 6 J Nenche & Associales, the ;trmc engineer, that C~nter Street be closed at Elvinta Street in order to eliminate cut through trafic within the neighborhood; and WEREAS, on December 13,2006, tbe Planning and Zoning Commission Found, that the pmpmed street closure is consi&ent with the Folicy and rn~~mmds the closure of Center StrRet at Efvitlta StfeeS NOW THEMFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section 1 : That the: recitals set fi hereinabove are hereby found to be true and caerect. Seetion 2: That the City Council of the Ci of Baytown, Texas, hemby arrtharizes the cl~sure of Center Street at Elvinta Straet Section 3: The Director of Public Works is authorized and directed to cause the insttlllation of barricades on Center Street at Elvintrt Street and the placement of the pmper signs to be posted &t appropriate lucatians. Section 4: This ordinance shall tdze effect immediatdy fiom and ib passage by tk City Council of the City of Baytown. INTRODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affirmative vote of th& Council of the City of