Ordinance No. 10,500AN C,) P, D I N A N C E C) F°' 'T H E Cl T C'C) U N Cl L C-) F Tl I E C I'l-Y C) 17 BA N"To W N, -F'EX A S, .v CJ -r Fi o iz I z I >4 o T hl E P zi Y NI Q MF C) F" FC) U: Pt 1-1 t.-T N D R, F 17) N'l N F-F V --,FWC) 7-H () U S A ND NINF, HUINDREF) ANE) 755'100 ($492,996.75) F'C-)R -1-FIE LEAS E-PU RCI 1ASE OF A FRCYN'T-LINE, PtERCE, QLJAT,;T"UN,l PUNIPEHR I--P,.(--)N/I APPARATIJS 'FHRC'W('--M C',iSlAKC,),SH CAPFF.,�\L UI NE) ER TERNIS A3,4E) COND1171C)NS, BY T'HE, C11-Y NMA Tai AGEIZ ANDTHIH C"ll"N", Mr-Fowwunn NUMINCA C31-111HR PROVISIONS RJ:-,,I..A"I'F.D THERETO; ANF-') PRON/10ING FOR THE EIMEUTITIE D,,NTE -171-1ERECDF. *Now*** W1,4EREAlk the City Council aTthe L!"; of Baylown has aplwaved an Interlocal Agreenrient which authohzns the licnoston-+C alvesion ,Nroa Cowncil to tal<e hids For Ck"l-Neill iterlis oll bellaIr of th,:.~ City oF HaytoNwn; aim] WHE-P-EAS. pul-SHInll 10,SUCh agMCnICIA, die Houston-GnPzest(-,)a-i Area C(-,)UllCfl ITZIS MkCll 1�idS oil a Froru-Line f0cree Quanturn, Purnper Nvith Mm An ApIwwraus; NC)\)\7 7HEREFORE BE 1'71- 13'w" T8 IF`. (- 11-ir" C(.-')U"hQClL CWTHE CUTY' OF BAN-ro'wN, , ['EX AS: SOCOMI 1: -Mat based upnn iWAllLerlC)Cal Agr0elnent With 010 Area COUTICil, Lhk� City CoLiTleN of-the City of Baylown 1-vwwh3, nuLlwwizes the paynient of FOC31JET HUNDIZED NINETY- T%N,�0'1'H(DLJSAWD 14I 41 HUNDRED N"INE'TY-SIX AND 75110,0 EXDEEARS ($492,996-75) for the Maw- puNwhaseol` a FjonvUw Pierce C-)CIall,turil Purtiller fn oni Martin Apparttus through C)shkosh Capital under ter-nn, arld C,uld"lons dee"IM accupwole l'-jy the C�ty N/lariager arld the Cily AlLorricy. secti(:)n 2 That pursuant to the provisions of Wexas l.ocal Clovenirnem Code Annotated 2-521.048, the C-ity Nlat-t Lgcr is 1-tel"by granted general authovity tin approve any change order in.,volving -a d cc rease or an inner in cus is c3l--'"a 7TL-i-4T'N'-F IV ET HC) U-S,4kNE) .,AN-D DC)EL, A RS, ($25,000.00) or lesq, provided that the Wginal comract [mice runny not he increased by i-nore Lhan twenty-five percent (25'�"Cl) cir am creaased by ninre than twenty-five percent (2511) w41-mow the consent ofthe convacLor to such decrease. sewiml 3: -Mis orQnancc:L,-,,haH talse efl�ect, H,orn and aRer its passage by the City. ('7ouncH of 0-1c. Cily of Bayto%vn. 1�1- INI-ITODUCEM READ and MSSED by the aflirniadve vote � -�outici:1 of the City of' y C (yh ija), -we� n tommVIhis the 2 c) CN c 1:)er, 2006, dV S - FF,1y11LN 11, El C) N CT Ik It 1. 0 % M a 3, o r 1. V", COX M� PCTIC A C 11 C3 R KNI 81Z E Z � SR. -�, (2i t A t t o n i MOKawnWiWOCay CVnn&B0rdm aMWQ200WNnvmrawr 201A