Ordinance No. 10,4990RJ-)iNAN,(`EN0. �0,499 AN ORF)1NANCE CHI 110 CTFV CNAR&T OF THE CITY CAl BAYTOM11 ITIVS, AUTHOPUZEN"G THE.' P,,kYl.ML,N't ()• F[ Vl"%'- S IX THOUSANN1) SIX MJNDRET) 90100 VR")1Jj%RS 1$56197,90)TO A RL',A ('0( JNCIL RIK THE PUR01ASE OFTWENTN41)UR (24) NUIDEMS RMI T1 IE FIR L DEPARTNIENTANH) ENAHMIENCIZRANCAL SERVJC1,,S` FROM MOTOROLA, IN('-, MAICING O THER PRONISVNS RELATED Q F.Rl L., TO AND PROVIDIM,'i FOR 1111-A"TTECTIVF DA'1T,-1-11ERF,0F, * ** *, 4, *,k * * * * * * 'a*****.* .* � * * 4, ** * * * *, * *'*, * *:!Nye* * **, 4" "t,* ** ****** t, ** * ** *** * * * ** * ** *, ** * * * ** ** ** * * ***** * m& IVI JERFAS. Me Cly CbwwH of aw (11 Q'Bay crwn has approved ,:m Inierloud 2,\g "cream which atahmizes the Houston-Galvemmi Area Qw0l to take bids 6or ceru,6n items ort behaff ofthe CityofBaytov,,w and jJL11`SU',AM to smh awvamm the HwimmMalvesion Area Cotuicil has taken bids an lw,emy-four (24t moderns f'or the 1 ire Departmew and EJrne r,cncy Vledical Scrvicesfrotn Mowrola, Eric.; BF IT' ORDAINED 131'111E CITY COUTNIC'IL. OF"11113 CFJAr (),1"BAYTOWN, TEXAS� sediml 1: 11ml We (Ay Aund (W dw City ofBay Lown I-wreby audwrdes the paynmnt of" SIX HUNDRED 90/100 1)01,LARS (S56,697.90) to 0-w I fousimi-GAwton Men Ctunwil Ar Te pumhue of nyway4bur QQnWems Ir be F-h-e Department and Finergenc, Medical Services 1h)m Pdmwola., Inc, Section 2: rFQ pumant to the provisic'mis (,A''I"emas Local (,3overnment Code Annotated §2520S, die City Manager is hemby gtrantee genut auth&y to qNwme any change orda involvIg �,a ciecrease orm hicrease incomsof"FWENTY41VETHOLIANTH\N[) NO/100 L)OLLARS (S25100bQw, less. provided that the crighial cmwaw price nmy not be kewased by more ffian twenty-ffi,e pucent (25%) or decreased by nxmv than twenj4A percou (2511) %vithout le eau's ent of Ke contractor to such decrease. scown I I% oakimice AmH Wke effect nmncaMlirttely from and after its passaj,,l,e by the City ('0LUIC1 q of the ('i ry o fBuytown , INTRODUCED, RFAD and PASSEL) by the Airmu6ve we of thef(-'ity Council of fl-w (�.'ity of 1411own I& the 20 ` day of Novcrnber, RAmmmAkly Dm:mmnQCmnd5&Q7ANovwi1er 2mJAWT&me24MWemAHm&EMS tim DONCARLOS,