Ordinance No. 10,498ORF)INAN('E NO. t0,498 AN ORDINANCT OF WE (111" CUUKKV. OF-4l aw OF BA)"IT)WA& IWAS, ALJT110RIZLNK,i 140 W) DOI 1ARS (S51069J 4) 11) 1 AREA (-(JUN(�JL FOR 111F� PUT1C(-T1ASP, ()F[]Ci 1J'N`-N'TN1:,,'(89) GLOBAL POSITIONIN(-'; w,,mcj-�,s i,,,m P(M.KJL F! RF ASH) FNIERGENCY MEDICAL SERV1C'[,,SF'R0Pv1 N/101 OROL,A, INQ MAMR! 01TIER PROVISMAS R E A IED THERUO: AN-D PROVWIN(�FORTI I E [iJ',`FFC`R\,'E, I)ATL,,THER1,,01`,. * ** * * ** * *, * * ** * * * 4, ** * ** * 0 A, * * P * * * * * * * * * *** *** ** ******* *******, * * *,* **,14* * * * *V * * * **t0^ * ** ** ** ** '** * W1 I [�'l R, I " As, the ( my Cow& of to QWW'Bay (.�%vn has approved an Interlocal Agreernem which awkwizes the Houslon-Galvesion haea CluncH to take bids lbreertain and 3 VHE.RL;,%S, pursuant u) such agivement, 6110 Arca C(.)uncil has takm bids on (89) global poshioning de0ces A the PAW, Fie ,,:md F,,niergency mcdicid scrvims Avn'� lrw,� BLI JFORDAI NI",T) I'VY "I 'l 11" C'IYY C ( )UNCIL OFTFIE', CITYOF SaWon I I m Te CAy COW of Me Cly of BaDown hereby zWthorizes the paymcilt of r, SIX 1"i".-NINE AND ➢4000 DOLLARS ($57,069414) to the Houshin0alvesimn Area Counc] for the inuchase of Qqyahne (89) ghbA poWming devices for the Police, fire and FAnergevey Medical Services Iforn f0wroia, Inc, SwAmn 2: That pwswmt U) die pnws of TW.i Locd Govermnerit (7od Annowwd imn §2520S. We 0, Nfunager is hmvby gmued genum! awhohly h) uppnwc any change order involving i WIVOSCMIM 6wrease inetnisorT"fENTYNIVE'l"I-10L'' NI) ANDNO/ RICE f)0I LARS ($25,00W)0) or lest pmvided thatteoripriW commolvice maynotbe increased lay morc, than demased by nwmv than twerHy-five percent (2520) veil mit Tr commt ofthc contractor to such decWaSe. Sccfion 3: This wdinancieshafl take effLm immecfiaIlely frona and after ils passage by ffic City COLH-Wd (�dth'C flN`TR,(7)1 [)UC' f,', I),, READ and PAY:;EE) lay the afhrmatIve me of W 'hy CowxH of the C)q of 1hymn WK the 20" ofNo,,crnber, 2C106. 1.-, .,,a APPROVED AS IT) FORR cl 41111 rr ACK) RANUREZ, WO, Uly 500mey H, DONCARLOS, MaYor