Ordinance No. 10,495iNpq ()1T131PqXPqC% (31, '11112 UFFY C"01JIN(TIL. 121► 4 iiw urrv, o► '1 lm,." ;%(;UFPUjNjG AIIF Hm)(­h7l3j.;%UbQ 1111,1-S ?%?Q11 zkLY1]10RfZJNT(7i PjVYN/1ET,,4'1" HY 101171 C711"N' 0F wwwrowN, 111E SUNI OF -IAV 1TrqA-N"-17IN/E THOLJS�A�1,413 i-,JJNJE', FIVE A1"QFJ0/KJ0A)0KLi%RS PR0VISK)NS RELA-111%) FlIFP,T` I (�): NPQL) FC)''R I1�11w, EFT 'I_X"A I)A'TE ," ko -0, y� J� ;Ru .J,r :+. N, 'P, 1, 4, LL": *, > &, wrtv � 4, !", i, �+ ! Q ,IX , �, 'k, .J, ,a, v"'! 4-- ,(, * ** * * 0 * Q * * w* * *W* Q** * w * * * * *,J _. Jr . �r�H, * J!.. N, m I,. * 4. .b. ,4,. 'L­4„ 4', 41* 4, 4, *.4,­& 4, 4, 4- 4, VVIIIA4EYNIrv, L11o0(7!1yC1oU11&1 did auduwi/c 111C PUR-Cha,fi,iflg F,)C`11rlFn]lCrjt 11or ffie C co � A , 3a"iytov'I to Jim bici ccn- fl­oe­ Arin'LILI9 Z%.TT1t11U•1ltt011 (,'ovaraw w he receivect Ncj,vern'ber S, 2001(,�: and %V I UUZIONSC noi We En ttt time aml place. whmi and w0me thl,_' C,0Y1t1'UCJ %V(_`YLATdbC lit 'A/aS pubh MIMI PI to time J",Pro , c)C ("haMer 252 wF the Wexas I Awa I C iovernment Undo: armi '1H bidS 01)C11L.'d. And publicly read aL ".At HaH at 2:00 jym , %NQxhiewiay_ PAnvembeT of 2006, as per pu&hwhcd IMLIC0 In biddw-s: �"Q,O'%N," 11F F!, CARJUNIVUH1 BY I 11F, w(m. cm, wim urr" V 0j, iIAN" f( ),W'N, A F_NL'%,S� Sech(ml 1: -rhat the nFthc10iyof Bayamm ImmAy accepts the bid of 13Wck ►hIK ,�Vrnjvaimim'oll, hic-, tog,1hcArmua1 A �i­yr, 111I rl it ia: III C' °r anl I It TWAIT ELA 11 1 IRIX-FIVE A63411 nJ(>/ 100 L)(31.1,ARS (`� 25�935 ADO) mul milAu0nes paynTent fhcreoC� Sectiemi 2: '111at 13MALlant 10 the YMX3ViSi0r1S Of Texas boon C iovornmont ( 7ode jknnwatod §252A)•'- S, the City Nwianniger is here -�y g-ranted generni audimily to suppmve any chninge wder invoNing a downusc oran inwwase in AJ0/100F)0Ll_ARS (9S25,000,00), w less. Subject it) 1110 Plovisiml that an: wiguml conwact ptice may not he inwwased In, nwre ►hmi tw,vnQ"Dvc or decr-cased b�,y rrm,wc than pewent (25 20) swidinut the minsent orme cm0ractur such clecrease" Sectiml :11 l0 is ow0rumice simll rake efTict immediaL05' SOn' MICA itn, f)'_1SS'2gL! b3' tkc C,'.Iky in,aict, t)r ou! C:Q—of I 5,tq,>%v:rt. M' Uity AltorrleY Nm4ty 2nd Awwa%nnuW/Vnnn"uuunC"nUac; doc