Ordinance No. 10,493ORDINANCE NO, 10,49"') AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OFTHE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS, AUTHOR[ INN THE PAYMEN"l- OF TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY-SIX AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($24,966.00) TO AUTOMATED LOGIC - UNITEl") F,"N'VERONMENTAL SERVICES AS THE COST FOR THE REPI ACENIENT OF TFIE 70 TON CON411RESSOR AND ASSOCIATED REPAIRS ON'-fI,IE CITY HALL CHILLER; MAKING OTHER, PROVISIONS RELATEDTHERETO; ANDPROVID.'I'NGFORTI-IEEFFEC'I'IVE D.A,'I"E THEREOF. 4 ]� * rjt ;1 qz:j., '.'V -a: .j,, * * -* * J. ,w "� *- * * J-, J: "P. .a ? * * 4-4 * 4"* * I, * - * * * W, * * * * ** * * * * * * *. hail * *,, * * * * * ** * * ** * * **4.,-G': * Ak * * BE IT ORDAINED B HE CITY COUNCIL, OFTHE CITY OF BAYTOWN, TEXAS: Section I : That thC Cit)'COLMCd 01'111C City' ofBaytown hereby authorizes the payment ofTWENTY-FOUR THOU'SAND NIIINE 1--IUNDRED sixry-siX AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S24,966M) to Automated Lo-ic - United Environmental Services for the replacement ofthe 70 ton L, compressor and associated repairs on the City Hall chiller. Section 2: That pursuant: lo Local Govei-iiii.iclitC.odeAriiiotated §252.048, the City Manager is hereby 0j-',91jj,ed Llejjej'% fl authority to approve any than -e order involving a decrease or an increase in costs of TWENTY-FIVE 71 IOLJSAND AND NO/100 I')(--)[.-,,L.,ARS (S25,000-00) or leSS, S✓bjCCI 10 L110 11TOViSi(mi that the original contract price may not be incr✓sed by nitre than twenty.-Five, percent QP,,�,) or decreased by more than twenty-five percent (2511,1o) WilhOUt 1,110 C011SC11t Of the C011h"aCtor to such decrease. Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after -ifs passage by the Cfl_�, Council ofthe City of ffiiy ,town. INT[-�,ODUCED, READ and PASSED by the affinnative vote of ll'C'City COUncil of the City ofBaytmvn this the 20'h clay of Novetriber, 2006, APPRO'VED AS TO FORNI: SHPHEN ]-I. DONCARLOS, Mayor