Ordinance No. 10,490AN 011DOMPOCM 01- `1 1 W CITY COUNCAL (IF' 11-111, ci-m w, BAYT'O,1vVN,,, T'l-E;AST
-R RIAH 21 fit I XVIT11
C"LLP,K ATIT,,ST -V0 200,7 �,;Ajr<�TAJ S, E NV L
PN4 4 ,-'C)N!-3'l'RLJCT101q So WOMB, nw.; 2mi-mm1 mmo wAYMENT O' A SUM own-i- m)
mmmm ONE MILL.MN AND 140000 LAOL.L.A.RS (SIM0,000.00); MAKINO MAIER,
PROVISIONS i�ui-ivrim AND PPC)NILLAINU jowt "V H EFmcmviH DAI'U'"',
WT EREASL SAIC Chy CoLnicif W the City or Bay owndid advertise Or "bids Wr We 20CH Sankv;U Sc"mi
RehaWitalion Ckmmwt to be recOved cm Novomber 10. 2006: and
\XIII L.--P1.F-A%,S, notice to biAhns as lu the th"e and 10ace, when nvid where the bidis �vvouljd be rlUbliCl f' C)j)C1rCcI
wnd imm! aloud %% an pubhshwd 1mrstran; to pro% is"wris co "Texas I cocal Gover"mm" (Aide AA rim § 252M4 I ; anti
WHIRREAS. aH hiwAs vveve zind 1,11-00MY MOM at Cily Hall 2:00 &c1cock I)AWL, FrkhM, Nove-rmber 10,
2006. as per p"bikhod nwitice to
B 7. IT 14'l,' F1 H& CATY (A)UN'C"AL, (,--)F 1-HE CY TI" Y OF" BAY-YONVN, 'Fl-.3CATO
Sectic"I 1: wVULUICCily CAM1101 Wlhu City OrHaytawn herchyaccepts the Fri dol"PNI C'onstrticticai &-,
for 2007 Sariiiviry Sevver Rehalilhatton Ccwntract, accomhng to Me phum aiid sLll t`i)v1h
by the Clay"s [Engineer. and nonhorizes payme"t or an arnouni riot in exceod ONE M➢LLRDIN AND NOMOO
EMLLARS Q1JHX&O(XKOO) tirised Upon the link Inices sp4ecifiecl in. t,he L)id, am-1 the City N4anagcr and the C"ity
CIM, oV the City, me Itereby authorized anti di-•ectud to execute arnd wittest to the Wmave-degeribed coritN,acl. with 1"N't
Consnuctron toe, Itchatv, UK, Wd ct.wimtel containing the plans, slice I Omit imim, anti requirernums tar we city ,s
lhigincer anti approyminte hcand mq&rements in accordance with the pmvisiows or wexas Government C%mla,
Char�ter 2253.
Section 2: That PlUmNall, ") the of -1-exas Lxwal Cinavennnent Code § 252.048,
the City NlatlaL,!Cr herel-,ly grairled ge-neral amlicPrii'v to chtlngt..-,, orc er. nlvoivirlj.� a ficcrease cu- an
increase in ccwts tir 1AVEPOTY-FIVE 11IC)LjS'.?'s"'aj")' Z\,ND >40/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00) or less, su1ject to We
prowlMon IN" tire wiginal cor"ract price maj, nor he increased by more than twetrity-five percctit (:25',`,4,) m cJecreasell
by muire 111"'In mmINY-Ove 10mvem (2530 wimm" the ccmsrnt tA, thtt, ctmtr'.,Ictor 10 a;trch
Section 3: -1 IIAS CWtHrranct: shnH Inke ef&ct immiediately, Rom am' tatter its passzq2-c bY 01C OUI-lcii
I�1"1-,I�l.(--')�(), RF"-Al and IONSSFI) hy the atlirmalive VOLO OPOI&C-11Y U-)
t i i c i I o f 9 1 t e C" i I -y F F3 a y t o, NA,, t
tj t t" 21,)"ll A,11L!t,-
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S! Ell 11 TAN [I DONCA
A P i " P , OV F, I .) AS I( ) T. ° -(:)
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eTK7041ACIO RAN,11REZ., SP-, (LI inctortuz.,si