Ordinance No. 10,489CI , R D I ?' AN) C E N 0. 10, 4 8 9 AN (-)�RF31NANCF (-317: -Fill.-L, C'FT-%" Cl'(-3U,� 'C,11- O' "FlIF, C-'I-r'y" OF BAY'-I'C-)\NFN, TFX.AS, AF'PRC-)'\,'INCj rl, l fl F BA' "FOWN AREA WA-FER AUTI-IC)RIT-111"S CHANC E, 01.-,U'3EITS; NTO .. I A,NL) 2 NVI "LT H RF.VTEC CONSTRUCTION R'l--SOL)RCES, fNC., FC)R. Tt I1-' 1 1 30-INCI-I 'WA-FER TR-ANSMISSION LINE PROJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR'FFIE EF]-,'Fc,,,r*iVE DA'IFE ,g, * *. J at -t• ,J. Hc * - Jff 4. -a= 4 -�- ,x,.. * *,t -Et :* -*, :tz � * -yc: f. .J- .J- -J, -J4 -J, -�, -k.:.4 'jc - q. .k- *- o- :Ot �,ut * P.: .'a.. K * .k P, -�J -7e ,J. ,I,, +k d.. WI., %{: .4c * 2& �J� :J= J. :F- .1. De zj. -jz :.v -tt .V= Z[. .�J. Zia zj_ -,I,. -.I.:te * 4tz BE I-F C-).R.L32NJNFD BYTFIF CfTY COLJNC[L- OF—TI 117 CtT-%,,'. BAYTONVN,TL-.Xy'sS: Section I That the Cit,,,, Com-ici,l of the City of 13aytc)N-,vn,'Fexas, h.erebyapproves the Baytcr,voiArea %Vater AuLhority's change On -I,eT- Nos- I and 2 with Fl,'C ,IteC COI-I'Stl-LIC601-1 R-eS�OLII-Ces, Inc., fizz Lhe BA WA 30-inch Line llrc�jcct. A copy of'Char-ige OrcicrNos. I and 2 axe attached hereto, rnarked Exhibits "A." and, "B" respecrively,,and mi-Ticle a part hel-coffcIr all illtcllts nrld purposcs- Scction 2: + rdirlancc S1.1"all takt, eff,�!Ct in-Inlediately frorn and after its p ass ageby the, C,i tly, C7c),unci I c)f the Cit,_y of Ba_yLc)%vn. 'p"City Council ortlic City ofBayto%vii this the 20"' chay (--)f 2006. APP'ROVED AS -1-C) F(--)I-Z-Nl: RANIIF�F-,,Z, HEN H. DC-)TI,4CAP,.L0S, Mayor PATE ENGINEERS CONTRACT' CIIANGE ORMUZ Project: 30"116" Water Transmission Blain Client: Baytown Area Water Authority Contractor: Rcytcc Construction Resources, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Date. 11/7/2006 Chan,—,c Order No.: I Job No.: 1329 -003 -00 Contract No.: I REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT Original Contract Amount: S9,068,660,00 Previous Contract Amount: S0.00 Amount This Change Order. S4,356.00 Revised Contract Amount: S9,073,016.00 Percent of Original Contract Arnount 100A48°o I. GENERAL STATEMENT OF CHANGE: Repair 6" waterline in Thompson Road not shown on the drawings. The line serves water to the Highlands EST. Reytec worked with BAWA to have valves closed and then made necessary repairs. 3_ TIME: I day The txork covered by this change order shall be perl'ormed under the same terms and conditions as included in the original construction contract. Changes Recommended: Engineer - Pate Engineers, Inc. 13v: C1 DL (Dal ) 3. CONTRACT DRAINING REVISIONS Changes Approved: llaytown At-ca i1'atcr Authority Owner By: (Date) Reytec Construction Resources, Inc. Con' rac ADDITIONAL ITEMS NONE (ro be addressed on As- Builts) 4. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REVISIONS: NONE: 5. CONTRACT PRICE. REVISIONS: Repair broken 6" water line S 4356 TOTAL Aiti1OUNT OF CHANGE ORDER NO. I S EXHIBIT A 4,356.00 (Date) PATE - ENGINEERS Project: 30°°16" \l;uer I'ruumissiun \lain Clicnl: 13aNiown Arca Water Authority Contractor: Reytec Construction Resource., Inc. CONTRACT CHANCE ORDER Page 1 of 1 Date: 1 1/7/2006 Change Order \o.: 2 Jots \o.: 1329- 003 -00 Contract No.: I lt1,VISrD CONTRACT AMOUNT Oritinal Contract Amount: S9.008.660.00 Previous Comract Amount: S9.073.016,06 Amount 1 his Chanec Order. S 122.500.00 Re+'iSCd C+rntrlCl A111OUnl: S9.195.816.00 Percent of'Original Contract Amount 101.10 °In I. GENERAL S'1ATE.%IENT O1= CI IANGF: 'Iltc cNisting 13.. ++alcrlir showrt on the plans along ,rhotnpaOn between stations 28� -00 and 45-00 is not constructed as sho++. It is west of the location shown and must be moved to accommodate the proposed 30" litre, Conncct I2" and 30" ++awrlincs with 12" line and -ate valve. zb 3. TI' MI:: 10 days The'awk co+•cred b+ this chance order shall be perlonned under the same terms and conditions as included in the oricinal construction co:nract. Changes Recommended: l- neinecr - Pate Engineers. I tic. I3, : �Q- e » 3 0e.";, t Dale) Ch:utges Approved: Ilavtown Area Water Authority Owner Ily: (DatcJ Reytec Construction Resources, Inc. Contraca Ily: rlrl`..... J (Da(e) ADDITIONAL ITEMS :,. COti I RACT DRAWING REVISIO \S: NO \1 1 T be addressed on :1s- tluilts) .1. CON 1 RAC1" DOCt Ili \'1'S REVISIONS: NONE ;_ CONTRACT PRICE 1MVISIO \S: Install new IT' ++atcriinc and abandon e�i >tin_e. Conncct 12" and .,0" lines with tees anti _;ate S 122.500 TOTAL AMOUNT Of: C CIA \GL•' ORDER NO. 2 S 1 II. 122,800