Ordinance No. 10,484ORDINAWE NO, 10,484 AN ORDINAN(TOF THE (11AJOUN(T. OFTHL, AUIVORIZING THE F(A.Jk H L) N DR F1.) AW 44NI00 WIMRSIS121400AO) "10 1 A RE A C'OUIN(I I. IWR Ili F, PURCI LASE OF OW 20W U I EVROLFUGIBULANCF, F()R SFRV1C'F,S FROM FPAZF,,,R, LTD.,, N/lAKING OT111,,,R PR,OVISIONS RELATFDIVERIAT)-, AN1)PR,0VJDPNG FORTI-11,-,, IVFRINF *-4441,44*4, IN* Coco NNIEREAS, we ny ciumd of aw ny omiown has uppruved mi KkAoml Agmerumt which airlhorizes [he Area Auned lu We bids Arcenain items on liehaffof ffie0ty offlay-tow-n. and M/1 11."AIPIL'As, pursuant to such agreement, We Floustw4khmstmi Ana CbuncH has WkenhAs on one 2007 Oevnkn ambdmwe km- eniergenc,4, rrmhC:d F,ervwes fi-om Frazer, Ltd- NOWTHERI,.,TOIU,.',' B1, I F B)"1111i CITY (t Dl OF 111E CI FY OFBAYI OWN, TEXA& Section d : rwa we (vywwwd war than. cmyoj"tiay[o%vn 11d-CbyRii1]01-iZeS the pa,,,mient of()NE I WENT Y-SEVEN THOUSAND I )UR HUPWRLD AW N0,100 D(DLLARS ($127,400"00) to the Houston- GulventmAren CbmW Rw die punfase of one 2007 C'fievTolet UMbUkance ftm- emcrgency n'wdicnl services fron-i F'razer, I-id, S"lln 2: 101 PLOSuant U) Ve 1wouslons of Texas I ocal 6overnment ('ode Artnowled §252M48. Ow Cky Nianager is hereby �!rantol gencral auduw4y to approve any change order involving a deew ass oran inerease In Co.,,;1sofT new ENTYW1VE UNWANI) AN' ID NO/ 100 F)OL1,ARS (S25,00(). 0)(w On pnwbed Wt the miginal comact price unay nm b e hwmawd by rnore thm'i twenty-five percent (2591)or demasmi by more Om twenty-fiv• pemem (15%0 MAWL0 Me cwmetU of Tc mAxamr to such decrease, Secumi 3: t w1nmwe sh dl take cft,,,°ct irnmedrately frorn and aner is pamage by the City ("ouncil of the ("ity oi'BaytOwVn, INTRODUCID. 116W and PASS111 by the Wnmuivc voW of the C'ounci � of, the of 8,ay�ow-n �his the 9"' day af'Nov enahcr, 2006, I N'4 Clerk APPROVED W RACHINi; 2 r W,Jemw ^,Mry Ouaamms ONC"ARLOS, Mayor